King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 88 cross again

Chapter 88 cross again
"Flying dragons attacking thieves, shaking the sky, thundering cannon... [-] combos!!!" Accompanied by Qin Fan's icy voice, a dazzling beam of light suddenly appeared in front of Qin Fan, one for two, ten for twenty, fifty Road, one hundred roads!

Violent power suddenly surged out from Qin Fan's body. If the attack just now was a drizzle, Qin Fan's attack at this time was a raging wave. Almost instantly, a hundred times the flying dragon hit the bandit and shook the sky. The berserk energy directly engulfed the giant's upper body, but when the energy dissipated, the half of the giant figure's body had completely disappeared.

"Cut! But that's it!" Qin Fan pouted and said proudly.

"It's not right..." Although Diana stood silently and reached out Qin Fan's hand, although she was also shocked by Qin Fan's blow, there was a hint of fear in her handsome and beautiful eyes.

And following Diana's words, strips of energy suddenly shot out from the remaining half of the giant's body, gushing out in all directions like fireworks!The sudden change made Qin Fan jump, and wrapped his arms around Diana's body with one hand. Qin Fan's figure was covered by super speed and force, and Qin Fan's figure was drawn for a few phantoms. He easily avoided the attacks of countless tentacles. However, after three seconds, Qin Fan's The body couldn't help but staggered away from the super speed force, and at the same time, without even thinking about raising his hand, a flying dragon smashed the thief and shook the sky and bombarded countless tentacles in front of him, but this time the invincible breakthrough failed unexpectedly. Not only did it fail, but the tentacle seemed to be able to devour energy. Instead of being blocked by the attack of the flying dragon, the thief, and the sky-shocking thunder cannon, it actually followed the attack and climbed directly. Qin Fan, who had just escaped from the speed force, was trying to avoid it. It was already too late, and he could only force Diana into his private space at the last moment, but he was suddenly entangled by the tentacles.

Originally, Qin Fan still held the illusion that he was rough and fleshy, but when the tentacles wrapped around his body, Qin Fan realized something was wrong. The tentacles didn't know what it was, and Qin Fan immediately felt something wrong when he clung to Qin Fan. The burning pain around the body, the tentacles seemed to be able to corrode Qin Fan's skin, but this feeling made Qin Fan startled, and immediately ignored the others and immediately exerted his super speed and force while struggling desperately. Fortunately, the tentacles were there Qin Fan's huge force was easily torn off, but after such a delay, the surrounding space was already covered with that kind of tentacles. Although Qin Fan was under the speed force, the speed of those tentacles was like a snail in Qin Fan's eyes. Slow, but Qin Fan with super speed and strength is not teleporting in the true sense after all, and from the countless tentacles around him, Qin Fan really wonders if he can really break through these tentacles and escape if he just rushes out without thinking. go out.

yes!At this time, Qin Fan didn't want to continue fighting anymore. After all, he was just an otaku, and he didn't care if he drove the invincible sadism dish, but once the invincible effect didn't work well, the other party might even threaten his own life. Qin Fan is not interested in fighting with the opponent.

The Speed ​​Force effect disappeared again, facing the dense tentacles entangled towards him like a sieve, Qin Fan wondered if his body would be thrown into a pool of sulfuric acid if he was entangled by these tentacles for a moment The effect is almost the same, just from the feeling just now, Qin Fan doubts whether he can hold on for a few seconds.

Almost without thinking about it, Qin Fan opened the exchange table, exchanged a scroll at random, and unfolded it directly. Almost instantly, the countless dense tentacles around him that could kill obsessive-compulsive disorder twisted, and the next second, the sound of traffic was heard in his ears. , Qin Fan's figure appeared on a road with bright eyes around him.

"Phew!" He let out a long breath. Fortunately, the traveling scroll was not affected. Otherwise, Qin Fan really didn't know if he would be able to escape this time.

Looking around, he found that there were still a group of Caucasians around him, which seemed to be the same as when he first came to the Justice League world. There were a lot of high-rise buildings next to him, which seemed to be a bank behind him, but what kind of world was it? Qin Fan But there is no way to be sure. There are only a few western worlds that I have experienced. The world of the Terminator belongs to the doomsday wasteland, which obviously does not match the style of this world. Then this must be a new world. What I got in a hurry was a random traversal scroll.

"The Avengers? Iron Man? Hulk? Spiderman? Captain America?" Qin Fan tried to guess, but just after coming out of the DC world, Qin Fan subconsciously wanted to try the name of Marvel, but Obviously, Qin Fan's guess came to nothing, he didn't feel the feeling of being connected to the world, but Qin Fan didn't pay much attention to it, anyway, he just guessed casually, looking at the people around him More and more, Qin Fan didn't want to be seen as a monster, and he immediately used super speed force to disappear instantly, but it caused a burst of exclamation from the surrounding crowd.

In the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, Qin Fan stood in front of the bathroom mirror and frowned slightly as he looked at the several welt-like scars on his body.

Diana's sword just scratched the skin slightly, but this time Qin Fan really doubted that if he moved a little slower at that time and was entangled by the countless tentacles, he would really die and peel off his skin!
Ever since taking Qixin Dan, Qin Fan always thought that he was invincible, and there was nothing in this world that could hurt him, but after this time Qin Fan had to admit that his strength was only limited by ordinary people. It is invincible in the middle, but it may not be necessary to face the real powerful existence. This is just the sci-fi world of the Justice League. What if it is facing the existence that can destroy a planet with a single blow like the Dragon Ball world?I'm afraid that people can kill themselves with a flick of a finger, maybe?

Simply putting on a nightgown, Qin Fan walked out of the bathroom with a sullen face!
After all, my strength is not enough. Although I have managed a lot of worlds, I haven't gotten much that can really strengthen me. The main reason is that the level of these worlds is too low. Maybe I should continue to travel through other worlds Give it a try, if you can enter the world of Dragon Ball and learn the abilities there, it will definitely help you grow your strength, but before you leave, you still need to figure out where the current world is. There will be no corresponding crossing scrolls for this world, and it will not be easy for me to come back in the future. If this world is an ordinary world with no opportunities, it’s fine. If it’s a world with special opportunities, then I will suffer. up!
"Don't move!" The sudden voice reached Qin Fan's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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