King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 89 Teleporter

Chapter 89 Teleporter

"Don't move!" The sudden voice reached Qin Fan's ears, and Qin Fan turned his head subconsciously, but found a black uncle sitting on the sofa in the suite at some point.

"Who are you...?" Qin Fan was a little confused. Although he didn't know the name of this world, Qin Fan could already exchange US dollars or something, so when he checked into this hotel, Qin Fan used cash. It stands to reason There shouldn't be other people in this suite, right?Is it because those cash cannot be used in this world?But the people at the hotel didn't ask any questions when we checked in!
"My name is Roland!" The white man stood up from the sofa, walked slowly to Qin Fan, glanced at Qin Fan slightly, then curled his lips slightly: "You are so ugly!"

Qin Fan...
"Are you sick?" Qin Fan said with some dissatisfaction, if it wasn't because Qin Fan's character was restrained a lot because of suffering in the world of Justice League, Qin Fan would be able to beat him to death just based on what the other party said just now .

"Hehe!" After smiling contemptuously, the black uncle shook his head slightly, turned around and walked towards a small bar next to him, but said to himself, "I don't have any documents, and I don't hesitate to spend a lot of money when I check in." Buy the front desk directly, and use cash! Where did your money come from?"

Frowning slightly, Qin Fan said coldly: "Is it related to you? Are you a policeman?"

"Police? No! Of course not!" Blocking Qin Fan's sight with his body, he took out a short stick from a pocket on the bar, then turned around carefully but hid the short stick behind his back and walked slowly to Qin Fan again: "After all, the police can't control those superpowers!"

But as he said "Superpower" in his mouth, he suddenly poked the short stick hidden behind his back at Qin Fan's chest!
"Zi la!" The flash of the electric light caused Qin Fan to take a step back immediately, but when he stood still again, he realized that what the other party was holding seemed to be an ordinary electric baton.

Qin Fan was once bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. If it was Qin Fan in the past, he would never make such a fuss, but at this moment, Qin Fan is really afraid that the black ghost in front of him will show him some special artifact. Come to hate.

After exiting the super speed state again, Qin Fan looked at him strangely: "Who the hell are you?"

It seemed that Qin Fan was stunned for a moment by the terrifying teleportation-like speed that Qin Fan suddenly showed, but soon there was a look of disgust on his face: "It really is the teleporter I hate the most!"

While speaking, the electric baton in the black man's hand stabbed Qin Fan's body again.

"Mind Teleporter?" Qin Fan subconsciously repeated the name, and almost instantly the long-lost feeling of being connected to the world reappeared, and at the moment when Qin Fan was fascinated, the electric baton in the black man's hand also stabbed Qin Fan's body.

The strong voltage of one thousand volts flowed to Qin Fan along the electric baton, but Qin Fan standing there didn't seem to feel it at all. The uncle was kicked out by Qin Fan like a rag bag!
"Oh! It feels so good to abuse food!" Seeing Qin Fan who was kicked out by himself, he felt relieved for a while.

However, the black uncle was unhappy in his heart. He said it shouldn't be. The electric baton in his hand was specially made. Even if a lion was touched by this electric baton, it would definitely fall to the ground. Although it doesn't look like a human being, but the body shape is there, how could it be possible to be hit by an electric baton?
"What organization are you from that specializes in arresting teleporters?" Qin Fan came to the black uncle, looked at him with interest and said.

Qin Fan has seen the movie teleporter, but the time is a little far away, Qin Fan can't remember the specific plot, but he knows that the teleporter in it uses the kind that Qin Fan only longs for. The teleportation ability, unfortunately, the ability extractor has been used by Qin Fan to extract the speed force, otherwise, it would be a good choice to catch a teleporter to steal the opponent's ability.

"You think you've won? You thieves who stole the power of God are always so arrogant!" said the black uncle with a contemptuous look at Qin Fan.

And as his voice fell, it was as if an appointment had been made. The door of the presidential suite was pushed open, and then five or six men in gray trench coats rushed in by themselves, each holding the same phone. When seeing Qin Fan, he directly raised the electric baton at Qin Fan without saying a word, and the electric baton was like a police stun gun, and it shot straight at Qin Fan from the front.

Although knowing the power of this kind of electric baton is meaningless to him at all, the current Qin Fan doesn't like to sit idle and bear the opponent's attack, even if this attack can't cause him any harm at all.

Using super speed and force, Qin Fan's figure instantly disappeared in front of everyone, and the next second he appeared behind those rangers. Qin Fan directly used the electric baton he snatched from the black uncle...
"Sizzling, sizzling, sizzling..." Six times in a row, the six rangers who rushed in were directly stunned by Qin Fan.

On the other side, the black uncle who was kicked by Qin Fan just now also got up from the ground, but he was completely stunned seeing such a scene.

He has been trained as a ranger since he was a child, and he has been hunting and killing teleporters all his life. There are many teleporters who have died in his hands, but he has never seen such a terrifying teleporter. The transmission speed is so fast, could it be...

A terrifying thought couldn't help but arise in his heart. Could it be that this teleporter is also professionally trained?If that's the case, it's simply too terrifying. If you can't lose to their rangers, but you still have the ability to teleport, such an existence... must be killed!
Slowly took out a dagger from his arms that was used to deal with teleporters, the familiar texture in his hand made his heart that was throbbing slowly calm down, he was just a group of thieves who stole the power of God , nothing to be afraid of!

Like a leopard, the black uncle held the dagger tightly in his hand and jumped at Qin Fan. There was no muddle along the way, and there would be no extra gorgeous moves. It was a simple straight stab but it was as if it had been rehearsed thousands of times. clean and tidy...

"Ding!" Qin Fan gently pinched the tip of the dagger with two fingers. The black uncle named Roland felt that the dagger in his hand was tightly held by a vise, as if he could no longer move an inch.

(End of this chapter)

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