King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 91 One Piece World

Chapter 91 One Piece World

Asians!This is a special race in an anime of the same name that Qin Fan had seen before. If Qin Fan regretted using the ability extractor to extract the speed force when he entered the teleporter, then Qin Fan regretted it at this time. The intestines are turning green, the reason is very simple, that is, this demihuman has a special ability that Qin Fan dreams of, that is death reset!To put it simply, as long as the demihuman dies, no matter how they died, they will be resurrected immediately on the spot, and it has a purification effect, that is to say, as long as they die, all negative states on them will disappear. To be honest, if he encountered this ability a few days ago, Qin Fan would still be tempted, but he would definitely not desire it as much as now, because at that time, Qin Fan would still feel that his body was almost invincible, and there was nothing at all. Things can hurt oneself, since it is impossible to die, why do you need to be resurrected?But now that he has the manager of the Justice League, Qin Fan feels more and more that his life is not safe, and he really needs more means to save his life, and the ability of the demihuman is tailor-made for him.

The ear-piercing howl interrupted Qin Fan's train of thought, a vibration from the soul made Qin Fan slightly frowned, and subconsciously looked over there, only to see the driver on the side of the road including the driver who caused the accident and several people dressed in the same clothes. All the students in the school uniform were stiff as if they had been hit by a collective hold spell.
Qin Fan knows that one of the abilities of demihumans can use their special screams to paralyze people. In addition, demihumans have another ability that can summon a black ghost named IBM here. !Unless there is a killing intent towards someone, this clone-like existence in an invisible state can never be seen by others.

If you look at it this way, that student should be the protagonist of this world!
Qin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, his figure suddenly turned into a state of rapidity, but in an instant he came behind the young man who was running desperately, and knocked him out with a light knife in his hand!Then, taking advantage of the fact that the speed force hadn't disappeared, Qin Fan brought the demi-human boy who was stunned by him to an empty alley again.

Although Qin Fan doesn't have an ability extractor now, Qin Fan doesn't want to wait until he has an ability extractor and then come back to arrest the other party. It will be too troublesome to search for it, so he might as well just grab it and wait until he has the ability. Wouldn't it be more convenient for the extractor to directly extract the ability of the other party.

Qin Fan directly exchanged for a dormant capsule and put it inside and put it in his private space. After doing all this, Qin Fan felt more and more lucky at this time.

I don’t know if it’s because I was too bad in the Justice League world and let my luck break out. Anyway, Qin Fan is very satisfied with the two consecutive worlds. Qin Fan simply didn’t do it and kept changing it for another random time travel scroll to have a look. Is it possible to have a good luck trifecta.

As the scroll was unfolded again, the surrounding scenery became blurred again, and then slightly salty air was blown into Qin Fan's nostrils, as if he had come to the beach this time, and the surrounding scenery gradually became clearer, but this time Qin Fan was slightly surprised by what he saw.

At this time, Qin Fan seemed to be standing on a street, with countless bubbles floating in the air, and the styles of the buildings on both sides were also very strange, but what caught Qin Fan's attention the most was that there seemed to be a lot of people in the whole street. , but at this time they all knelt on the ground very respectfully. It was the first time Qin Fan encountered this kind of treatment after crossing. Is this to welcome him?

"Hey! Where are you a pariah?" A suspicious voice sounded from behind Qin Fan, and when he subconsciously turned around, he saw a man with a stubble and a snot in a very elegant outfit standing behind him. What's worth noting is that this man actually wears a huge glass cover like a space suit on his head.

"This..." Qin Fan looked at the well-dressed dead fat house in front of him, and a familiar name popped up in his mind.

"Tianlong people?!" There is no mistake, this world must be the world of One Piece, and the clothes of the other party are so distinctive, Qin Fan really can't think of other worlds except for One Piece.

Sure enough, as Qin Fan called out the name in a low voice, the extremely familiar feeling hit him again, and with the rise of this feeling, Qin Fan immediately opened the exchange list and searched carefully.

As long as you recognize the name of the world after crossing, the corresponding items in this world will immediately appear in the exchange list for exchange. Therefore, after confirming that this world is the world of One Piece, Qin Fan immediately wants to see if he can exchange it directly. An item unique to this world, yes!It's the legendary devil fruit that is worse than shit!
However, Qin Fan was disappointed. Although there were more equipment such as handcuffs and weapons made of Hailou Stone in the exchange list, the devil fruit Qin Fan wanted did not appear, but Qin Fan did not take it too seriously. Disappointed, anyway, even if it can be exchanged for Qin Fan, he is not ready to eat it for himself. After all, although some devil fruits have very powerful abilities, the side effects are also very obvious. The fact that he cannot touch sea water makes Qin Fan completely deny that he has obtained superpowers from taking devil fruits. This option is up.

"Hmm..." The man standing in front of Qin Fan and staring at the big glass cover frowned slightly, looked at Qin Fan in front of him, hesitated for a few seconds, and then suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at Qin Fan's head: Ignore me, then... go to hell!"

Almost without any hesitation while speaking, he directly pulled the trigger!

"Bang!" There was a muffled gunshot, and the round lead bullet went straight to Qin Fan's head. Almost instinctively, Qin Fan turned his head slightly, easily dodging the bullet that was shot at him. It fell on the man in front of him.

"Tianlong people?" Qin Fan's eyes suddenly lit up after he pondered for a while.

"Huh? Didn't hit it?" That day, the dragon man didn't seem to think that Qin Fan could dodge, or he didn't think about it at all. He was surprised to see that the opponent was still standing in front of him intact after he shot. There was a flash of color, and then it seemed that he wanted to pull the trigger again, but...
Without waiting for the dragon man to make the slightest move that day, Qin Fan suddenly raised his hand and snatched the pistol from the opponent's hand!
"Huh?" It seemed that he never thought that Qin Fan would grab the weapon in his hand. The dragon man was obviously stunned that day, but Qin Fan didn't give him too many chances to be stunned. The glass cover that the person was staring at was immediately smashed by Qin Fan, and Qin Fan directly reached out and pinched the other person's neck.

"You..." The black-clothed bodyguard who had been guarding behind the Tianlong people was dumbfounded. In the eyes of ordinary people in this world, the Tianlong people are like gods, especially on the soap bubble islands, these Tianlong people are almost like gods. They can do whatever they want without being condemned. Even those big pirates with a bounty of over [-] million dare not provoke Tianlong people, let alone ordinary people, so these bodyguards never thought that the ugly ghost in front of them would dare He attacked Tianlongren so much that the other party grabbed Tianlongren's neck before he reacted, but knowing this, he still had a face of disbelief: "How dare you?"

(End of this chapter)

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