King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 92 Another Chapter of the Subhuman World

Chapter 92 Returning to the Subhuman World
"Six Light Prison!" With Qin Fan's low shout, the unique power from the Death God Realm instantly turned into six beams of light and shot directly at Huang Yuan.

The sudden attack made Huang Yuan subconsciously elementalize his body, but the six beams of light completely ignored his elementalized body. Since the bound Tao was originally locked on his soul, even if Huang Yuan's body was elementalized six The effect of the stick light prison did not diminish at all, directly locking the yellow ape's body.

Dazzling golden light erupted from Huang Yuan's body, and the six beams of light in the six-stick light prison began to tremble crazily.

Although the power system is not the same, but as the world's top combat power, the mere sixty-odd Bindao obviously can't completely bind him, it seems that only a few seconds are given to him. He broke free from the stick light prison, but Qin Fan didn't seem to be prepared to give him these few seconds.

"You'd better be honest with me!" In the state of haste, Qin Fan's figure instantly appeared in front of Huang Yuan who was firmly fixed by the six sticks of light, and the long stick of Hailoushi in his hand suddenly pierced into the opponent's lower abdomen.

"Pfft!" The sound of the sharp blade piercing into the flesh came out, the golden light that had been struggling instantly faded, and the tall and thin body of the yellow ape seemed to be emptied of all its strength at once, and it was only due to the effect of the six-stick light prison The body still didn't fall down, but just like being bound in mid-air.

"It's done!" After clapping his hands, Qin Fan looked at the surrounding navy with a relaxed face and took back the coercion, then said lightly: "Go back and tell the admiral, three natural or phantom beast devil fruits, one Guo Guo is alone, don't say that I don't show affection, and I will trade here in three days!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fan directly exchanged three dormant cabins, including Huang Yuan, and threw all three of them into the dormant cabin. However, Qin Fan took out the Hailou stone inserted in his stomach when putting them back into the dormant cabin. After getting down, he locked all his hands and feet with Hailoushi's shackles. After doing all this, he directly put the three dormant cabins into his private space, and Qin Fan directly entered the rapid state and left in an instant, and then found someone who was alone. However, the corner directly exchanged a scroll to the demihuman world and left this world completely.

On the square, many marines looked blankly at the headless corpse lying in a pool of blood not far away for a long time without saying a word, the Tianlong people were killed!Admiral captured!Since the establishment of the Navy until now, is this the first time you have had such an encounter, being slapped in the face?This is simply throwing acid in the face of their navy!
Of course, Qin Fan didn't know how big a storm his actions had caused the entire One Piece world. At this time, Qin Fan had returned to the world of subhumans again. The reason why Qin Fan returned to this world was because he wanted to use this Take a few servants of sub-humans in three days!

You must know that although demihumans have different characteristics, their fighting ability is not strong, and there is no difference compared with ordinary people, but what if these demihumans eat devil fruits?Qin Fan said that this can be done!

Looking at the secluded alleys around, it was already dark at this time, but I think it is true, the first time I entered the demi-human world, it was already the time for the students to leave school, and then I left the demi-human world to go to the pirate world. After so long a delay, of course it was already dark!

Walking out of the alley slowly, before Qin Fan can identify the direction, he has already noticed the police lights not far away. It is not a secret thing for demihumans in this world, and there are even special reports about demihumans on TV, but even Traffic accidents that are not as serious as subhumans should be simply investigated!

Seeing those police officers who were busy questioning the surrounding people, Qin Fan slightly shook his head. The demihumans these people wanted to investigate were currently staying in Qin Fan’s storage space. According to the plot of the original book, I believe that the villain of this anime, the subhuman named Sato, will gather other subhumans in this city. I can take this opportunity to catch all these subhumans, and wait until I have the ability in the future. Right after the extractor you can keep it for a spare!

Qin Fan himself didn't notice that at this moment, he didn't take human life seriously any more!If he had just traveled through time, he would never have thought of treating other people as his own ability reserves, because the powerful power has made him gradually not regard other human beings as the same kind. In his opinion, these people around him are just Like cows, horses, pigs and sheep, the only function is to be raised by him so that he can slaughter them...
"We are not human beings!" The low tone reached Qin Fan's ears, and not far away, a man in a suit said in a low voice.

The man's voice was not loud, but the distance wasn't too far and Qin Fan's hearing was superhuman, even if he didn't use special abilities, Qin Fan could hear clearly at such a distance.

"We are other animals called public officials when we are performing official duties! As long as we deeply understand this point, the unnecessary sentimentality will disappear." The man with glasses looked back at the short-haired girl in a professional suit and said: "Okay Remember! Izumi Shimomura!"

Looking at the man and woman not far away, Qin Fan who was about to leave suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Although the people in these worlds that Qin Fan travels through are more or less new to the familiar appearance of Qin Fan in the original plot, some physical signs are still very similar, such as body shape, hair, and certain facial features. A mole of tears!
"Xiacunquan!?" Qin Fan pondered for a few seconds and then suddenly remembered, there is no mistake, this woman is the target of his return this time. !I was worrying about how to find this woman, but I didn't expect to meet him so easily.

"Did you call me just now?" A slightly soft female voice sounded from in front of Qin Fan, but Qin Fan, who was in deep thought, was taken aback. Looking up and following the voice, he saw a girl in a black uniform standing suspiciously. In front of him was that female demihuman.

"Hehe! That you are Miss Shimomuraquan?" Qin Fan was slightly taken aback when he didn't expect the other party to come over suddenly, but in the next second he said with a harmless smile on his face.

"Uh..." Startled by the weird smile on the big face in front of him, Izumi Shimomura subconsciously took a small step back and said a little defensively, "Are you... what's the matter?"

"Oh! It's nothing serious, I just want to ask if Miss is interested in being my slave girl..." Qin Fan said with a faint smile on his face.

Izumi Shimomura....
The wooden door of the next room was pushed open again, and the man in glasses in a neat suit frowned and looked at the girl standing in front of Qin Fan not far away: "Shimomura Izumi, what are you doing?"

The girl slowly turned her head to look at the man in the suit and then turned her head to look at Qin Fan again.

"Go back! Don't make people wait!" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Yeah!" The girl nodded obediently, and then ran back quickly.

"Who is that person? What are you talking about?" the man with glasses asked a little dissatisfied.

"It should be a nearby resident! Ask me about arresting the demihumans!" The girl replied flatly.

Frowning slightly, he glanced at the girl with some doubts, but the man with glasses didn't say anything more! ——
ps: It's New Year's Eve!I wish all the single dogs like me in the world a happy zodiac year. In addition, I also wish everyone to get out of singles in the year of the dog and not be single in the year of the dog!

(End of this chapter)

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