Chinese self-confidence and inferiority

Chapter 4 What exactly is civilization

Chapter 4 What exactly is civilization
Spiritual independence and material independence

In the preface of his predecessor Xie Xizhang's new book "Shuo Ying", Mr. Zhang Yimou said, "We are not only short of good works, but also lack independent and high-quality reviews. Many good reviewers disdain to waste time on film reviews. I think it’s right and wrong in the entertainment industry; some so-called film critics have been recruited by production companies or groups and become propaganda tools for bribes. Waving the flag for profit is itself corruption in academics and reviews. Chinese films urgently need Establish a good comment system, otherwise, the loss of values ​​will enter a vicious circle. Our society needs independent and sharp film critics."

Interestingly, this situation is not unique to movies, even book reviews have this tendency.Once upon a time, I was also included in the list of writers who wrote book reviews and movie reviews. There were always free books and movies to watch. There is no manuscript fee at all, and it is entirely paid by the publishing house and the producer.I wrote it twice and felt that it was not tasteful, and then I stated that even if you give me money, I may not necessarily say good things, or even I will not speak.Gradually, the free books and movie tickets disappeared. Now I spend my own money to buy and write what I want to write, and I feel happier physically and mentally.

But if you criticize the depravity of the critics, it is difficult to say that this is not entirely the fault of the critics, but because of this unfortunate environment.

Except for a very small number of people, literati are generally relatively poor, and even if they have an errand to support their families, they are not likely to reach the level of the middle class.And the manuscript fees of literati are generally relatively low. The money I earn from writing this manuscript should be regarded as high. I can probably buy a piece of abalone that is not too big in a middle-class restaurant. The amount of manuscript fees at my level is basically considered It's rare, let alone others.

Poverty is of course one reason, and the industry chain that these films have become is another reason.I have been in the media for many years, and I know the secret, that is, the so-called book review and film review pages are often similar to the advertisement pages. If you don’t want to write a soft copy of the advertisement, the chances of being on the page are relatively slim.This is already a complete industry chain, from publishers to distributors to newspapers and magazines, almost shrouded in a chain of interests. It can't be blamed for not having independent and sharp film critics, but because there is no such soil.

What about the film itself?We know that it is not easy to make movies in China, there are fewer people making money, and there are so many restrictions. In this state, it is obviously a bad movie. To recover the cost, it must be praised by all kinds of people, otherwise it will be impossible to lose money and make money. difficult.This is the so-called big environment and big era, which finally created "Little Times".

Therefore, literati may not be materially independent and spiritually upright, which is also forced by this era. I really can’t blame the literati for their lack of character.Speaking of which, the character of filmmakers is not much better, they are all eggs laid by this era.This is not to excuse the literati, but to state a very unfortunate fact.If possible, I would like both sides to work together to break this vicious circle instead of accusing each other, because there are other enemies of literature and art.

About National Treasures, Ancient Buildings, and Jackie Chan

A few days ago, Mr. Jackie Chan donated some ancient houses of Huizhou architecture that he had collected to several places, namely six buildings in Beijing, four buildings in Singapore, one building in Shanghai, and two buildings in Hong Kong. The six buildings in Beijing will be rebuilt in a building called The place "Jackie Chan Peace Park" sounds like a newly built cultural industry zone.

Naturally, there are those who are in favor of this matter, and there are also those who are against it. Of course, the reasons for the opponents are quite funny. Architectural culture will fade, and the reasons for opposing ancient buildings to leave their hometowns” seem quite formal. Jackie Chan responded to this statement, saying that cultural exchanges are helpful for the spread of Chinese culture overseas.

The reason why knowledgeable people laugh about the national treasure is mainly to laugh at those patriots who cherish their brooms but not their IQs.How to define a national treasure, of course, has various reasons such as historical culture, craft materials, etc. It is not just an old object that can be called a national treasure, otherwise the antique business would not be possible.

Here, by the way, I would like to talk about the animal heads of the Yuanmingyuan that have been hyped up and are related to the movie "Zodiac" starring Jackie Chan.Those things are actually twelve faucets designed by foreigners and made by Chinese. Even if the British and French allied forces have no knowledge, they will not knock down the faucets and bring them back to China. After the Yuanmingyuan was destroyed, Chinese farmers went in and got them as scrap copper. The rotten iron was sold, and later flowed overseas through antique dealers.The reason why it is now made into a national treasure is only because it was hyped up and used to take advantage of it.Otherwise, those things are considered national treasures, but they are eager to return, and things that are much better than this are displayed in other people's museums. Why hasn't anyone said anything?It takes intelligence to be patriotic.

I personally quite agree with Mr. Jackie Chan's statement that "the culture should be released to the outside world. If people understand our Chinese culture, they must take some things out", and if we interpret it from another angle, the release of this cultural carrier is even more important. meaning.

Over the years, I have traveled all over the world and got the most important impression, that is, when we dismantle real antiques and build fake ones, many countries preserve things that are not considered old according to our standards very well.Let’s not talk about the United States. It has only been established for more than 200 years, but when you walk on the streets of Washington DC or Manhattan, New York, the things that settle down feel great.Some time ago I went on a trip to Kyoto. People asked me how long I hadn’t been here. I said it was 5 or 6 years.If I have been away from Beijing for such a long time, I may get lost when I come back.

While we are keen on a big change in a few years, there are not many people who protect the original ancient buildings. We can often see from the news that some ancient buildings were demolished when a certain place was demolished. There is still a saying It is called "protective demolition", and the application of Chinese to this level is really ashamed of the ancestors.And this kind of ancient building was moved to Singapore as a whole, maybe it is an opportunity for it to survive from now on. If it really stays in the local area, it is estimated that sooner or later it will either be weathered in the wind and rain, or it will be dismantled into parts and turned into some upstart walls. Decorations on the walls—I have friends who are in this business. They dismantle the carved wood and brick carvings from ancient buildings and sell them as decorations. The overall beauty has since disappeared from the world.

There are three standards for the inheritance of a civilization: historical records, traditional culture, and ancient architecture. Among them, ancient architecture is called solidified history books, and its carrying capacity sometimes exceeds those books.And if one of these three points is missing, a civilization has been inherited. If two are missing, this civilization cannot be said to be inherited.Comparing this standard, we have had some ancient books over the years, and the other two are basically half-destroyed. Whether it has inherited Chinese civilization, you can think for yourself.

So it might be a good thing for Jackie Chan to get these buildings out.

University is still dangerous
Although the university is not an ivory tower for a long time, it has never been considered a dangerous enough place, unless some rich second generation or official second generation drive into it.But it is still necessary to take precautions. Central South University compiled a "Safety Handbook for University Life" for incoming freshmen, which lists many things that should be paid attention to in university life.Given that everyone is interested in certain things, news reports highlight the content of preventing "social rape" so that other content becomes dispensable.

Seeing the relatively unfamiliar term "social rape", I was really dizzy. There is a term called "friendship sex", which is familiar to everyone. It mainly means that everyone is familiar with it. Look down on each other's suspicion.Of course, social rape does not mean this, but in a certain state, the original social activities may develop into a criminal offense.If you encounter such a thing, this manual provides a lot of more reliable suggestions.

But there are still places that are not reliable.For example, the handbook lists ten types of women who are vulnerable to social sexual rape: good-looking and stylishly dressed; Weak, defenseless; private, easily blackmailed; indiscriminate, easy to make friends; money-hungry, pleasure-seeking; weak-willed, irresistible to temptation; spiritually empty, disregarding the law.The first one is very offensive. After all, it is not the girl's fault to be beautiful.

The phrase "social rape" focuses on "socializing", and socializing is generally regarded as an interaction between adults here, and our children have not been educated in this regard since childhood.Many people may have watched foreign film and television dramas, in which children of all ages often attend prom and other bridges, and it seems that many children have already socialized to a certain extent relatively freely.Judging from my experience abroad, although it is not as good at dancing and sociable as the movies, it does have the feeling of an adult society.

I remember a joke that said: We always don't let children make friends prematurely, and dismiss these as "puppy love" or something.But as soon as they graduate from university, parents can't wait to find a suitable home for these freshly baked buns.The question is is this possible?Generally speaking, such hopes are delusional.

Unfortunately, social skills are indeed lacking in our education, especially in primary and secondary schools, where social skills and the ability to protect oneself in social situations have not been exercised at all.Probably all of them are busy with exams or learning Mathematical Olympiad, and have no time to practice this ability.

But this kind of ability is not only reflected in the prevention of "social rape", more often it will make a child have a more complete personality and the ability to adapt to society.I have a very obvious feeling in my own business, that is, many fresh graduates, or young people who have not worked for two years, have very obvious defects in dealing with people and sense of responsibility.It's not that these children are not good enough, but that they haven't learned how to socialize and express themselves correctly since they were young, so that they have to learn this lesson from scratch in society, and they will take a lot of detours.

In this sense, the manual of Central South University is still meaningful. If you want to be more meaningful, it is better to organize as many social activities as possible for students to participate in this kind of formal social activities. Here, the risk is relatively low and you can learn some basic social knowledge.It is impossible to defend against wolves, so you might as well practice more on the skills of fighting wolves.

It's actually boring
Class 09101 of the School of Literature and History of Hunan University of Arts and Sciences held a graduation photo event with the theme of "a new wedding". The five boys in the class uniformly dressed up as brides, and the girls all put on suits and ties, pretending to be grooms—— I looked at the pictures, and I said that girls are still handsome in men's clothes, but boys in wedding dresses are really different, if not ugly.

Regarding this matter, the organizer of this event said this: This event contains thinking about society, because girls are generally discriminated against when they are employed, and redefining gender is to change people's inertial thinking and convey that responsibilities are not divided Gender, effort is gender neutral concept.

I don't quite believe the above paragraph, mainly because there are only 5 boys in this class, and the rest are girls.Don’t talk about gender definitions in such an environment, there are more girls than boys, and you still wear a wedding dress to support other people’s efforts, which only shows that you can’t understand the situation clearly.The form is very simple, that is, girls who enter the news industry have begun to dominate, men should work hard on their own, they don't need your support.

As an old newsman who became a deserter, I have another interpretation of this: idle.I remember the first time I walked into the gate of the newspaper office, the director of the reporter's first sentence was "journalism has no learning".Later, after working in journalism for many years, I realized that although this sentence is extreme, it is not unreasonable.It’s really not necessary to go to university for four years to study journalism. Since it’s a knowledge that doesn’t require such effort, wouldn’t the four years in university be a lot of free time?Coupled with the fact that there are too many girls, gender inversion is a bit of nonsense, which must be excellent.

I don’t know how to learn journalism, because I am not a major in this field, but when I went to the United States as a visiting scholar, I had a discussion with a professor of journalism at a famous university. major, and then spend the first half of the year learning some theories of journalism, and then basically practice your craft in practice.Personally, I find this to be quite plausible.

It seems that the major of journalism is a bit far away, so let's turn the topic back to talk about wearing wedding photos and graduation photos.

I personally think that all kinds of graduation photos are actually against the constraints and boredom of college life. If I have tried crazy in my school life, I wouldn’t just do these whimsical things when I graduate.I personally suggest that when the pressure of life in the past four years is not on your shoulders, you might as well do more unreliable things so that your school life will not be crazy just once when you graduate.

Ashamed of the fact that I am Chinese
Ang Lee won another award, the Oscar statuette.There is not much to say about the critically acclaimed "Life of Pi", everything that should be interpreted has already been interpreted, and what should be over-interpreted has already been overdone.As far as movies are concerned, I prefer Wong Kar-wai's "The Grandmaster"-this is a digression.

Ang Lee is a good director, so good that it is difficult for many people to tell how good he is. Of course, the movie is one reason, and his personal charm is even more fragrant.If you want to know why he won the award, you might as well look at his speeches in public places and his speech at the award ceremony.The long-gone spirit of Chinese culture is always contained in his every word.

When I watched his movie and gave thanks, I had a feeling: If this is the true representative of the Chinese spirit, I really feel ashamed of the word Chinese.I am really ashamed of the people's heritage of coming out of tradition, accepting modern values ​​and integrating them together.In fact, I have this feeling many times, even if it is not in Ang Lee, I will also experience that kind of civilization on the streets of many other countries: tolerance, calmness, compassion, freedom, and what Mr. Chen Danqing said "has never been bullied." expression".

The Chinese have won many awards in the past two years, and Mo Yan also won the Nobel Prize in Literature last year.However, compared with the cheers of Li An's global Chinese, Mr. Mo Yan encountered a lot of complaints in China.Some people may not understand why this is, except that the two people do have differences in appearance, there must be other reasons.

Let's put it this way, we are used to talking about sympathy for the homeless, but rarely give the change in our pockets to the dirty beggar at the gate of the community.We are also accustomed to belittle the achievements of those around us, and to worship the glory of those far away.Sometimes our society is a place without much kindness. This kindness would rather be given to those who are beyond our reach than to those around us.

This is because there are too many ugliness around us, so we imagine that there will be a paradise in other places, just like some people don't believe in the beautiful girls in the mainland, but believe that other places can cultivate beautiful girls.I am sure that other places are not heaven, but I have also been to those places. They are better than us in that they always give encouragement and help to those around them. Their society has become closer to heaven and more people feel. Comfortable.

We probably can't get Li An out of our place now, and the ones who can get out are basically called Li Gang.This is really a pity.

A character mask is more dangerous than a kitchen knife

One of the props that often appears in martial arts novels is the "human skin mask". If this thing really existed back then, it might really be a matter of character, because there seemed to be no high imitation materials such as latex at that time, so it could not be popularized.Nowadays, with these high imitation materials, some merchants have made a modern version of the personality mask. It is said that the high-end products are very imitative and definitely have the effect of changing faces.

It was originally a fun toy, but in the mouths of experts, this thing is harmful.Wang Kejian, a lawyer at Taiyuan Hongxuan Law Firm, believes that if strict management is not carried out, these "human skin masks" that are fake enough to be fake are likely to be used by criminals. It is easy to find witnesses of criminals' true appearance, arrest the wrong person, etc. In addition, high-simulation "human skin masks" are also likely to lead to infringement, whether it is "star face" or other simulated human masks, if there is no Any authorized use will violate the portrait rights of the parties concerned.

Then the reporter found some examples from abroad, proving that the management of masks is essential in a country ruled by law. Even in an open place like New York, a masquerade ball requires police permission.

Regarding whether this is really the case in New York, I haven’t been in New York for a long time, so I don’t know if the police need to intervene in the management of this kind of private gathering.Foreign countries often have such inexplicable laws that it is not allowed to take a wine bottle to the street, but it is fine to put a paper bag on it.These laws had their own logic at the time, and they were inherited later. It is hard to say whether they are effective or not.

It is not unreasonable for the lawyers to be worried, but the first thing to worry about is the stars. It is best for them or them not to do plastic surgery. With plastic surgery, it is less likely for Koreans to do business with Chinese people.

In fact, in terms of danger, kitchen knives are much more dangerous than masks, and stockings are also more dangerous, and they can be completely banned. Even the ski hats on the head look unreliable, and the double-sided jackets must be discontinued. .By extension, it is better to castrate all men, so that rape does not happen.People like us who have learned some kung fu can kill people with chopsticks. It is better to discuss whether to cut our hands or prohibit the use of chopsticks. Western food utensils need to be completely banned.

What I mean is very simple, everything is dangerous, but it cannot be regulated because of certain risks that are really uncertain.I am in favor of gun control, but according to this logic, it is purely mentally ill to manage all kitchen knives.

How to educate children to be a civilized person
Recently, the word "bear child" has been quite popular on the Internet. In my impression, this is a northern dialect, which mainly refers to the kind of children who are not well-educated and obedient. The extended meanings on the Internet are often mixed with praise and criticism. Beautified, the kind of love that wants to take a bite is also implied.

But recently, a "bear child" really wanted to be bitten. It wasn't because he liked him too much, but when the unlucky child was traveling in Egypt, he signed " XXX came here for a visit".Because of the famous name, it was quickly found out by netizens. It was a 3500-year-old kid who did this thing-by the way, the writing is really ugly.

What is the concept of the inscription in the Luxor Temple?This is equivalent to writing the words "This stew pot is good" on the Simuwu Dafang Ding. Maybe thousands of years later, your words will be considered as cultural relics, but now the fine is estimated to be light.Basically, this is the result of lack of respect and admiration for civilization and cultural relics.

It seems to be too much to ask a 15-year-old child to respect civilizations that lasted thousands of years, but now 15 years old is really not too young, it should already be on the eve of the maturity of world outlook and values, so many years It is impossible to teach a child who understands the basic civilization of the education in the country without reflection.

When the reporter interviewed his parents, his mother said: "Take him outside to play when he was young, and we often see similar situations, but we didn't think to tell him that this is wrong. The child's ability to imitate is too strong. When he went to Egypt to play, he didn’t take care of him.” In fact, this is true, after many Chinese people become parents, they do not teach their children a correct view of civilization, but this cannot be entirely blamed on the parents.

I have traveled all over the world, and I can often see the same inscription everywhere I go, and I have no reaction other than frowning.The main reason is that the social atmosphere is like this. I know that I have no way to change it. Even when someone is writing an inscription, I will hesitate whether I should step forward to stop it. The consequences of this kind of blocking often end in fights. Strong and practicing martial arts for many years, it is hard to say whether he can really get out of his body.If I travel all the way, I am not a traveler, but a knight-errant.

In a social atmosphere that destroys antiquities and hopes to make their names notorious for thousands of years, some parents do not use this state of neglect as a negative teaching material to teach their children, sometimes they can be forgiven a little, and as far as our social atmosphere is concerned, It is still a troublesome thing to really instill correct values ​​in children, because once children come into contact with society, they will find that it is not the case, and it will take a lot of effort to reorganize their psychological gap.From the perspective of this parent's education of their children, at least they know that taking them to travel around is already considered a relatively avant-garde action.

Although educating children should be related to social reality, there are still some basic civilizations that need to be observed. The parents are indeed at fault in this regard. After this incident, there must be fewer such cases.I would like to use this to talk about other things.

For a long time, our place, which claims to be a 5000-year-old civilization, has been severely ruined. Not only did the regime change every few hundred years, but also organized and systematically wiped out Chinese cultural relics once during the "Cultural Revolution", in order to "destroy the four olds". Over the years, some places have been protected, but more places are being demolished.Civilization needs architecture, history books, and intangible cultural heritage to inherit. In terms of architecture, we are now standing on the ruins of civilization.In this environment, how to educate children to become modern people who respect civilization is really a very difficult thing.

Is a graduate student worth it?

"Wuhan Evening News" reported a set of figures, which make people feel unbelievable: The China Science Evaluation Center just completed the "China Postgraduate Education and Disciplinary Professional Evaluation" project, which shows that there are currently more than 30 colleges and universities in my country. The scale of students in school is constantly expanding, and some of them have surpassed undergraduate students. In 2012, Wuhan University enrolled 7704 postgraduates, exceeding the planned enrollment of 7650 undergraduates.Huazhong University of Science and Technology has enrolled 7652 graduate students and 7500 undergraduate students this year.The total number of graduate students in Peking University and Tsinghua University has exceeded that of undergraduate students, and the ratio of undergraduate students to graduate students in Tsinghua University is 0.61:1. In 2013, this trend will continue to expand in universities across the country.

In an era when there is no Nobel Prize in science awarded to mainland academia, our master's students are already thriving.It is said that in the eyes of those of us who do not have much academic qualifications, although this degree is not as good as a doctorate, it is also extremely glorious.But the problem is that this report shows another scene: In recent years, the employment rate of master's students has continued to decline. From 2009 to 2011, the employment rate of master's students was even lower than that of undergraduate students for three consecutive years.

Some people say that this is the result of university enrollment expansion, which cannot be said to be unreasonable.In the past few years, the expansion of university enrollment is like mixing water with wine, almost to the point where it is just a vegetable in the basket.However, there is still a difference between undergraduate education and postgraduate education. They both classify this state into the expansion of enrollment, and I am afraid that they are often wrong.

In fact, we should think about it from another angle, why the popularity of graduate students is so high.

It is said that there is a demand in this world to have a market. It must be that many people need graduate education experience, so that schools can open up printing diplomas.The reason why everyone thinks that graduate students are a good choice is first of all caused by the worship of academic qualifications here.It cannot be denied that we here have always thought that reading is a good thing, and after reading, you can buy money from the emperor's family and find a good job.Generally speaking, the threshold setting for academic qualifications is also showing a trend of getting higher and higher.I don’t know if you have noticed, but now the civil service examination has higher and higher requirements for academic qualifications, which is consistent with the growth curve of graduate students.

The second is the different treatment in terms of employment.Going to school more will make more money in the future. Going to school itself is a costly thing. The higher the degree, the higher the time cost. Of course, these costs will eventually be converted into future wages.

Get a higher degree, pursue a better life, and universities provide such education and services. Is there anything wrong with this chain?In theory there is nothing wrong with this at all, except that it ends up being wrong to the job market.

It's very simple, if I'm a boss and a boss in a traditional industry, what do I need so many graduate students for?After all, a graduate student has a high degree of education, and the salary he needs is also high, but from some perspectives, they may not be more useful than undergraduates in doing things. If I were the boss of a processing company, I would rather need an excellent Technical school students, even undergraduate students do not need to work in the front line.After all, there are only a small number of talents needed for product research and development. I will not support a group of employees with little practical experience and high salary requirements with high salaries, even graduate students—doctoral students.

The current position of our industry is like this. It seems that the demand for academic qualifications is relatively high. In fact, no matter in terms of school products or job requirements, there are not so many so-called highly educated talents.And our views on education and happiness pull out our own hair in an attempt to make ourselves appear tall, so we have this phenomenon of low-end industries, high-end education, hard to find jobs, and not knowing what to say.If you want me to say, if you really learn a craft well, it may be more secure for your life than getting an incomprehensible degree.

Exam-oriented education is utilitarian education
Some media reported that "Social Science Literature Publishing House released the "Blue Book of International Talents: China's Study Abroad Development Report". The report shows that the number of Chinese students studying abroad has accounted for 14% of the world's total, ranking first in the world. Studying abroad is 'younger' The trend is also becoming more and more obvious, and the number of people who go abroad to study in middle school has also increased significantly.” Yang Dongping, a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, believes that the new round of upsurge of studying abroad and the enthusiasm for studying abroad at a young age is due to more and more parents’ dissatisfaction with domestic exam-oriented education.Although children who are too young to study abroad are also at risk, they are "the lesser of two evils".

When I was in Paris some time ago, I casually chatted with local international students. When talking about the education of my children in the future, he said: "I want my child to be born and educated here, even if he may be rebellious in the future, with holes in his lips, smoking marijuana, He doesn’t come home at night, but he won’t have any problems with right and wrong, and he can know what is right. I don’t want him to end up in the country and end up as a money swindler, thus ruining his life.” After returning to China, I wrote this passage Posted on Weibo, many people thought it was unbelievable, how could piercing the lips, smoking marijuana, and staying out at night are not big things?These are big right and wrong.Qian Chuanzi's head is everywhere, why is it not the case after going abroad?

As for whether those rebellious behaviors are right or wrong, I’m afraid it should be viewed in different social environments and values. If you don’t live in that environment, it’s hard for you to understand the tolerance for such behaviors in their social environment and what they consider. At what level is the problem of value.Let's put it this way, they regard these as small sections, as part of adolescence, and the establishment of a life value of helping others and free thinking is even more valued by them.

The words seem to be a bit off topic, but in fact they just fit Professor Yang Dongping's judgment on the cause of the younger age of studying abroad: dissatisfaction with exam-oriented education.

You see, this foreign student said that he didn't want his children to be the heads of Qian Chuanzi. Many people think that we didn't say that we let them become such people. Why are they just Qian Chuanzi?In fact, the reason is very simple. Exam-oriented education itself is a utilitarian education, and everything exists for the exam.And the exam is to get into a good school, get into a good school, get a good job, have a good job and make more money, more money is happiness.This logic is the logic of our current education, and the logic of many parents.It is impossible for a child under the influence of this kind of logic not to become the head of Qian Chuanzi.

Maybe some people really don't think so, and they don't want their children to become such people, but this is a helpless reality, and they can be high-minded when they say it, just like assuming that they are determined to do charity after winning the lottery. These are people who have never won the lottery.I believe that after yelling at the foreign student, many people turned around and went home to supervise the child's homework, and told him that if he failed the exam, he would have no pocket money.

This is indeed a difference in values.Another friend who studied abroad said that when they met abroad, many foreigners also came to strike up a conversation, and they would always ask what their major was.It sounds like if it is a business administration or some highly technical major, many people will walk away, and if they hear that it is a cultural major, they will immediately start chatting with bright eyes.This is not to say that cultural majors have much to talk about, but that this kind of major that is not profitable must be out of hobbies and pursuits. With this pursuit, there is a basis for chatting, at least it is better than talking about circuits with people like me. Design is better.

The only gratifying thing about this is that it seems that many capable parents have understood that exam-oriented education is utilitarian education, so they send their children to study so that they can enjoy the life they want to enjoy.It's just that it's really hard to say whether the children sent out in this way are willing to come back.

what is civilization
During this period of time, there were a few pictures that made many people who had never been abroad discuss the civilization of Chinese people abroad. Specifically, a few suspected Asian tourists soaked their feet in the pool in front of the Louvre to cool off.I’ve been to that place a few times, and every time I can hear a very familiar local accent. It’s true that Chinese people wearing ill-fitting suits do some behaviors that are not civilized, but as far as this foot soaking incident is concerned, it is indeed a shot while lying down. .

If you have been to the Louvre, you will find that this kind of situation is not uncommon, and it is not a patent of Chinese or Asians. Many foreigners also do this. The manager of the Louvre said that it was really forbidden to do this. It's a good thing, but when the weather is too hot, everyone just turns a blind eye.In fact, France is a country very similar to China. At least in terms of cigarette butts everywhere, they may not be as good as us, and urinating in the streets and corners is even considered a cultural phenomenon.

It is said that in our place, the various public pools and public green spaces are rarely accessible to everyone, and more often they are decorations for everyone to watch.But in many places abroad, these places can enter and enjoy the coolness and lie down at will. I haven’t quite figured out about this. It’s okay to talk about the pool. Why are those green spaces not trampled like domestic green spaces? This is hard to understand.

In fact, it is hard to say whether it is civilized or not in many cases. There are customs and customs in different places, and thumbs up in some places means insulting. You said that this is to provoke someone.In many cases, we really don’t need to underestimate ourselves too much, thinking that this kind of behavior of soaking our feet is very uncivilized, but we don’t have the leisurely complacency of doing as the Romans do.

However, it is also a fact that the average quality of our Chinese people is relatively low when they go out. The main force in this regard is basically officials and their relatives who go out for inspections, or some upstarts who make a lot of money and have little culture. Those who have lowered the average quality score of Chinese people are basically these two categories, and the quality of other travelers is basically not bad. As a generation who grew up in the Internet age, it is not difficult to respect other people's customs and living habits.

The civilized behaviors that are almost universal in the world can be roughly divided into the following categories: first, don’t spit anywhere; You can't see other rubbish; third, it's better not to make loud noises, which is not so strict in some places, such as South America; fourth, figure out whether to tip, and when you need to give it, insist on it Give.

Obey these and basically walk in various countries, there is probably nothing to be picky about civility and politeness. The customs are different in different places, but they are basically tolerant to tourists, just like we always tolerate foreigners who can't use chopsticks.The so-called civilization actually has universal value, and at the same time there are differences in different regions. If you really don't know, it is probably not difficult to check it online.

In addition, I would like to add that it is best not to lift up your T-shirt and expose your belly when you go out on the street. If you have eight-pack abs, it’s fine. Generally, people who do this basically only have one-pack Muscles, walking like a penguin, this is really uncivilized and unsightly.

history and reality


The Inheritance and Rise and Fall of Traditional Wushu
What exactly is Chinese martial arts, this question should be said that many people do not know.Under the influence of various martial arts novels and magical film and television works, many people know that martial arts is a fighting technique, and it is a way of cultivation in a deeper sense-as for what is cultivated, no one may care.

In fact, martial arts is not, or not entirely, fighting and practicing some martial arts, breaking through one's own limits, and so on. Many of these added values ​​​​are added later by others.Martial arts is basically a way of life.

I have been practicing martial arts for many years, and I belong to the kind of disciples who have been trained by the unconventional training methods. What I have learned is very different from many people who now claim to practice martial arts.I personally think that the most fundamental difference between traditional martial arts and modern martial arts is actually related to the social environment. Traditional martial arts, like Beijing opera, have connotations but cannot be passed on. They can only be appreciated in a small circle. The big environment is gone. It must face death.

A disciple who really practices traditional martial arts actually belongs to a certain sect or family inheritance.There were several types of martial arts practitioners back then: one was the son of a rich family, who liked swords, guns, fists and sticks; ; There is also a monk who practices martial arts for fitness and self-cultivation, or for traveling around the world.

The third type belongs to the crop handle styles among the people, and the so-called martial arts villages in all parts of China probably belong to this type.The real traditional martial arts are basically passed on among the other three types of people.A disciple who is truly taught basically needs to learn not only the swords, guns and sticks, but also the knowledge of drugs, medical knowledge (emphasis on trauma), and the "lip points" of walking in the rivers and lakes-that is, slang, etc.

Let's look at what a traditional martial arts disciple has learned from the beginning.

Fighting skills: Fist and foot weapons are naturally to be learned, but learning is not the way of learning now.The master will not accept only one apprentice, and the brothers and sisters are not practicing duels like the current routine, but really want to learn every move to the bone.Hitting is the first thing to do, and the condoms should be done after you can hit them.You also need to learn weapons, basically learn one with a point, and one with a blade.There are plenty of strange weapons in the world, but generally speaking, the three main weapons, swords and guns, are the most practical.Sometimes you have to learn a little technique such as "stool crutches".This kind of kung fu is to use the long benches that can be seen everywhere in China to attack, and it is very useful.But since there are fewer and fewer such benches, there are fewer and fewer people doing this kind of kung fu.This proves that a kind of kung fu is closely related to the social environment, and even the disappearance of a kind of living equipment can lead to the disappearance of a kind of kung fu.

In addition to these, disciples of traditional martial arts also need to learn one or several hidden weapons.There are two types of hidden weapons, one is darts, arrows, pills, etc. that are released from the hand, and the other is short weapons hidden on the body, such as daggers, flint knives, and hand stabs.Don't underestimate these things, in the boxing kung fu I learned, there is the technique of holding darts in the palm, which can be used to suddenly shoot deadly darts by changing palms during close combat.I've tried, and almost no one can escape.Of course, instead of darts, pebbles were used.

Drug knowledge: There are two kinds of things, one is for killing and the other is for saving lives.It is not uncommon to feed poison on weapons and hidden weapons. Generally, even if many sects do not encourage their disciples to do this, there are still a few unilateral hands in their hands.Similarly, if there is a prescription that is poisonous to death, it will naturally have an antidote.

In addition to this prescription, the rescue method of hitting acupuncture points also needs to be coordinated with drugs.Don't think that tapping acupuncture points is a legend, or that after tapping acupuncture points, you only need to find the corresponding acupuncture points to solve the problem.Seriously speaking, one finger is enough to tap an acupoint, and if there is no sequelae after resolving the acupoint, ten fingers plus one prescription may not be effective.To give a simple example, if someone is unfortunate enough to be hit on the Jiquan acupoint under the armpit by a heavy hand, or injured by an eagle's claw hand, they will probably need to rely on prescriptions for a while.Some people may feel uncomfortable looking at the word acupuncture, so I will replace it with the key parts or the key parts where the nerves are concentrated. Do you understand better?

Medical knowledge: When traditional martial arts disciples start learning Kung Fu, the first sentence of the master is basically "Before you learn to beat people, you must learn to be beaten."Therefore, schools or families with a long tradition have some special prescriptions and medical knowledge for treating bruises, which basically belong to the category of traumatology in traditional Chinese medicine.But this kind of knowledge is an incomplete knowledge, mainly aimed at the injuries caused by violent trauma and strong shock.

In martial arts, there are distinctions between inner and outer martial arts, but whether it is inner or outer martial arts, they also find the theoretical basis for their own internal training from traditional Chinese medicine theories.Due to the specialization of martial arts, martial arts disciples often only learn ordinary massage techniques and some traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions related to martial arts, such as hand washing prescriptions for practicing iron sand palms.

In general, medical knowledge in martial arts is divided into trauma treatment and health care.This is also two sides of one body. For example, the splitting of tendons and bones and tapping of acupuncture points in massage and martial arts are good examples.Used for righteousness, it is health care, and used for strength, it is a technology that hurts people.In the kung fu I have learned, there is a technique called "Lion Rolling Ball", which is actually a way to break the opponent's cervical spine.But Master said when teaching that if you don't use such a strong force, this trick is very effective in treating stiff neck, and it can be cured in one stroke.

Lip point and walking in the rivers and lakes: "lip point" is actually a slang word, and it is also a jargon in the world. The knife is called "film" and the big gun is called "straw".These things are things that must be known when walking in the rivers and lakes.Otherwise, when you visit your comrades, you will be like a fool, and will be ridiculed as "empty".These things are not passed on indiscriminately, but the master will gradually teach you in normal times when he feels that you will have a bite of martial arts in the future.Since 1949, the social structure in the traditional sense has completely disintegrated, and the docks and gangs in various places have basically disappeared.Later, as the special society re-emerged as social control weakened after the reform, many things were no longer what they were before. The old lip spots were still there, but more of them were new lip spots.And the master who imparted this knowledge didn't really go through the rivers and lakes himself, so this thing is completely useless.

There are several types of wandering, one is visiting friends purely for traveling, the people who will meet include martial arts people, and friends from all over the world.There is also a discussion about martial arts food in the arena, walking darts, selling solutions, looking after homes and nursing homes, performing arts in venues, and setting up halls to teach apprentices are all in the arena.In addition to knowing how to click lips and how to worship the pier, you also need to know how to deal with various situations.For example, in the kung fu I learned, there is a set of formulas called "48 methods", which teach how to deal with the enemy under what circumstances.According to the master, back then he had to teach his apprentices how to fight in water and horses.But when I was learning art, I rode a bicycle, so I didn't have the opportunity to learn these things.To be honest, I don’t want to learn even if I have the chance.

Having said so much, we can draw a conclusion: traditional martial arts and modern fighting techniques are actually two completely different things, one is a way of life that integrates a variety of knowledge and life experiences, and the other is a way of life cultivated for modern competitive sports. single talent.One is for survival and the other is for competition.These are two completely different things, and everyone who argues about martial arts and fighting forgets this.The result is a typical chicken-and-duck talk.

It is undeniable that if martial arts had not had the function of fighting, it would not have been possible to spread so widely and use it for so long.In the era of cold weapons, survival is the last word, and things that cannot survive will basically be eliminated quickly.But modern martial arts are obviously not as practical as modern fighting techniques.Did our ancestors take a detour?

Not so.From the perspective of the general environment, modern competitive sports did not originate from China, and the era of cold weapons was replaced by hot weapons. China's social structure and environment have undergone tremendous changes.Martial arts is similar to traditional Chinese witchcraft, medicine, and philosophy, or at least it borrows theoretical and practical elements from them. Therefore, in the rapidly changing world, it is impossible to find someone who can inherit it.It's like the students who are talking about liberal arts now, their level of ancient prose may not be as good as the children who have studied in private schools for several years.Without him, the environment changed.Moreover, after 1949, the government consciously degraded martial arts combat skills training and cultivated martial arts as dance skills.

In addition to these external factors, this social change has also profoundly changed the structure of our own existence.Traditional society is a society with slow changes, less temptations, and few communication needs. In modern society, even the rhythm of life and survival requirements in rural areas are much higher or faster than traditional society.Seriously studying traditional martial arts has become something with too little benefit.Moreover, in modern society, various technologies with relatively high lethality have inherent scruples about teaching them.Even if it is taught, there is no master who overemphasizes and practices in the practice.The transformation of social forms shows its power to change the deepest psychological structure of people: what is taught has changed from pure skills to the acceptance of law and society.

A traditional technology has scruples about transmission, scruples during practice, and the pressure of survival caused by social life. What can it do?As I said above, how much of what traditional martial arts disciples should learn can be passed on to the next generation of disciples?A prescription for poison?The way of tapping acupuncture points?I have never used these things myself, and I am afraid to use them, and I dare not tell others, so as not to be used by people who don't know the depth.

There is no denying that the days of traditional martial arts are over.Now when we talk about traditional martial arts, we are actually talking about the corpse.As a carrier of a way of life, it has only performance routines and some so-called "masters" who are obviously insufficient in confrontational training.When a society is becoming more and more regularized and fast-food-oriented, traditional martial arts as a whole state of existence cannot fight against this era.

Talk about news investigation, seek goodness and seek truth
I haven't done in-depth investigation and reporting for more than ten years. In addition to the fact that my colleagues do not criticize the industry rules of my colleagues, and being a good teacher is a shortcoming of human nature, I really didn't want to say too much about "People Magazine"'s report on Yuan Lili, but a recent so-called The introduction of "evidence" really made me think that the media industry is probably too easy to make a living, and they don't even understand basic common sense and interview rules.Anyway, I am no longer considered a media person except for the column, so I might as well say a few words.

According to the second audio recording and written evidence provided by "People Magazine", we can restore such a story: a local person plans to develop a small property right house, one person contributes the land, and several others contribute the funds, and the contributors share the funds equally The cost is about 90 yuan per share.One of them belonged to Ms. Wang of the Lankao Family Planning Office, but this share was jointly "funded" by Ms. Wang and Yuan Lili.This small property right house was later demolished. So far, everyone has lost a lot of money. The share jointly owned by Ms. Wang and Yuan Lili lost a total of about 40 yuan. Some partners said that this money Ms. Wang and Yuan Lili Each paid 20 yuan.

This process was confirmed by the reporter after integrating multiple sources.But first of all, we can see that among the so-called multiple sources, only one source mentioned the specific amount of Yuan Lili’s payment, saying that it was 20 yuan, and the other source said that “she also had some money.” .The information that other sources have seen so far only talks about the amount of shares, and does not involve actual money.

Do two sources constitute a standard of disclosure for sufficient news coverage?It should be said that it is possible.But what we must know is that one of the sources is Guo Haiyang, the son-in-law of Yuan Lili. He did not say the specific amount of money, and the other is a partner who is not in the same stock, the direct partner, Ms. Wang from the Family Planning Office This question was not asked.That is, neither constitutes direct evidence.In this case, the reporter should conduct further verification, rather than confirming that this happened.

Why do you say that?This involves an understanding of the basics of how society works.

The reason why Yuan Lili was found to participate in these affairs is because she has a certain degree of public popularity in the local area, and she is also considered a moderate news figure in China.However, the illegality of the small-property housing itself makes local people who seek to make money in this way find Yuan Lili, in order or hope to avoid risks and go through various procedures, and other audio interview materials also prove that Yuan Lili was approached by other projects , is often the reason.The most basic common sense tells us that it is logically impossible for such a shareholding to be invested directly on an equal basis, which is equivalent to resource investment.

Reporting without confirming the actual input has a fragile chain of evidence, which not only does not conform to common sense, but also does not meet the basic requirements of news reports.Even if this report can be established, the total is 20 yuan, and the 45 yuan has not become a reality. This figure itself is a misleading behavior, extremely unprofessional - if not vicious.

If you want to confirm this, you need at least the following conditions: the statement of the direct party, the statement of the indirect witness, written materials, transfer evidence and other personal and physical evidence. To be attractive, you have to give up the urge to say it.

I dare not say what kind of person Yuan Lili is, but it can be seen from the evidence disclosed by "People Magazine" that you have made a big mistake in your investigation and verification of the report.Even if it proves that Yuan Lili is really what you want to achieve in the end, it will be regarded as a dead mouse for a blind cat at best.

Also, as a former investigative reporter, I would like to say something to you.When I entered the industry, my teacher, Mr. Ding Wang, once said to me: As a reporter, you have the right to speak that others do not have. It is often impossible to seek truth and goodness at the same time, especially for investigative journalists.The first lesson you should learn is to understand your interviewees, especially ordinary people without power or power, with the utmost kindness.

Ask yourself, have you really understood the environment in which Yuan Lili and the others lived with understanding and sympathy?Do you know how an ordinary person with basic benevolence struggles to survive in the environment she lives in?Do you understand a society that you have never really come into contact with at all?Don't tell me that you came from the countryside. When you went to school, you didn't have access to these things. In this interview, you don't bother to understand.

In the job of a reporter, the purpose of seeking truth is to seek goodness. Doing news with good intentions and doing news about ordinary people is the pursuit of truth. The Southern Department has upheld this philosophy. flower.I hope you remember the predecessor who saw the vulture pressing the shutter of the little African girl who was following the little African girl who was climbing towards the refugee camp. He sat down under the tree and cried bitterly.

Faith and the Supermarket

I recently saw a strange article, the full title of which is "Interpretation of the Spiritual World of Corrupt Officials: Officials Ask the Buddha Why He Doesn't Bless Him After They Are Fallen". The original work appeared on China Broadcasting Network.It talked about the belief of officials. The examples cited were that many corrupt officials believed in Fengshui, masters, and Buddha, and the prescription they gave was system construction.

Regarding corrupt officials' superstitious belief in strange powers and gods, I must have been used to it for a long time. The article also pointed out that behind every fallen master there are several corrupt officials standing.But this matter really has nothing to do with beliefs. The so-called "silent words, strange powers and gods", these things are not beliefs, at best they are superstitions.Think about it, even if there are Buddhas and Heavenly Venerables in this world, they will certainly not be so greedy for worldly things. In fact, corrupt officials just moved the real power and money transactions to the world of gods and Buddhas, and regarded the gods and Buddhas in the sky as As a cashier in a supermarket, I feel that as long as I choose something and pay for it, the Buddha should issue him an invoice or something. It is best that the products sold have quality assurance certificates and three guarantees.There is a spirit in the sky, and it is estimated that it can kill these people directly.

But it is worth saying a few words about the issue of belief. First of all, we must define what belief is.As far as I know, beliefs can be roughly divided into two parts: secular beliefs and religious beliefs. Generally speaking, these two beliefs can coexist, but these two beliefs have their own boundaries and intersections, and have their own characteristics and differences. Corresponding life.

Secular beliefs probably mean believing in a certain doctrine or something.We know that in the category of secular beliefs, everything that ultimately leads to belief in a certain theory or a certain doctrine must be demonstrated, and the conclusion is derived from logic and experience.For example, I personally believe in the market economy in terms of economics. Someone told me that the planned economy is better than the market economy. Then I will look at the path that the planned economy has taken. It turns out that this thing has never happened except that it eventually leads to people’s livelihood. There are other exceptions, and I can accept the logic used by the market economy, so I naturally believe in the market economy. If one day a planned economy is implemented in a certain place in the world to make the society clean, maybe I will change my beliefs, but as of now See if this is possible.

Another example is that some economists have said that in a modern democratic society with smooth information flow, there has never been a large-scale famine.This conclusion is supported by figures, so I believe that democracy is a good thing. At least our country has never escaped the shadow of famine for thousands of years. Our government also encourages democracy. There has been no famine in the past 30 years, and I also Just believe in democracy.

Religious belief is not the case. This does not need to be proved by logical relations, as long as it is "justified by faith".Of course, many people do not have religious beliefs, but have complexes similar to religious beliefs. Although Einstein may not believe in a specific religion, he seems to have a religious-like emotion for the unknown.The most important function of religion is to solve the problem of human life and death, and from this, some basic rules and frameworks that constitute society can be derived.

Speaking of which, secular beliefs are also related to religious beliefs. Even science needs to have ethical issues, such as abortion or human cloning. Sometimes it is difficult to derive the theorems necessary for secular beliefs without the basis of religious beliefs. In this sense In other words, a certain degree of religious belief is like an axiom in mathematics. Whether it is Euclidean geometry or non-Euclidean geometry, it needs a logical origin to start.

But here we often do not have the basis of religious belief. From ancient times to the present, most people of all colors regard their beliefs as foreign goods stores and supermarkets, and those who are more evil go directly to the masters.The void created in this part cannot be completely filled by secular beliefs or systems. There is no impenetrable system in this world, and there is no doctrine that reaches the truth. A society without transcendental dimensions will inevitably be the soil of corruption.

Speaking of which, I was also an institutional theorist a few years ago, and after thinking about it for several years, I came to the conclusion how important belief is.I think it is better to live in this world to some extent, whether it is awe of religious gods, Buddhas, God, or the unknown universe looking up at the starry sky, it is better than treating superstition as belief and faith as shopping.

How Chinese Vocabulary is Enriched
Chinese is the language with the largest number of people and the longest duration in the world. Some people may say that many languages ​​have a long duration. Why do you dare to speak Chinese the longest?It’s very simple, if you read English from 500 years ago, even if you have a higher education, it’s probably like reading a book from the sky. As long as you have received a basic education, you can see the same.This is not to say that the Chinese language has not changed, but that this kind of inheritance has always existed.

However, in recent years, Chinese vocabulary has been greatly enriched.For a while, everyone laughed at a new term called "stumbled women", which is a special term used by the public security department to refer to certain women engaged in special industries.In the past two days, a new word has been created based on this vocabulary, "Civil management at a loss", the source is that someone broke the news and posted a photo saying that Nanjing urban management stepped on a peddler, and the relevant local department claimed that "the law enforcement officer is not an urban management, but an assistant management, it was careless. I stumbled and stepped on the peddler's." Of course, the photos we see seem to be different from this statement. If that kind of stance "stumbles", probably everyone else in the world is crippled.

As for whether it is urban management or co-management, it seems that there is no need to delve into it. In places where temporary workers are popular, it is meaningless to pursue this. Whether it is temporary workers or co-management, their source of power is given by organizations with legitimate law enforcement powers. The premise is that there is nothing wrong with blaming the authorities for their actions.As long as this delegation of power takes place, the person in charge has no responsibility to shirk.

And we can also see that it is often these people who are more unscrupulous.It is said that their job is only to assist the official staff in management, but whenever something happens, they will always be found in the front.Some people say that this is an official evasion, but I don’t think so. The Imperial Association Army always works harder than the devils to deal with the common people. This is because they know that their power does not come from the right source, and they must perform well to keep their jobs. , why rush to do dirty work.This kind of organization in various places is also willing to use it. If there is no accident, it will be used as a vanguard, and if there is an accident, it will be used as a shield. Why not do it?
But this matter is not the focus of what I want to say, and many people are well aware of the truth.I would like to talk about why Chinese vocabulary has developed so richly in these years.

As you know, the modern society is changing rapidly, the exchange of language and culture far exceeds that of ancient times, and the vocabulary is extremely rich.But this is only one aspect of the matter, and the other aspect is that the officials are actively creating vocabulary.

A concept of "naming right" is involved here.The so-called "naming is creation" means that if you name a thing, it is equivalent to creating the thing. Although the thing existed before that, if there is no name, no one can say it. It just doesn't exist.And the person who has mastered the power of naming is naturally equal to the supreme creator, which makes this kind of thing have a specific extension and connotation.

Here, the urban management department creatively used the word "misstep", which made the behavior have a different connotation than usual, which is also a manifestation of naming rights, or we can use a more popular word to express it: nonsense right.On the premise of this kind of nonsense and you can't overturn his statement, this concept was created, which became a new vocabulary, enriched and developed the Chinese language, and made people feel that we really have everything here.

Mastering this kind of naming right—that is, the right to talk nonsense—may be able to characterize and set the tone of various things arbitrarily. If there is no such thing before, just create one directly. One purpose is that the Chinese language has been enriched in this way, so that I imagine that people 100 years later will be puzzled if they see these words of this era.

Weapons of Criticism and Weapons of Criticism

In the past few days, the famous writer and critic Li Chengpeng has been signing books for three consecutive stops in Chengdu, Beijing, and Shenzhen, and there have been problems in the three consecutive stops. The tendency to become a public event seems worth mentioning.

It is said that Li Chengpeng made his debut as a football reporter, and finally wrote the book "The Inside Story of Chinese Football".Everyone knows what happened next, Li Chengpeng lost the lawsuit, but now those big players in the national football game don't even count as a goal, and many of them are already in prison.He also has the ability to write comments on current affairs, and the collection is published as this "The Whole World Knows".

When signing this book, let’s not talk about what happened in Chengdu Station. Li Chengpeng was forced to say nothing, but could only write "I love you" on his underwear, and then explained it without saying a word at the signing site. Opening his clothes, making him look like an exhibitionist - in a sense, he is a person who exposes the shady things in the hidden corners of some countries, but this time it is his turn to expose in this way .

When he was signing a sale at Beijing Railway Station, he was signing a sale. Someone stretched out his hand and punched him in the head. He was taken down and sent to the police station.I witnessed the whole process as a guest of Li Chengpeng's signing event, and followed me to the police station to testify.

Then someone sent Li Chengpeng a kitchen knife.The origin of this kitchen knife is very strange. According to the person who sent it, when we held the Olympics, the World Expo, and the [-]th National Congress, we did not restrict the purchase of kitchen knives as spread on the Internet, but Li Chengpeng spread false news about the purchase restriction. I want to come and deliver this kitchen knife to express my dissatisfaction.Of course, we all know whether there is a purchase restriction, but we also know how our legal binding force is.Since the person made a high-profile post on the Internet saying that he would give away kitchen knives, naturally Li Chengpeng was also wary.

Everyone knows what happened later. The person who delivered the kitchen knife was blocked by the staff, so he threw the kitchen knife at Li Chengpeng in a rage, and was invited to the police station.

In fact, the man who gave the kitchen knife publicized the matter with great fanfare on the Internet, and he was more or less prepared here.For example, I gave Li Chengpeng a fifty-cent coin, and asked him to give the fifty-cent coin to him when the person brought the kitchen knife, and then everyone completed a performance art of protest with different ideas and concepts but being polite to each other.

The problem is that this behavior, which could have been regarded as a model of ideological confrontation but mutual tolerance in the new era, was destroyed by the last person who directly committed violence.The last one directly attacked, but this one came over with a kitchen knife. Who can guarantee that there will be no second violent act?The result was that this guy had just taken out the beautifully packaged kitchen knife, and the security personnel next to him jumped up and took it down. In a fit of anger, this guy threw the knife at Li Chengpeng. It is said that this man was surrounded and beaten.Also, if you come here with a knife, no one dares to take it lightly.

After experiencing this incident, I felt quite scared, not because I was afraid of fighting. I was really not afraid of swords, guns, swords and halberds after practicing martial arts since I was a child. What I was afraid of was the violence caused by the confrontation of ideas.

Let's put it this way, if we fight because of personal grievances, it is basically limited to personal battles. I have also made appointments with some people, all because of personal grievances rather than differences in ideas and values.If the differences in ideas and values ​​are resolved by force, the biggest possibility is that everyone will be divided into several factions and fight together.At least 90% of all the man-made disasters in this world are caused by this fight, ranging from religious wars to the "Cultural Revolution".

Recently, this phenomenon has intensified, showing the irreconcilability of social thoughts, especially some people who believe in extremist ideas have transferred violence from words to actions.If this situation continues, it will inevitably make the cracks in society even more irreparable and cause huge divisions. Since ancient times, we have no tradition of inclusiveness. If the situation changes, who can guarantee that the tragedy of the "Cultural Revolution" will not repeat itself?It's chilling to think about in this budding state.Don't we really have no way to reach the other side of civilization?

Smoking scenes in film and television dramas are related to aesthetics

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine recently released the "China Tobacco Control Plan (2012-2015)" on their official websites.The plan claims that tobacco is harmful, and that smoking bans in public places should be fully implemented.The measures include prohibiting illegal scenes of smoking in film and television works, and comprehensively prohibiting tobacco companies from promoting tobacco in the name of supporting charity, public welfare, and environmental protection, or in other ways such as "brand extension" and "brand sharing". The matter of the tobacco company building the "Hope Primary School" and naming it is no longer acceptable.

Although I am a smoker and think that apart from my love of food, my lifelong pursuit is to quit smoking, but I still think that smoking control is a good thing.As for how to control the spread of tobacco, it is a very knowledgeable and skillful job.

Smoking control in film and television dramas is not difficult. Some time ago, I guest-starred in an online micro-television drama. Although the main creator and director are all smokers, they kept reminding the actors not to hold cigarettes in their hands when acting.Speaking of which, they are all socially responsible people, and there is really no scene involving smoke.This is also very strong in foreign media. I sometimes accept interviews from foreign media, just like when I code words, I can’t write without smoking. Being interviewed by foreign media is a matter of high concentration, but most Overseas media would rather stop filming and wait for you to finish smoking the cigarette than to include the smoking scene.

Sometimes it is not a difficult thing to have no or few smoking scenes in film and television dramas. In recent years, the number of smoking scenes in foreign film and television works has been greatly reduced, and sometimes even the kind of smoking scenes that are common to all people are filmed In the era of smoking, there were not many scenes of smoking.This is related to their regulations, but also related to the degree of consensus in society.

The smoking scenes in film and television dramas actually have little to do with the social environment at that time represented in the work, but have a lot to do with the aesthetics of the current society.In the not-too-distant past, there was an era when smoking was regarded as a masculine beauty, and women who smoked could also put a long cigarette holder in their mouths, even now when I went to France, I saw French beauties smoking on the street. This kind of elegance is also quite seductive.

This is the embodiment of the aesthetic value of the year in the film and television works, and it is also the impression created by the advertisements headed by "Marlboro".But in this era, there has long been a certain consensus in those societies: smoking is bad, not a matter of fashion or temperament, but a matter of harming oneself and others.Although you can throw cigarette butts away in France, you really don’t see anyone smoking in any closed public places, even if everyone in this house smokes, they all go outdoors.

Now that social awareness has changed, there are fewer scenes in film and television works that use tobacco to express masculinity, because this can no longer convey the desired effect, but can only make people more disgusted.When the social consensus changes, the same is true for the change of aesthetics.But it’s hard to say whether we have changed this aesthetic awareness here, especially since many people, in addition to smoking themselves, also regard cigarettes as a lubricant for interpersonal communication and a good gift. speak.In fact, once when I was on a long-distance bus while I was gasping for gas, a passenger actually lit a cigarette there, and I almost punched him in the face.

Therefore, controlling the use of smoking scenes in film and television dramas cannot be effective with a single notice. It can only be really effective when the entire society has an aversion to smoking.But changing this kind of social culture is very difficult, especially in places where our rules are not always well enforced. Often in places where it is clearly stated that smoking is not allowed, there are still people who will pretend to be no one with cigarettes in their mouths. If the "masculinity" of smoking cannot be effectively curbed, the so-called goal of tobacco control is basically a good wish.

how does bad news come about
After People Magazine's third statement came out, probably not many media people planned to discuss news business issues with them. Basically, this is no longer a question of journalistic proficiency, but a question of journalistic ethics.

The statement mentioned that Yuan Lili's son-in-law said that 60% to 70% of adopted children have a mortality rate, and asserted that "this is by no means a successful charity."This assertion lies in ignoring the basic fact that the death rate of abandoned children with congenital deformities is high, ignoring the local socio-economic environment, and only talking about this result.This is equivalent to saying that the hospital is the place with the highest death rate.Is it true?Indeed.In peacetime, the hospital is indeed the place with the highest average death rate, which is much higher than the death rate in your community.

But is there any point given that fact?No.That's what hospitals are supposed to be.If this kind of data is to be meaningful, it is only meaningful after comparing hospitals of the same level, and it also depends on countless variables such as its location, number of patients, and socioeconomic status of patients.

When judging whether Yuan Lili’s charitable behavior is successful, you have to compare it with other similar situations, whether the adopted abandoned children also have such a high rate of congenital deformities, whether their adoption environment is similar, subsidies from government agencies, etc., and then draw conclusions about success.Where is this information?

Simply extracting a number (still an unverified number from a separate source) and covering up other variable reports is not a problem of news business, but a problem of news ethics.Because this is the basic knowledge you should have learned in your first year of journalism: You can't choose to report.

Another of my journalism teachers, Mr. Shi Binhai, once said what is bad news: news of comprehensive lies is not bad news, because it is a purposeful propaganda, the real bad news is that reporters or the media deliberately only report Some known facts that are beneficial to your own conclusions.Such reports are more confusing and oriented than completely false ones, so it is not a problem with news business, but a problem with news ethics.

In addition, "People Magazine" mentioned the inadequacy of the report and said that adjectives were used improperly, which actually belongs to the category of journalistic ethics.

Rupert Murdoch once said: Provide facts, judge by others.This represents a view of news, that is, the news media only need to provide all the facts interviewed, and the conclusions are not drawn by the media.But the news media is also made up of people, and it will inevitably have its own tendencies, which is why some newspapers are called certain newspapers.This also constitutes another view of news: what Netease said is "making news with attitude".

What is an attitude?After doing writing work for a long time, I know that the whole tone can be completely changed by a difference in vocabulary. If "repeatedly defeated and repeatedly defeated" is changed to "repeatedly defeated and repeatedly defeated", the characterization of something will be very different.How to use adjectives, or use as few adjectives as possible in investigative reporting, is basically an ethical issue of how to do journalism.

The derogatory adjectives used extensively in the feature article of "Ms. Powerful" clearly reflect the tone and reporting orientation of the report.News can have attitudes, but for a special person born in such a complex social environment, what kind of adjective is used is the expression of whether a report has correct journalistic ethics.

In my opinion, a report like this should use as few adjectives as possible, or use a small number of neutral adjectives, to have the correct journalistic ethics.Because of the complexity of its environment, it is very difficult to characterize it. If a large number of derogatory adjectives are used, it will harm the fairness of its own reports.This kind of situation is often seen in street stall tabloids that do not pursue fairness at all, but only pursue explosive reports.Therefore, this is not a technical problem, but a big problem with the news ethics of the reporter and the media.

Once there are problems in these aspects, a piece of media cannot be trusted.

64 hands, reunion after a long absence
After watching Wong Kar-wai's "The Great Master", I went back to the community and played 64 moves silently, begging for alms, progressive kicks, rolling elbows and knees, pointing to the sky... the one who was guided by the master back then. The young man practicing Baguazhang seems to have traveled through time and space and returned here.At that time, the sky was not so cloudy, and the child did not have so many worries.

64 hands is not the secret of Baguazhang. Every introductory disciple starts with the eight palms of internal strength, and then the eight movements of turning palms. It takes three years. 64 Hands is different from other routines of Bagua Zhang. It is a straight-forward routine with alternating strength and softness. It is not pure Bagua Kungfu, but has a distinct shadow of Xingyiquan.After practicing here, I have basically started to get in touch with the real combat kung fu of Baguazhang.

I was a lonely child when I was a child. I was weak, partial to science, and loved to read idle books. I was the target of bullying.Such a child is always lonely, so that the word "faxiao" has no meaning for me until now, of course because of the great changes in the living environment, but also because I have never had a real friend.

When I grew up, I was still quite lonely. I had many friends, and I also had a lot of concerns, which I couldn’t even tell my closest relatives.It's not that there is something shameful, but that it doesn't have any effect after saying it.Some people say that the burden will be lightened by saying those words, but this is not the truth.

I live in an era of rapid change, and I am the same as the people who read this article, as well as Ip Man, Miss Gong Er, and Yi Yitian.I am 40 years old this year, and my past life is like "The Grandmaster", unable to tell a complete story.It's not that there are no stories, but those stories are either hidden in the memory, or have dissipated in the air, leaving only fragments.

In junior high school, I was still the shy and lonely child. At that time, I liked a girl in the same class. I passed by her house every day, looking forward to walking with her by chance and walking the remaining 5 minutes to school.I don’t have many memories of those days. When I recall them, there are always cicadas singing, the smell of roof tiles being roasted in the Beijing summer sun, and the aroma of Sophora japonica—should there be Sophora japonica blooming at that time?I don't know, I haven't noticed this plant for many years, and I can only smell the aroma clearly when I occasionally dream back.

Later life is similar to this, and it is all composed of fragments.I don't know if anyone has that kind of lingering memory that puts their life back together, I can't do that.My life is like a scrapbook, full of words and photos, but they are all frozen for a moment, and the life in between has been forgotten.

I think I can understand Wong Kar Wai. "The Great Master" does not tell a complete story and life, just as someone described Hemingway: he wrote all the words between two lines.What Wong Kar-wai tells is a few fragments of individuals in a great era, those people who are coerced, staggering, and unable to control themselves.Some leaves meet by chance, and after this chance encounter, there is no possibility of reunion. Then let's look at it from a larger perspective, whether it is Ip Man or Gong Er, the soy-sauce Yixian Tian, ​​​​they were rushed to Hong Kong by that era. Live there in a disjointed yet tacit understanding.

In this way, did Zhang Zhen really use soy sauce once?No, he is also another leaf, intersecting with Gong Er girl while wandering, that may be the only warm contact that Gong Er girl has with a man other than practicing martial arts, so the spark of her life shines for a while, and then becomes dull go down.

The truth of our lives is a scrapbook. Without a complete plot, no one else can form a truly complete story from anyone else's point of view.Wang Jiawei knew that this was the truth of life, and he expressed it in this way, calmly and nervously.

If a few years pass, I think I will forget what I wrote today, and I may not be able to think of a sentence, but I will remember that when I was writing a certain article, my cat jumped on his knees and soon lay down. fell asleep.Its body temperature and softness remind me more than words.

I have forgotten what "The Grandmaster" said, I want to watch it again.


If life is only as it was first seen, this is an extremely beautiful wish.

I remember that when I first went online, basically personal websites started to rise, and the response speed of our government was often like a long-necked dragon. The tail was chopped off, and the signal had not yet reached the brain, so there was no such thing as GFW at that time. Stuff, the online world is so frank in front of those people who went online in 1996.

After several years of baptism on pornographic websites and political commentary websites, somehow I got into Guantian Tea House in Tianya Community and read more political commentary articles.I remember it was around 2003, when SARS happened, and I happened to leave the investment company. At that time, I was able to speed on the Second Ring Road in Beijing. It can be seen that there were few opportunities for friends to gather, so I picked up the keyboard in boredom. , picked up the craftsmanship of being a reporter back then, and began to code words in Guantian Tea House.Half a year later, Shi Feike recommended me to go to Southern Metropolis Daily to set up my first political commentary column. I wrote it for ten years. At most, I ran 15 columns at the same time, almost becoming a coding machine.Of course, the number of open columns has been consciously reduced now, and I hope to read more books.

These are not the key points. The key point is that the turning point in life actually started from surfing the Internet.

The group that first went online should be said to be relatively good in terms of quality and economic ability, and soon developed from online to offline activities.During this period, there are two things worth mentioning. One is that through a fundraising event at the end of 2003, many netizens have since become real friends.

Another thing is the very avant-garde "Sanwei Bookstore" lectures at that time, which were later called "Citizens' Half-month Talks".This is the public welfare lecture that Zhang Dajun, Chen Yongmiao, Ten Years of Woodcutter and I first raised and organized, once every half a month. From the initial guerrilla fighting to the second floor of Sanwei Bookstore, Zhang Dajun contributed the most, and he was the one who started it at the beginning. There is this idea.Mr. Liu Junning, He Weifang and Cui Weiping were all the keynote speakers.Later, Chaichai and I had different opinions on the direction of the lecture, and we withdrew from this activity one after another.

The direct consequence of this incident was that some former friends thought I was "an undercover agent sent by the relevant department to infiltrate the liberal camp". So far, this news has spread widely. I met Zhao Chu some time ago, and this guy drank too much I asked twice, "Are you an undercover agent?" If Li Chengpeng hadn't pressed his leg under the table to signal, I, who also drank too much, would have knocked the wine bottle on Zhao Chu's head.When I went to eat at Huang Ke's home, the modern Mengchang emperor, Gao Qunshu, who had nothing to do with us, asked the same question. I was speechless at the time.

Saying this is not to express the feeling of "I'm really not an undercover agent", but the "roujiamo" incident between Tang Seng and Mo Zhixu during this period, until the conflict between the Twitter party and the food delivery party, reminds me of What happened back then.

These people who are conflicting online today are basically old friends from the Guantian Tea House back then.Whether it's Tang Seng Rou, Mo Zhixu, Xiaoshu, Beifeng, Jiuduan or some people whose IDs I can't remember back then, they are all friends who got together and got drunk online and offline in those years.

From being honest and supporting each other back then to today's mutual attacks and accusations of undercover spies, this is probably how life is.This is also the reason why I have gradually moved away from the so-called liberals over the years. This is not because of different ideas. In fact, many times I still help each other in thinking and actions, but why bother to be suspicious?Since people look down on me as a technical school student (of course, many of these people don't know my real education background), and think you are an undercover agent, let's just forget about it.

The reason why I wrote this thing is not to discuss the effectiveness of my undercover work, but someone asked, if you asked Tang Seng and Song Shinan whether they violated their original intentions, what about you?

I would like to first talk about what is my original intention.

Our group was truly enlightened under the education of the "Towards the Future" series of books published in the 80s, and we still believe that freedom is the goal pursued by a person and a society.This original intention has not changed today, even though we have become more and more secular these years, enjoying good wine and food, beautiful cars and beautiful women, but some things have been carved into our bones, and these things will make us faint Pain, that is a scar that will never heal, and it will never heal for life.

Some things have also changed, such as the means to achieve this social goal, from being radical in youth to reform today, from overthrowing an old system and building a new country from the ruins, to building while reforming, to avoid social turmoil , these are changed concepts.Maybe I'm becoming more and more mediocre, or maybe it's because I'm getting old.

In fact, many people's original intentions have not changed, what has changed is the surprise and friendship they first met in life.Before there was no Internet, these seemingly many people were actually like a handful of pepper noodles sprinkled into a huge marching pot, each of them existed alone. After the Internet, the enthusiasm for finding an organization when meeting for the first time , Temporarily submerge the differences in personality and understanding between each other, and after some things have passed, these differences will explode.

And those of us who grew up in this society have not learned to seek common ground while reserving differences to coexist, and the philosophy of struggle still follows "you are trash, undercover, and have low morals (or high moral standards), so what you say is wrong In this way, the purpose of the debate is not to convince the other party or the audience, but to express how one is right, and that oneself is the only way. This is also true of the nonsense, the establishment of a normal society is the result of the compromise of various forces , which onion do you count?
Therefore, when I was asked whether I had lost my original intention, what I wanted to say was "if life is just like seeing it at first sight", how good it would be.Do you still remember that after the royal garden talked about constitutionalism, when we drank, the leftists and rightists had to say "brother, I think" first?Do you still remember those scenes at the entrance of Sanwei Bookstore to deliver supplies to the petitioning village?Do you still remember the table full of money you collected before you published a book together and didn’t even know the other party’s real name?

If you still remember, I hope you can still remember the words of Yang Zhizhu: I don’t doubt anyone, because what I do can be placed in the sun, only those who can’t be placed in the sun, they can and should Dark suspicion.

Words are our family business

It has been a long time since Mr. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. In addition to the continued brisk sales of books, gossip about him has almost been dug out.Or Mr. Mo Yan is not an interesting person in his life while his writing is unrestrained and flying in the sky.But among the gossip news about him after he won the award, there are two that impressed me deeply. One is that Mr. Chen Guangbiao, who is famous for stir frying charity dishes, said that he would give him a house; the other is that the government of Mo Yan’s hometown The organization wants to renovate its former residence, and it is wild to say that this matter is no longer up to them.

The fun thing about the latter thing is that once you achieve something, you can't even decide whether to renovate your own house. You can simply confiscate Mr. Mo Yan.The background of Mr. Chen Guangbiao’s giving away the house is also quite interesting. It is because Mo Yan said that he got a bonus and wanted to buy a bigger house in Beijing. As a result, netizens in Beijing pointed out cruelly that his little money was really worth buying in Beijing. Can't afford a big house.The ending of this incident is also interesting. Mo Yan's family responded that "you will not be rewarded for nothing", and Chen Guangbiao was touched by a soft nail.It is said that there are still people who want to repair Mr. Mo Yan's house in the future, but all of them have been declined.

If you leave aside the local government in Mo Yan’s hometown, others are more or less sincerely trying to give the Nobel Prize winner some convenience and benefits, but if Mr. Mo Yan accepts this matter, he probably will. It's not Mo Yan.Perhaps in the future he may accept many unsolicited benefits, but at least not yet, because he is still a writer and literati.

Chinese writers should probably be described by the number of cars. Every year when the Writers Association meets, you can see the grand scene of crowds, not to mention that this is only a large Writers Association, and those small Writers Associations in various places are not included.Ordinarily, there is nothing wrong with having an association of writers themselves, but some things make this kind of thing look less innocent, such as the government's assessment of the so-called national level writers, and the distribution of money to support them.

In fact, people who provide spiritual products are fundamentally supported by society. After all, if a society has no surplus food, it is difficult to produce people who specialize in producing spiritual products. Everyone is busy farming, hunting and picking fruits to fill their stomachs. Not interested in doing this.Even in ancient times or in the West, there were still people who sponsored cultural and other undertakings. In addition to avoiding taxes and expressing their own tastes, there were still some cultural connotations in it.

But the point of this matter is not who supports writers or other cultural people, but that no matter who does this matter, it is best for the government not to intervene.This is because the so-called "eat other people's mouths are short, and others' hands are short", and they are supported within the system. In addition to suffocating their artistic life, they can only raise a bunch of meat horns.The government's money comes from the common people, and using the common people's money to support a group of meat speakers to shout to the public is more insulting to literature and art, and more insulting to the IQ of the common people.

Of course, from the perspective that practitioners of literature and art often do not make money, government funding is sometimes unavoidable, but this kind of funding must not be in the form of that kind of salary, nor is it set at a certain level like an official, but rather There are cultural programs that allow artists to get paid to create whatever they want to express.

Writing is our family business, which is beyond the comprehension of some imperial literati who are fed by the system.Only by abandoning those hotbeds can there be truly good works handed down to the world.

Therefore, whether it is Chen Guangbiao or those ordinary people who plan to build Mo Yan's house, they are actually part of the private funding, but they are more like icing on the cake, not a gift in a timely manner.And all the so-called writers who earn their wages and rely on this to support their families are like frogs boiled in warm water.Of course, some frogs liked the warm water quite a bit, and they weren't really writers at all.From this point of view, Mr. Mo Yan is still a real writer after all.

(End of this chapter)

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