Chinese self-confidence and inferiority

Chapter 5 Just How Expensive Social Justice Really Is

Chapter 5 Just How Expensive Social Justice Really Is
Don't deal with people who say nothing

Some time ago, when the head of the environmental protection bureau in Cang County, Hebei Province was interviewed by the media, he said that the groundwater in the area under his control was red when it was pumped out. The general meaning was that red bean soup is also red, and it’s okay to drink it.Then he was called "Chief Red Bean" - sorry, probably the former "Chief Red Bean" now, because the dude was fired a few days later.The news in the past two days is that the local government and the factory have apologized and promised to be responsible.

The local people are not very satisfied with this attitude: "Frozen three feet does not happen in a day. For so many years, we have been living near chemical plants. To what extent is the underground water and soil polluted? How deep can the groundwater be? For people to drink, whether the treatment plan can fundamentally restore a clean living environment for the villagers, we all hope that these can be announced to the public and implemented in the "sunshine"." The practice is also quite complaining. "The person in charge of the enterprise said that the environmental protection department has passed the annual inspection, and the enterprise has a sewage discharge permit issued by the Cangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau. If the groundwater is not up to standard as Academician Wang Hao said, is the behavior of the Cangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau suspected of dereliction of duty? ?”

Of course, we have reasons to doubt the effect of this responsibility and apology.First of all, this man was dismissed not because there was a problem with the environment under his rule, but because his mouth was too big and he said too absurd things.When a director of the Environmental Protection Bureau said this, if he was abroad, his official career would basically be terminated. It is hard to say whether he will be able to return to another place in China, but at least he will definitely not be an official for the time being.

An official was not resigned because of his poor political performance, but was dismissed because of the nonsense of this person. If you want to say that the local environment will improve in the future, it is estimated that ghosts would not believe it.This is nothing more than a cover. The man has been in office for such a long time, and the villagers have reported the problem for so long. If this news stunt has not attracted a lot of attention, it is almost certain that the official will be safe and secure, and he will not bid farewell like this at all.After the dismissal, we did not see any other measures, including the investigation that should have been launched against him, which proves that the local government just wanted to cover up the matter, and did not think about solving the matter from the root.

We can understand the contradiction between economic development and environmental protection, but we also know that this contradiction can be controlled within a certain range.If it cannot be controlled within the scope, it is either that there is something wrong with the project itself, or there is something wrong with the person in charge.In fact, there may well be problems on both fronts.Just apologizing and asking the company to rectify is basically a cutscene.

Unfortunately, that's how things tend to work out around here, and we have to wait for a news stunt that's big enough to spark social outrage before we get temporary relief.The reasons for this situation are very complicated. On the one hand, the government’s disregard for the demands of the people has reached an appalling level; Only alternative stimuli can increase attention.With the joint efforts of the two parties, the entire environment became uncontrollable.

No matter what the reason is, this problem must be attributed to the government. This is because they have not established a reasonable mechanism so that every civil appeal can be reasonably responded to and resolved. Instead, they continue to ignore and suppress people. He is dissatisfied with his dissatisfaction. Occasionally such an incident occurs, and he has to wait until the news media exposes it extensively and the official's superiors can't sit still before they come forward to fool them.

In such a state, can our environment be saved?From what I've seen, it's really hopeless.

Eulogy 01
Perhaps this world will never allow people to enjoy complete fairness while they are alive, but some people say that there is always one thing that is fair, and that is death.In fact, death is not fair. If you have money, you may get better medical conditions and live longer. Even if you die, you may be engraved on a monument and immortalized forever. I hope that "you will be full for life in a happy year, and you will be free from death in an unlucky year." When you die, you just need to have a little dignity. It would be best if you can die in bed.

The recent death of a lady in Beijing is absurd. She walked on the road without messing with anyone, and the pavement under her feet just collapsed, filled with boiling water from pipelines.I will not talk about the descriptive sentences in the news, it is too cruel to write them out.The lady with a young child struggled with this injury for nine days, during which she was sober for a while, but finally failed to refuse the call of death.I don't know how painful she is when she is awake. The tug-of-war between body and spirit, life and death must be equally cruel.

After her death, the department responsible for this came out and announced that this was a liability accident and it would definitely be dealt with.Of course, it is not impossible to say that it is a liability accident, after all, there are people who still have to bear the responsibility.But in the area of ​​public roads, such liability accidents may be more similar to "endangering public safety".

When it comes to public safety, when we walk on the street, no matter the sun is shining or the sky is cloudy, except for meteorites or privileged cars rampaging, we always hope that we are walking in a relatively safe place, except for force majeure. More disasters will befall us.It's a pity that such accidents always happen. Walking on the streets that should be considered safe, even in cities where there are no typhoons that can blow tiles off, you are not so sure.

There was once a book summarizing the many strange ways people die. Seeing those strange ways of leaving this world makes people feel that fate is quite creative.But what is more worth reading in this book is the preface, which says that among the tens of billions of people who have appeared in the world, not many of them can actually die. Most of our ancestors died of various wars, famines, Natural disasters, man-made disasters.Only in the present age has the full journey through biological age become an expected thing in society.

It is also under this expectation that such an unbearable way of death will be even more shocking.Why do we self-proclaimed civilized people work so hard and pay our taxes?Isn't it just that I hope that I can complete my not-so-long time in a world where I can have basic expectations?And these public facilities with the taxes we pay and the painstaking efforts have turned out to be killers in a certain sense, and the efforts of this society have become a kind of vain.

What's more, this is not the first time this has happened.If it is said that accidents are always inevitable, there are too many accidents here.When public security incidents occurred frequently last year, I said that there will likely be more incidents in the next few years. This is because after years of rapid construction, many shoddy public facilities have entered a dangerous period. , and the shelf life indicated by these things can be far longer than the actual use period, and it is likely to become a place where souls are chased unconsciously.Coupled with the sense of responsibility that is far from commendable here, this kind of crisis named after accidents of responsibility, which is actually a failure of conscience, will continue to occur one after another.

Sometimes we may ask: accident or tomorrow, which one will come first?When I wrote "eulogy 01", this is a number, because I don't know which one will be written at the end.

Why is the orphanage on fire?

A fire broke out in a private and semi-public orphan adoption home in Lankao, Henan. So far, seven children have been killed. The latest news says that the founder of the orphan adoption home has been brought under control.

To be honest, I felt very awkward when I wrote the beginning of the above. What does "orphan adoption family" mean?Speaking of it, what we can understand is that an ordinary family adopts orphans, but a person who is not well-off and makes a living from a small stall adopts 34 children at home. I can’t imagine why it can’t be called an orphanage, but only It can be said to be an orphan adoption family.The only reason I can think of is that this place has not been recognized and approved by any government, and it can only be regarded as an adopted family.

As a family, the adopter can only rely on his own strength to take care of the child. He should not have the grandiose financial allocation of those government-run orphanages, and there are not many social groups that will pay attention to and raise donations. He can only use his meager income to support the children. feed these children.The conditions of such a place will definitely not be very good, or we say that such a place is destined to be in poor condition, and it is not surprising that various accidents occur.

I have visited some government-run orphanages. It is said that the national and local finances allocate 1.2 yuan per person per year to support the children there. It seems that the conditions are better than those children with both parents.This is a kind of social welfare of the country, and it is difficult for us to say anything.

But at the same time, I also know that there are some people in the society who want to do good deeds. Among these people, there are not many rich and powerful people, and they are often at the bottom of society. For example, a pair of old people who pick up waste have supported many children .Not only can they not get financial support from the state, they can't even solve their children's household registration, let alone provide their children with proper education.What is the gap between government-run and this kind of family?
In fact, it is just a difference of identity.To put it bluntly, it is difficult for the government to give this legal identity to the people.In theory, it is international practice to strictly control orphanages, places that require financial strength, social prestige, and management priorities, but when it comes to this, we have to talk about the "special national conditions" that are always mentioned here: many places actually They are not able or willing to take care of all orphans and abandoned babies, or have no such ability at all.

But if you don’t do this kind of thing or do less, and the folks don’t get the proper status when they want to do it, the approval is in line with international standards, and the national conditions are also special. The final result is that the folks can’t do what they want. The official does not occupy the pit.And this kind of personal behavior of the people is often more difficult to supervise, because they can't get more support from the social resources of the people, so they can only exist in a crude way. Really opened my eyes.

This is how the non-governmental power of Chinese charity has been wasted and marginalized.The real reason is that our government always wants to play the role of an omnipotent government, only in this way can it feel that it controls society.But there is no government in this world that can be omniscient and omnipotent. Even a half-knowledge is a compliment. With such a half-knowledge, it has formed a management model in which I do nothing and you don’t do it. When something goes wrong, the bad luck is Caring people with those kids too.

Therefore, I really want to reduce the occurrence of such tragedies. Basically, we need to separate social charity from the state where everything must be approved by the government. The official charity funded by the government should also be operated by non-governmental organizations. The main thing is to pay and supervise, and they don't need to worry about other things.This is the same as in the economy. All fields where the government withdraws are booming. Where the government dominates, it is either very bad, or it creates a bunch of monopoly institutions to exploit the people.

As of today, this incident is no longer an isolated fire incident, but a torture to our overall social management and social charity.If we cannot manage public welfare and public charity with the thinking of a normal society, not only will the kindness be cold, but the public space of society will further collapse.

Picked up by Leuer
"Picking Leaks" is the dream of everyone who plays with antiques.

In other industries, it is normal to buy what you buy but not to sell. This is because people have been immersed in this industry for many years, and they are basically in a state of information inequality. You have no way to compete with him.This is probably only possible in the antique industry in this world, because it is hard to imagine the variety of antique categories. There is a kind of grassroots practitioner in our industry, which is called "shoveling the ground". People who buy old objects, they have some basic understanding of antiques, but they don’t know everything. It’s not impossible for you to catch up with good things by chance.

Most people probably think that the act of picking up leaks is to go to the antique market early in the morning, and then find a treasure among thousands of Xibei goods, which can be called picking up leaks. In fact, the highest level is picking up at auctions. This rank is not attainable by ordinary people.

Once I made a show with Mr. Ma Weidu, a famous collector. I have to explain this. In the arena of antiques, my status is that I have no status. It is far from enough to be a guest partner with Mr. Ma. That time I recorded other programs. A program group was caught by a guest and caught me on the head. They were talking about porcelain and woodware. My role is basically to talk about cross talk: "You are so good, you are right" and so on— — Mr. Ma said about his experience of picking up leaks at auctions.

Speaking of which, it was a small shoot, and it was also Mr. Ma's favorite place to go. When he entered, he found a blue and white vase on the bottom of the shelf. It was marked as "Qing Dynasty Blue and White Porcelain Vase". Mr. Ma asked someone to take it out for a look and then put it back After another day, I found someone and took this bottle back. When I got it, I saw nothing: blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty.Mr. Ma lamented that if the bottle mouth was not a little damaged, this item would have been at least tens of millions, but now it is only a few million.I cheered next to me and said, "How much did you pay for the photo?" "28." Then I planned to wash up and go to sleep.

But do you think this is easy to come across?Mr. Ma is such an awesome person, people say that this is the biggest leak I have picked up in the past two years, how many opportunities can other people have in their lives?Often because of the eagerness to pick up the leak, it is often picked up by the leak.

A few days ago, I went to a friend’s club, and the hostess took out her mobile phone and showed me the photos. Someone sent her a jade bracelet that looked very high-end and was said to be from a player.Coincidentally, I also have these photos in my mobile phone, which were sent to me by a friend who claims to be a high-ranking official, saying that the high-ranking official needs money, and it is cheap to sell property.The two stories are a pair, and it's straight to the point.Emerald is not my forte, and I originally planned to go and see it myself, but now we are both free.

In fact, this is the simplest scam, and it is said that it uses people's psychology of wanting to pick up leaks.To be honest, almost everyone has a dream of getting rich overnight. The reason why scammers exist is to take advantage of this dream that everyone has had.As long as you have the purpose of picking up the leak, you will often be blindfolded by the possible benefits, and in the end it will not be the pick-up, but will be picked up by the leak.Therefore, the first element of antique business is two words: quit greed.

Charity money should flow slowly
It is reported that the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the "China Urban Charity Project Index (2010-2011)".According to the report, the charity income of 2011 sample cities in 264 was 212.02 billion yuan, a decrease from 241.19 billion yuan in the previous year, but the expenditure increased by 13% year-on-year.Regarding the overall decrease in urban charitable income, the official explanation is that the reasons for the decrease in charitable donation income in the country are similar, mainly because there were fewer disasters last year.

Many people may find this very strange. Why are there fewer disasters and less charity income?This is actually not surprising, it is the case all over the world.We human beings are social animals. We form a society and establish a basic moral and cultural system for the purpose of living in groups. When some people suffer from natural disasters and man-made disasters, they will inevitably have sympathy for others. Mouth, in modern society, it may be to take out your own wallet.

And big disasters are often widely known through modern communication channels. As you know, modern communication is basically all-round and multimedia, which makes people feel more present.If there is impulsive consumption in this world, there will naturally be impulsive charity.Charity is actually a kind of consumption, what you buy is the sublimation of your own sense of existence and sympathy.Some people may think this is too cold, but it is often the case, and this impulse is not derogatory, in fact, it is an inevitable quality we live in this society.Even if some government-run charities prove to be untrustworthy afterwards, when disaster strikes, people will still pull out their wallets.

What's interesting about this news isn't the fact that there's no reduction in disaster donations, but the problems behind it.You see, if you do a little bit of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, you will know that about 29 billion yuan in charitable donations disappeared last year.What is the reason for the decline in charitable giving other than the absence of disasters?I happen to know two, one is the endless scandals of various government-run charities, and the other is that everyone is still short of money.

The first one must be needless to say, from the incident of a certain youth foundation back then, to the Guo Meimei incident, and after the earthquake, charitable donations actually entered the pockets of the finances. If we say that everyone still has trust in official charity, I am afraid that Not fact.The reason why there are so many donations, in addition to the dissemination of information asymmetry, may also be because private charity has not really become the main force after all, and because government-run charities are often backed by administrative power. Sometimes they are basically beggars with guns. Begging and robbery.I don’t know if you still remember that a certain cross society would not let off even elementary school students, and they had to pay a certain amount of money to serve as volunteers.

The second is caused by the social environment.In the past few years, prices have risen in turn, but our income has not increased enough, and we have no money in our pockets to do charity, so we always lack confidence.As for why there is no money in the pocket, this involves a wide range. All in all, it is basically because of the economic environment and tax policies, which lead to the shrinking of charitable donations in an environment of high inflation.

Another overlooked point of concern is the phrase "expenditures increased by 13% year-on-year", which means that in a state of shrinking donations, expenditures have increased instead.The official explanation for this is likely to be the improvement of efficiency and the expansion of charity coverage. I think this is a sign of the decline of society to some extent. Only money can be used for medical treatment and education.This statement is not nonsense. The official itself admits that there are no major catastrophic incidents, but without such incidents, the expenditure has increased instead. The reason behind it is probably self-evident.

So from such a piece of news, what we can see is far more than the issue of charitable donations. There are countless deep-seated reasons behind it. Charity is a social vane, and the current direction of this vane is quite pessimistic.

what are the rules

One of the more popular news during this period is that the ancient city of Fenghuang has implemented the so-called "one-ticket system", that is, a one-time ticket fee of 148 yuan is charged, and then you can obtain the qualification to roam freely in the ancient city of Fenghuang.There are two direct results of this incident. One is that the government received 227 million yuan in ticket fees in the first week, but the small businesses and hawkers in the city are more miserable. Some people only do business for 18 yuan a day. No one is there.So much ticket money is basically group guests.Another incident happened when a local Phoenix man took his girlfriend home, but he was blocked outside the city because he was not a direct relative, which made the brother feel very embarrassed.

I don't want to talk about the previous matter. I believe many people have their own judgments.Of course, the local government must have its own judgment. They feel that their resources are unique. Traveling here is a rigid need, and they just need to sit on the ground and collect money.Tourists also have their own judgments, and feel that they have to reduce their consumption in the city after spending the entrance fee.In the end, we can see a seesaw effect, that is, the cost that tourists could have spent in the ancient city is reduced, and the local government has received direct revenue.

And someone broke the news that the local government did not charge directly for this matter, but sold the ancient city to a tourism and cultural company, mainly for the purpose of packaging and listing.What's more interesting is that when the local government responded to the prospective Phoenix daughter-in-law who was blocked outside the ancient city, she said a reason: when the rules are set, they should be serious.

The matter of rules is often a weakness here. This weakness does not mean that we have no rules here, but that it often depends on who the rules are for.For example, if you beat up the stewardess on the plane, you may go directly to the shift room. If some people do this, it is likely to apologize.

The ancient city of Fenghuang was betrayed and charged, and this serious behavior of strictly abiding by the rules is exactly the truth of the rules here.If we think about it, we will know that the ancient city of Fenghuang is not the property of the local government. It contains countless painstaking efforts and services from the local people and other investors. If it is packaged and sold, what are the rules?I heard that we have a hearing system here, and sometimes there are rumors that a hearing was successfully held in a certain place, and the participants have been happily welcoming some kind of public service price increase.But he didn't even do such a face-saving thing, and started collecting money directly.

At the same time, the implementation of the rules against Xiaomin has been quite serious.Here we can't wrong the local government, they finally let the girl enter the ancient city without paying.But even so, the seriousness of the implementation of this rule is in line with their treatment of this ancient city.

The problems we have here often lie at the level of this rule.There is a slogan called "Enforcement must be strictly enforced, and violations must be prosecuted." In fact, we have made a lot of progress in legislation, but there are always big problems in implementation.why?This is because the intertwining of various powers has made it difficult to achieve real fairness in law enforcement. In the face of these official strict rules for small people and their own arbitrary actions, there is no reasonable supervision mechanism to restrain their profit-making. Impulse—let's think about it, how much wealth is condensed in such an ancient city?How could it be counted into the not-so-large shares of a company?If there is no trick behind this, it is estimated that ghosts would not believe it.The incident in the ancient city of Fenghuang is a microcosm of our society.

Not all waste oil is a standard problem

According to the news, Yunnan Fengrui Oil Company, which accounted for 30% of the sales in Yunnan, was found to have sold 3 tons of waste oil, enough to feed 150 million people for a year.Yunnan is one of the places I often go to. According to this ratio, I probably won’t be spared. As for how many people in Yunnan will be spared, I don’t plan to estimate it. It’s definitely not optimistic enough.

Regarding how harmful waste oil is, how to collect it, and how to form an industrial chain, these are issues that the news media and the judiciary should be concerned about. We know that our kitchen and dining table are not safe enough.But here is a very interesting detail: when defending themselves, the operators of the company involved said that the lard they used to refine edible lard was indeed gutter oil, but the state has never issued a regulation on edible lard in this field. In fact, there are no national standards for the raw materials of edible lard, and no one can tell what is "absolute oil".

When I was a child, I also made lard at home.At that time, it was an era of scarcity of materials. When buying meat, you had to buy fatter meat, and then use the lean meat to cook vegetables, and the fat to refine oil. After refining, not only lard can be used, but the oil residue is also the best in a life of scarcity. Food, whether dipped in sugar or salt, delights us kids who rarely get to see meat stars.Speaking of "absolute oil" is probably this kind of oil, which does not require any national standards, because we will not harm ourselves.

How many "national standards" do we really need?We are fortunate to live in a country that is famous for its food all over the world. Unfortunately, there are countless kinds of ingredients, and in our place, with the help of advanced technology, various "scientific" methods of deception have also been refurbished.Can we formulate a national standard for every ingredient?I don't think any country in this world can do it.

So what if a national standard is really formulated?If you recall the melamine-tainted milk powder incident, you can know that this technology was developed precisely to meet the provisions of the national standard.Some people may not have noticed a detail in this incident: this technology was promoted by a certain company as a new application technology.

Originally, I was a person who recognized the supremacy of the system. I believed that a good system can restrain people's hearts. As long as we have well-established standards, strict implementation, and conscientious law enforcement, we can achieve the goal of long-term stability.But now I have some doubts about this idea.

Institutions and standards are not omnipotent. Although without them it is absolutely impossible, but in many cases it depends on people's own constraints to be effective.Take the matter of the national standard for lard as an example. Anyone who knows that some things cannot be used as raw materials, even if there is no standard, these are purely common sense.And this company uses a large number of retail investors from all over the country to buy crushed manure, fat, animal offal, dead fish and fish bones as raw materials. "There are plastics and peppers floating in the crude oil." can smell it”; “there is copper rust and plastic barrel lids inside the oil”, and there are even skulls on the oil barrels that are usually used as highly toxic signs. The chairman of the company even admitted that there is industrial oil in it.

This is a bad heart, no matter how many standards and system constraints, he will not do business seriously.Hard constraints are naturally necessary for the normal functioning of a society, but another necessary condition is soft constraints, that is, normal values ​​and moral laws.Whether we have done a good job in the former will not be said, while the latter has already collapsed across the board.As for why it collapsed, it’s not easy to say it directly. Let me add it yourself at the beginning: when economic development is the only pursuit, value is a question of how much it is worth.

Sora Aoi

Some time ago, the famous Japanese "movie star" Sola Aoi went to a certain place to participate in an event. It was reported that he had attracted millions of dollars and was crowded with viewers.We are all grown-ups, and I can say without hesitation that if there is a chance to watch her up close, I will definitely go. Although I haven’t seen her movie, I still want to go because of her name.

According to the practice of our country, there will naturally be people who will come out and say "the world is going down, people's hearts are not old".About this I must say that you are really using the wrong term.The world style here really didn’t go downhill since Japanese AVs. It’s been going downhill all the time. In recent years, it’s just going downhill a little faster. It’s mainly thanks to the gift of various imported cultures. Personally, I think there is nothing wrong with going downhill. There is a sign at the bottom of the slope after going downhill, and the two characters on it are "Humanity".As for saying that the human heart is not ancient, it is even more unreliable. When I was on the Qinhuai River and in the Eight Great Hutongs, I didn’t see where the human heart went. I only saw the scene of the pocket and the crotch.

In fact, to put it bluntly, we have never had the kind of prosperity and prosperity of Mr. Taoism here, and it has always been heaven and earth.Is there anything strange about this?Eating and eating men and women, human desires exist, and the matter of men and women is one of the driving forces of social development. Preserving the principles of nature and destroying human desires are simply nonsense. Of course it is possible to control human desires. This is how society develops. Saying who to destroy is basically an impossible task.In addition, let me say that if the prosperous age of Mr. Daoxue really existed, we, the most populous country in the world, would really not know how it came about.

But Sora Aoi's popularity from the computer hard drive to the real world is not the same as the popularity of "Qinhuai Eight Beauty".Back then, Qinhuai Bayan was held up by literati, and they did have real cultural qualities. Mr. Aoi Sora may not lose to others in terms of appearance, but there should still be a gap in cultural qualities. Calligraphy is not bad, but it can’t be said to what extent.Her popularity is not only due to the gift of new media, but also the result of our special national conditions.

Our current situation is different from the time when Qinhuai was beautiful. From an ideological point of view, we are now a Puritan country. Don't talk about CET-[-], CET-[-], top-level, at most it is emphasizing that it is best to pass CET-[-] or CET-[-] in English.Such a society of honest and gentlemen is quite open in terms of social life. Even a county town has an unlisted red-light district. Residential buildings get all kinds of leaflets, and various instant communication tools are dubbed "magic tools for dating".

What's even more interesting is that people who used to talk about the construction of a clean government often find their private lives quite chaotic after their downfall, which fully fits the description of "full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, full of male thieves and female prostitutes".When a society is conservative in official ideology but open in reality, and those who promote such conservative values ​​are often hypocrites, the public will not take such propaganda seriously.

But the folks do not have the right to speak and the actual power to change this social reality, we can only watch such things always happen on various occasions.Sora Aoi just landed on the mainland to develop, and she is in a relatively gray area, that is: we all know what she has done; the relevant departments also know what she has done; what she does not do now is very important, which makes people feel uncomfortable The moral level really blocked her.But one of the girls we downloaded back then finally stood here alive and despised the moral values ​​of hypocrites with a generous attitude. Such a person is worth pursuing.

Many people may not realize that when doing this, they are not pursuing a former idol, but refuting a kind of social absurdity.But the gesture is enough, and we can see a crack in the wall of that pretentious nobility.At the same time, I would like to say something to the real gentleman who really doesn't like this state: If you can understand this truth, don't embarrass Aoi-sensei, and ask this hypocritical world.

headache doctor hair

There is an old saying that "heal the head for a headache, and treat the foot for a foot pain". It mainly means that when the root cause is not found, we can only find a treatment plan for the superficial symptoms.But you must have never seen a hair doctor when you have a headache. The main reason is that it is too outrageous and no one believes it.However, sometimes we can find such examples in social life.

According to the "21st Century Business Herald", the National Bureau of Statistics released the National Consumer Price Index for June, showing that in June, housing prices rose by 6% year-on-year, of which housing rents rose by 6%, and housing rents have continued to rise since 3.1 trend and has risen for 4.1 consecutive months.The following things are more amazing: the regulation of the rental market has been launched, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce have issued notices requiring all localities to rectify the intermediary market, thereby regulating the rental market.

It is definitely wrong to say that there are no problems in the intermediary industry, but it is hard to say how big the problem is.Let's not talk about black intermediaries, it's not a market problem.From a purely economic point of view, the intermediary's impact on rental housing prices is not that great at all.

Some friends said that many intermediaries would raise housing prices, rent them at a low price and then rent them out at a higher price, etc. In fact, these statements have other reasonable explanations, which have little to do with the intermediary itself. No matter how these two situations manifest, the There is only one reason: the price of renting a house has risen, and the intermediary uses information asymmetry to earn intermediary fees.This is the problem of the rental market itself, and the behavior of the intermediary is the performance and response of this problem.

And different from what many people imagine, the rental market is a fully competitive market. No intermediary can monopolize the housing supply, and they can only collect commissions by renting out the house. His interests have raised the rental price. If the business cannot be reached, they will have no income.We can do a thinking exercise here to see if the increase in rental prices is the willingness of the intermediary, whether they will have this ability and willingness.

Your house is going to be rented for 3000 yuan, and the agent can tell you that all the surrounding houses are rented for [-] yuan. This impulse is there, because usually the agency fee is one month’s rent, and it is definitely good to earn more.But if three thousand three thousand and three cannot be rented out, and the tenant is only willing to pay two thousand and nine nine, the intermediary will not go through fire and water for the benefit of the homeowner, but will persuade both parties to make concessions, because the money can only be received if the transaction is completed.The intermediary services are neither homeowners nor tenants, but serve their own interests and indirectly serve the market.

This market determines the final rental price, what we should ask is what happened to the market.Quite simply, this market is developing abnormally.

It has long been no secret that local finance relies on land sales, which is an important reason for the high housing prices.Another reason is that a large number of super-issued currencies have entered the market, and there must be some product that can deposit so much money.And real estate just so happens to be the right product.To put it simply, if you lose money, you have to buy something to ensure that it will not continue to depreciate. Buying a house as an investment is currently a good choice.

If the housing price is high, the rent will naturally be high. After all, the rent-to-sale ratio is still low in China. Many houses need to be rented for decades to recover the cost. If you are a homeowner, you will not be satisfied with this input-output ratio. It may look like your home has appreciated in value, but that's money on paper, not cash in your pocket.At the same time, inflation is also present at all levels of society, and rents are bound to rise in line with the market.

Therefore, it is definitely wrong to say that there is no problem with the intermediary, but the problem of the intermediary is not a fig leaf, just like real estate developers are not the reason for rising housing prices, and Wenzhou real estate speculators are not the reason for rising housing prices. This kind of statement basically avoids the most important thing Even the demand of local finance for land finance is not a real problem, but just a manifestation.Only by asking the right questions can we find the answer. If we don’t say what’s wrong with the housing price or even the whole economy, we can only look at the headache and change it to an anti-dandruff shampoo to solve it.

The ancestral grave in my heart cannot be leveled
Some time ago, the Zhoukou area of ​​Henan Province carried out a campaign to clear the graves. The slogan was of course very grand, and it was to protect the cultivated land.At the time, some scholars pointed out that, in fact, this was to fill the gap caused by the commercial land with the extra arable land area created by the burial, and then obtain more commercial and industrial land indicators.This is because the country has a minimum red line for arable land. Once too much arable land is occupied, large-scale projects will be rejected.

All the ancestral graves in the countryside were flattened and all kinds of cruel words were said. When the Spring Festival came, the ancestral graves in many places were piled up again.Henan is also a major exporter of labor services. Migrant workers from all over the country saw this after returning home, and immediately restored their ancestral graves.There is really no religious tradition in our place in China. What has a bit of religious tradition is ancestor worship. If you flatten someone’s ancestral grave, it is tantamount to destroying their religious belief.

I believe that many people have already said a lot about the good and bad of the policy of flat graves. There must be a lot of verbal criticism of the local government's behavior of putting on political correctness and selling dog meat for economic benefits. I don't know if anyone has noticed this. No point: There have been fundamental changes in non-governmental resistance to unreasonable policies.

If 20 years ago, if you were asked to bury your grave, you could only bury it, or fight at the initial stage, and then you would never have a chance to recover.This is because our society was in an atomized state back then, and everyone could only exist alone without much horizontal connection.

This is also the reason why the governance was good back then, and we can even say that it was a deliberate consequence.Only such an atomized and scattered society can people get what they want.

As the years go by, some things have been changed by technology.For example, we can imagine the process of restoring the ancestral grave: after returning from work, Shuanzi saw that the ancestral grave was leveled, and immediately called several co-workers who came back at the same time to talk about it, and then everyone was indignant on the phone, suddenly The pillar said, how about we round up the grave?Several people hit it off, and then contacted friends to start doing this.And when this communication is generally developed, it can spread throughout the countryside in half a day.

The Chinese have a characteristic. Once someone starts doing something, the next thing will become a chain reaction.If this behavior was carried out in the past, it would take half a month to achieve the scale effect it has today, and this time is enough for the local government to flatten the heads and graves of those who started. At this speed, before the government responds, Everything has been done.What should the government do?Flat again?That is likely to be a head-on confrontation.

This is one thing that modern society tells the rulers: Before you introduce a policy that affects the majority of people, you must understand that the structure of this society has changed. The dissemination of information made the original high pressure not necessarily so effective.Originally, you could concentrate on attacking those who took the lead, but now you can generally move at the same time. Your strength is insufficient.

Therefore, this is not a simple struggle to clear the grave, but a test of governing ability.For now, although there is no winner or loser, it can already be clearly seen that the official has no experience and ability to deal with this situation.Chinese society has stepped out of a state of disunity, and any attempt to challenge this reality will inevitably be challenged equally.If we cannot face up to this change and continue to use our power to act recklessly, we may encounter extremely serious confrontation.Zhoukou government, are you ready?

Do good deeds and be scolded
The leaders of the State Administration of Taxation don't know if they are going online. If they do, they will find that the department they lead is another sad reminder.The reason lies in their new policy, which still sounds absurd. The announcement issued by the tax department stated that if the tax payable and late payment fee on the tax payment certificate issued by the competent tax authority is less than 1 yuan, the Taxes and late fees are zero.In layman's terms, when paying taxes, people wipe off the odds, and from then on, the figures of a few cents are not included in the commandments of tax invoices, which is a good idea (modified from the lines of "Shaolin Temple").

Due to the magnification effect of the media, this incident was ridiculed to death.This is also to blame for the improper wording of the State Administration of Taxation, which advertised this as a preferential tax policy.It’s no wonder that ordinary people don’t buy it when they boast about themselves. In today’s increasingly serious inflation, direct discounts of a few cents probably can’t keep up with the fiscal revenue that increases by 30% every year. Popsicles are not like that. It's cheap, and it's nothing to charge less.

But this time it is really wrong to blame the IRS. The introduction of this policy is indeed not just a matter of a few cents less on the surface.The explanation of the National Taxation Bureau is reliable: the collection cost of the tax authority includes the printing cost of the general payment book, the tax payment fee of the horizontal network system of the finance, tax, treasury and bank, and the tax payment fee of the POS machine card.At the same time, taxpayers also need to pay more tax costs.The release of this announcement will not only help reduce the burden on taxpayers, but also help reduce the collection costs of tax authorities and improve collection efficiency.

Give an example and you will understand.In many cases, the manufacturing cost of the currency itself will be higher than the value marked above. For example, there are still a few pennies of coins. The cost of manufacturing this coin has long been higher than the value marked above, but for currency circulation settlement , these coins are yet to be produced.The same is true for tax collection. Every tax has a collection cost. Once the collection cost is greater than the tax amount, the money collected is not worth it.This is the basic concept of the policy of the IRS. It cannot be said that this is wrong, and their pragmatism should be praised.

The IRS gets scolded when it should be praised, for two main reasons.

First, the aesthetic ability is really insufficient.One of the main social contradictions at this stage is the gap between the aesthetic ability of the masses and the official self-praise and positive publicity.You see, the society has been open for so many years, and all kinds of good things have poured in. Everyone has seen how others promote themselves. In turn, look at some of our government agencies that are similar to "ugly appearances" The publicity really makes people anxious.In fact, sometimes I can't help but want to help them plan it, so that they don't claim the original good thing as a tablet in the "Wutongshen" temple - it's not that it doesn't work, it's just that the enshrined are all weasels and so on of.

Second, the IRS being scolded is basically an unwarranted disaster.Maybe many people don't know that our country's fiscal revenue increases by 30% every year, but almost everyone knows how much taxation is now.The tax is too heavy. Compared with many countries in Europe, there is still a gap in the actual collection ratio.What annoys taxpayers even more is that the progress of social security after taxation, especially heavy taxation, is slow, and the flow of taxation is basically still in an opaque state.In other words, we can buy a plastic lighter with 100 yuan, but this thing often does not work, and we don’t know if there is fuel in it. Who can not be annoyed?

It is said that someone once coined a concept called "Tacitus Trap", saying that due to the lack of credibility of the government, good policies are often not recognized by the society.Whether this concept is fabricated or not, the reality is here.The case of the Internal Revenue Service is the most real example. Good deeds have been done and scolded, which is tantamount to paying a bill for the lack of credit in the entire system.In a sense, they are still quite wronged.However, as a member of it, whether it is really as unjust as Dou E is, it must be debatable.

let life kill
It is said that there is a true story like this: A certain person bought a tortoise in the market and went to the sea to release it. Every time he threw it into the sea, the tortoise crawled back persistently.The person lamented that the tortoise was spiritual, and he was reluctant to part when he knew he had been released.In the end, he threw the tortoise far away, but the tortoise did not crawl back.Later someone saw his picture and told him that it was a tortoise...

I personally hope this is a joke and not a real story, otherwise, this hapless tortoise is really pathetic.But until now, I don’t know if this is a story. I just learned from a piece of news that not only tortoises may be unlucky, but many snakes have also encountered this fate.

It is said that on June 2012, 6, “More than a dozen Beijing “life-releasers” came to Miaoerdong Village, Xinglong County, Hebei Province and released thousands of snakes. A large number of snakes crawled into the village, causing panic among the villagers. He put down his farm work and joined the 'Snake Fighting Action'. The villagers said that the number of snakes was large, and they did not know whether they were poisonous or not, and they might have an impact on the local ecology. After coordination with the forestry public security department, Fangshengke paid the villagers more than 1 yuan in compensation." All the snakes were bought from the market by "Fang Sheng Ke" in Beijing.

Well, after reading this news, I believe everyone can understand the fate of that tortoise.Doing bad things with good intentions is often the norm, and it is even more normal for many people who have good intentions but lack basic rationality.Let me tell you a fact that many people don't like: Many people in the suburbs of Beijing pull nets to catch birds not to sell them as pets, but to target them.But in the process of catching birds, only a small part of those who were able to release them with their tails and beards, most of them died directly on the net.It may be tolerable for your kindness to be used to make a fortune, but if your kindness actually caused a lot of casualties that should not have happened, if the Buddha knew it, he might just shake his head.Of course, this matter is very similar to donating money to government-run charities. There are too many donations, but little is actually used where it should be used. Government-run charities are not Buddhas, so they should be very welcome.

A similar activity to this behavior is "Turn off the lights for an hour" to remind people to save energy.As a former electrician, seeing this behavior is a real pain in the ass.If many people really follow this behavior during peak electricity consumption, it may cause great damage to the power generation equipment, and then require more repairs.You save electricity here, but you don’t know how much more energy is consumed by making new parts there. Probably no one has calculated the profit and loss, and they are all thinking about posing for environmental protection.

This does not mean to belittle the social value of environmental protection and charity.We know that many times these very simple values ​​actually have a cost, just like charitable organization fundraising, if you want to get donations from many big customers, you have to spend a lot of money to rent a good venue and get a church or something To attract them to come, but also to accept corporate sponsorship while playing their own ads.Some people say that this money will help some more children to go to school, but without these costs, more children will be out of school, no one thinks.

But there is still a calculation method for the cost, just like doing business, no matter how good the final product is, if it cannot generate profits but only loses money, it may not be in line with the central idea of ​​"sustainable development".The same is true of compassion and kindness, and so is social change. Sacrificing one's own life in exchange for the illusory peace of future generations is basically a trick by careerists to fool the public.

Of course, this is a bit far-fetched, let's come back and talk about these unlucky snakes.The current situation is that the local people have entered a general mobilization to fight snakes, which is quite entertaining while panicking, and also injects vitality into the monotonous life.I just hope that while satisfying their own kind needs, these life-releasers can understand the simplest truth: no matter how kind you are, this world does not give you the right to disturb other people's normal lives based on the premise of kindness—— In other words, is it so difficult for you to find a place far away from the villages and towns that you can’t drive to?Compassion is lazy, what's the matter.

Small property rights house born in black

Guangzhou has started to clean up small-property houses again. The relevant departments announced 13 small-property house projects this time, and then reminded the public responsibly that if you buy a small-property house at a low price, you can only ask for more blessings Yes, because this thing is not protected by the state.In fact, everyone knows this matter without mentioning it. Everyone still knows another situation, that is, even if there is real property rights, it is hard to say whether it will catch up with the forced demolition. Often the protection is only based on power and money. in a moment.

A house with small property rights is also a house, and a house is a big deal here. If you want to build anything on a rural homestead, there are a lot of procedures, which shows how solemn it is.What we have seen is that small property rights houses have sprung up one after another, which inevitably has some doubts.

First of all, how are so many projects able to break ground under official noses?Judging from these 13 projects, the community can be said to be constructed according to the construction project of farmers' centralized housing, but the building can't be the same?Moreover, even if the project is established according to the farmer's house soil, the various procedures are cumbersome, and it is actually constructed and sold like this.In an era when even a light box on the sidewalk is invisible in the eyes of urban management, it has to be said that this is a miracle-sorry, wrong, it is not a miracle, but at least 13 miracles, if there are no other similar projects .

Secondly, after all, this thing is not a pyramid scheme, it is always necessary to let everyone know, and the real estate sales will not wait until the house is built, but to promote it while building it. These blatant things happen under the nose of Yousi anyway As for whether it can be seen in time, it is hard to say.

Third, why is the so-called small property rights housing banned repeatedly?This question is probably the crux of the matter.We know that as long as there is a demand, there will be a market. The demand for shelter is indeed a rigid demand. There must be a shelter from the wind and rain, or some people hope to have a place for leisure and vacation.These are the market foundations for the birth of small property rights houses.

And we also know that the reason why small-property houses can be sold is because they can meet people's various housing needs, and the price seems to be relatively close to the people. This is because there is no so-called land transfer fee and large blocks are taken away by the government If we use the method of conspiracy theory to look at the taxes and fees, we will naturally find that this part of the money may not have entered the pockets of the finance, which can be regarded as the cheese of the government. This is the reason why the small property rights housing has been banned repeatedly. This is also the reason for the ban.

Some people have said that if China's real estate wants to return to rational prices, the best way is to open the small property rights housing market.As for whether this suggestion is reliable, I am not a person in a high position, so I am afraid I cannot judge, but if rural homesteads or other collective land enter the land supply market, it will definitely lead to a reduction in land supply prices. This prospect is possible. expected.Who would want to see this last thing?Presumably there is no need to say it.

But we also need to know that this is a conspiracy theory from a general perspective. In fact, these small property rights houses can basically be regarded as public sales, and the interests of different places and people are different.Let's put it this way, of course the government can make money by selling land, but the money is not in my own hands after all, and the small property rights house is related to the interests of the person directly in charge, so of course I have to go all the way.

Therefore, the problem with small property rights houses is not small property rights or whether they are protected, but a problem with the entire property rights and real estate policies.

Say no to shark fin

CCTV's "News 1+1" column exposed the shark fin market in Beijing: [-] million sold every day, most of which are fakes.Speaking of which, I am not surprised by this news, because my hobby is writing, but one of my main businesses is to open a restaurant. Although my restaurant refuses shark fin, bird’s nest, and dog meat, in this industry, there is no Inevitably know something about it.

Shark fin is the pinnacle of Chinese cooking, and there are not many things that can be done well. It takes imagination and execution to process a food without any special taste into a high-end product.I am very responsible to tell you that if you are not a person who is extremely sensitive to taste, eating this food is no different from a fan.In addition, I also responsibly say that I have no sympathy for those who eat fake shark fins and spend unreasonable money.

The reason why I don't show any sympathy for these people is because as a practitioner in the catering industry, I know that the process of collecting shark fins is very cruel.Shark meat is not tasty, and fishermen often beat the sharks up and cut off their fins before throwing them into the sea.If we imagine a shark as a human being, it is equivalent to chopping off all the limbs of a person and throwing them into the mountains.

This is the so-called "abuse eating".Someone once said a wisecrack: It took us millions of years to evolve to the top of the food chain, not to be vegetarian.This may not be unreasonable, after all, humans are really at the top of the food chain, and human survival also depends on eating other species.Since humans have developed civilization, the very act of eating has become a kind of art in itself.

But this does not mean that our species can kill and eat without limit.Back then, there was a donkey meat restaurant in the north, where live donkeys were tied to stakes, and customers would cut off any piece of meat they liked and cook it. The screaming of the donkey was as high as the business.It was forcibly closed by the government of the Republic of China not long after, not because of hygiene problems, but because this kind of behavior was too cruel and ran counter to the spirit of civilization.Because if such a bloody scene is regarded as a daily state by people, when we face blood and life, we probably have no sense of awe.A nation without a sense of awe is terrible and will fall at any time. This has been proved.

From another point of view, I don't sympathize with people who spend unjustly money.In fact, the biggest function of this dish of shark fin is to increase the price and grade of a certain meal. Few people eat this dish when they have dinner at home, and they usually only order it when they need to treat or invite distinguished guests.We all know what resources are the most in this place in Beijing: Power—the secret of choosing a site for a famous catering company is that it must be located next to a government office and decorated magnificently, the mystery of which can be figured out with the toes is why.

To put it bluntly, although shark fin is the pinnacle of Chinese cooking, it has become a tool to save face and gain aura, and the collection process is too cruel. Eating this thing hurts the sky, and it also encourages corruption. I really can't sympathize with people who spent shark's fin money to eat fans.

The point is that there is indeed no killing without buying and selling. As long as there are people who eat shark fins, this kind of thing cannot be avoided.So far, we haven’t seen the country intentionally banning or restricting the trade of shark fins, and the sharks that have been killed because of the trade of shark fins have gradually deteriorated the marine ecology.Although the folks have also taken action, it is a pity that the effect is very little. There are still a few restaurants that refuse shark fin. After all, this thing is very profitable. If it is replaced by fans, the profit will be even higher.

In fact, I personally think it is a pity that this kind of craftsmanship has been lost, just like the cooking method of bear paws has basically been lost, after all, it can be regarded as some kind of pinnacle.It is also good to cook vermicelli with this technique or directly make that kind of fake shark's fin. Anyway, it is the skill of that hand. It can be used on shark's fin, and it is not too bad to be used on other filaments.As for those who take eating shark fin as a face, they will change their targets again. We have to believe that these people have this ability.

Can rape be divided into grades?
Presumably the son of the famous "old artist" Li Shuangjiang has been suspected of rape and gang rape for a long time. Everyone is familiar with the name of this son, but here I still use the son of Li Shuangjiang as a proxy, because his former lawyer said that minors In some cases, it is inappropriate to call him by his first name.Of course, if you are concerned about current affairs, you should know that the lawyer who made this point in a high profile also withdrew from the defense of this case, and it is said that it was also because the parents pushed too hard.

We will leave the final result of this case to the court, after all, we still have a court here.However, this case has caused a lot of saliva. Among the saliva, Professor Yi Yanyou, the director of the Evidence Law Center of Tsinghua University Law School, has been depressed recently. He said something like this: 1. The defense of innocence is his right, quoting Haidian Prosecutor's statement: Let people do not guilty plea and the sky will not fall. 2. Minors are under special protection. It is not inappropriate for a lawyer to issue a statement asking everyone to abide by the law. 3. Emphasizing that the victim is a hostess, it does not mean that a hostess can be raped, but that a hostess is more likely to agree to sexual behavior; in addition, even if it is rape, raping a hostess is more harmful than raping a woman from a good family Sex should be small.

I unconditionally agree with the first two points. What strategy to use for defense is a matter for the lawyer and the suspect or the suspect’s family. Even if they intend to argue in court that the suspect should receive the "Moving China" award, it is one of their rights. , though it is possible for a judge to throw them out.Not to mention the protection of minors, I will not mention the familiar name here, it is a manifestation of respect for the law.

The problem is the third point, to be precise, the last half of the sentence: "Even if it is rape, the rape of the hostess is less harmful than the rape of a woman from a good family." This point is very gratifying, because the wisdom of the people has indeed improved over the years, and the equality of rights seems to have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Some people may say that it is because the son of the old artist Li Shuangjiang committed the crime for saying this, so everyone is angry at his remarks in defense. It should be said that this is the reason, but the main reason is that everyone has understood the matter of rights It is the foundation of our existence, and any violation of rights starts from such a small place.

But I am also very puzzled. Speaking of Professor Yi Yanyou, who is also a master in the legal field, how could he say such a thing that goes against common sense?Is it true that experts and scholars have different perspectives?
If we think about this sentence carefully, we will find that Professor Yi did not define what is "harmful".If he defines this hazard as a social hazard, from the actual perception, the rape incidents of people engaged in special industries are indeed not very harmful to the lives of ordinary people in perception, because it is difficult for human beings to avoid self-harm. Starting from life experience and experiencing the life of another group and class, they often think that if they do not engage in special industries, such dangers will be less likely to happen to them.It's like it's hard for white collar workers to understand coal miners.

But if it is harmful to individuals, I am afraid that it is the same for everyone, and it is the right to choose sex that has been harmed.There have indeed been some debates abroad, arguing that people engaged in special industries who are sexually assaulted under specific circumstances should have different sentencing.But in actual practice, this kind of thinking is rarely adopted by judges. Including Tyson’s rape case, it was obvious that money was spent to buy sex and the other party regretted it after entering the room. Tyson forced her to have sex with her and was also judged to be rape.

The United States has the so-called "rape shield clause", which is mainly to prevent people who are engaged in special industries and those who are more active in sexual activities from being embarrassed by this living condition during cross-examination in court, so that they dare not report the violation.

Therefore, we do not speculate on Professor Yi’s motivation for saying these words at this point in time. From the perspective of personal rights and judicial justice, it is not appropriate for Professor Yi to speak in public. This should be an academic issue. , It’s fine to discuss it within the academic community, and it’s completely inappropriate to discuss it in a specific case, especially such a sensitive case.It seems that our scholars really need to learn the rules of public speaking and the boundaries between purely academic issues and social events.

psychopaths on the road

The past few days can be regarded as evil. There have been vicious wounding incidents in Beijing, Sichuan, and Guangxi one after another. The incident at the Capital Airport is not counted. Three or four incidents occurred in just 24 hours. The final conclusion except some In addition to the obvious factors, a "history of mental illness" was added.In view of our country's vast territory and large population, it's okay to have a few more mental illnesses, and it's a kind of coincidence that they occur at the same time, but it's not a coincidence that there are so many mental illnesses walking on the streets, right?
Some commentators have linked the causes of the social environment with the results of this behavior, and the conclusions drawn are not exciting.This kind of connection is basically a cliché in sociology, but in our place, this kind of common sense has not been popularized.The main argument of this common sense is that social injustice can induce violence, and reducing the frequency of social injustice can effectively prevent such violence from happening.Of course, in the interpretation of this reason, the position of the psychiatric history becomes a less important factor.This is not surprising, because according to research, the number of mental patients in our country has reached 1 million, that is to say, one out of every 13 people has some mental abnormalities, and among them there are 1600 million severe patients, so many mental patients In society, if there is no incentive to make it sick, it probably won't cause such frequent vicious incidents.

In fact, I would like to talk about the problem of mental patients.

A friend told me that there was a mental patient upstairs in his house who was always noisy. After he called the police, the police came, but there was nothing to do, because the current law stipulates that if a mental patient is sent to the hospital for treatment, not only the family members must sign , Even the patient has to sign - how many people have you seen who drink too much and say they drink too much?Basically equivalent to this question.

Sometimes this regulation embodies a kind of humanistic spirit, and sometimes it is purely a kind of lazy political thinking.After the first incident of hacking people in a supermarket in Beijing, the public security department issued an order that all supermarkets stop selling all kinds of knives, and they can only buy them in free markets.As soon as this decision is made, combined with the management of mental patients, we can see who is lazy.

We know that all social events and social management require costs. Speaking of which, we ordinary people and the government have different cost calculations.For example, we calculate social costs in this way: reform certain systems to make them more reasonable and reduce the occurrence of such incidents, and then build more psychiatric institutions and staff them so that as many violent patients as possible Being able to stop wandering the streets should be the cheapest cost, and it will have long-term stability.

But the cost calculation of the government is not the case. Whether it is the interests touched by the reform system, or the allocation of financial funds to build various sanatoriums and treatment centers, it is as distressing as cutting one's own flesh. What is the lowest cost method for them?It is the simplest to ban the sale of kitchen knives with a paper document, and the cost is extremely low.As for effects - have you heard a story?A doctor wanted to treat someone with an arrow wound, and he cut off the shaft of the arrow and the treatment was complete.The kitchen knife is the shaft of the arrow, and the arrow that caused the incomplete social security and judicial independence is still in the flesh.

Some people may ask, shouldn't the family members of mental patients take care of these matters?Why would it be pushed to the society and the government?Unfortunately, our government is an all-powerful government, and it collects such high taxes and interferes in everything, and these things should naturally be borne by it.If it is a society with a small government, there will naturally be insurance and charity organizations to supplement it, and the government will not have to bear such a large responsibility.

Therefore, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is difficult to change the situation of mental patients walking all over the streets in a short period of time, and modern communication has intensified the imitation effect.What about us innocent people?It seems that I can only ask for luck.

Is it a traitor to leave China?
There is an interesting thing: Li Mingyang, a former member of the Chinese National Youth Women's Basketball Team, became a Japanese national, changed her name to Miyuki Sugiyama, and played for the Japanese women's basketball team.Li Xin, head coach of the National Youth Women's Basketball Team, angrily reprimanded: "No matter her name is Li Mingyang or some ugly Japanese name, she is a person cast aside by thousands of people in China who love basketball. My motherland is the scum of Chinese basketball!" The two words that Coach Li probably didn't say should be "traitor".

As for whether leaving a country is unpatriotic, it depends on how to say it.Solzhenitsyn, the Soviet writer who wrote the famous novel "The Gulag Archipelago", also left his own country, but no one denies that he is a great patriot; He has Russian nationality, and no one seems to say he is a scum.As for the fact that an athlete has acquired the nationality of another country, you should talk to Sister Lang Ping about this matter. Although she has not acquired the nationality of other countries, she still trains the opponent's players.However, I guess this coach Li would not dare to say such a thing, because Lang Ping made too much credit back then, so it is easy to be scolded for saying this.

In fact, I quite understand this coach Li.We all know that sports here is a kind of national behavior. The so-called "whole-nation system". Every professional athlete is basically trained by the government. The country wins glory.It's like the company has trained a group of talents, and as a result, these people have made some achievements and then quit directly.With such employees, the boss is of course very upset.

For this kind of talent training risk, the general company does this: sign a service period agreement, and lose money if it is not enough years; sign a non-competition agreement, and not engage in the same job within a few years.But can a country treat a person like this, even if it is a person cultivated by itself?
In my opinion, this matter cannot be considered on the same level as companies in the market, because human rights and the company's professional manager system are issues at two different levels. The company's professional manager system is a subsidiary civil right, and the human rights [-]. Choosing one's own way of life and living area is a kind of basic right. Unless a country restricts the immigration of nationals engaged in special and confidential work, there is no other reason to restrict others from choosing their own lives.If you really feel that you are in a panic, just sue her for training fees.

To put it bluntly, this matter is a matter of personal choice. It is really boring to rise to the level of patriotism.Some of us here are always keen on this way of expression. They obviously see the people they cultivated go to a better environment, but they don’t speak human words. They want to raise this matter to a certain height to express their anger. sentiment, plus summoning outraged patriotic masses.

The reason for this is that in addition to years of so-called patriotic education, they also know that anyone who has anything to do with patriotism can immediately make themselves tall and their opponents sluggish, because patriotism is an absolute value here, and no one can It’s not the person who said this term, as long as the opponent labels him as “unpatriotic”, he is basically a loser.This matter and the issue of life style are the two major killers, cutting off any possibility of discussion.

Is patriotism an absolute value?I don't think so.For everyone, personal life should be the absolute value. If you feel that life in the country you were born in is not pleasant enough, you should choose the country you live in within the scope of your ability.We can't choose to be born in a certain country, and for something that can't be chosen, it doesn't make logical sense to have to love it.

I personally think that the biggest root of a person's patriotic behavior should come from the recognition of culture and tradition, and this country gives individuals enough security, freedom, and justice. If this is not the case, voting with your feet might as well be one of the choices. And this choice should not be blamed.I've never seen a pig in a pigsty swear at a fellow that escaped.

How expensive is justice
Let us review the case of Tang Hui.Tang Hui was born in rural Yongzhou, Hunan in 1973. In 1994, she married her husband who was one year older than her, and her daughter Lele was born a year later. In 2006, Tang Hui's 11-year-old Lele was raped by multiple people and gang-raped. She was taken to a leisure center and forced into prostitution. Within three months, the little girl was forced to receive customers more than 3 times, during which she was beaten many times.After the perpetrator was caught, two of the seven defendants were sentenced to death.However, Tang Hui believed that the judgment failed to reflect justice and continued to appeal. In August 100, the Lingling Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Yongzhou City, Hunan Province cited Tang Hui as "disrupting social order" by staying in the court building for 7 days and asking the court to sentence the seven defendants to death, blocking traffic and blocking doors at the gates of relevant agencies, etc. Tang Hui was sentenced to "re-education through labor for 2012 year and 8 months", which caused a public outcry, and the decision to re-education through labor was revoked.But Tang Hui still did not let the labor reform committee go, and brought them to court. At present, the trial of the second instance is over, and there is no verdict yet. (according to Beijing Youth Daily)
According to media reports, Tang Hui exhausted various means to get judicial intervention in the process of rescuing her daughter, and she was dissatisfied with the trial results and petitioned, and experienced criminal detention and reeducation through labor.Today, she still chooses to believe in the most unreliable petition in this judicial system, and she did not choose to directly retaliate against certain people or society, which is really surprising.

In this several-year-long series, the reporter discovered a rather interesting detail after the trial: In recent years, just because of Tang Hui’s petitioning and other activities, the town where her registered permanent residence has spent as much as 80 yuan for stability maintenance. .And how much compensation did Tang Hui request from the Labor Education Committee?Just over two thousand yuan. 80 yuan versus more than 2000 yuan, many people may think this is crazy, but in the eyes of many local officials, there is no difference in this comparison, but an incomparable thing.

For them, it is okay to spend more money. Even if their own finances are already stretched, they must rationalize this kind of reeducation through labor or sentence, because once they admit their mistakes, they will inevitably be held accountable, and these responsibilities are theirs. unaffordable.Who says justice isn't expensive?Whether it is the time and energy spent by the party pursuing justice, or the party hoping to cover it with money, the price of justice has been raised so high that everyone in our society has to pay the bill.

This kind of local soft stability maintenance expenditure has become a burden that many grassroots governments cannot bear but must bear. This burden was originally unnecessary, and the biggest problem with this burden is that the funds invested have not brought Any value-added returns are completely lost in the air. Apart from increasing social costs, there is no benefit at all.

And soft stability maintenance expenditures are part of the entire social ecology. First of all, the basic logic of petitioning has led to the increase in the cost of local stability maintenance.

Petitioning is a form of judicial relief, and its original intention (if there is one) is to allow those who have suffered judicial injustice to have a final appeal channel.This is also the refraction of the thinking mode of the Qingtian master that we have always admired in modern society, but no one realizes that petitioning itself is an infringement of administrative power on judicial power, which is incompatible with modern society.

When it is possible for the administration to intervene in the judiciary, the final judgment loses its meaning in some cases and becomes a kind of entangled litigation process.Although I personally sympathize with Tang Hui's experience, the death penalty she seeks for all the people involved in the case is indeed beyond the scope of the law. Because of the existence of petitions, this verdict, even if it is biased, has been brought up again and again, and there is no real end the case.

There should indeed be a mechanism for vindication and checks and balances for wrongly and unjustly decided cases, but that is also a mechanism that should be formed in the judiciary, rather than administrative interference in the judiciary.However, due to the non-independence of the judiciary, wrongful and unjust cases occur from time to time, and petitioning has become an evil tool for correcting deviations. Judicial injustice caused by administrative power intervening in the judiciary, judicial injustice led to administrative power intervening in correcting deviations, and then more administrative power intervened Judiciary, how to solve this kind of chain is really a problem.

Petitioning cannot be canceled for a while, it can only restrain the behavior of petitioners, and take this as a consideration of political achievements.This is why soft stability maintenance always consumes a lot of social resources.The means of reeducation through labor and other methods used in this process have exacerbated social injustice and the deterioration of the judicial environment, because reeducation through labor itself is the most evil system, which can deprive a person of personal freedom and rights without trial.

In these chains, justice in our society becomes so expensive that sooner or later we won't be able to pay the bill.

Disabled children are not decorations
In the past two days, some netizens on Weibo broke the news that a strange thing happened in the Civil Affairs Bureau of a certain district in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province: they borrowed children from temples.And this matter starts with the seven children who were burned to death in Henan some time ago.

In a certain place in Henan Province, there was a lady from a poor family who was famous for adopting abandoned babies in the local area. As a result, her house caught fire and seven children were burned to death.After this incident came out, the local civil affairs department said it was a private adoption, and now they are all arrested.It's fine if the government doesn't act, and it's a matter of putting the blame on a kind person.Amidst the condemnation, the civil affairs departments in various places may have received orders from Shangfeng, and they all demanded the construction of welfare homes.

Under this background, the district of Jieyang reported that it has an orphanage. I don’t know if there is an orphanage, but they must have no children living in the orphanage, so they went to the local area to adopt abandoned babies and disabled children. "Help" came to the monastery.Of course, the development of the matter is just like all the shitty things here. When the reporter interviewed, he firmly denied that he borrowed the child to make up for it, but put the responsibility on the person who said this, claiming that the person was not the Civil Affairs Bureau. The staff of the old monk were only brought in to help temporarily because they were familiar with the old monk.Great temp, you've done it again.

Regarding this matter, I am too lazy to criticize the inaction of the local government and the inaction after the inaction.For them, this is basically a prescribed action. If they don't do this, they can basically "move China".Speaking of which, some time ago, Jieyang continued to hype a project called "Jieyang Metal Ecological City" on the Internet, including Ren Zhiqiang, Li Kaifu, and Pan Shiyi, saying that the annual salary was tens of millions to hire a CEO.Of course, none of these people responded.

For a place with such great ambitions, if you say that there is no money to build an orphanage or something, I don’t know if you believe it, but I don’t believe it anyway.If you call out their three public consumption lists, it will surely be more than enough to build two orphanages every year.But this is not the point I want to say, what I want to say is respect for people themselves.

You know, in the world of us adults, there is such a thing as "secondment". For example, my company is a bit overwhelmed. Not to mention serving you with good cigarettes and wine, you also have to bear the wages and expenses of others' help.

And what is this situation?Children can't work, even if they are provided with good food and drink, their function is equivalent to a certain decoration bought by this government agency.The significance of this arrangement is not to beautify the environment, but to beautify their careers.Look at the word "borrow", it is not referring to a person or a child, but an item.

When government agencies with such a mindset engage in social assistance and social welfare, can you rest assured that they will do so?Anyway, I am worried, because they don't treat people as people, but treat these children as decorations that can be borrowed and borrowed at any time.There is an even more shocking sentence: "Master, why don't you do something good for the government." The master of this temple has raised hundreds of abandoned, orphaned, and disabled children for decades. In a sense, everything he has done has been considered a good deed for the government, so that they will not always be able to see the frozen bones. The government appreciates it very much. To what extent do you think this value has been distorted to say such inhumane words?

Therefore, as far as the current situation is concerned, if the mental state of government agencies cannot be changed, I think it is better to hand over the work of the civil affairs department to the private sector, and everyone donates money directly to private agencies, comrades in the government. Responsible for directly handing over the civil affairs public welfare expenses converted from our taxes to qualified private individuals and groups, and you are responsible for supervision.Or you can ignore the supervision and just let the media do it.

(End of this chapter)

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