learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 19 Understanding the Principles of Dressing

Chapter 19 Understanding the Principles of Dressing (5)
In buying and selling activities, the calculation of price is usually essential.

If the service personnel can take out a calculator they carry with them to perform necessary calculations when necessary, it can save time and save both parties from being distracted by worrying about the inaccurate calculation results.All in all, service personnel carry a small calculator with them, which is both convenient and beneficial to others.

The calculators carried by the service personnel do not need to be fully functional, but the number of digits should be as many as possible to ensure the accuracy of the calculation results.At the same time, it should also strive to make it miniaturized.

◇ Notepad
Service staff need to memorize important information during their work, such as materials, data, names, product names, addresses, telephone calls, faxes, clues, ideas, suggestions, etc., which are too numerous to count.If you do not have the correct means of information processing, sometimes it is very likely that you will delay your serious business.

In real life, after all, there are not many wizards who can truly have an unforgettable memory.It is most practical for service personnel to write down the important information that needs to be remembered anytime and anywhere.

When using a notebook, special attention should be paid to the two major issues of clear writing and proper preservation.Don't memorize or throw away randomly, otherwise it is very likely that your work will be in vain.When recording, it is best to classify and summarize regularly.

([-]) Use of image products
Image products, also known as daily necessities.Under normal circumstances, it is some daily necessities used by service personnel to maintain and modify their self-image, and there is a certain relationship with the self-image of service personnel.Usually, service personnel use the most image products, mainly including paper towels, combs, cosmetic boxes, shoe shiners and so on.When using the above-mentioned image products, there are many precautions that need to be strictly followed by service personnel.

Image supplies for service personnel

Paper towel
makeup box

shoe polisher


In daily life, people always wipe their hands dry after washing their meals and toilets; when coughing, spitting, and sneezing are in front of others, they inevitably need to cover up; ”…In all these moments, tissues are a must-have item.

In public places, after washing your hands, shake them with your hands, or rub them on yourself; when you spit, sneeze, blow your nose, or smear their "residues" on other items; when wiping sweat , "clothes instead of work"... are all concrete manifestations of uncivilization.It is even more inappropriate for service personnel to do so in their own jobs.

It is recommended that all service personnel carry a bag of paper towels with them.It has two advantages: on the one hand, it can be said to be "one specialty and many functions", and it has a wide range of applications, whether it is for wiping hands, wiping sweat or removing dirt.On the other hand, it is more hygienic.Paper towels are produced by the manufacturer and packed in bags, and they are disposable when used, so users can feel more at ease about their hygiene issues.Never substitute toilet paper or other paper for paper towels.They are ugly in appearance and substandard in terms of hygiene, so they are not suitable for public use.

◇ comb

In terms of maintaining personal image, whether the hair is tidy or not, most people are extremely concerned.When you're out and about, whether you're wearing a hat or not, it's worth paying attention to your hair.Remember, it is best to carry a small comb for use when necessary.

Never use your fingers instead of a comb to scratch your hair in public.It is also inappropriate to use other items instead of combs.

The comb that is carried with you is best placed in your coat pocket.It should be noted that it should be kept clean and hygienic.Carrying and using a dirty comb is better than not carrying or not using it.

The most suitable time to comb your hair are: when you go out, before going to get off work, when you get off work, after taking off your hat, and any other moments when you obviously feel that your hair may be disheveled.Combing one's own hair should be carried out in a deserted place.Don't do this when facing the client at work.

◇Cosmetic case
Service personnel should regard their personal image at work as their first life, so they need to take good care of it all the time.Carrying a cosmetic box with you is a basic rule for female service staff who often need to wear make-up.

The vast majority of women in the service industry are supposed to wear make-up before going to work.Once due to wind, rain, sweating, washing your face, eating, taking a nap or changing clothes, etc., your original carefully painted makeup is damaged or flawed, it should be repaired in time, and it is even necessary to remake it for yourself. make up.If you let it go, you will show yourself a green and red state, which will do great harm to your personal image.

Women in the service industry have always paid attention to self-esteem and self-love, so when it is necessary to make up or touch up makeup for themselves, they cannot borrow cosmetics from outsiders.Therefore, you should carry a small cosmetic case with you when you go out, especially when you go to work.It should be both convenient and practical.Its "main content" should include lipstick, blush, eye shadow, eyebrow pencil, powder brush and small mirror, etc., which are most commonly used in make-up.They don't have to be exhaustive, but should be useful.The cosmetic box that is carried with you should be placed in your handbag or bag, and generally should not be put into your pocket.It should be emphasized again that using a makeup box to make up and touch up makeup is the same as using a comb to comb your hair. You must firmly remember to groom and avoid people.

◇Shoe polisher
In the workplace, wearing formal clothes, especially service personnel in uniform, often wear leather shoes at the same time.When wearing leather shoes, its smoothness is probably as important as its integrity.In this regard, service personnel must not be negligent.

etiquette experts remind you

When wearing leather shoes, it is not allowed to make them dull for a moment, but to make them "glossy".

A person who often does not polish the leather shoes he wears, whether it is dusty on the upper, like "unearthed cultural relics", or "sloppy" on the upper and sole, will make people think badly about him.Under normal circumstances, such and such can only show that he is negligent in taking care of himself and is too lazy.

Shoe polisher is a newly emerged shoe polisher and shoe polisher, which can oil, polish and remove dirt on leather shoes.When the service personnel wear leather shoes, if they bring a shoe polisher with them and use it when necessary, they can make their leather shoes shiny and shiny.If you use a shoe polisher to shine your shoes, you should also avoid others.The time to shine shoes is mainly before going to work, before entering the door, before going out, and all other times when it is necessary to shine shoes.Even if you don't bring a shoe polisher, don't just use other things to dust and polish your leather shoes.Do not use your fingers, paper, handkerchief, water or other cloth to polish shoes.Especially not in front of outsiders.

[-]. The appearance and manners of business people

When a store opens, it must first be decorated and repaired. People have to go out to do errands, and they must also pay attention to their appearance.In particular, don't forget the principle of "three-point talent, seven-point dress".The so-called dressing up does not only refer to dressing, but also includes manners and appearance.Even if a person is neatly dressed, even in expensive dress, if his hair is disheveled, or his beard is unshaven, or his nails are unmanicured, or his nose hair is protruding, or he smells of sweat, or his attitude is rough, he is depressed, he is stooped, and he looks sideways. Sloppy spirit, etc., as long as there is a little lack, some people will ridicule it as not enough level, bumpkin, or vulgar.Therefore, beautiful clothing requires a generous and elegant appearance to match.

Not everyone is a handsome man and a good woman, but as long as one has a dignified appearance, well-dressed clothes, cultivated conversation, and proper manners, one will naturally exude a person's charm, which will be respected and appreciated by others.

Daily Grooming
(1) hair

When we look at a person's back, but still can't tell who he is, and we don't know whether he is handsome or beautiful, what will attract you is his hair, figure and clothing. Cleanliness and beauty will also affect a person's image.Hair must be washed diligently and trimmed diligently.If the hair has not been washed for a long time, it will also produce a bad smell. If you smell it up close, you will be discouraged.Whether you are a man or a woman, don't go for novelty or too eye-catching hairstyles.Bald men or women who love changes also wear wigs.The choice of a wig should also suit your own attire, and don’t be unconventional. Strictly speaking, neat, clean hair and a well-chosen hairstyle are beautiful.

●Hair accessories such as hair clips and ribbons should not be excessive.

(2) face

The same face can become amiable or hateful.For ordinary people, it is often impossible to ask for a pretty face or a beautiful face, but as long as you pay attention to grooming and show your efforts, you can also be liked by others.

(3) Nails

If the nails are not trimmed frequently, dirt will hide in the seams.Women's nails, even if they have long nails, must be groomed frequently. The nail polish should be applied evenly, and the color should be matched with one's own clothing or accessories. It is either gorgeous or beautiful.

Daily manners

We admire a person's manners, often praise appearance, politeness, or manners or smiles.How do you know that this is the result of a person's demeanor.General daily manners should pay attention to the following:

◇The posture of the body

Whether a person's behavior is generous and elegant will directly leave an indelible impression on people.A gentleman standing in the crowd, walking in the street, or sitting in a temple, or entering and exiting a public place must have a standing face and a sitting face.

1 Hiking: When hiking, you must raise your head, hold your chest high, shut your mouth, and look straight ahead with your eyes, showing vitality, vigor and a spirit of going forward. Put it in the trouser pocket, or insert it in the sleeve in winter.In addition, during the march, it is not advisable to smoke, eat snacks, shoulder-to-shoulder with your companions, hum songs, or whistle.

2 Standing: When standing, do not bend over, hunchback or bow your head.The hands should be put down naturally, and at the same time, they should be full of energy, and there should be no listless or pitiful image.For women, the so-called slim, you can imagine that it must give people a fresh, beautiful, lively and lovely feeling, not like shrinking in the cold wind, or a mournful face.

3 sitting:

(1) When taking a seat, the person from the left of the seat (going out from the left) should walk to the front of the seat and then turn around. After turning around, take a step back with the right foot, and then sit down gently and steadily.The sound of sitting down should be soft, and don't sit suddenly, just like grabbing a seat with others.Especially sitting down suddenly and standing up abruptly, as if angry, causing a tense atmosphere.

(2) When sitting down, keep your upper body straight. Don't shrug your shoulders, hunched over your chest, or lean forward and backward, which will give people the impression of being sluggish.Half-lying, half-sitting, with legs crossed, gives people the feeling of wanton and uneducated.Crossing your hands in front of your chest or spreading them out on the table, shaking the things in your hands constantly, pulling your clothes, tidying your hair, picking your nose, ears, etc. will destroy your sitting posture.

(3) The placement of the legs cannot be ignored.Keeping your legs straight forward, spreading your knees too far apart, shaking your legs and feet, putting your feet together with your knees outstretched, or placing your feet under a seat, etc., are all actions that are not "proper" and can also convey errors to people. The perception and feeling, causing unnecessary trouble.

(4) In interpersonal communication, the choice of sitting posture should be adapted to different occasions.For example, when sitting on a large chair (sofa), be careful not to sit too close to the inside. The waiter who can sit and work should sit two-thirds of the chair so as to serve the guests at any time.If you are sitting and talking with guests, you should look at each other and be good at listening.

(5) When a woman takes a seat, she should push her skirt forward with her hands, arrange her skirt after sitting down, and pay attention not to separate her knees and her feet together.If you sit with your legs crossed, be careful not to cross your legs too high, and don't expose your petticoat. You should also pay attention to retract your lower legs and keep your toes down.Otherwise, it will damage the demeanor and beauty.When standing up, take your right foot back half a step, and then sit up.

(6) Men can cross their legs if necessary, but generally the right leg is placed on the left leg.In ceremonial situations, this position should never be used first, because it can give people a sense of imbalance that shows their status and dominance.However, it is absolutely forbidden to fold the legs in a 4-shape and buckle the folded legs with your hands.Legs crossed and feet dangling are even more defiant and condescending.

4 Talking with people: You should concentrate, look at each other with both eyes, and listen to their conversations. At the same time, you should relax your expression and show more smiles.When talking, the voice should not be high-pitched, and the fingers should not be pointed.At the same time, avoid scratching your head, touching your nose, picking your ears, scratching your back, scratching your scalp, picking your nostrils, picking your teeth, squeezing your eyebrows, making your eyes, akimbo, scratching your feet, and adjusting your clothes.Don't sneeze, hiccup, cough, or yawn face to face. If you can't bear it, take out a handkerchief to cover your mouth in an emergency, do it sideways, and say sorry.In addition, do not fart or spit in front of others.

5 Smile: Smile from time to time, you can get a good impression from others, but you should have a sense of proportion when laughing.Smile when you see joy or hear joy, smile at yourself when you are laughing, meet a good joke or funny thing, often make people laugh, or smile knowingly, or laugh out loud and special, these are all natural expressions.But laughter should also be adapted to the time, place, and circumstances.In formal occasions such as meetings, banquets, and ceremonies, even if there are ridiculous things, you can only smile knowingly, and do not laugh loudly, causing people to be astonished.If someone encounters misfortune, although the appearance is ridiculous, one should have a heart of compassion and avoid laughing.There is no need to show a smirk or a sinister smile to those who he hates.Self-satisfaction and appearance on the outside are of no benefit to oneself or help anything.other manners

1. The movement of going up and down stairs

When going up the stairs, the body should be straight up naturally, the chest should be slightly straight, the head and shoulders should be straight, the arms should be retracted, the knees should be bent, and the center of gravity of the whole body should move together; when going downstairs, it is best to stop before going to the stairs. After scanning the stairs for a while, use your senses to grasp the speed and height of the walk, and go down the stairs.

When guiding guests up and down the stairs, the side of the handrail should let the guests walk.In social occasions, when going upstairs, the venerable and the lady are in front; when going downstairs, the opposite is true.

2. The movement of getting on and off the car

When getting into the car, enter the car sideways, never head first.When getting out of the car, you should also turn your body sideways, move close to the car door, then put one foot on the ground, look ahead, and then move the other foot with the support of your hand, with your head naturally stretched out, stand up and stand firmly , and then slowly leave.

It is necessary to take the initiative to open and close the car door for the guests, and let the guests get on and off first.

3. The action of taking low objects
When picking up low objects or picking up things on the ground, don't just bend your upper body and raise your buttocks, but use squatting and knee bending movements, keep your feet slightly apart, straighten your waist, stand next to the things you want to pick up, and slowly Carry it low at the waist for an elegant look.

4. Passing and catching objects are commonly used actions. You should pass objects with both hands and catch objects with both hands (fingers close together) to show a respectful and respectful attitude.Pay attention to the tightness of the arms and stretch out the hands naturally.

In the reception work, all things and articles should be handled with care, and the things that the guests need should be delivered with both hands gently, and don't throw them casually. When picking up the objects, they should nod or say thank you.

When handing over scissors, knives or sharp objects, you should hold the pointed part and hand them to the other party so that the other party can easily pick them up.At the same time, be careful not to point the pen tip at the other party when handing over the pen.When delivering books, materials, documents, business cards, etc., the font should face the recipient so that the recipient can easily see it immediately.These small actions can show your intelligence and breeding.

5. Courtesy when entering and exiting public places and elevators
In public places, such as meeting places, elevator rooms, stairs, doorways, etc., people should go out first and then enter.It is also necessary to follow the principle of courteousness of inferiors to superiors (or guests); men courteous women (ladies first); young men courteous to elders, and enter and exit public places in a civilized and orderly manner.When waiting for the elevator, don't stand in front of the stairs. After entering, you should walk in and stand by the side. Don't talk or laugh loudly in the elevator.When taking an escalator, you should stand on the right side of the elevator, and two people should stand back and forth together, and the space on the left should be left for those who are in a hurry to get up and down.

[-]. Dressing etiquette for personnel in the tertiary industry
A person's appearance is influenced by two factors: one is his innate condition, and the other is his daily grooming and maintenance.Everyone's innate conditions are very important in appearance, but even people with very superior innate conditions cannot ignore the daily modification and maintenance of appearance.In fact, daily grooming and maintenance play a very important role in a person's good appearance.Service etiquette requires all employees in the service industry to carry out necessary modification and maintenance of their appearance in accordance with certain regulations of the industry in their jobs.When grooming and maintaining one's appearance, service personnel should focus on four aspects: face grooming, body grooming, hair grooming, and makeup grooming.

7 Basic Points You Should Remember
□In interpersonal communication, everyone's appearance is the most noticeable: facial appearance.Service personnel must first attach great importance to facial grooming when performing services.

□Facial grooming should not only focus on cleanliness, sanitation, and naturalness, but also pay special attention to partial grooming of important parts.

□When a person is watched by others, hair mostly becomes the most important thing to be watched.Service staff must not only abide by the general requirements of ordinary people, but also strictly abide by the special requirements in service etiquette when performing personal hair grooming.

□The factors that service personnel must carefully consider when choosing a specific hairstyle for themselves, such as: age, gender, figure, face shape, hair quality, clothing, fashion and occupation.

□When service personnel provide services to guests, they often have some body movements.Therefore, service personnel should not neglect grooming of limbs.

□Require service personnel to wear necessary make-up when they are on duty.In essence, it is an inherent requirement for the service industry to shape its own corporate image.

□Service personnel must avoid certain wrong practices when performing personal makeup, such as: extraordinary, wrong techniques, showing residual makeup, on-job makeup, arbitrarily instructing others, etc.

facial modification
([-]) Basic requirements

(End of this chapter)

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