learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 28 Understanding Business Service Etiquette

Chapter 28 Understanding Business Service Etiquette (1)
Service etiquette is a highly targeted and practical etiquette discipline. Compared with other etiquette categories, it has strict norms and stronger operability.The distinctive feature of service etiquette is that service personnel are required to restrain and guide their service behaviors in accordance with strict etiquette norms.The basic principle of service etiquette is to reflect the general law of service etiquette, the principled regulation of service etiquette and its application process, including the three-A rule, the first round effect, the affinity effect, the last round effect, zero interference and other main contents.Only when service personnel have a detailed understanding of these basic principles in service etiquette can they be consciously applied to service practice.

6 Basic Points You Should Remember
When the service personnel express their respect to the service object, they must be good at grasping the three key links, namely accepting the other party, valuing the other party, and praising the other party, that is, the "three A" rules.

The first-round effect is a whole composed of three main contents: first impression, mental set, and constraints.The first-round effect often has a major impact on the formation of personal image and corporate image.

Mental stereotypes are ubiquitous in the process of interpersonal communication and cognition.If service personnel make a bad first impression on customers, it will be very difficult to remedy it later.

The affinity effect means that people tend to feel closer to each other because they have some commonalities or similarities in their communication and entertainment.

According to the principle of the last round effect, service personnel should start well and end well in the process of providing services to clients.Because, the final impression of the service personnel to the service object is not only an important part of the overall impression, but also directly affects whether the overall impression is perfect.

The main purpose of zero interference is to require service companies and service personnel to provide a relaxed, comfortable, safe, free and casual environment for service objects during the service process.

[-]. Basic rules for commercial services

good attitude foundation
([-]) Receiving service objects

First of all, the service personnel are required to accept the service objects in a friendly and friendly manner.

As an important content of service etiquette, the acceptance of service objects should mainly be reflected in the warm welcome of service personnel to the consumers, and all comers are welcome.Not only should you not neglect, neglect, exclude, find fault with, or embarrass your clients, but you should also actively, enthusiastically, and proactively approach each other, downplay the vigilance, resistance, and antagonism between each other, and properly communicate with each other. Express closeness and friendship to the other party, and treat the other party as one of your own.

When the market has become a buyer's market, consumers have more and more room to choose goods and services.Under such circumstances, in a broad sense, what consumers want to buy is often not just a certain commodity. At the same time, they are also buying services, that is, they are paying more and more attention to the quality of services.Sometimes, the service quality of service personnel has even become the decisive factor when consumers shop.

Service quality generally refers to the quality of service personnel's service work and the level of service.Specifically, service quality is mainly composed of two major elements: service attitude and service skills.Under normal circumstances, consumers pay more attention to service attitude than to service skills.In the eyes of ordinary consumers, the service attitude and service skills of service personnel are the best.If his service attitude is very good, but his service skills are not so good, it can be forgiven.It can be assumed that his service skills are acceptable, but his service attitude is often unacceptable.Once the latter situation occurs, sometimes it will even make consumers angry and overgeneralize, ignoring the performance of service personnel in terms of service skills.

Accepting service objects, in the final analysis, is actually a question of whether the service attitude is correct.If we truly regard consumers as our "god" and "parents of food and clothing", and sincerely realize that consumers are the first, we should naturally recognize, accommodate and approach each other.Only by doing this can we really improve our service quality.

In the workplace, service personnel's acceptance of service objects is not only a matter of thinking method, but also should be implemented and reflected in their own actual actions.For example, when providing services to a client, do not repeatedly look up and down at the client without any reason, or look at the client sideways or with eyes turned.This kind of look is obviously impolite and disrespectful, and it is definitely not a real acceptance of the other party.

When the service personnel talk to the client, they are not allowed to directly argue with the client, talk back or raise their shoulders.

Even if the service staff's opinion is diametrically opposed to that of the guest, they should try their best to express it in a tactful tone instead of directly confronting the other party.Never use "people like you", "know? "Who are you lying to?" This kind of suspicious and repulsive words to speak to the client.Do not arbitrarily point out various deficiencies of the client, especially some defects in the other party's physiology and clothing.Otherwise, it is tantamount to declaring that you do not accept the other party.

([-]) Emphasis on service objects

Service personnel are required to attach importance to the service object with sincerity.

Paying attention to the service object is the concretization of the service personnel's respect for the service object.It should mainly be manifested as taking the service object seriously and actively caring about the service object.All in all, through the services provided to consumers, it is necessary to make the other party truly experience that they are paid attention to and valued by service personnel, and that they are always very important in the eyes of service personnel.

In order to really pay attention to the service objects in the work position, the service personnel should first of all be someone in their eyes, come when they are called, respond to every request, answer every question, think about what the other party thinks, be anxious about the other party's urgency, and seriously satisfy the other party's needs. request, and strive to provide good service to it.

At the same time, service personnel should also carefully study and apply the following three specific methods of valuing service objects.

Pay attention to the specific method of serving the target

Remember the client's name

Make good use of the honorific title of the client

Listen to the client's needs

Remember the client's name

For everyone, names are the most beautiful words that you never tire of hearing or seeing.Keeping in mind the name of the person you are in contact with directly means that you pay more attention to the other person and look at it differently.On the contrary, if you can't even remember the name of a frequent guest, I'm afraid it's hard to take it seriously.

Requiring service personnel to keep in mind the name of the client often brings them all kinds of good returns.Please imagine: when you come to the door again and enter a service unit, a service staff member you have seen before will take the initiative to greet you; "Mr. XX, welcome again!" Will you feel warm and comfortable? ?

Generally speaking, service personnel must remember the names of the following four types of personnel they directly serve or have contact with.

—Very Very Important Guest (abbreviated as VVIP).They refer to state guests or national leaders of their own country.

——Very important guest (abbreviated as VIP).They usually refer to important foreign guests, senior government officials and celebrities from all walks of life.

- Important guests (abbreviated as IP).They generally include heads and decision makers of other units closely related to the service unit, as well as responsible personnel in the political, business, military, academic and media circles.

- Special guests (abbreviated as SP).They mainly refer to customers who often come to consume, have complained or have special requirements, and need special care.

Although the importance of the above four levels of personnel varies, they should all be regarded as important guests that the service staff must take care of.

etiquette experts remind you

Failure to remember the name of an important guest is a misstep and a disrespect, and thus is not allowed in service etiquette.

The service personnel should keep in mind the name of the service object, and there are two problems that must be paid attention to.On the one hand, don't forget the name of the client by mistake.Changing the client's name will undoubtedly embarrass both parties.On the other hand, never mispronounce a client's name.There are too many Chinese characters. Unknown characters and characters with multiple pronunciations will inevitably appear in the names of the clients.Like "仉 (Zings)", "尧 (Yao)", "Jian (Jib)", "Wu (War)", "今 (Pang)", "Zao (TV)", "Zhe (She)", "Qi (QI)", "Wanqi (Mob)", "Tami (Tami)", "Zhuansun (Hansen)" and other relatively rare surnames, perhaps many service personnel may not be able to pronounce them correctly.If you mispronounce the client's name, not only will you be disrespectful to the client, but you will also embarrass yourself.Therefore, when it is necessary to address the client, but you are not sure about the correct pronunciation of the other person's name, you would rather use other addressing methods to work around it, and never call the other person's name rashly.

Make good use of the honorific title of the client

A common way to show respect for a person you associate with is to use an honorific title.It has long been customary for service personnel to use honorific titles when providing various specific services to their clients.

They did not use honorific titles when they should, such as calling an elderly gentleman "old man", or directly calling their clients "hey", "number five", "bed seven", etc. "Next" naturally does not make the person being called feel respected.

It should be pointed out that when service personnel address their clients with honorific titles, they must first accurately define the role of the other party, and strive to make the respectful title they use for the other party acceptable to them.Otherwise, even if some kind of respectful title is used to address the other party, it will not make the other party happy.For example, use "master" to address a government official, use "boss" to address a university professor, use "miss" to address a housewife with frosty temples, and use "old gentleman" to address a senior official. Older American men, and so on.

◇Listen to the needs of clients

When the client puts forward some specific requirements, the most appropriate way for the service staff is to listen carefully to them and try to satisfy them.In a sense, patiently listening to the client's requirements will satisfy the client to a certain extent.

The so-called listening mostly refers to listening intently and attentively when others explain their opinions.It can be seen from this that the essence of listening is to pay the greatest attention to the listener. When the service object puts forward a request or opinion, the service staff listens patiently. In addition to expressing the importance to the other party, it is also the nature of the work in the service industry. A request made.Because only by patiently and tirelessly listening to the requirements or opinions of the client, can we fully understand what the client is thinking and serve the client better.Any half-heartedness at this time will make the client unhappy.

When the service personnel listen to the requests or opinions of the clients, they must avoid deceit and perfunctory.

Generally speaking, when the service object expresses his views, the service staff should suspend other work, look at the other party, and show that they are listening attentively with their eyes, smile or nod.If necessary, the service personnel can also actively communicate with each other.

([-]) Praise the service object

The service staff compliments the client just right.

Praising the service object is essentially the acceptance and attention of the service personnel to the service object, and it is also an affirmation of the service object.Psychologically speaking, all normal people hope that they can be appreciated and affirmed by others, and the more appreciation and affirmation they have for themselves, the better.Obtaining the praise of others is the greatest appreciation and affirmation of oneself.When a person receives pertinent praise from others, the degree of inner joy is often incomparable to any material enjoyment.

Praising the service object, specifically, mainly requires the service personnel to be good at discovering the strengths of the other party in the process of providing specific services to the service object, and to express appreciation, affirmation, praise and admiration in a timely and appropriate manner.The biggest advantage of this approach is that it can win the cooperation of the service object, so that the service personnel and the service object can get along harmoniously and amicably during the whole service process.

Sometimes, even if the service staff needs to tactfully criticize the service object, or it is necessary to deny the other party's opinion, it may be much better to add some compliments to the other party appropriately.This is the so-called: "Seven points of criticism, plus three points of praise."

Service staff should pay attention to the following three points when it is necessary to praise the service object, otherwise it is often difficult to praise the other party:

Principles of Complimenting Clients

Seek truth from facts
just right
Although praise can be regarded as an effective lubricant for interpersonal relationships in the service process, the service personnel must control it and use it in a limited amount when using it.If every word the service staff says to the service object is a word of praise, filling the whole service process with praise will not only make people feel nasty, but also devalue the praise itself, making it meaningless significance.

etiquette experts remind you

The compliments of the service personnel to the service objects should not be absent at all, nor should they be flooded.

So far, enough is enough, it is the measure that the service staff must carefully grasp when praising the service object.

Seek truth from facts
The service staff must be clear: there is a difference between praise and flattery.True praise is based on the basis of seeking truth from facts, and it is a kind of affirmation and recognition of others' strengths.The so-called flattery refers to flattering and flattering others out of thin air or exaggeratedly, which is to put a high hat on the other party intentionally in order to please others.

It is obvious that if the service personnel's praise to the service object deviates from the basis of seeking truth from facts, it fundamentally deviates from the service industry's tenet of "honesty and no deceit".If it is developed to the extreme, it is deceiving, deceiving, and fooling people, so it is absolutely not advisable.

just right
In order to be accepted by the service personnel to the service object, they must understand the other party's situation and praise the other party's strengths.Complimenting a woman with her well-maintained skin, for example, by saying she "knows what it takes to take care of skin care" is sure to make her very happy.But if you use this sentence to praise a lady with eclipsed skin, it would be unthinkable.

In particular, be careful not to use words that others don't like to hear self-righteously to praise each other.For example, if you praise a scholar for his eloquence, you can say that he is "quiet and humorous" and "very humorous".But if you say that he is "really good at talking" and "talking like a cross talk", it may sound like scolding and satirizing him to the other party.

The Importance of First Impressions

first round effect
([-]) The crucial first impression
At the end of 2000, a huge commercial building was born in the northwest of a large northern city.Not only does it have a wide variety of products, but the interior decoration is very gorgeous, and even all the salespersons are different: they are young, good-looking, and have a college education or above.However, among ordinary people, it may not be satisfactory.While acknowledging the above points, people commented on it in unison, "the things there are too expensive."

To be honest, compared with other large commercial buildings of similar grade, the products of this commercial building are not necessarily expensive.On the contrary, many of the items it sells are relatively cheap.However, people seem to turn a blind eye to this, and still insist on their own opinions, just keep saying: "The things there are too expensive." This way, it is spread to ten, ten to hundreds,... even outsiders know.

This commercial building has been open for nearly 5 years.Despite its constant public relations campaign aimed at attracting customers, it hasn't seen much improvement, and many consumers still seem to be "boycotting" it.

For this case, the service industry has paid more attention to it, and many experts and scholars have also expressed their opinions.In fact, the basic theory of service etiquette can explain it.

In interpersonal communication, or in the usual process of contact with a certain thing, the impression that people have on the object of communication or the thing they are in contact with, especially when the two parties first communicate or contact each other for the first time. The first impression of things is mostly important.This kind of impression, especially the quality of the first impression, often not only directly influences people's evaluation of their communication partner or the things they come into contact with, but also determines the bilateral relationship in interpersonal communication to a large extent. Good or bad, or people's acceptance of something.

etiquette experts remind you

The first viewpoint or principle of the first-round effect is that people's first impression is very important, and the first impression often even determines everything.This point of view is the most important point of view in the first-round effect theory.

Some people call the first-round effect the first impression effect, and then directly call the first-round effect theory "first impression determinism".

(End of this chapter)

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