learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 39 Understanding Business Service Etiquette

Chapter 39 Understanding Business Service Etiquette (12)
The shoulders are stable to prevent rocking up and down.The arms swing back and forth naturally, the front and rear swings are 30°-40°, the hands are naturally bent, and the distance from the legs during the swing is no more than one punch.

Keep your upper body straight, tuck your belly in and stand upright, with your center of gravity slightly forward.

Step straight

The toes are slightly apart, the heels touch the ground first, and the inner sides of the two feet land on the ground. The trajectory should be in a straight line.

When walking, the distance between the two feet landing is about one foot long, that is, the distance between the heel of the front foot and the toe of the back foot is one foot.However, different genders, different heights, and different dresses will have some differences.


The walking speed should be uniform and balanced. Under normal circumstances, the walking speed should be natural and slow, showing maturity and confidence.

When walking, avoid splayed steps and bow your head.Don't shake your shoulders, shake your arms, don't twist your hips, look left and right, and don't rub your feet on the ground.

male and female gait

Due to the difference between men and women, when male and female service personnel are marching, in addition to being roughly the same in principle, the specific postures of their marching seem to have some different styles.

Generally speaking, when male service personnel are marching, they usually move at a slightly faster speed, with larger steps, bold and powerful steps, which fully demonstrate the masculine beauty of men.When the female service personnel are marching, they often move at a slower speed, with smaller steps, and the steps are brisk and elegant, which appropriately expresses the feminine beauty of women.

man's gait

When walking, male service personnel should keep their upper body upright, chest up, abdomen in, and waist straight; the center of gravity of the body falls on the center of the foot and should not be skewed.From the waist up to the shoulders, the movements should be minimized and kept stable; the arms should be close to the body and swing back and forth naturally with the steps; the fingers should naturally bend towards the body.Keep your walking path as straight as possible, with moderate strides.This will make you appear confident.

lady gait

When walking, the female service staff should raise their heads, hold their chests up, tighten their abdomen, hang their shoulders back, place their hands gently on both sides, swing gently, and walk gently without dragging their feet.If you walk correctly, your body will look better and you will appear more confident.

Walking in different shoes
Wearing different shoes will have different effects on people's walking, so you need to pay attention to the following points:
Walking in flat shoes

Walking is more natural and casual, with the heel landing first, and the forward strength should be even, so that the walking looks relaxed and generous.

Because wearing flat shoes is not restrained, it is often easy to be too casual. The stride is large and small, and the speed is fast and slow. It is easy to give people the impression of slack, so we should pay attention to prevent it.

Walking in high heels

After wearing high-heeled shoes, the heel is raised, and the body's center of gravity naturally moves forward. In order to maintain body balance, the knee joints must be straightened, the chest should be naturally straightened, and the abdomen should be retracted, the hips should be raised, and the waist should be straightened, making the walking posture more straight and adding Kind of charming.

When walking in high-heeled shoes, the stride should be small, the heels should touch the ground first, and when the two feet land on the ground, the heels should fall on a straight line, like the willow leaves on a willow branch. This is the so-called "willow leaf step".

When walking in high-heeled shoes, some people bend their knees to keep their balance. As a result, their walking posture is not upright, but they look vulgar and indecent because of their bent knees and pouting hips.When walking, you must keep your ankles, knees and other joints straight, and keep your chest up, abdomen in, and upward posture.

Walking poses in different clothes
Dressing will also have different effects on people's walking posture.Different dresses have different walking etiquette requirements, and service personnel should pay special attention.

Walking in a suit

In terms of demeanor, you should show a straight and elegant demeanor, and you should pay attention to keeping your back straight.Men should not shake their shoulders while walking, and women should not swing their hips from side to side.When a lady walks, the stride should not be too large, and she should take the willow-leaf step, that is, step on a straight line with the heels back and forth, with the toes slightly spread out, and the footprints when walking out are like willow leaves.

Ladies walking in long skirts
When walking in a long skirt, you should be steady, and your stride can be slightly larger.When turning, pay attention to the coordination and cooperation between the head and the body, pay attention to adjusting the angles of the three axes of the head, chest, and hips, and emphasize the beauty of the overall shape.Wearing a short skirt (refers to the length of the skirt to above the knee), should show a light, agile, lively, free and easy demeanor.The stride should not be large, and the frequency of the pace can be slightly faster, maintaining a lively and nimble style.

([-]) Special cases in walking posture

The special cases of service personnel's walking posture mainly include escorting and guiding, going up and down stairs, entering and exiting elevators, entering and exiting rooms, supporting and helping, walking in different directions, etc.

Escorted guide
To accompany means to accompany others to travel together.Guidance refers to leading others in the process of traveling, and is sometimes called leading, guiding or leading the way.As service workers serve people in their work positions, there are often opportunities to accompany or guide clients.

When escorting and guiding a client, the following four points should generally be noted:
Where I am
coordinated travel speed
Timely care and reminder

adopt the correct posture

Where I am
If the two sides are traveling side by side, the service personnel should be on the left side.If the two parties are traveling in one line, the service personnel should be located about one meter in front of the left.When the client is not familiar with the direction of travel, generally he should not be asked to go first, and he should not be allowed to walk on the outside at the same time.

coordinated travel speed
When accompanying and guiding guests, I must coordinate with the speed of the other party. Do not go too fast or too slow.

Timely care and reminder

When accompanying and guiding the service object, we must always focus on the other party.Whenever you pass corners, stairs, rough roads, or places with poor lighting, you must take care of and remind the other party to pay attention.Never say a word and let the other party be at a loss or be at a loss.

adopt the correct posture

When accompanying and guiding guests, it is necessary to adopt some special postures.Ask the other party to face the other party and bow slightly when they start to march.Turn your head and upper body toward the other party when talking to them or answering their questions on the move.

Down stairs
When going up and down relatively high stairs, service personnel should abide by some relevant specific regulations.Pay special attention to the following four points when going up and down stairs:
Take the designated stairs

To reduce staying on the stairs
Adhere to the principle of "upper right, lower right"

Pay attention to polite service objects

Take the designated stairs

For the convenience of customers, some service units often stipulate that the personnel of the unit shall not walk the same stairs with customers.Pay special attention to this when shipping goods: it is never right to let goods travel with customers or make them bump into customers.

To reduce staying on the stairs
Stairs are mostly places where people come and go, so don't stop on the stairs to rest, stand on the stairs and talk to people, or walk slowly on the stairs.

Adhere to the principle of "upper right, lower right"

When going up and down the stairs, they are not allowed to walk side by side, but should go up from the right side and down from the right side.In this way, those who are in a hurry can pass quickly.

Pay attention to polite service objects

When going up and down the stairs, never rush with the client.Out of politeness, you can ask the other party to go first.When you accompany and guide guests, you should go first when going up and down the stairs.

in and out of the elevator
When service personnel work in high-rise buildings, they often need to use elevators.When using an elevator, you should generally pay attention to the following four aspects:
To use a dedicated elevator
Remember "first out, last in"

Take good care of the client
Be respectful of those around you
To use a dedicated elevator
If the unit has made such a regulation, it must consciously abide by it.If possible, the service personnel should not mix the same elevator with the client.

Remember "first out, last in"

When taking an elevator, the general rule is: people outside can enter only after the people inside come out, otherwise, once there are too many people entering and exiting the elevator, there will be chaos.

Take good care of the client
When the service staff meets an unfamiliar service object while taking the elevator, they should also treat each other with courtesy and ask the other party to come in first out.If it is responsible for accompanying and guiding the other party, there are special requirements when taking the elevator.When taking an unmanned elevator, the service personnel must go in and out by themselves in order to control the elevator.When taking an elevator operated by a man, the service personnel should enter last and exit first.

Be respectful of those around you
When entering and exiting the elevator, most of them have to walk sideways to avoid bumping and trampling others.After entering the elevator, try to stand inside it.If there are many people, it is best to face inward, or face sideways with others.Before getting off the elevator, be prepared and change to the elevator door in advance.

access door
When entering or leaving a room, the following details should be observed:
to notify first
to open and close the door by hand
to face others

"last in, last out"

to pull the door

to notify first
When entering or leaving the room, especially before entering the room, one must knock on the door and ring the bell to inform the people in the room.

to open and close the door by hand
When entering or leaving the room, be sure to open or close the door with your hands.When opening and closing the door, bad practices such as pushing with elbows, arching with knees, bumping with buttocks, kicking with toes, and pushing with heels are not suitable for service personnel.

to face others

When entering and leaving the door, especially when entering and exiting a small room with familiar people, it is best to close the door with your backhand and open the door with your backhand, and always pay attention to facing the other party instead of turning your back to the other party.

"last in, last out"

When going in and out of the room with others, in order to show their politeness, the service personnel should generally enter the door last and leave the door after themselves, and ask the other party to go in first and go out first.

to pull the door

Sometimes, when accompanying and guiding others, the service staff is also obliged to pull the door for the other party when entering and leaving the room.

change direction
During the march, it is often necessary for people to change their direction of travel.The so-called change of direction walking refers to changing one's own direction while walking.The direction-changing walking adopted by service personnel mainly includes back, sideways, forward and turning, back and turning, etc. in addition to the conventional forward walking.

When it is impolite to turn your head and walk away, you can take a few steps back from the person you are communicating with before turning around and leaving.Usually, when facing the opponent and retreating, it is appropriate to take at least two or three steps.When retreating, the stride should be small, and the feet should lightly wipe the ground.When turning, body should be head first.It is inappropriate to turn the head first or turn the head and body at the same time.

When marching, there are two situations that require walking sideways.One is when talking with fellow travelers.The specific method is: the upper body should be turned to the conversation partner, the shoulder on the side farther away from the other party faces forward, the shoulder on the side closer to the other party is slightly behind, and a certain distance is kept between the body and the other party's body.The second is when you meet others on a narrow road.At this moment, it is advisable to move your shoulders forward and backward, and turn your chest to each other instead of turning your back to each other.

Go forward and turn around
Go forward and turn around, that is, turn around while moving forward.It is divided into two types: one is to go ahead and turn right.When turning to the right while walking forward, the sole of the left foot should be used as the axis. When the left and right feet land on the ground, turn the body 90 degrees to the right and step forward with the right foot at the same time.The second is to go forward and turn left.Contrary to turning right while walking forward, turning to the left while walking forward should use the sole of the right foot as the axis. When the right foot lands, turn the body 90 degrees to the left and step forward with the left foot at the same time.

turn back
Retreat and turn around, that is, turn around and walk while retreating.It is divided into three types: one is to back and turn right.After taking a few steps back, use the sole of your left foot as the axis, turn your body 90 degrees to the right, and step your right foot to the right at the same time.The second is to back and turn left.After taking a few steps back, use the sole of your right foot as the axis, turn your body 90 degrees to the left, and step your left foot to the left at the same time.The third is to back and turn.Take a few steps back, turn the body 180 degrees to the right with the left foot as the axis, and then step out the right foot; or use the right foot as the axis, turn the body 180 degrees to the left, and then step out the left foot.

([-]) Wrong posture
To really master the standard walking posture, service personnel are also required to be aware of some common improper walking postures and consciously avoid them.If these wrong practices already exist in oneself, they must be corrected in time.

In the workplace, there are mainly the following eight wrong walking postures that service personnel should correct:

blatantly rush
block the road
Bouncing around
running around
Make noise

indecent gait

When walking, some people do not try to avoid passing through the crowd as much as possible, but prefer to walk in crowded places, and even rush through the crowd, directly colliding with other people's bodies.This is an extremely disrespectful practice.If the service staff does this, it should not be.To prevent such mistakes, service personnel must keep in mind that they must have someone in their eyes when they are marching, and try not to walk through the crowd.

blatantly rush
People who know how to be polite must know that everyone should pay attention to convenience and take care of other people when they are marching.Where there are many people and the road is narrow, you must pay attention to "first come, first served" when passing.When necessary, in order to show your good upbringing and respect for others, you should also "comity three points" to others and give way to others.This is especially necessary when the other party is the elderly, women, patients, disabled people, ethnic minorities, foreign friends and service objects of the unit.If you rush to be the first, don't pay attention to the order, or even openly rush to the road, you will be ridiculed by others.

block the road
Service personnel must take into account the presence of others when moving in front of the public.To do this, it is not only about choosing the appropriate line of travel.Keep a certain orientation with other people traveling at the same time, and also maintain a certain speed.Otherwise, it is very likely to block the path of others.In narrow roads, it is obviously not appropriate to walk leisurely, even stop and go, or to walk side by side.Service personnel must also remember that once they find themselves blocking the path of others, they must move out of the way and ask the other party to go first.

In order to ensure the unimpeded flow of roads in public places, everyone has the obligation to obey the traffic order when driving here.Service personnel, whether they are in their own workplace or in the society, must be highly conscious and strictly abide by the relevant traffic order when they are moving.

etiquette experts remind you

When driving on the road, you need to walk on its right side.If there is a sidewalk, be sure to walk on the sidewalk.When crossing the road, you must take the crosswalk, underpass or overpass, and strictly abide by the rules of "stop at red light and go at green light".

All places marked with prohibition signs are not allowed to pass without authorization.The main regulations related to traffic order must be kept in mind by service personnel.

Bouncing around
When moving in the presence of others, service personnel must pay attention to maintaining their own demeanor, and it is not advisable to make their emotions too superficial.For some people, once excited, walking turns into jumping up and down, jumping up and down, and even jumping up and down.This kind of situation is not too much for children, but it may not be considered normal if the service staff at work are like this.

running around
Assuming there is a rush, service personnel can try to pick up their pace while on the move.But if it is not an emergency, it is best not to run while working, especially not to run away suddenly in front of the client.Such an approach usually makes other people ignorant of the truth, guessing endlessly, and may even cause others to be overly nervous, or cause a riot by spreading false rumors.Therefore, service personnel must keep in mind that, unless it is absolutely necessary, try not to run around in front of the client as much as possible.

Make noise

In order to make their walking not hinder others, service personnel should also consciously make it silent.To achieve this, there are three points that should be paid special attention to: first, you should walk lightly when walking, and don't use too much force when you land, so that you walk with a "dong dong dong" sound.The second is not to wear shoes with metal heels or nailed metal soles when going to work, in case they frequently make "thump, thud, thud" noises when they touch the ground.The third is that the shoes worn when going to work must follow the feet, otherwise they will kick in and out and make annoying noises when walking.

indecent gait

If the gait of the service personnel is indecent and unsightly when walking, it will often make the service recipients lower their "impression points" in their hearts.Generally speaking, service personnel should consciously avoid it while on the move.Indecent gaits mainly include: walking in "character-sighted gait" or "duck gait", staggering gait, legs not straight, toes touching the ground first, and so on.They either make the traveler look old and tired, or give people a sense of presumptuousness and artificiality.

Service etiquette stipulates that only in the following special situations, service personnel are allowed to adopt a squatting posture as appropriate during work.Situations where squatting is allowed:

Tidy up the work environment
help guests
provide necessary services
pick up ground items
take care of yourself
Tidy up the work environment
When you need to tidy up and clean up your workplace, you can adopt a squatting posture.

help guests
Do this when you need to crouch down to help a guest, such as talking to a lost child.

provide necessary services
It is generally believed that when the service personnel directly serve the guests and it is necessary, they can adopt the squatting posture.In addition, when the guest sits at a lower place and it is not civilized and convenient to serve him in a standing position, but also because he is superior and disrespectful to others, he can also use a squatting position.

pick up ground items
When one's or others' items fall to the ground, or need to be picked up from a low place.At this time, if you bend over to pick it up, your body will lean forward and back, which is extremely inelegant; doing so when facing or facing away from others is even more inappropriate.At this moment, the squatting posture is the most appropriate.

take care of yourself
Sometimes, you need to take care of yourself, such as tidying up your shoes and socks, you can also adopt a squatting posture.

In addition to the above-mentioned circumstances, it is not only unreasonable for a service worker to squat there alone at his job position without any reason, but he will also attract criticism for himself.

([-]) Standard squatting posture

Generally speaking, when it is necessary for service personnel to adopt a squatting posture during service, there are mainly the following four standard methods for reference:

high and low squat

cross squat

half squat

half kneeling squat

high and low squat

(End of this chapter)

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