learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 41 Understanding Business Service Etiquette

Chapter 41 Understanding Business Service Etiquette (14)
shaking legs
Sitting in front of other people and shaking or shaking one's legs repeatedly is not only upsetting but also comes across as extremely insecure.

feet in wrong sitting position

toe pointing at others
Regardless of the specific sitting posture, it is not advisable to point your toes at others, because this practice is very rude.

stand on tiptoe
If you touch the ground with your feet after sitting down, it is usually not allowed to only touch the ground with your heels, and lift your toes up.Doing this with both feet is an even more serious violation.

After sitting down, the feet should generally be placed on the ground.It is generally inappropriate to use your feet to trample on other places, or even step on a high place.

Take off footwear
Taking off shoes and socks is personal privacy and "bedroom action", and it is absolutely not suitable to perform in public.It is obviously uncivilized to take off your shoes and socks with your feet when sitting in front of outsiders.

hand in wrong sitting position

touch feet with hands
It is extremely unhygienic to touch the calves or feet with your hands after taking a seat. Those who have this bad habit must consciously overcome it.

hands under table
When seated, both hands should be placed on a table in front of you, if available.Putting one or both hands under it is not allowed.

hands on table
It is impolite to the person sitting with you to rest your elbows on the table in front of you.

hands on lap
Holding your legs with your hands is a comfortable and relaxing rest posture, but it is not advisable during work.

put your hands between your legs
Individuals often put their hands between their legs after sitting down, which can make them appear timid or shy.

Upper body and head in incorrect sitting position

upper body forward
After sitting, the upper body is lying on the table or chair or on one's lap, which can only be used for rest, and should not appear during work.

head against the back of the chair
Leaning his head on the back of the chair was naturally for a short rest.At work, you can't do that.

([-]) Gesture requirements
The standard gesture should be that the palm is naturally straight, the palm is inward and upward, the fingers are close together, the thumb is naturally slightly separated, the wrist is straight, so that the hand and the forearm are in a straight line, the elbow joint is naturally bent, and the bending of the upper and lower arms is preferably 140 degrees.

When making gestures, you must pay attention to softness and smoothness, so that you want to go up first down, and you want to left first right.Avoid rigidity and lack of flavor.At the same time, cooperate with eyes, expressions and other gestures to make gestures more harmonious and generous.

Gestures can be divided into several types by the way the arms are swung, each with a different etiquette:

gesture request

sideways gesture

forward gesture

sideways arm gesture

Tilt gesture

straight arm gesture

sideways gesture

When expressing "please come in" and "please", the horizontal swing style is often used.The method is to put the five fingers together, straighten the palms naturally, with the palms up, slightly bend the elbows, and keep the wrists lower than the elbows.When starting to make a gesture, you should lift it from the front of the abdomen, swing it gently to the side with the elbow as the axis, and stop when it reaches the waist and is at 45 degrees to the front of the body.The head and upper body are slightly tilted to the side where the hand is stretched out, and the other hand is drooping or carried behind the back, looking at the guest with a smile on the face, showing respect and welcome to the guest.

forward gesture

If the right hand is holding something or holding the door, you need to make a gesture of "please" to the right at this time, and you can use the forward swing.Put the five fingers of the left hand together, straighten the palm, lift from the side of the body from bottom to top, take the shoulder joint as the axis, reach the height of the waist, and then swing it from the right side in front of the body to a position 15 cm away from the body, not exceeding the trunk stop.Look at the guests with a smile on your face, or put your hands forward.

sideways arm gesture

When there are many guests, the gesture of "please" can be bigger, and the arms are swinging horizontally.Lift the arms forward and upward from the sides of the body, bend the elbows slightly, and swing them to the sides.The arm pointing to the forward direction should be raised and straightened, and the other hand should be slightly lowered and bent.You can also swing your arms out in one direction.

Tilt gesture

When inviting a guest to take a seat, the gesture should be towards the seat.The hands should be lifted from one side of the body first, after reaching higher than the waist, and then swing down, so that the big and small arms form a diagonal line.

straight arm gesture

When it is necessary to point the direction to the guests, adopt the straight-arm pose, put the fingers together, straighten the palms, bend the elbows and lift them from the front of the body, swing them in the direction they were lifted, stop when they reach the height of the shoulders, and basically straighten the elbow joints.Pay attention to the direction, don't use one finger to point out, it seems impolite.

([-]) Shake hands with people

At the beginning of a meeting, when saying goodbye, when expressing condolences to others, expressing gratitude, and expressing a little apology, people often shake hands with others.Shaking hands is one of the basic etiquettes in interpersonal communication.

When shaking hands with people, service personnel should pay attention to the following four aspects of etiquette requirements:

Pay attention to the order
Pay attention to the size of force
Note the length of time
Pay attention to the way you hold each other
Pay attention to the order
When shaking hands, the standard order in which both parties extend their hands should be "the venerable first".That is to say, those with high status stretch out their hands first, and those with low status extend their hands last.For example, during work, it is usually not appropriate for service personnel to take the initiative to reach out and shake hands with the client.

Pay attention to the size of force
When shaking hands, the strength should be moderate.It is equally impolite to use too much force or too lightly.

Note the length of time
When shaking hands with people, generally hold for 3-5 seconds.Without special circumstances, it is not advisable to shake hands for a long time.

Pay attention to the way you hold each other
Usually, you should shake hands with people with your right hand.The left hand is generally not suitable for use, and it is not necessary to hold hands frequently.When shaking hands, you should approach the other party first, extend your right hand to the lower side, and both sides hold most of each other's palms.The part being held should generally include from the fingers to the tiger's mouth.After the two parties hold hands, they should look into each other's eyes and shake their hands up and down two or three times.Don't just hold your partner's fingertips, or shake hands from side to side.

([-]) Raising hands and waving goodbye
show of hands request

Raising hands is mostly used by service personnel to express greetings, salutes, and thanks to service objects.It can be done quietly or with relevant words.When the service staff is busy with work and sees a familiar service target and has no time to do so, raising their hands to greet them can immediately eliminate the other party's feeling of being left out.

According to etiquette norms, the correct way for service personnel to raise their hands includes the following requirements:
The correct way to raise your hand

facing each other
arms up
palm outward
don't mess around
facing each other
When raising your hand, you should stand upright and face each other, at least your upper body and head should face each other.While looking at each other, you must smile.

arms up
When paying tribute, the arms should be stretched out from bottom to top to the side.The arms can be slightly bent or fully extended.

palm outward
When paying tribute, the palms must face outward, that is, face each other, and the fingertips should face upwards.Don't forget to open your palms.

don't mess around
Raise your hand in greeting, and extend your arm gently from bottom to top, instead of swinging up and down or side to side.

wave goodbye request

Waving goodbye is a common gesture used by service staff and service recipients when they say goodbye to each other.When using this gesture, mainly pay attention to the following five points:
stand up straight
look at each other
arms forward
palm facing outward
waving left and right
stand up straight
Try not to move around, run around, let alone shake your body.

look at each other
No matter how standard the gesture is, if you don't look at the person you are saying goodbye to, it will be understood by the other party as "no one's eyes", which is tantamount to doing nothing.

arms forward
When saying goodbye, you can use your right hand or both hands.But to make the arm stretched upward and forward as far as possible, the fingertips must be upward.Do not extend your arms too low, or bend them too much.

palm facing outward
When doing this gesture, be sure to keep your palms facing outward.Otherwise it is very impolite.

waving left and right
When waving goodbye, gently wave your arms to the left and right, but try not to swing them up and down.When saying goodbye with both hands, you should wave your hands back and forth from the outside to the inside at the same time.

([-]) Special gestures
Gestures are actions often used by service personnel during service.In addition to general gestures, the following special gestures that are commonly used should also pay special attention to the etiquette norms when using them.

Gestures when holding an object
Gestures when handing over items
Gestures when displaying items
Gestures when holding an object
During work, service personnel often help others hold certain objects.Service personnel must be safe, natural, in place, and hygienic when serving objects.

When holding an object, you can use different gestures depending on its specific weight, shape, and whether it is fragile or not.You can use both hands or only one hand. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the items, try to handle them as gently as possible, and at the same time prevent hurting others or yourself.

When holding objects, service personnel can use different postures such as holding, pinching, lifting, holding, grasping, carrying, and clamping according to their own abilities and actual needs.However, we must avoid exaggerated gestures and "making a fuss" when holding objects, which will lose the natural beauty.

In place
There are many items, when you need to hold them, you should put your hands in a certain place, which is the meaning of holding objects in place.

When holding things, hygiene issues must be observed.When taking food for others, do not touch it directly.When toasting tea, pouring wine, delivering soup, or serving food, never put your fingers on the edge of cups, bowls, saucers, or plates, let alone soak your fingers in them unintentionally.

Gestures when handing over items
At work, delivering or receiving items are basic skills that service personnel must practice carefully.

When delivering items, the issues that should be paid attention to are:

Hands are better
When possible, it is best to pass things with both hands.When it is inconvenient to use both hands, the right hand should also be used.Passing things with the left hand is usually considered a faux pas.

hand in hand
It is better to hand over the items to others directly to the other party.It is best not to store delivered items elsewhere unless absolutely necessary.take the initiative to step forward

If the distance between the two parties is too far, the passer should take the initiative to approach the recipient.If you are sitting by yourself, you should try to get up and stand when passing things.

Easy pick up
When delivering objects to people, the service staff should leave a place for the other party to pick up the objects, so as not to make them feel at a loss when picking up the objects.When handing over an item with text to another person, it must also face the other person face-to-face.

pointed, blade inward
When passing pointed, bladed or other objects that are easy to hurt others, do not point them directly at the other party.It is proper service etiquette to turn it towards oneself or towards another place.

etiquette experts remind you

When receiving items, you should look at the other party, not just the items.Always use both hands or the right hand, never the left hand alone.

When receiving items, you should look at the other party, not just the items.Always use both hands or the right hand, never the left hand alone.When necessary, you should get up and stand up, and take the initiative to approach the other party.When the other party passes the item, go to receive it with your hands, and don't rush to grab the item directly from the other party's hand.

Gestures when displaying items
Service personnel often need to hold an item in front of themselves during work to show others.Here are three things to keep in mind when displaying items in front of a large audience: Ease of Viewing
When displaying items, it must be convenient for the audience on site to watch them.Therefore, it is necessary to face the object being displayed face to face, lift it to a certain height, and make it take the time to satisfy the audience.When there are audiences all around, the display items must also be changed from different angles.

operating standards
When the service personnel display the items, whether it is an oral introduction or a hands-on operation, they should meet the relevant standards.When explaining, speak clearly and at a slow pace.When operating by hand, the technique should be clean and agile, the speed should be appropriate, and necessary repetitions should be carried out frequently.

correct hand position
When displaying items, service personnel generally have four hand positions.What they have in common is that the items should be displayed on one side of the body and should not block one's head.Specifically, one is to lift the object above the eyes.This hand position is suitable for use when being surrounded by people.The second is to lift the object to the point where the arms are stretched horizontally, from the shoulder to the elbow, the top cannot reach the eyes, and the bottom cannot reach the chest.This hand position is easy to give people a sense of stability.The third is to lift the object to the point where the upper part does not reach the eyes and the lower part does not reach the chest beyond the elbow when the arms are extended horizontally.This hand position makes it easier for others to see what is on display.The fourth is to lift the object below the chest.This hand position is not generous enough, which is sometimes done when people steal something to show others.

([-]) Common mistakes
After correctly mastering the commonly used gestures, if the service personnel want to make their own gestures better, they should also prevent and correct the following wrong gestures during the service process:
wave hands
folded arms
put your head in your hands
fiddling with fingers
hands in pockets
stroking the body
During work, service personnel are not allowed to point fingers at others at will.Especially not when talking to other people.Pointing at others with your fingers is a lack of respect.If you point your finger at the other person's face, especially the tip of his nose, you will be even more disrespectful to the other person.

wave hands
When receiving clients, don't wave your hands at them casually.That is, do not stretch one arm in front of your chest, with your fingertips up and your palms out, swinging slightly from side to side.In addition, don't swing your arms from the inside out with the palms inward.The general meaning of these actions is to reject others.Sometimes, there is a sense of extreme impatience.

folded arms
The gesture of crossing arms and holding them in front of oneself often implies self-admiration, self-relaxation, or the meaning of watching others, staying out of things, and watching their jokes.If the service staff behaves like this in front of the client, it will naturally make them feel unhappy.

put your head in your hands
Some people like to hold one or both hands behind their heads when they have nothing to do.The original intention of this posture is also self-relaxation.To do so in the service of others is obviously defiant.

fiddling with fingers
Repeatedly fiddling with one's fingers, either moving their joints, or crackling them, or clenching and loosening their fists inexplicably, or moving their fingers around, often gives people a sense of hysteria and makes people avoid them. Stay away.

hands in pockets
Putting one or both hands in one's pocket while at work is generally not permitted, no matter how elegant the gesture is.Because of this kind of performance, the client will feel that he is taking a break from his busy schedule and has not done his best in work.

Scratching one's head and posing, here refers to arranging one's own clothes at work, or dressing oneself up.If you do this in public, it will come across as artificial, a public performance, and a lack of concentration.

stroking the body
At work, someone is used to touching his body.Touching the face, rubbing the eyes, scratching the head, picking the nose, picking the teeth, scratching, rubbing the dirt, picking the feet, etc.This kind of person gives others the impression that they lack awareness of public morality, do not pay attention to hygiene, do not pay attention to maintaining personal image, and have low quality.

(End of this chapter)

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