I really don't want to cross

Chapter 159 First Arrival

Chapter 159 First Arrival
Accompanied by a burst of dizziness, the scene in front of Wood changed instantly.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times I experience it, I can't get used to this feeling!"

Rubbing his head, Wood said helplessly to himself.

The feeling of crossing is really uncomfortable, it's like spinning a hundred times on the spot, and my head has become chaotic.

When this feeling finally faded away, Wood felt as if he had fallen from mid-air, and felt down-to-earth. Then, the twisted and distorted vision finally recovered bit by bit.

The familiar home in front of him has disappeared, replaced by a not-so-busy street, but there are quite a lot of people on the road, but there is no commotion caused by Wood's sudden appearance.

Every time the system crosses, it will choose the blind spot of people. Even if you suddenly look back and find that there is an extra person, no one will be surprised. After all, it is impossible to remember all the people while walking on the street.

After a while of doubt, it will just be ignored as if you just didn't pay attention.


Next, what should I do?
When you come to this world suddenly, you can't run around like a headless chicken, can you?
And at least find a place to live. Wood turned his head and looked at the huge hiking bag on his back. There was no blood in it, but 2 million yuan, although the world was different.

But since it is also a modern society, the coins should be the same. At least the 5 yuan in this world in Wood's memory is the same as the 5 yuan in the world of One Punch, and [-] million is just a small amount to Wood.

Even if you can't use it, you can live in the wild and use it to light a fire to keep warm, and you won't have to spend time looking for branches...

The weight of 40 kilograms may be quite heavy for ordinary people to carry on their backs all the time, but for Wood, it does not take much effort to carry it on their backs. If it is not really too much to hold, Wood really wants to carry tens of billions.

After confirming that the backpack came with him, Wood heaved a sigh of relief. It would be much more convenient if it could be used. Money can make ghosts turn mills. In this world, if you have money, you can ask God for help.

Wood looked up and looked around. He was in an alley, and when he got out of the alley, there was a wide avenue. Judging from the surrounding buildings with an average of no more than five floors, it should not belong to any prosperous area.

Looking up to the distance, through the clouds and mist, he could vaguely see high-rise buildings. Obviously, it was not the small town he thought at first, but a big city.


The breath of this world made Wood frowned.

The air is definitely not very good, and there is a chilly atmosphere that makes Wood's soul feel very uncomfortable, but judging from the plain expressions on the faces of passers-by, ordinary people should not be able to feel this atmosphere.

Wood looked back, and saw that there were still many strange creatures floating in the alley connecting another street behind him.

As for why it is strange, it is because these creatures are not humanoid, they have various shapes, some are like frogs, some are like birds, and some are typical little devil images in fairy tales.

There are also many similar creatures flying in the sky, some big and some small, the big ones are comparable to skyscrapers, and the small ones are no bigger than the size of a little fingernail.

But after Wood opened the scarlet eyes of the vampire, he was able to see the essence of these creatures through the surface.

That is……


Most of these strange creatures are the souls of human beings, undead living in the 'beyond shore'.

In layman's terms, it's the souls of dead creatures. Ordinary people can't see them, but animals and babies can. Just now, Wood saw a baby in a stroller cry because of these creatures.

"It's such a messy world."

Wood took a deep breath, stepped out of the alley, and blended into the flow of people outside.

The most urgent thing now is to determine whether his money can be spent. As for asking the gods for help, he has to figure it out slowly. With so many useless false gods, Wood feels that they may not be his opponents in a fight.

Let alone solving your own problems.

"Let's take a step by step!"

But what Wood thought was a little too good.


With a strange and sharp sound, the ground where Wood was located suddenly shook, but the pedestrians around Wood didn't notice it at all, and they still walked forward on their own.

Wood was taken aback for a moment, and then he shook his head secretly in his heart. The people around him obviously didn't notice it.

call out!
Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air came from behind Wood.

Wood's expression froze, and he jumped up without hesitation. With amazing jumping power, he jumped directly to the top of the five-story building next to him.

The sound of heavy impact came out, and Wood looked down, only to see that his previous position had been occupied by a huge black shadow, mud and stones flew in all directions, and smoke and dust filled up.

But even if such a scene happened, the pedestrians around didn't seem to notice it at all, and even passed through the huge black shadow directly.

"Is this a demon?"

This is a giant creature about four or five meters in size. It looks a bit like a frog, but it has dozens of dark purple pupils on its head, focusing on Wood.

Monsters are creatures similar to undead, but these monsters are not souls, but monsters generated by human negative emotions. They cannot be directly seen or touched by people, but being possessed by them will aggravate human negative emotions .

And those powerful monsters are even more aggressive, not to mention extremely powerful, they also like to devour human souls, and they can only be killed by the artifacts in the hands of gods.


Why are you staring at yourself?

If I remember correctly, although these monsters will attach to humans and harm people, they will not directly attack humans. Most of their attack targets are undead and those wild gods.

Because these two are extremely delicious food in the eyes of demons.

Strictly speaking, I should be considered a human being...probably!
Wood is a little uncertain, at least normal humans can't see the disgusting thing below.

What should we do now?
Fight or flee?
Wood was a little hesitant. The monster below did not give him a strong feeling, but after all, it was a creature he was not familiar with, so he couldn't trust it. If he felt wrong, it was a very strong monster.

"It smells... so good... it smells so good... I've never smelled such a good smell."

At this time, the demon suddenly opened his mouth, and the saliva flowed down from those big mouths, and the eyes clearly showed the color of salivation. Obviously, Wood has become an extremely delicious food in his eyes.


Wood cursed secretly in his heart, he didn't know how fragrant he was, could it be that there was something wrong with the shower gel he used for bathing when he came here?
And at this moment, the frog-shaped demon body lay down, then soared into the sky, and rushed towards Wood directly.

"Gah...let me eat!!"

Wood frowned, his eyes turned scarlet in an instant, and he turned over in the blood mist, avoiding the pounce of the monster.

Amidst the muffled sound, the demon slammed straight into the roof of the building, but quickly adjusted its body, ready to pounce.

Barely tiger-level speed and strength?

A red light flashed in Wood's eyes, and the body in mid-air stepped hard on the head and feet, causing the air to vibrate violently. below.

call out--!
Amidst the sharp sound of breaking through the air, Wood, who descended from the sky, turned around again, this time with his head up and down, and his feet were thrown out forcefully. overhead.

Amidst the dull impact, the monster screamed, and its majestic body shot out backwards, and the huge head was directly kicked by Wood's kick.

The fragments of the head were scattered all over the place, and then turned into black smoke and dissipated.

However, the headless body did not disappear. Instead, it flipped crazily on the ground, and the head gradually regenerated at a not-so-fast speed.

None of this is dead?
Wood frowned, and then understood a little bit. The existence of these monsters is very special. They are born from the negative emotions of human beings, and only the gods can purify them with the use of artifacts.

Although there is an overwhelming gap in Wood's strength compared to the monster in front of him, it is not so easy to destroy it. After all, he is not a god, but a living being. It is a very strange special case to be able to meet this monster up.

The blood blade condensed on the five fingers, and Wood did not enter the semi-vampire form. This kind of monster that can only be said to be reluctant even at the tiger level does not need such a strong force at all.

call out!
With a movement of his figure, Wood's body suddenly appeared at the lower right of the demon, and the five blood blades on his right hand turned into five red lines, instantly tearing the demon's right foreleg.


Amidst the shrill screams, the right forelimb fell off quickly, but Wood didn't stop there. Instead, he waved his hands again and again, crazily cutting the rolling forelimb until it was broken into pieces.

Watching those fragments dissipate into black air, Wood nodded.

It's not that I can't destroy this monster, but it's just a lot of effort. If I really want to destroy this thing, Wood has to keep chopping it into pieces to do it.

After confirming this, Wood didn't linger, but used the vampire's stealth and ran towards the distance.

He won't get any benefit from killing this thing, and if he stays here, he may attract demons. Wood is too lazy to do such a thankless thing.

What's more, with such a large body, it is not so easy to chop into pieces!

I'm sorry, the sub-volume has not been adjusted, and I have to troubleshoot the editor...

(End of this chapter)

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