I really don't want to cross

Chapter 160: Night Fighting God

Chapter 160: Night Fighting God

"Thanks for your patronage, here is 9780 yuan for you."

After receiving the change from the convenience store clerk, Wood's face beamed with joy.

Can spend!

The money I brought myself can be spent even if I test it with a banknote detector. Although the serial number is a little trouble, but there are so many coins, it is not so easy to come across coins with the same serial number.

With a principal of [-] million, his activities in this world will undoubtedly be much easier.


Wood shrugged his nose, and the corners of his mouth twitched immediately. He turned his head and glanced into the distance. He could vaguely see a dark cloud coming towards him, but if he looked closely, he would find that there were nearly a hundred birds in the cloud. Gathered by demons.

"Why do these bastards keep staring at me?"

Wood scolded angrily, and for some reason, his vampire physique is like bread exuding fragrance. As long as he smells his scent, the demon will always follow behind him.

This way of fleeing, the farther you run, the more demons you will attract.This feeling made Wood a little crazy. Anyone who was chased all the way by a lot of starving ghosts as food would not be in a good mood.


Still have to escape.

Although these things are not his opponents, it is not so easy for Wood to kill them. One has to be chopped until it turns into black gas, let alone so many.

"Hold a taboo name, stop here, give you a false name, and be my servant. From then on, you will honor your name, and your vessel will use sound. Please listen to my order and transform into my divine weapon."


Just as Wood was about to continue running, a young man in sportswear walked up to him. His arrival did not cause any waves, even if his shouts were conveyed to Si Ye, he did not attract anyone's attention.

The young man in sportswear didn't pay attention to his surroundings either, because he is a god living between this shore and the other shore. Although he can be seen by ordinary people, he will be ignored by ordinary people, and he will be forgotten even after a short time of face-to-face conversation. .

The young man in the sportswear ran two quick steps, and when he reached Wood's side, he jumped up and greeted the group of monsters swooping down in the sky.

call out--!
There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Wood turned sideways subconsciously, and a dagger that shone coldly turned into a silver arc and passed by Wood in an instant.


Vaguely, a somewhat doubtful female voice fell into Wood's ears, as if it came from the dagger, and Wood also felt a momentary sense of gaze.

Wood looked up at the sky, the world is really small, I didn't expect to meet this hard-working god so soon...

In the air, the young man and the group of monsters collided with each other instantly. This scene was extremely strange. The group of monsters that made Wood seem to be in a hurry looked a little small in front of the ordinary young man in sportswear.

Yes, it is tiny.

As if he was a natural nemesis, when the young man soared into the sky, all the monsters stopped, and his attention was shifted from Wood to the young man, but the young man showed no fear on his face, and instead gave people an extremely majestic look. Feel.

"Fengweiyuan China, those who cause turmoil here, my night battle god descends here, surrenders to the power of the companion, Buddha removes all kinds of filthy barriers - cut!"

During the singing, the young man's index finger and middle finger slid across the knife, and Wood could clearly feel a strange energy bursting out of the knife, or in other words—divine power!
The power exclusive to the gods, even Wood felt a sense of restraint in that power, but it was nothing serious.

The dagger with the holy silver light slashed in the void, and a monster swooping towards him froze in mid-air for an instant, and the blood burst into black air and dissipated in the mid-air.

Is that an artifact?

There was a flash of understanding in Wood's eyes, but the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly. You must know that even if those monsters stood still and let Wood chop, it would take a long time to chop, but in the end it was as easy as chopping vegetables under the opponent's hands.

Is there such a big difference between professional and non-professional?
Having said that, Wood was still very grateful to see the young man in the air sportswear helping him kill the monsters who had chased him all the way. He touched his pocket and found that he didn't seem to have any change on him.

Looking around, Wood walked directly to a mobile phone store next to him, entered the store and picked a mobile phone at random, asked the waiter to find some five yuan coins for him, and then walked out of the mobile phone store.

Looking up, the battle in the sky is actually coming to an end.

After cutting down with a knife, with the disappearance of the last monster, the sky turned back to blue again.

Amidst the sound of crisp footsteps, the youth in sportswear fell from the air and stood behind Wood.

"Sure enough... I am so handsome with the artifact!!!"

In a word, the majestic image created by the youth in sportswear collapsed in an instant, which made Wood a little speechless, but he didn't feel too surprised, after all, Wood still had some understanding of this guy's style.

With a flick of the finger, a five-yuan coin flew directly towards the young man in the sportswear, but...

However, Wood forgot that his hit rate was almost zero. The distance of less than two meters, the coin flew by two meters away from the youth in sportswear.

"Hmm... it's money!!"

As soon as the eyes of the young man in the sportswear lit up, he pounced out like a puppy seeing a bone, took the coin in his hand, and rubbed it on his face...

"Mr. Yato, I hope you let go as soon as possible!"

A woman's voice came from nowhere, and a look of embarrassment flashed across the face of the young man in sportswear, and he waved his hand: "Come back, the voice assistant!"

In a flash of white light, the dagger turned into a girl in kimono and appeared on the spot, with a look of disgust on her face.

"Sweaty hands, it's disgusting."

Wood seemed to hear the sound of a sharp blade piercing his heart, and seeing Yato kneeling with his hands on his chest, Wood grinned.

"Sportswear over there, give me your phone number."

As soon as this remark came out, the two people in the field were stunned, and the girl named Accompanying Voice gave Wood a strange look: "Sure enough, can you see us?"


Yeto turned around curiously, started to come to Wood, turned around, and even sniffed: "Aren't you human?"


The corner of Wood's mouth twitched: "You are not human."

"That's right, I'm the famous Yato God, the god of fast, cheap and safe delivery... Uh, no..."

Accompanying the voice half-covered his face with his sleeves, turned around silently and looked aside, blaming himself for being too naive to accept the name bestowed by such a small god who had no money, no fame, and no shrine.

"Cough cough!"

Yato hid the embarrassment just now with a cough, and looked at Wood with strange eyes: "You are so strange, you are obviously a living creature, but you give off a strange aura. If I didn't observe carefully, I almost I thought you were a monster too."

"...Thank you for not being recognized as a monster."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, and he took out 5 yuan from his pocket and threw it to Yedou: "Just now 5 yuan was your reward for exorcising demons, and this 5 yuan will be exchanged for your mobile phone number. If there are monsters chasing me in the future, I will still look for you."

Although Wood didn't want to have any connection with this down-and-out little god, it's just that his physique is obviously very easy to attract demons. There is such a thug who can be happy for 5 yuan a shot, he is a fool not to use it.

Yato stared blankly at the gleaming 5 yuan coin in his hand, and when he looked up again, Wood was taken aback by his reaction.

actually cry?

"Good man, I have lived for hundreds of years, and you are the first human being to buy my mobile phone number with an offering!"

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, why did Mao suddenly feel that this guy was so pitiful?And was there a mobile phone hundreds of years ago?


(End of this chapter)

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