I really don't want to cross

Chapter 238 Preparation

Chapter 238 Preparation
"Tsk tsk, I take back what I said earlier, the biochemical crisis probably won't reach the point of this kind of ghost."

Wood hid on the second floor of a building, looking down while running stealth to eliminate his breath.

The place was still the same place, and the corpse of the big man was also placed in the original place, but it became the lunch of some ghosts and animals.

As for why ghosts and animals are mentioned, it is entirely because the creatures below are really scary.

They vary in height, some are three meters high, and some are more than one meter high.

All have inverted triangle heads, but there are no mouths, noses, ears and other organs on the head.Instead, there is a ditch in the middle, with soybean-sized eyes on both sides of the ditch, and a big mouth with sharp teeth in the middle of the ditch.

Just this head...Wood would not be surprised even if shit spewed out of that big mouth.

Because it's so much like a butt.

The slender neck, like a snake, stretched out about twenty centimeters.The body looked a little weird, with four limbs on the ground, and only three fingers on the hands and feet, but the fingertips all had sharp nails like knife tips.

The skin was scarlet, as if the human skin had been pulled out, and it was pure muscle. The sun reflected the blood light, and it was sticky even without touching it.

This monster is really a bit scary.

I don't know whether it was attracted by the smell of blood or the smell of meat, monsters kept coming around, and within a few minutes, the three-meter man on the ground didn't even have any bones left.

that fart...

Although the big mouth is extremely long, its bite force is extremely amazing, and the bones are 'clamped' into pieces after one bite.

However, Wood wasn't too scared.

Although these weird creatures look terrifying, their speed is extremely slow, and it feels like the speed of riding a bicycle. If they are all monsters like this, they shouldn't cause any trouble to others.

Even with the current human appearance alone, Wood can easily get rid of these things.

And Wood also tried throwing things out, but the sound of landing did not attract the attention of these creatures. Presumably they were only attracted by the smell of blood or meat, and did not have hearing.

It didn't take long for the surrounding things to gradually disperse.

Wood did not go out immediately, but hid in place for nearly 10 minutes before getting out of the hiding place.

"Is it moving?"

Standing on the street, Wood glanced at the direction of Wuming. He could feel that Wuming was getting farther and farther away from him, and the direction Wuming was going was the direction of little Anna.

Didn't you come to me immediately?

He frowned slightly, then relaxed, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Ah, by the way, I forgot about the fact that this girl will fall into a deep sleep when she unlocks her ability."

After careful consideration, Wood understood Wuming's plan. Presumably, little Anna was closer to her, so this girl went in Anna's direction first.

The two people can meet as soon as possible, and they can be more guaranteed.

However, I have to speed up.

The host can find other contestants, but once they find the two little girls, it will be dangerous.

But he didn't know that just now Wuming shot a host in seconds.

In fact, it was Wood himself who thought the other hosts were too scary, and regarded himself as the standard line.

But he forgot that although he has experienced at least five worlds, his fusion function compared to other hosts has made him a leader among the hosts.

Other hosts can only learn step by step in these three years. Except for a few perverts, there are also races with amazing natural physiques. Most of them are not very strong.

The ones Wood met belonged to the kind of people who were born with good physique, while the ones Wuming met were hard-working study parties...

As for the contestants other than the host, without the ability to search, it is not so easy for them to find other contestants, unless they have some means of searching.

Therefore, in the early stage of the battle, the battles that occurred were almost all unilaterally provoked by the host.

Closer to home.

Although he made up his mind to find Wuming and the others, since he had sent himself to the city, it would be a waste if the city's resources were not used.

I and Wuming can fill their stomachs with blood. Yato doesn't need to eat, but little Anna needs food. It's better to prepare it in advance.

As for Saitama-sensei...

Wood thinks that for Mr. Saitama, who has been cooking monsters for a long time, food should be easy to solve, so he will not consider it for the time being.

After searching around, Wood came to a building similar to a supermarket.

The shelves were covered with dust, and the whole room exuded a rotten stench, which was stronger than the smell of the protective clothing that Wood had not changed in the Iron Fortress for several months, and the smell alone made people feel sick. Produce a feeling of dizziness.

Wood smashed a few big holes in the surrounding walls, and it took a while for the smell to stop irritating the eyes.

Looking at the piles of unknown substances on the shelf, Wood put a layer of blood on his hands, and began to search inside. Although he didn't know how many years it had been abandoned, he still put all the well-packed things in one mind. Tossed outside.

After nearly half an hour of tossing around, a large pile had already piled up outside the supermarket.

Naturally, it is impossible to bring all these things, and some well-packaged things can no longer be eaten, although the cursed son has a good digestion ability...

So Wood started a second wave of selection, mainly picking out mineral water and low-fat cereals.

Mineral water is a necessity, who knows if the water sources in this world are polluted.

As for low-fat cereals, they can be eaten after the expiration date.

For low-fat cereals, the best-before date is the best-tasting time. It doesn’t mean that you can’t eat them after the expiration date, but the taste will be worse. But this kind of world can fill your stomach, what more flavor do you need.

"Uh... isn't that a bit too much?"

Wood looked at the pile of food piled up on his chest after picking on the ground, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly.

"Without a backpack, how can I take these things away, and even if I have a backpack, I can't hold them... huh?" At this point, Wood was taken aback, turned to look at the scattered cars on the street, and smiled: "I don't even know what to do." Forget, those things seem to have no hearing."

And the speed is extremely slow, so it shouldn't be a problem if you drive.

As soon as he thought of it, Wood found a few cars nearby, but most of them couldn't start, and finally found an off-road vehicle that could start on another street.

Find a canister and pump some spare gasoline from a couple of cars.

Wood loaded the food into the car and drove around the city looking for it, preparing to take everything he could use with him first.

After all, it is still unknown whether we can meet the city again, and it is necessary to prepare things in advance.


(End of this chapter)

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