Chapter 239
"Hey, this thing is really disgusting."

Here is a plain, and the lush green grass looks extremely beautiful at first glance, but this beauty is destroyed by a whole blood-colored area.

Countless pieces of meat and blood stained the ground red, and a yellow figure stood in the middle, constantly rubbing his gloves.

"What are these things? It's very rude to attack without even saying a word, you guys."

Qiyu still had that stupid face, looking at the pieces of meat all over the place and speaking in a flat tone.

However, there was a trace of boredom in his eyes.

These monsters shouldn't be the contestants, right?

Otherwise, it would be too boring.

"Well, forget it."

Saitama shook his head, and stopped thinking about it, but walked in one direction, but the direction he walked was different from that of the three of Wood, but the opposite direction.

Just in this direction at a distance of nearly [-] kilometers.

A figure was running wildly, his face was dark and scary, and behind him was a tall beast.

That's right!

It was a ferocious beast with a height of more than three meters. At first glance, it looked like a wolf, but below the neck, it looked more like the body of a tiger and lion. The face of the beast had a very humane and playful look on it.

The selection of the system does not distinguish between races, as long as it is an intelligent creature, it may become a host.

The ferocious beast in front of him is naturally also one of the hosts.

"Why are you still chasing me!!"

"Be my food obediently, little bug."

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched, and in his heart he scolded Wood, the eighteenth-generation ancestor of the imbecile.

This guy is a bastard!

I finally had the opportunity to go to Hetun Jun Paradise with Rihe. Originally, he just wanted to play with Rihe, but something he didn’t expect appeared in the middle of the journey. As a result, at this moment... I was pulled into this weird place. world.

That's all there is to it, why Mao opened his eyes and a monster was sitting in front of him.

One person and one beast stared wide-eyed for a few seconds, and then he was chased and killed by this monster all the way until now...

It's not that Yato doesn't want to fight back, but now he doesn't even have an ordinary weapon, let alone an artifact.

However, once the gods in the world of Noragami lose their artifacts, they are almost equivalent to useless people. Although their physical fitness is still very strong, their combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.To put it in one sentence: a god without an artifact is almost running naked.

That's why Yato was sad. As soon as he arrived in this world, he was chased and killed by the beast behind him who could speak human words.

"Hahahaha, give up, little thing, rather than being eaten by me after exhaustion, it is better to be eaten by me now to avoid suffering."

Before the words fell, the wolf and tiger swooped down and charged towards where Ye Dou was.

Seeing this, Yato leaped vertically, and performed a very neat backflip in the air, barely avoiding it.When the air wave brought by that huge body brushed against Yato's back, he could clearly feel a gust of wind passing by, and the astonishing impact pushed him up a bit.
Just this round of confrontation has almost dispelled Ye Doulun's idea of ​​fighting hard...

He thought that his three punches and two kicks might become the ingredients of this thing before he finished punching.

It must be too outrageous.

Can this kind of thing still be called a living thing?

Forget about strength, it's normal for such a big body to be strong, but the speed is too fast.

If the shot misses, the wolf and the tiger don't care, anyway, as long as the little man runs out of strength, he will be eaten by himself.

It's just a matter of time, and he glanced at the system just now, and the nearest host is [-] kilometers away. Unless the guy in front of him can run for a few days, it will be very difficult to meet him.

Although Yato didn't know what the beast behind him was thinking, he could guess some of it.

But there is no way, and he is now considering whether to change direction and escape.

This monster is so powerful!

Can the teammates in the direction you are heading really defeat it?

Not to mention whether I can persist in running to it, even if I do, if my teammate is not the opponent of this monster, it will actually harm the opponent.

If you can't escape, it's better not to involve other people.

What's more, it doesn't matter even if he dies, because he clearly remembers the rule of 'as long as one of his teammates wins, the others will also be resurrected'. If it doesn't work, he can only die once. Go to the end.

If you can't make it...

The corners of Ye Dou's eyes twitched, and those azure pupils were bloodshot.


How dare you let me listen to Hiyori's words, I'll admit it even if I die! ! !
It's so sad to die like this.

At this time, the wolf and tiger rushed over again.

Ye Dou's expression was fixed, but he didn't jump up, but stopped suddenly, and then stepped on the ground with his feet, and rushed straight towards where the wolf and tiger were.

The wolf and the tiger were stunned, and at this moment, Yedou's upper body suddenly fell backwards, and almost slipped under the claws of the wolf and the tiger.

Pushing his right hand on the ground, Yato ran away again, but in the opposite direction.

Obviously, he made up his mind to pull this thing away from the direction where his teammates were.


And in the original direction, a figure was striding high, but this striding was a little scary, and the speed was almost invisible.

The most frightening thing is...

This figure has been going straight all the time, whether it is a tree or a huge boulder in front of it, they all pass through, and the place they pass is a mess.

"Well, ran back?"

Qiyu stopped in a little confusion, looked at the direction where Yato was, and said to himself, "Did you meet someone blocking the way?"

Before the sound of the words dissipated, his figure disappeared again, but the speed was much faster than before, as if he was walking just now, and now he is running.


"Little bastard, stop obediently."

There was a hint of impatience in the wolf and tiger's tone, the little thing in front of him looked like a loach, and the chase and escape of the beast and man continued for several hours.

"You can't unify the titles, how many have you changed in a while?"

Ye Dou also went all out, turned around and scolded as he ran, "You son of a bitch, you can smell a fart, if you want to eat me, wait for the next life."

The wolf and tiger got angry, but then a sinister smile appeared on the beast's face: "Don't think that I don't know your plan, and suddenly changed the direction. I guess there is your partner in that direction."


Yato didn't speak, but his feet were unsteady, even though he adjusted immediately.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Langhu's face became more intense.

"Hahaha, it's useless even if you take it in the opposite direction, I can know all the contestants at any time..."

It stopped talking, and Yedou turned his head inexplicably, only to find that the wolf and tiger's big mouth was slightly opened, and a pair of animal pupils were wide open, as if seeing something extremely incredible.

"How is it possible? This is impossible..."

Yetou was taken aback when he heard that.

However, there was a storm in Langhu's heart. Just when he was mocking Ye Dou, he glanced at the location provided by the system.

But he found that the closest contestant was within [-] kilometers.

You must know that just a few minutes ago, the opponent's position was still three thousand kilometers away.


This distance is still changing at a frightening speed.

After he finished that sentence, it turned into a thousand kilometers.


[-] kilometers

six hundred kilometers
"This speed..."

The wolf and tiger swallowed hard, turned around abruptly, a burst of blood erupted from his body, and all the dark purple lines on his body lit up.

With a loud noise, the wolf and tiger rushed out like a cannonball, and where it left the ground, the ground exploded one after another, and the terrifying impact was wanton.

Yetou's face changed drastically, he never expected that the other party would have such a move.

It was too late to escape.

Dead! !

But what happened next made Yato stunned, and saw that the guy who was chasing him before, went directly over his head, and rushed towards the distance as if desperately, as if there was something terrifying behind him I'm chasing it.


What do you mean?
You chased me for a long time and just ran away?
Although Yatou is very happy to save his life, but you chase all the way, and when you succeed, you suddenly run away...

You are kidding me, you must be kidding me! !

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the direction where the wolf and tiger were running.

Yato's pupils shrank, and he looked at the huge body that broke into two pieces and flew towards him, and he stayed where he was.

"I'm just hungry."



The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a long time as he watched the bald man approaching from a distance and parked next to the liger's corpse.

"Eh, obviously the strength has been withdrawn, but it was broken into two pieces. It seems that the whole roast is not good."

This is called taking power?

Yato originally thought that Wood was terrible, but now he suddenly felt that... Wood seemed to be the same thing.

This bald head...

Yato glanced behind him, then at Saitama in front of him.

Did it use a method similar to the teleportation of the gods?

It can't be pure speed.

"Hi, I'm Saitama."

"Ah... hello, I'm An Xin, An An... Ah, no, I'm Yato."

I seem to be...

Hug on the thigh! !

Hmm... [-] words, not two in one... Let's continue with the third shift tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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