I really don't want to cross

Chapter 241 Anna's Crisis

Chapter 241 Anna's Crisis

The fighting lasted for a whole night, and Wood also observed from the tree for a long night. During this night, monsters continued to come from all around, as if endless.

When a ray of morning light rose and the darkness was dispelled, the fight came to an end.

The remaining nearly a hundred monsters in the field are at least 30 meters tall, and their auras are extremely fierce. They have all reached the strength comparable to tiger-level monsters, and there are even a few that are almost comparable to ghosts. super weirdo.

The monsters did not continue to fight, but gradually dispersed, leaving not even a trace of meat on the ground except blood.

Because even for dead monsters, their bodies become nutrients for other monsters of the same kind.

"It seems that we must hurry up."

Wood's face was a little uncertain. Although these monsters have not posed any threat to him so far, the speed of progress from wolf level to tiger level overnight is truly terrifying. If this battle is not ended as soon as possible .

The end result could be...

No one will be able to leave alive! !

at the same time.

On a plain, a little girl dressed in a purple battle suit, with short sticks hanging on both sides of her waist, and a sleeve engraved with the word 'Chairman of Discipline' on her arm, was running fast.

There is no doubt that she is the little Anna who was summoned from the black bullet.

Her situation is much better than the rest of the people. The place where the teleportation appears is a plain, and she has not encountered the rest of the contestants, and there are relatively few monsters.

However, at this time, her situation is not optimistic.

When Wuming made the decision to look for her, Anna also made the same decision, so she went straight in the direction of Wuming.

The journey was smooth, and there was no battle. Except for a break in the middle, she was almost on the road for the rest of the time.

But in the early hours of this morning, she suddenly encountered a strange creature.

It was a strange creature with moss-green skin and a human-like face, but with two ivory-shaped teeth protruding from the mouth, two hands with four fingers, no shoes on its feet, and only three fingers on its soles.

Its height is extremely strong, it seems to be at least two and a half meters high.

As soon as I saw Anna, I asked her which direction she came from. Have you ever seen a woman in a cyan magic robe and holding a staff.

Anna hesitated for a moment, then gave a reply.

As a result, the other party heard that she was not coming from the direction she was going, and had never seen any woman in a blue magic robe, so she suddenly yelled, "Then you are useless", and then attacked her.

Fortunately, Anna had been secretly on guard, and had already left the spot the moment the opponent launched an attack.

Then the current scene happened.

"It's just a human being, obediently become my Zujin's food."

From behind, the creature that called itself Zujin was chasing after him, every step of its incomparably strong body would shake the ground, the strength of the opponent can be imagined.


Anna glanced back, the huge leg bone in Zu Jin's hands turned slightly, and suddenly stopped.

"Lee lee..."

Seeing this, Zu Jin let out a strange grin, and when his knees were bent, his huge body leaped up with great agility.

The huge bone stick slid across the void, and a violent wind pressure was born out of thin air.

The smile on Zujin's face became more ferocious. Under the power of his troll, this kind of fragile human being can be dealt with with a stick.

After eating this little girl, he went to find the person who killed Erhuasi, even if he won the final victory, Erhuasi could be resurrected, and he must personally help her avenge her.


And when the huge bone rod was less than half a meter away from Anna's head, Anna suddenly moved.

His hands brushed across his waist, and two short sticks fell into his hands, and turned into a long stick when they joined in front of his chest.

Bend your left foot down, and take a step back with your right foot.

A set of actions can be completed in an instant.


The long staff, made of unknown material, swung out violently, and an incomparably powerful force erupted from under the young body.

With a loud bang, the ground under Anna's feet exploded, and her ankles were submerged into the ground.


She blocked the blow abruptly.


Zujin was surprised, and the smile on that face froze.

This little girl...

How could it have such power.

But he didn't know that little Anna, who possessed the unicorn factor, was most proud of her strength.

And her exercise has never stopped. Without the threat of naturalization, little Anna has been in a rapid development, which is related to her erosion rate reaching a critical point; according to Muroto Sumire's research, the erosion rate The higher the score, the stronger the Cursed Son's ability to exert its own factors will be.

Closer to home.

Zukin was stunned by Anna.

But Anna didn't give it time to recover, stepping back with her right foot slammed on the ground, and her young body curled up like a cat.

At the same time, the twin sticks that were connected together separated, and as Anna spun upwards, they turned directly towards Zujin's head.

With a muffled sound, Anna's sudden change of move was too ingenious. Zu Jin, who was directly smashed by his height advantage, let out a howl of pain, and his heavy body fell to the ground by this horizontal blow.

However, the little Anna who made this blow didn't have any joy on her face, and her little face became more and more solemn.

Very strong defense.

The stick she used just now was almost at full strength, even if it hit a Gastrea, it could still send flesh and blood flying across it.

But when it hit the opponent's head, there was no sign of bleeding.


An angry roar came out suddenly, and without waiting for Anna to pursue him, the bloodshot Zujin hit the ground with a hammer. He turned over and swept towards Anna who had not landed on the ground with his stick in both hands.

After suffering that kind of heavy blow to the head, the troll didn't seem to have the slightest sense of dizziness, but instead became crazy.

Anna didn't expect the monster to fight back so quickly.

When the bone stick wheel came, it only came to cross the two short sticks in front of the chest.

Anna's complexion changed, and she felt an indescribable terrifying power coming from the two short sticks, her body uncontrollably slammed backwards, her petite body flew back more than tens of meters, and rolled backwards after landing It took several meters before barely stopping.

"how is this possible……"

Anna turned over and stood up, a bright red slid down the corner of her mouth, and looked at the tall figure with shock in her eyes.

Looking up, I saw that the monster's eyes turned scarlet, as if he had entered a special state, and his whole person looked extremely violent.

"Leaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) "I will tear you into pieces, I will crush every single bone of you!!!"

During the speech, Zujin rushed over again.

When the tall body was running, its arms were hanging by its sides, and the bone sticks scratching the ground made a toothache sound. It swayed from side to side as it ran, as if it would fall down at any time, but the speed was astonishingly fast.

A distance of tens of meters came before him in a blink of an eye, and the big bone stick came towards little Anna in rounds.


(End of this chapter)

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