I really don't want to cross

Chapter 242 A Contest of Strength

Chapter 242 A Contest of Strength

The strength brought by the big bone stick made little Anna's face darken.

However, her reaction was extremely quick. She bent down and flicked her left leg back.

Anna's back leg collided with the bone stick, and a strong force struck, but Anna used the strength to roll to the side.

One miss, Zujin's scary face became even more ferocious.

Seeing this, Anna's eyes flashed with anger, and the pain caused by the previous impact disappeared in a short moment.

The opponent's defense is strong, but the cursed son's self-healing ability is not weak.

The two-handed short stick was once again combined into one. This is a weapon specially made by Sumire Muroto for her, and its hardness is not much worse than that of '錵' metal.

The long copper stick straightened out suddenly, and the head of the stick pointed directly at Zujin.

Although the other party brought her a great sense of oppression, little Anna, who was only ten years old, did not have the slightest fear in her eyes.

Immediately, her figure dashed out and launched an attack on Zujin on her own initiative.

At this scene, a strange color flashed in the eyes of Zujin who had turned on the berserk.

The world he lives in is a world with extremely diverse races, including dark elves, orcs, tauren, trolls, etc., among which humans with the strongest reproductive ability are indispensable; But also know something about humans, because forest trolls also occasionally have the habit of cannibalism.

So when he first saw such a small little girl, he couldn't help being stunned.

After all, human children are basically not a threat, and the tender meat tastes delicious, but the strength shown by the other party is far beyond Zujin's expectations.

His thoughts turned sharply, but his reaction was not slow.

The bloodshot eyes stared, and the huge body shook, as if it would fall if pushed.

Let the oncoming long copper rod pass by his body.

Before the long stick touched the ground, the strength broke through the ground, and countless soils splashed.

"go to hell."

Zujin grinned grimly, propped his thick and extremely long arm on the ground, and the bone stick in his right hand twitched.

However, Anna seemed to have expected Zujin's counterattack. Her body fell straight to the side to avoid Zujin's sweep.

Such a flexible girl.

Zu Jin raised his brows, and when the bone stick fell to the ground, he turned his body and threw his left arm directly at the stick.

There was a crisp sound, but when the arm collided with the spear, it made a sound like gold and iron.

A gleam of light flashed in Anna's red pupils, her body was like a spinning top, and she fell in another direction, and the heavy long stick was brought up again.

The sound of the stick is deep and thick, which is palpitating.

Zu Jin frowned, the little girl's strength was actually stronger than before.

However, the berserk troll is not afraid of any creatures in terms of strength alone.

Therefore, Zu Jin didn't dodge either. With a sway of his body, the bone stick in his hand went up to meet him.

A blow collided, and the two separated again.

Little Anna took a few steps back and fell into a disadvantage in the strength contest.

However, her steps stopped, and she fell directly in the direction of that force. The long stick fell to the ground, and with the force of the counter-shock, she slammed in another direction.

This scene made Zujin's eyes flash with doubt.

It took half a minute to react.


This little girl is using this method of driving the stick with her body to make up for the gap in strength between her and herself. After each rebound, the strength of the little girl's stick will increase a little. From this, it can be seen that she is very good at using strength. familiar.

A human being born with supernatural power?

After such a short period of time, Anna's stick has been stacked up, and the momentum is heavy.

The whistling sound of the heavy stick was getting louder and louder, and the weeds on the ground were rolled up by their roots and crushed by the shadow of the stick.

Anna's figure was completely shrouded by stick shadows.

Like waves, endless.

"You human beings can only play tricks!"

Zujin said something disdainful, strode forward and rushed towards little Anna.

And just when he came outside Stick Shadow.

The long stick folded in the direction and smashed directly towards Zu Jin's place.


Zujin in the berserk state was also extremely terrifying. He stopped with his right foot, and his left foot slammed into the ground, sinking deep into the mud.

An ear-shattering impact sounded suddenly, and Anna's long stick and bone stick collided firmly!The shadows of sticks all over the sky disappeared, and the palpitating energy roared up, and two figures, one big and one small, ejected out at the same time.

The reactions of the two people were exactly the same, they both stomped on the ground firmly, their feet outlined two large and two small trenches on the ground.


Blood gushed out of her mouth, and little Anna's face was extremely solemn. If you looked closely, you would find that her arms under her purple battle suit were trembling slightly.

The power of this monster is really too strong.

She, who possesses the factors of a unicorn fairy, was defeated one after another in the power she is best at.

Zukin, on the other hand, didn't look the same.

However, he couldn't stop moving his fingers holding the bone stick. Obviously, this collision also made his hands a little numb.

This girl is completely different from those little devils with thin skin and tender flesh.

The initial underestimation in Zujin's heart was gone, and the murderous intent on his ferocious face became more and more intense. Let's deal with such a dangerous brat now.

war?Or escape?
Anna frowned, knowing that the blow just now was her real full strength.

But even so, it was completely at a disadvantage.

This inevitably made Anna feel a little bit bitter in her heart. She just met an enemy, and she was so terrifyingly strong.

With such a weak self, I can't help Brother Wood at all, and may even become Brother Wood's burden in the end.

"Remember, the troll who killed you is named Zul'jin."

Zujin's voice was full of murderous intent, and in a flash, his huge body rushed directly towards Anna.

"It's a pity. If you didn't meet me, you, who can fight with me Zujin to this extent, will definitely survive to the end, but now you should leave early!!"

In the time of a sentence, Zujin had already killed Anna.

Seeing this, Anna gritted her teeth, but gave up her plan to escape.

Instead of fleeing to Brother Wood and becoming his burden, she might as well die here, and she must not cause trouble to Brother Wood in this kind of battle.

Just when Anna was about to go all out, a gunshot rang out without warning.


Anna paused as she was about to rush out, and a look of vigilance flashed in her eyes.

But then she discovered that the target of the shooter was not herself.

"Ow ooh..."

A scream suddenly came out of Zujin's mouth, and the forward body paused, covering his left eye with one hand, blood dripping down the palm of his hand.

This kind of marksmanship?

What about Tina?
Among the people Anna knew, only Tina, who left with Brother Wood, could hit Zujin in the eye with a single shot.

"Are you OK?"


(End of this chapter)

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