I really don't want to cross

Chapter 282 Drinks, the more I drink, the thirstier I become...

Chapter 282 Drinks, the more I drink, the thirstier I become...

Adventurers Guild.

"It's actually done!!"

Luna looked at the adventurer card in front of her, and her exquisite face showed a touch of shock. A monster that can hit the level of a bear with just one level, it should be said that it is indeed a monster with many abilities exceeding the standard except for the hit rate... …


Looking at someone sitting on a chair with a lazy face and a messy chicken nest.

For this gentleman, she really... can't be in awe no matter what.

After Luna confirmed the task progress from the adventurer card, she smiled and said:

"Mr. Wood, the total bounty for hunting down the two One-Strike Bears is 500 million, and the two One-Strike Bear corpses are 20. As for the two bear livers that can be used to make potions..."

Luna hesitated for a moment, looked left and right, and whispered: "The price of bear liver in our Adventurer's Association is 40 yuan per piece, but because it can make potions, many potion shops sell them for a while." Demand, those potion shops have a minimum purchase price of 60, if you..."

"Just give me 600 million directly."

Wood interrupted, he is really not interested in money now, all he needs to spend money on is the rent and tuition fees given to Yoyo, and he doesn't even need to eat when he is in a sleepy state.


Luna didn't continue to persuade, but counted the money and handed it to Wood: "Deducting the 590 eris for transporting the bear, here is a total of [-] eris."

Wood took the reward and the adventurer card, and didn't look at the reward, but checked the adventurer card in his hand.

The original level 1, after killing two One-Strike Bears, has become level 6.

The attribute value was the same as he thought before, there was no change at all, but when he saw the column of skill points, Wood couldn't help being taken aback.

"80 points?"

Over the past week, under Yoyo's teaching, many skills have been added to his "learnable skills".

It's just that he didn't have all the points.

One hundred points seems like a lot, but if he wants to learn Explosion Magic, he needs at least fifty skill points.

And this is still not the case of corresponding passives. If you click to increase the 'explosion magic power', 'explosion magic range', 'high-speed singing', 'reduce explosion magic consumption', etc... It is still unknown whether one hundred points will be enough.

What's more, Wood doesn't want to be like someone who only learns explosion magic.

Therefore, among the learnable skills, he only clicked on a few skills that he found practical.

The lower-level magic is in the middle: Unlock (alahoo opening) for unlocking, Flash (flash) as a flash bomb, Paralyze (paralysis) for temporarily paralyzing the enemy, and Sleep (sleep) for calming the nerves.

Level-1 magic learning only needs one skill point, and there is no extra passive, just spend '[-]' skill point plus abandon singing.

So the four skills share the '8' skill point.

As for intermediate magic, she has learned Wind Blade and Light of Reflection, both of which Yoyo is good at.

Lighting up mid-level magic requires '10' skill points. Two types of magic, Wood didn't point to the passive power-enhancing power, because no matter how strong mid-level magic was, it couldn't match the high-level magic, so he only clicked Abandonment Chant.

An intermediate magic abandonment chant requires '5' skill points, and '30' skill points are used after two skills are learned.

So before leveling up, his remaining skill points were '62' points, and after leveling up to level 6, it should be '68' points, but now he actually has a full '80' skill points.

That is...

Every time I level up, I don't only add one skill point like other people, but three skill points.

"It would be much easier."

Wood nodded slightly. He had originally planned to use magic as his main attack method in the future, so he had long thought of upgrading to obtain skill points.


Because the thought of 'I still have a long time to stay here' has dragged on until now.

Wood looked up at the task bar two meters away, a struggle flashed in his golden pupils, and he finally walked over.

"Huh? This is..."

Wood looked at the corner of the bulletin board, and saw a notice to recruit teammates was posted there, still in the familiar handwriting, which read:

[Team members are being recruited.The hope is that people who are okay even if the conversation doesn't go on, people who won't turn away when they visit every day, people who won't get angry if they don't meet their eyes and can't talk to each other.No occupation, no age limit. 】

"This little teacher is really...inexplicably pitiful."

Wood is a bit ironic, although career and age are compromised, but...

"Professional age has been compromised, but... isn't the direction of your compromise a bit strange?"


The corner of Wood's eyes moved, and he glanced at the middle school girl wearing a blindfold beside her from the corner of her eye. Is this town so small?

At this moment, a roar came suddenly, and Wood turned his head to look, and saw the manager of the tavern run by the guild with an angry look on his face, pointing at the boy and girl in front of him and shouting:
"What's the matter with you two? One doesn't even know about saury. The other has been serving water to the guests since just now. Where did the wine I mix go? Did you drink it?"

"I don't know what the saury here looks like!!" A certain dead house roared with dissatisfaction.

"No... no, woo woo, I really didn't drink it secretly. In fact, I am the goddess of water, and the wine will be purified automatically when my finger touches it. I can't rely on it, can I? woo woo woo..." A certain goddess has no integrity crying.

"Fired! Both of you are fired!!"


Wood hid in a corner.

Sure, this town might really be small.


It's really hard to feel pity for these two people to be useless to such an extent.

"very good."

Huihui's red eyes lit up beside Wood: "The previous team expelled me on the grounds of 'I wasted everything in their team'. Compared with that kind of person, it is nothing at all. I will continue to find other people tomorrow. team."

She seems to have regained her confidence in Aqua and the other two.

Wood glanced at Huihui a little strangely, then watched Akuya and the two leave before walking out of the corner.

However, Wood did not leave directly, but searched in the hall.

Finally, in a remote corner of the hall, he found what he was looking for.

I saw that Yoyo was playing a tabletop battle game that was supposed to be played by two people by herself, obviously waiting for someone to see the notice and come to her.

Wood walked behind Yoyo and patted Yoyo on the shoulder.

Yoyo froze obviously, then stood up with a 'whoosh', and before turning around, she began to talk endlessly: "You... hello! Welcome, my name is Yoyo, I am a great magician by profession, and I can use it. Magic has..."

When he turned around and saw Wood behind him, his words stopped right, and a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

Hello! !

What does disappointment mean?

Continue to code words...

(End of this chapter)

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