I really don't want to cross

Chapter 283 The so-called uncle, not everyone likes little loli

Chapter 283 The so-called uncle, not everyone likes little loli

"You guy..."

Wood scratched his head: "Is it really okay to greet the students who come to send tuition fees with a disappointed expression?"

"Ah...yes...sorry, Mr. Wood."

Youyouqiao blushed, and belatedly realized that her behavior just now was very impolite, so she hurriedly bowed to Wood and apologized.

"I always say it's enough to be called Wood."

Wood grabbed the chicken coop's gray hair, pulled the chair and sat aside, and casually threw the purse to Yoyo: "Hey, this week's tuition fee is 590 million in total, and I found out 99 and gave it to me."

Another million?
Yoyo looked at Wood blankly, no matter what... 500 million is too much for a week's course, not to mention that the class is only three hours a day.

Although she was attracted by the high reward at first, it was a task she accepted, and she didn't feel any embarrassment, she just felt that she had made a lot of money.But now that Wood personally delivered the money to her, it feels completely different.

"Wu...Mr. Wood, you don't need so much to teach magic knowledge."

Wood lay on the table, and said lazily: "You really talk a lot of nonsense, just take it if you want." After that, he raised his eyes and glanced at Yoyo: "You don't need to have any burden, maybe the money It's not worth it to hire other magicians, but it's worth it to hire you, and the magic knowledge of the Crimson Demons is definitely worth the price."

What he said was not exaggerating at all. As the world's number one magic clan that the Demon King's army dared not easily provoke, even though most of them had problems with their brains, the background of the world's number one magic clan was genuine.

As I said before, as long as you learn magic from the schools of the Crimson Demons, you can graduate. Maybe it looks easy to outsiders, but the difficulty is not as simple as it seems on the surface!
There is an unwritten rule among the Crimson Demons...

That is the Crimson Demons. If the first magic they learn is not 'advanced magic', they will be called 'waste magicians', because the Crimson Demons are the only ones who are all born with high-level professions, the great magicians. 'race.

of course……

It is also the only race whose entire race has holes in its head! !

Wood was able to learn two intermediate magics in just one week, all thanks to Yoyo's incomparably rich knowledge of magic.

The 500 million spent is really worth it!
"What's more, there is a handling fee for posting tasks, so I can save some money by giving you the money directly."


Youyou still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wood directly: "It's so annoying... Do you want to raise the price to 590 million and swallow the whole bag of money?"

"Ah? Eh? No... no... it's... I..."



Wood chuckled, and it was really fun for the little Lolita to be embarrassed.

After satisfying the pervert's bad taste, Wood asked a little curiously: "Seeing that you posted a notice to recruit partners, no one has come these days?"

"It's also... not that there is no one."

Youyou's complexion suddenly darkened: "The notice posted yesterday asked for people of similar age, and then a man who was about the same age as my father came and said heavily, 'I am only 13 years old, very gentle, and will definitely be a good company your'."

The corner of Wood's eyes moved: "...Reject it...It must be rejected!!!"

"I refused... But that person talked a lot with me, and even invited me to lunch. I think he is very nice. He also said that we will talk tomorrow..."

"Stop, tell me the physical characteristics of that person."


"I think he should learn how the scum died..."

This girl... has a limit to being stupid and cute! !
"Then, a guy came today and asked me to do him a favor. He said he was pretending to be his girlfriend in front of his sick mother... and then asked me to date him for half an hour..."

"...Refused...it must be rejected!!"

"Look at how pitiful he is crying. I wanted to agree to come, but Huihui...is the friend I mentioned earlier. She rushed out and chanted the explosion magic, scaring that person away. Fortunately, the guild Everyone caught Huihui in time."


"There are also Axis believers who came to persuade me to join the religion..."


Wood interrupted Yoyo with a wave of his hand and continued to talk about her journey of 'exposing humanity' to recruit partners. Now he can no longer look directly at the scum... residents in this city.

"Before looking for a partner in the future, let your friend with a brain problem check it out. From the point of 'survival common sense' alone, she is at least better than you."


Youyou nodded in agreement: "Huihui is very good, her grades have always been the best in school, so naturally she won't lack teammates..."

"Hey! What's going on with your reaction?"

There was an angry roar.

"I am! I am the number one genius of the Crimson Demon Clan, who manipulates the strongest attack magic——explosion magic, and I am the one who will eventually use up explosion magic!!"

"That... We know Miss Huihui that you are very powerful, but we are just a group of 'weak adventurers' whose livelihood is to eliminate 'weak monsters'. It is really reckless for you to join our team."

"It doesn't matter, under my leadership, I will definitely lead you on a path to the strongest, so please let me join, as long as I send it once a day."

"That... I'm sorry, you should find another team."


Looking at the fleeing team not far away in front of the 'Number One Genius of the Crimson Demon Clan', Yoyo said to Wood: "...the partner of the best person is not so easy to find, um... yes, it is so."

Wood: "You don't actually have to smooth things over for her..."

During the conversation, Yoyo checked 99 from the purse, put it in a small bag and handed it to Wood.

Wood turned to look out the window.


It's better to go home and sleep at noon, upgrade or something, anyway, there is plenty of time! !
"Just wait, I'm going back."

"Eh? Are you leaving now?"

Wood nodded, got up and walked outside. In fact, he was more inclined to hire a knight to carry him back, but after hesitating again and again, he was still too shy to let a little loli see the appearance of a 'long-standing' uncle...

After all, I have been taught a lot of useless knowledge by some unscrupulous uncles in the past few days. In order to prevent "uncle" from becoming a synonym for "obscene" in this girl's mind, it is better to erect the image of a serious uncle.

At least get out of the guild and hire again.


"Wu...Mr. Wood, let's go together. I'll drop by the hotel too. My friend has a kitten named 'Douzhisuke', and he forgot to leave food and water for him in the morning."


Can I refuse?

(End of this chapter)

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