Chapter 373...Why?
Before returning home, Wood went to the vegetable field, and when he found that the two children were playing backgammon in the vegetable garden outside the slum, he turned and returned home.

He no longer needs to intervene in how to develop in the future.

No matter how many times Subaru Natsuki died, it has nothing to do with him, all he needs to do now is to wait, to wait for Subaru Natsuki to follow his original life trajectory and open up his extremely 'tragic' life.

"I'm so tired~~"

Wood was lying on the bed with some exhaustion, not physically exhausted, but a kind of exhaustion caused by continuous high nervous tension, from the first 'death reset' to the third 'death reset' now His nerves never relaxed.

He just wants to let go of everything now and relax and sleep.

However, after lying tossed and turned for more than three hours, Wood did not fall asleep.

Because he always felt that there was something he had overlooked in these three 'death resets', but he couldn't figure out what he had overlooked.


Wood sighed, giving up the idea of ​​getting a good night's sleep.

Looking at the sky outside which is already approaching dusk, the next waiting is the most difficult, but if it develops according to the normal track, nothing will happen to the two primary schools.

Wood got up and left the room. Buzz and Aina were coming back soon, and it was time to prepare dinner.

After picking some vegetables and mixing them with flour, Wood baked vegetable cakes on the stove outside the house.

And at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps approaching from far away.

"There is someone over there, let me ask the way."

It didn't take long for a familiar voice to reach Wood's ears, which made him startled.

This sound is...

Natsuki Subaru?
Anyway, he also spent a day with Natsuki Subaru, so he was no stranger to his voice.

But how did he know he lived here?


"Little friend, do you know where Lord Roma's stolen goods are?"

Nayue Subaru looked at the young figure who was making pancakes and asked, but then his brows frowned, for some reason... He always felt that this figure from the back seemed familiar to him.


Wood turned around, looked at Natsuki Subaru with a smile on his face and asked, "Are you talking to me?"


When Nayue Subaru saw the familiar figure turning around, he was stunned for a moment, then his face changed suddenly, and he retreated involuntarily, and finally sat down on the ground under nervousness.

"What's wrong, Subaru?"

Emilia on the side asked a little strangely, but then her shoulders sank, and the elf 'Parker' who had signed a contract with her appeared from the magic stone, looking at the thirteen-four-year-old with strange eyes. year old child.

"Hey, is that weird?"

Parker sat on Emilia's shoulders, posing with his legs crossed, with a look of inquiry on his small and cute face, and asked with interest: "Why does a person like my brother live in a What about the slums?"

Wood looked at Parker carefully, but he remembered the short confrontation in the first "death reset".

Although this thing is small, its strength should not be underestimated.

Although the confrontation was short, the kitten survived the full blow from his giant body. Driven by the rage, his blow was powerful enough to instantly kill a lowly dragon-level monster .

However, Wood was not too surprised.

After all, this kitten is an elf in charge of the fire element among the six elements, and is called the last beast of permafrost by humans. It is normal to have this kind of strength.

"you you……"

Nayuki Subaru looked at Wood with a horrified expression, and passed the day smoothly. He thought he would never see this scary little ghost again, but he didn't expect that the other party was waiting for him in such an unexpected place.

Isn't this a slum?
You are such a strong person...

The corner of Nayue Subaru's mouth twitched slightly. Could it be true that the guy said that he is an 'ordinary person'? People with that kind of terrifying power are only worthy of living in slums?

If so...

The level of this world is too high, right?
"Huh? What are you doing standing outside my house?"

At this moment, another voice came from behind Natsuki Subaru.

Immediately, I saw Baz pulling Ina out from behind Natsuki Subaru, and then went straight past Emilia, and the two trots who were tired from playing ran to the bucket to have a drink, and then looked at the two people outside the door with some doubts. people.

It’s just that Buzz’s eyes are basically looking at Emilia; Aina’s eyes are also the same, but they are slightly different from Buzz’s. What she looks at is Parker on Emilia’s shoulder. For a little girl , Parker's petite appearance is indeed extremely cute.

Buzz ran to Wood and asked in a low voice, "Hey, idiot, are these people your friends?"

"Just to ask for directions."

Wood replied, then looked at Emilia and Natsuki Subaru and said, "Master Roma's loot warehouse is not in this direction, you return from the same road, take the slightly wider road ahead, pass a small stream to the end That's it."

"That's it, thank you for your help...Huh? Subaru?"

Emilia thanked Wood very politely, but before she could finish speaking, Natsuki Subaru dragged her to the distance.

The sound of two people talking could be heard in the distance.

"Subaru, you're being rude like this."

"That kind of killing... Forget it. Anyway, Shatia, remember, never greet that person casually when you see him in the future, he is very dangerous."

"My daughter, I quite agree with Subaru's words."


It's finally time to start.

Wood stared in a daze at the direction in which the two cats left.

"Back to God!!"

Baz pulled Lawood's arm, and said with a narrow face: "What? Did you fall in love with her? I advise you to stop thinking about it. Wearing such beautiful clothes, you can look like a noble lady at first glance, but it's not us who live here. As high as anyone in the slums can reach."

Aina gave Buzz a shudder, then hugged Wood's arm, and made a face at Buzz.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this, Wood smiled, and patted Aina on the head: "Her status is many times higher than you think."


Buzz was taken aback.

"Let's eat."

Wood didn't explain either, and the three of them sat at the stone table and ate their dinner hastily.

After the meal, Wood began to clean up the dishes, while Aina and Buzz helped him wash the dishes.

"If you're tired, go to bed first."

Looking at the tiredness on the two little faces of Aina and Buzz, Wood couldn't help being a little funny, and patted the heads of the two little ones: "Go, it doesn't take three people to clean the three sets of dishes, our The two little workers will be pouring water all day tomorrow, so let's go to bed early."

"Don't always speak in an adult tone."

Buzz gave Wood an angry look: "If you want to pour water, you 'little' worker can go by yourself tomorrow.!" But he emphasized the word 'small', obviously for Wood's expression. The adults breathed, feeling very dissatisfied.

Wood tapped Buzz on the head lightly, and then pushed the two boys back into the room.

Seeing Er taking a nap, Wood didn't bother to tidy up the yard, but sat directly beside the stone table, waiting for the fourth 'death reset' to arrive.

As time goes by every minute and every second.

Unknowingly, it has completely entered the night.

This is the time...

Wood looked at the full moon rising overhead.

From the time point of view, it was about five o'clock. The first two resets, the two children died during this time period.

Thinking of this, Wood looked towards the house behind him.

this time……

No matter what, let Buzz and Ina live!

Just like the original origin, I spent it safely. Although I don't know when the original origin started the "death reset", but the two children were still alive and healthy at that time.

As long as I ensure that the development trajectory of Nayue Subaru after several deaths in the future will develop according to the original plot, then nothing will happen to the two primary schools.

The moment Wood turned his attention to the house, his pupils shrank immediately.


An eerie silence filled the entire courtyard, except for his own breathing, heartbeat, and the fluttering of the wings of various insects in the night, there was no sound at all...

Even in that house, there was no sound coming out, not to mention the snoring that existed before, even...

Even the sound of breathing disappeared without a trace at this moment!


Wood laughed dryly: "I didn't expect to live a peaceful life for a long time, and even my hearing has deteriorated."

So comforting himself, Wood walked slowly towards the room, when he stepped over the threshold, the two beds were cut by a piece of rag...

Buzz and Ina,
There is no life in the two immature bodies...

Obviously everything has been modified, why...why...

Where is wrong?


What went wrong?
Wood's hands trembled slightly, and walked towards the two children.

But at this moment...

A familiar sense of distortion came again, and everything in front of him gradually distorted and disappeared.

There was a silent silence.

Wood knew that this was...the fourth 'death reset' had started.

The tranquility came and went quickly.

Next second,
The whole world suddenly became noisy!
Opening his eyes, what caught Wood's eyes was the sun hanging high in the sky, and under this sun... the bustling commercial street, instead of the broken ceiling.

"This is……"

Wood's face changed, and he hurriedly ran towards the alley next to him. When he saw the three bewildered gangsters sitting in the alley, a flash of surprise flashed in Wood's eyes.

Maybe it was a new experience, maybe it was death at the hands of others, but either way, the original reset point was completely changed.

It's not the early morning of today, but the time after he returned to the capital with the three gangsters as the starting point.

Opened the fourth time——

Death reset! !

(End of this chapter)

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