I really don't want to cross

Chapter 374 The Envious Witch

Chapter 374 The Envious Witch
The periphery of the slums.

Standing outside the vegetable garden, Wood sighed as he watched the two children who had just returned from filling drinking water by the river.

He was becoming more and more confused about the deaths of Buzz and Aina. The first and second deaths were still traceable, but what happened to the third death?

Although he was standing outside the door at that time, the inside of the house seemed extremely dark, but for Wood, who has night vision ability... he could see everything in the house at a glance, and there was no sign of anyone in the room at that time. There is no trauma on the body.

Judging from the sweet sleeping faces of Buzz and Aina after a busy day, it should be a painless death.

So how did they die?

Or, did I make a mistake from the beginning?
"Why did you run here?"

At this time, Buzz also noticed Wood's arrival, curled his lips and said, "What? Don't you think the two of us can't even do watering well?"

On the one hand, Aina gave Buzz a shudder, and then ran out of the vegetable garden with her skirt in hand, and threw herself into Wood's arms.

"I'm here to see if you're lazy, you little cunning, and leave all the work to Aina." Wood patted Aina's head and smiled.

Hearing this, Buzz looked at Aina who hugged Wood like a bird, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "...how dare I?"


Wood couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but Aina gave Buzz a hard look, making Buzz shrink back.

Looking at the pair of siblings in front of him, Wood pondered for a moment.

"Buzz, come here."


Buzz was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to Wood with some doubts, but before he could ask, he saw a black glow on Wood in front of him.

This scene immediately startled the two children, and they couldn't help but took two steps back.

"Hey! Idiot, what's the matter with you?"

Immediately, they all looked worriedly at Wood, who was wrapped in a black awn.


Wood's voice came from the black awning. Although the voice did not change, the tone of the speech made the two little ones a little strange.

Before Baz asked, he saw that black light gradually shrinking, revealing a man with a familiar face inside, but who gave off a strange and charming feeling.

"Don't be nervous, this is another form of me."

Seeing Erxiao's nervous look, Wood smiled slightly, making little Aina's face flush red.

Wood briefly explained his changes to Second Primary, and Second Primary was a little hard to accept at first, but he became familiar with it after a while. After all, Wood has always been extremely mature in their eyes, and now this eighteen-year-old On the contrary, his appearance is more in line with his performance all the time.

Of course, a large part of the reason why the two children can accept it so quickly is due to the affinity of the succubus physique itself. Even if they don't deliberately use it, the natural charm is not something the two children can resist.

"You two stand in front of me."

Wood called the two little ones to his body, and then put his hands on the two little heads.

Immediately, he saw the star-like black spots in his eyes gradually spinning, and an invisible wave enveloped the entire area in an instant, causing the surrounding vegetation to sway wildly.

no problem?

Wood frowned. There was nothing wrong with the souls of the two little ones, and there was no smell of curses, which meant that the painless death in the third 'death reset' was not a problem with the souls.

If it's not a soul... then where did it come from?

And what puzzled Wood the most was that the second primary school in the original "Origin" didn't show any signs of weakness or dying after five o'clock at night.

But from the first 'death reset' onwards, everything gets weirder.

The freezing time of Parker's rampage at first was after five o'clock, the second time when two children drowned in the shallows was after five o'clock, and the third inexplicable death was also after five o'clock.

It can't be that the rules of this world are dissatisfied with his behavior of interfering with the timeline at will, and can't kill himself, so they can kill the existence of Er Xiao instead?

Thinking of this, Wood shook his head. In his opinion, this possibility is almost zero.

"and many more."

Wood frowned, but suddenly remembered the legend about the jealous witch Satila.

According to the legend, this "witch of jealousy" devoured all the six witches who were accused of a great crime in the past, and then swallowed half of the world, and was finally sealed by the joint efforts of the dragon, the sage, and the sword master.

"Swallowed half of the world... What does this sentence mean?"

Wood's brows became tighter and tighter. He didn't know much about this jealous witch.

But judging from the fact that the other party was able to give Nayuki Subaru the ability to "reset death" which violates the rules of the world, the jealous witch may have devoured "half the world" in the true sense, so her existence is equivalent to this Half the world rules.

If you think about it this way, Parker's freezing at first might just be a coincidence, but the second and third times it was because he killed Natsuki Subaru and angered the witch, so the two children died at the same time.

Probably only she could hide the truth from Wood and kill the two children silently.

But this guess is not reasonable at all.

In the original book, I don’t know how many times Natsuki Subaru was killed, and I didn’t see any revenge from the sealed witch. I just killed Natsuki Subaru once and then retaliated against myself?
not to mention……

The ability she bestowed on Nayue Subaru had to be killed in order to realize Nayue Subaru's value.

Having said that, just in case.

Wood directly invoked the blood energy of the vampires, the divine power of the Sleeping God, and now his own soul power in his own soul world to protect the two little souls; in this way, even if the jealous witch moved He can also detect any hands and feet in the first place.

By then...

Wood's eyelids drooped slightly, and a murderous intent flashed across those star-studded eyes.

I can only think of a way to kill her.

If you can't...

Whether it is to provoke conflicts among various races, or to use human ambition to provoke a racial war...

He came to destroy the remaining half of the world.

Anyway, the only things he cares about in this world are these two brats in front of him.

Next, Wood did not go home, but recovered his body and stayed with the two children.

He wants to see who can take the lives of the two little devils under his unwavering protection!

The afternoon passed in a blink of an eye. Wood brought the two children back home and cooked for the two little devils like yesterday. However, Subaru Natsuki did not come here today, and Wood was not surprised... If it was him, Not even the slums.

But Subaru Natsuki, who likes to die, probably has gone to the loot warehouse by now?
Wood looked up at the gradually darkening sky, then looked at the two children who were drinking water, hesitated and said: "Don't go back to your room to sleep, sit here with me."


Buzz yawned a little tiredly: "What are you going to do again? Aina and I have been busy all day, and now we are so sleepy that we don't have time to play with you idiot." Even so, he Still sitting at the stone table.

Although Aina's small face showed exhaustion, she still sat upright beside Wood.


(End of this chapter)

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