Chapter 476

That is?

Aizawa Shouta's expression changed, he looked at the people coming out of the space passage one by one, his eyes flickered, and he shouted to Wood and the others: "All gather together and don't move around, No. 13, come here!" Protect students."

The sudden change made everyone in Class A in the arena full of confusion, not understanding what happened.

"Who are those people?"

"Could it be like the entrance exam again, the routine of starting directly without a reminder?"


There was a commotion among the crowd, and Wood took the opportunity to hide behind.

"Don't move!"

Aizawa Shouta turned around and scolded, and at the same time put the goggles around his neck on his face, and said in a solemn tone: "Those are enemies!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Class A couldn't help but gasped.

With such a sentence, the shore of the water disaster practice field was already full of people, and the densely packed heads made everyone's hearts tremble, and...the faces of these people, without exception, were full of cruelty. The color of abuse.

Next to the water disaster drill field on the other side.

The space channel gradually closed as the two weird-shaped people walked out.

One of these two people is a huge man with an exposed brain, bare upper body, and an eagle beak; while the other is even more weird, his whole body is composed of black and purple mist, and the outline and eyes of a human body can be vaguely seen.

After the two walked out of the passage, they came straight behind a silver-haired young man who first stepped into USJ.

It was a weird young man with a slender figure in black tights and red sneakers; the reason why he was called weird was that he had a severed hand on his face and on the back of his head, and two severed hands on his neck, armpits and shoulders. Two, with three hands on each limb.

Covered by fourteen severed hands, the whole person looked extremely gloomy.

"Number 13... and 'Eraser Head'?"

This passage came out from the constantly flowing black mist, his eyes scanned the entrance and said: "According to the teacher's schedule that I got this morning, All Might should be here today. Yes indeed……"

A red light flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired youth.

"Aren't you here? It's rare that I brought so many people here specially, All Might...the symbol of peace...why isn't he here?"

The silver-haired young man tilted his head, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his voice: "Does it mean that as long as you kill all those brats, he will appear?"


"Aren't the intruder sensors responding?"

Jiao Donghong took a step forward and looked at the large number of enemies gradually approaching in this direction: "It seems that some of them should have this characteristic, they chose this isolated space far away from the school building, and they also know the time when the class comes here , this is obviously a well-planned raid for a certain purpose."

"So, the school gate was destroyed in the morning, and the commotion that brought in a large number of reporters was also done by them?" Midoriya Izuku added.

The other students looked a little ugly when they heard the words, Wood hesitated for a moment, walked quietly behind Tenya Iida, and patted his shoulder.


Tenya Iida, who was nervous, was obviously stiff after being patted. When he turned around and found Wood, he smiled wryly: "Student Wood, it's really scary that you are so elusive."

As he spoke, the others couldn't help but look at Wood behind Tenya Iida.

Wood frowned, and didn't care about other people's attention here. He took out his mobile phone and pointed to the signal box and said: "There are people with radio personality in the enemy who are interfering to prevent us from asking for help from the outside world. This shows that the enemy should It only invaded here."

Iida Tenya was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"That is to say, if you want to ask for help, you can only do it by running back to the school from here, or running out of the interference range of people with radio personality; and Class President Iida, you are the fastest, so I would like to ask You run out for help first, we will cover you!"

If he could call the reinforcements earlier, he would be able to get out of this dangerous situation earlier. If it wasn't for being too eye-catching, he would have thrown Iida Tenya out the moment he noticed the fluctuation in space.

"Student Wood, you let me escape by myself..."

"Just do what Wood says!"

Aizawa Yuta glanced at the enemy who was already approaching the steps below: "I leave it to you to ask for help, Iida. The others follow the 13th and evacuate to a safe place. I will allow you to fight when necessary."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly, because when Aizawa Shouta said 'you are allowed to fight', he obviously glanced at himself, and the meaning was obvious.


Why do you have so much confidence in me?


Iida Tenya seemed to want to say something, but Aizawa Shouta ignored him, he stepped forward with his right foot, and his whole body was ejected fiercely, rushing straight towards the enemy who was approaching the steps.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the crowd.

This scene……

The faces of many students who knew Aizawa's ability to eliminate too much changed.

"Ms. Aizawa?!"

——Shota Aizawa!
Personality Elimination.

It can eliminate the "personality" of the person in its field of vision, and the ability will become invalid once the blink of an eye occurs.

This ability is only valid for the change type and the deformation type, and it is invalid for the enemies of the release type and the body shape type.When fighting, wear goggles that can hide the line of sight, and use the 'arrest weapon' to arrest and knock down the enemy through the intermittent activation ability and the extremely strong melee combat ability.

Therefore, Aizawa Shouta is not suitable for protracted battles with multiple enemies. He is good at "blitzkrieg launched by surprise", in short, an assassin who can kill with one blow.

But at this moment, he rushed directly towards the group of enemies below.

"Hurry up and ask for help!!"

Wood looked at Tenya Iida who was standing there blankly, wishing to punch him hard with his Janos glove, if you don't run now, there will be no time for you to run out in a while.

"But I ran away... classmate Wood??"

Iida Tenya wanted to say something, but before he could finish his words, Wood's expression changed, he grabbed his collar suddenly, and slammed it when he turned around.

call out!
Iida Tenya was immediately thrown out by Wood. This scene not only stunned Iida Tenya, but even everyone in Class A couldn't help but wonder why Wood threw Iida Tenya out in such a hurry.

However, this doubt was resolved in the next second.

Almost at the moment Iida Tenya was thrown out, the void in front of everyone in Class A suddenly began to twist, and a little black light grew from small to large, forming a black phantom in front of everyone in an instant.

This is……

The enemy responsible for 'teleportation'!

Including No. 13, the expressions of everyone in Class A changed.


Well, the next chapter will take about half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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