I really don't want to cross

Chapter 477 You Can't Remember Me...

Chapter 477 You Can't Remember Me...


Hei Wu let out a light hey, and subconsciously looked at everyone in the class.

See the fluctuations in my teleportation?

Or did you guess that I would be teleported here?

And who just spoke?

Three questions flashed through my mind in an instant, but the action of the black mist did not stop. The black mist on his body exploded violently, forming a cloud of black energy and chasing towards Tenya Iida in midair.

"Being smart, do you think I might let you out so easily?"

Amidst the sneer, the cloud of black mist caught up with Iida in mid-air in a blink of an eye, causing the expressions of everyone on the ground to change uncontrollably.


But at this moment, a flash of flame burst violently, and Wood's figure appeared in midair like a ghost, just blocking between the black mist and Tenya Iida.

The eyes in the black mist obviously shrank, not understanding why the boy suddenly appeared here.

Not only him, even everyone in Class A on the ground looked confused.

No. 13 was also a little surprised, did he rush out without hesitation the moment he threw Iida?

This student is really decisive.

If Wood knew what No. 13 was thinking now, he probably couldn't help cursing. Although because of his personality, No. 13 basically didn't participate in the battle, but the students rushed out. As a teacher, he was still watching the fun below. .

"You can't remember me...you can't remember me..."

However, Wood didn't bother to look down now, and at the same time as he murmured hypnotically, two Genos gloves crossed their fingers to cover his face, and the azure flames on them quickly condensed.

Hei Wu was taken aback when he saw this, before he could react.

The air shook violently, and the blue flame that had accumulated for a long time on the glove suddenly exploded, forming a giant light beam with a diameter of nearly one meter, piercing through the black mist with a bang.

This incomparably gorgeous blow made Hei Wu's expression change, and he hurriedly stopped his upward rush, forming a small distorted space in front of him.

But time was running short, and he only came in time to protect himself with the transmission channel, but the space around him was completely enveloped by the light beam.

Amidst the deafening roar, the endless shocks spread around like waves.

As the strong wind raged, everyone in class A was blown into distorts, and Iida Tenya, who was in mid-air, was swept out by the impact, and smashed into the heavy iron gate of the practice field with a muffled bang. Up, sliding down in a large font...

All this was too fast, from when Iida Tenya was thrown to when Wood launched an attack, it only took a few seconds.

When the impact at the entrance dissipated, everyone was able to regain their senses, but the scene that caught their eyes made everyone gasp.

Looking around, the area where the black mist was located was actually blasted out into a big pit with a depth of about two meters and a diameter of nearly five meters. In the center of the big pit, only half a meter of ground where the black mist stood remained. As it is, a cylindrical platform is formed.

"What weapon is that?"

Hei Wu's eyes couldn't help but feel a little shocked. He actually launched such an attack in just a split second. Is the other party really a student?

However, when he looked up, he found that Wood was no longer in the air.

What about people?

Hei Wu was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at everyone in Class A, but after a general scan, he didn't find the previous figure wearing steel gloves, as if what happened at that moment just now was just his own hallucination.

"Hey, the power of that weapon is too strong."

Everyone in class A came back to their senses, and there were bursts of exclamations in their mouths. Although they saw it once in the combat training yesterday, they just thought the effect was very cool at the time, but now it seems... that It is simply a big killer.

Which equipment company got mad and gave this kind of thing to a new student.

Wood held his breath and stood behind the crowd, minimizing his presence.

Sure enough, a defective product is a defective product. Even if the crystal of divine power is used as an energy source, the power is probably equivalent to one-twentieth of Genos' "burning and extinguishing cannon", and it may not reach it.

At this moment, Tenya Iida, who was facing the gate, also shook his head and got up, looking at them with a confused face.

Seeing this, Wood gritted his teeth, wishing to give this guy a shot.

Mom sells the batch!

I even risked being exposed to open the way for you. If you don't ask for help, what are you doing standing there?

Heiwu thought of his purpose before Iida Tenya, and hurriedly looked towards the gate. When he found that Iida Tenya was still standing there, he was relieved.


As the air trembled, black mist surged violently!
However, this time he has a long memory, and while rushing towards Iida Tenya, he is always observing his surroundings.


"Did you forget me?"

No. 13 walked to the front of the team at some point, pointing at the black mist directly in front of him with his fingertips.

"Black hole!"

call out!
In an instant, a terrifying suction burst out from the fingertip, and the scattered sand, gravel and soil flew up one after another, all of which disappeared into the black hole formed by the fingertip.

Even the formless black mist was imprisoned in place, causing the continuously released black mist to surge towards No. 13's fingertips crazily.

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly, and he stepped back a little further in silence.

to be frank……

The guy on the opposite side didn't scare him, but this No. 13 made him shudder, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, he would be sucked into the black hole and crushed.

"Hurry up and run!"

However, Wood still yelled loudly, and Iida Tenya, who was sluggish at the gate, came back to his senses.

Iida Tenya took a deep look at the scene behind him, then turned around resolutely, opened a gap in the automatic door and got out. After going out, the engines on his legs suddenly erupted, and his whole body instantly turned into a silver-white straight line, heading towards the distance Start running.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The black mist is in a hurry, but right now he has no way to leave here to stop the escaped student.

Reinforcements... are coming!

Unexpectedly, the action on my side had just begun, and a student ran out.

What a mistake! !

Thinking of this, Hei Wu's eyes showed a hint of cruelty.

"A black hole that sucks everything in and crushes it is indeed an amazing personality, but..."

Heiwu sneered, and the black mist around him suddenly began to twist, forming a twisted channel with a diameter of half a meter in front of him.

"Your combat experience is really too bad."

In the voice, a twisted passage suddenly appeared behind No. 13, which startled the students in the rear. Feeling the faint suction, they all retreated in a hurry.

Wood also didn't dare to step forward, that kind of personality that exceeded the specification would not distinguish between enemy and friend.


Even the user himself couldn't avoid it. Almost in the blink of an eye, the spacesuit of No. 13 was torn apart, and a huge hole appeared on the back.

The sudden shock made No. 13 unable to react in time. It was already too late when he withdrew his ability, and he fell down after a muffled grunt.

"number 13!!"

As soon as everyone's expressions changed, they subconsciously rushed forward.

However, the black mist did not give everyone this chance. The black mist on his body spread violently, covering all members of Class A in the blink of an eye!
Wood was also within the range of the black mist, and did not resist, allowing the black mist to teleport him out.


(End of this chapter)

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