I really don't want to cross

Chapter 485 Unscrupulous...to survive! !

Chapter 485 Unscrupulous...to survive! !
"Two and a half months?"

It was said that not only Brad, but also other teachers were interested, and asked with a strange look: "I have just been working for two and a half months, isn't that an intern?"

"That's not it. It wasn't long before Mr. Jeno joined the Comprehensive Disaster Management Bureau, he became the section chief of the branch, and then he was transferred to our side of the General Bureau half a month ago as the deputy secretary." Tsukauchi smiled: " I heard from my colleagues that if the higher-ups didn’t want him to experience it, he might have become the head of the General Administration.”

"Huh?" Brad choked.

"Is there someone above?" The person who spoke was a woman with an excellent figure in a slightly revealing tights. She was the 18-banned hero Midnight, one of the teachers of Xiongying High School.

"Mr. Midnight, what you said is wrong."

Principal Nezu smiled: "That young man was able to reach his current position in just two months, relying on his real achievements. In these two months, he alone launched 32 disaster response measures, and the He has perfected countless more; and his deduction of criminal psychology is also extremely accurate, the most famous one is the deduction of the action of the spotted pseudo-hero."

"So, he is still very popular among ordinary people. After all, his measures can protect the safety of ordinary people very well; and he is also very popular among heroes, because he also introduced a lot of information about hero treatment and A new security policy, this is a real practical person."

Tsukauchi Naomasa smiled when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Principal Nezu is right, but Chief Geno is also very popular among the police, and the treatment of the police has also improved a little recently; this is secondary, the most important The most important thing is that for the safety of the police, he revised the duties of the police and heroes, which can be said to greatly reduce the internal damage of the police."

"Tsk tsk, that's really amazing."

"Let's get down to business!"

Tsukauchi Naomasa clapped his hands: "Before I came here, Chief Geno had given me the authority to mobilize the police force in the Kanno District. Next, I plan to send people to conduct a large-scale search in the Kanno District, but..." He paused After a while, there was some hesitation on his face.

"It's just that we can't mobilize so many police forces, right?" Principal Nezu smiled slightly.

"Well, in the recent period, most of the police force has gone to search for the whereabouts of the spotted pseudo-heroes, and in addition, the heroic sports festival here in two weeks will also require a certain amount of police support."

Tsukauchi Naozhang said with some headaches: "Also... Before I came, I heard that Chief Jeno sent someone to take away the information about the hero killer from the intelligence department. Next, a part of the police force may be assigned to be in charge of the hero killer. Regarding related matters, after all, the hero killer who has always acted alone suddenly has a companion, which has already attracted the attention of the higher authorities."

"It's really an eventful year. So many terrible criminals emerged at the same time."

"It's okay, I understand."

Principal Nezu smiled slightly, raised his paw and said, "The heroic sports festival here doesn't need too much police force. In order to restore the impact of this incident, I plan to invite professional heroes from all over the country to visit the sports festival, as long as the other party is not stupid. , I will never choose this time to make trouble!"

"fair enough!"

Tsukachi nodded his head.

The meeting went from discussing the enemy alliance at the beginning to discussing the police security inspection of the Hero Sports Festival, and it lasted until the evening.

After the meeting ended, All Might stopped Naomasa Tsukauchi who was about to leave.

"Zhengzheng, stay and have a meal together, we haven't been together for a long time."

"Let's have dinner together tomorrow night."

Tsukachi Naozhang shook his head, picked up his phone and shook it in front of All Might, and said with a wry smile: "That Chief Geno is really strong enough, he just got the information about the hero killer at noon, so he speculated that Now that I know where the Hero Killer might appear next, I have to go back and make some preparations, and it looks like I will have to work overnight again tonight."

All Might was taken aback, and carefully looked at the information on the phone: "That is to say, the hero killer may appear in places such as Hosu, Sendai, and Fukushima next?"


"Do you want me to come with you?" All Might asked.

"Not yet."

Tsukachi Naomasa shook his head: "Mr. Geno has arranged for the top heroes to guard these three cities. Among them, Hosu City, where the hero killer is most likely to appear, has even directly dispatched Andawa Go together with Ai Jixiut; according to Chief Jeno's speculation, the hero killer and his partner are likely to appear in these three cities within the next half month."

"That's it."

Olmerte nodded, patted Tsukauchi Naomasa on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You police have really worked hard these days."

Tsukauchi Naomasa shrugged his shoulders and said: "Yeah, I don't know why...it's been getting more and more uneven recently, and there are more and more black households with no personality. The prisoner who was caught by you not long ago and died in the prison , The person who killed him has not yet been found.”

"That person..."

All Might frowned: "He's very powerful, and he really wasted a lot of energy when he was caught. I didn't expect that he would be killed in prison. I don't have any clue about the murderer." ?”

"Well, neither the surveillance nor the other prisoners saw the murderer."

Tsukauchi Naomasa sighed: "Moreover, the murderer seems to be very familiar with the inside of the prison, and on the day of the murder, the guards of the prison were also transferred due to other things, as if someone was manipulating all of this. What happened recently These things make me feel the same way..."


"Why do you choose to help the hero killer?"

Wood was lying on the bed in the apartment under the name of 'Jeno', with a little doubt on his face: "Or... this is also a guy who yearns for a real hero?"

if it is like this……

Does the person behind the game who organized this game prefer this type of host?
It can be said that whether it is the innocent striped mask or the partner of the hero killer, they can be said to be the kind of people who are on the opposite side of Wood even if they put aside the system.

However, this feeling...

Wood smiled wryly: "It's as if I have become a big devil who is being crusaded by the brave."

Is that why you don't want me to live?
I am also one of the participants in the game you organize.

Wood really couldn't understand why that person didn't want to let himself live to the end, and didn't even give himself a fair game chance.

Dislike yourself?

Or is there a problem with the traversal system?

In that case, why don't you kill me yourself? Anyway, for a person who can create this kind of traversal system, killing himself should be as easy as crushing an ant, right?

Or could it be said that 'he' didn't do anything to me because of the mutation in my body that crossed the system?
Assuming that is the case.

Is it possible to think so...

The change of my traversal system was done by someone other than 'him', and the reason why I didn't do it myself was also because of the restraint of that person?

Wood shook his head and didn't continue to struggle with this issue.

He still doesn't have the qualifications to think so much.

There is only one thing Wood has to consider now, and that is...

Survive by any means!

Whoever wants his life shall live;
Survive no matter how many enemies are in the dark;

No matter how many sacrifices...

- to live on! !

(End of this chapter)

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