I really don't want to cross

Chapter 486 The Heroic Sports Festival

Chapter 486 The Heroic Sports Festival

"Ah, did you read the news yesterday?"

In the early morning, Class 1A was noisy as usual, a school uniform... Ye Yin patted himself on the chest and continued: "For a moment, all the students in the class seemed to be on camera. I feel so unremarkable."

"Uh...a pair of gloves floating in mid-air, it should be very conspicuous. If you say it is inconspicuous, it should be classmate Wood." Wei Bai shook his head and continued: "I read that report several times, but I couldn't find it. Among them, find the classmate Wood who has contributed the most."

"So, it seems that I have never met Mr. Wood."

"Of course I won't see you!"

Mineta Minoru waved his hand: "Because Wood was not recorded at all. After saving Mr. Aizawa the day before yesterday, he went home before the media arrived."

"Saved Mr. Aizawa...Wood is usually so low-key, but he is really reliable when it comes to critical moments."

"Indeed, if Wood hadn't decisively asked the squad leader to ask for help, and intercepted that guy named Heiwu before we could react, I really can't imagine what would happen afterwards."

"The me the day before yesterday was really bad!"

Tenya Iida stood up abruptly from his seat, and said with regret on his face: "If I had been more decisive at that time, perhaps Aizawa-sensei would not have suffered such serious injuries. It's all because I didn't understand the meaning of Wood's actions at the time. .”

"It's so loud, shut up!!"

Bakugo Katsuki turned around and roared with a ferocious face, his appearance was like a powder keg: "What's worth discussing about that bastard whose presence is only at the passer-by level, what a scumbag!"

Everyone curled their lips when they heard the words, knowing that Baohao was annoyed because he didn't show much that day, and they all selectively ignored this bad-natured gunpowder keg.

"It's not your fault, Iida-san, it's just that Wood-san is much calmer than us!"

There was a look of lingering fear on Lugu Izuku's face: "If there is a mistake, it should be me... At that time, Classmate Wood told me clearly that I would do it when the enemy's face broke and fell. In the end, I didn't hold my breath, but instead exposed my classmate Wood, if All Might hadn't arrived in time, I can't imagine what would happen afterwards."

"However, why hasn't classmate Wood come?"

Wa Chui Mei Yu glanced at the back of the classroom: "Did you ask for leave?"

"I don't know, speaking of it... It seems that no one in our class has the contact information of Mr. Wood."

"...After all, we usually ignore him subconsciously."

Just then, the class bell rang suddenly.

The noisy classroom gradually quieted down as the bell rang, and they couldn't help but look towards the classroom door.

Teacher Aizawa was seriously injured, and they all wondered who would be in charge of today's class meeting.

However, this doubt was immediately resolved with a loud roar.

"I'm coming too!"

The three words clearly echoed in the classroom, and Ol Mett's tall figure appeared in front of the classroom door, with a signature smile on his face: "Because Mr. Aizawa has not recovered his ability to move yet, today's class meeting Let me take his place."

During the speech, All Might walked up to the podium, glanced at everyone's faces one by one, and then asked in doubt: "Didn't the Wood boy come?"

Everyone in Class A was stunned. At first, they thought that Wood had asked for a vacation from the school so they didn't come, but seeing All Might's reaction, it was obvious that Wood didn't ask for leave.

Could something be wrong?

Izuku Lvgu and the others couldn't help showing a look of worry on their faces. After all, they were attacked by the enemy just the day before yesterday, and Wood, who performed the best in that incident, is likely to be targeted by the enemy alliance...

Bang bang bang.

At this moment, the door of the classroom was knocked a few times, and I saw a slightly short figure standing in front of the classroom door. It was not the Wood they mentioned just now.


This sense of gaze.

The corner of Wood's mouth moved slightly. It seemed that after experiencing the attack of the enemy alliance, his presence in the class had soared.

"Wood boy, it's not a good habit to be late."

All Might grinned and laughed boldly: "However, I will forgive you this time."

"Sorry, because I left early that day, the police came to my house early this morning and asked me about what happened that day."

Wood replied that he didn't lie, but...the police were sent by Wood himself, in order to sleep a little longer. Last night he hardly had any rest, and he had been trying to find a way to investigate about the hero killer's partner. intelligence.

"So this is ah."

Olmerte nodded, and then said apologetically: "Speaking of... I'm really sorry about the attack, my nose is fine."

Wood rolled his eyes, then shook his head.


"That's good. Mr. Aizawa asked me to thank you on his behalf. If it wasn't for you, I can't imagine what would have happened. Your performance that day was great."

"Thank you!"

Wood replied, too lazy to argue with All Might under the eyes of everyone, and went straight to the last row of the classroom and sat down.

"Sports festival?"

As soon as he sat down, Wood took out his mobile phone and glanced at the email from Seta.

The email is an invitation letter. Regarding the invitation letter of 'Jeno', I hope he can come to Xiongying High School to watch the 'Xiongying Sports Festival'. This should be what All Might will say next.

The so-called Xiongying Sports Festival can be said to be a unique event of Xiongying High School.

Moreover, it is a super-large-scale event that only occurs once a year, and it is a famous event that has replaced the Olympics.

Because when Xiongying High School holds a sports festival, almost all hero offices from all over the country will come to visit, in order to discover talents!
It can be said that as long as they have a good performance at the Heroes Sports Festival, they can definitely make their careers on the road of professional heroes more stable.

Wood didn't care much about this.

Don't say that after finding a way to kill the other hosts, I will leave this world, even if there is no way to leave this world...Wood will definitely make the same choice as in One Punch Man, he is not born to be a hero Material!

we can even say……

With Wood's character, it's more like an out-and-out villain.

It is easier for Wood to be a hero who risked his life for the lives of others than to let him eat shit... If the person who created the system appeared in front of Wood and gave two choices, one is to die, and the other is to die. Eating shit, Wood can definitely eat shit like curry.

On the podium, All Might was still explaining about the Heroes Sports Festival, completely unaware that one of the students below had already associated heroes with shit.

"...So, everyone must show their best performance in this sports festival. Once you are picked up by the famous hero firm, your future will immediately become bright!"


(End of this chapter)

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