Chapter 503
The next morning.

Once again, Wood came to the alley of 'Fengzhu Street' alone, but instead of walking into the alley like last night, he stood outside the alley and observed the slightly gloomy alley in front of him.


A look of fear flashed in Wood's eyes: "Who the hell?"

While speaking, Wood walked into this alley again, came to the place where he was standing yesterday, searched around, and picked up a small finger-sized object that looked like a stone from the ground.

This is……

The monitor Wood left here last night!

Now that it is confirmed that someone is observing him, it is impossible for Wood to remain silent, so yesterday he asked Beatrice to use space teleportation to help him buy more than 1000 of these small monitors. It can be said...everything he walked by yesterday Road, not far away will drop a piece.

Originally, Wood was only holding the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect...

"Come on... fill the vacant period of the throne of the sky!"

Listening to the recording on the mobile phone, Wood's face became more and more gloomy. He thought about it all night yesterday, and he didn't understand the meaning of this passage, but there is one thing Wood can confirm... This is what 'he' said to I said it myself, that is to say...

His small actions have been discovered by 'he', so he deliberately left this paragraph for himself.

"...This passage really has an inexplicable sense of déjà vu."

The corner of Wood's mouth moved slightly, and then he left the alley.

It's not that he doesn't want to go deeper, but that Wood is really scared now... Judging from the time and volume of the recording, that person was almost standing next to him last night, but he didn't notice it at all.

If the other party wants to harm yourself...

He might have been dead by then.

This is why Wood didn't rush here immediately after hearing the recording. If the other party didn't leave...wouldn't he have thrown himself into a trap?

But what puzzled Wood even more was...why did the other party let him go?

If 'he' is also the host, normally he should have attacked him long ago, but from the beginning to the end...the other party seems to be just observing him, without any actions that are harmful to him, and even faintly helping him mean.

And the other party didn't have the slightest intention to hide their own existence. It was discovered so late that it was entirely because Wood thought this was his home field and caused him to be too confident. He didn't even think that someone would hide and observe him in secret.

So if he wasn't the host... who would it be?

The host of this game?
"It's not like..."

Wood shook his head with a wry smile. If it wasn't for his system being asleep, he really wanted to pull out the system that was completely integrated with his soul and ask, what's going on!

Bottom line...

The fact that my situation has become so troublesome is entirely because a traitor has appeared in the mass-produced system. If there is no mutation in the system that I travel through, he should not be hunted down by other hosts; although... Wood feels that if Without the fusion system, I would have been sucked to death by the time I first arrived in One Punch World.

"Student Wood, you are finally back."

As soon as he stepped into the office, Tenya Iida, who was wearing an armored combat uniform, greeted him and complained: "Didn't I tell you? If you leave something, you must inform us. When the patrol came back and found you were not there, we thought something happened to you." Unexpectedly."


The guide on one side also came up, and said with a wry smile: "I almost called the police just now, even if you are stronger than me, don't forget... I am responsible for your personal safety here .”

"Don't worry, I'm just going out for a stroll."

Wood shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Besides, you don't need to worry so much, it's actually not as dangerous as you think."

"I don't care if it's dangerous or not."

The guide hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth: "But as a heroic senior, I still hope that you can notify the police...Your strength is indeed very strong, but don't forget that you don't have a hero license, and the rules don't allow it." You participated in the battle..."

"The horse-headed man was an exception. After all, if you don't say it, no one will know that you killed the horse-headed man, but if you may become the next striped pseudo-hero." After all, the guide He hurriedly waved his hand: "Of course, I don't mean that you are the same as the striped pseudo-hero, but... well, that's the one...I always feel that you are thinking about very dangerous things."

"Well, I understand."

Wood smiled gently, nodded and said, "I won't act casually anymore, and I won't go after that guy in the dark anymore. I'll just stay by your side to learn the experience of a professional hero."

As soon as this statement came out, the two people present couldn't help being stunned.

Wood didn't lie, but it wasn't that he didn't want to investigate, but that he didn't dare to investigate anymore...

Since that person is not ready to take action against him for the time being, Wood will never take the initiative to provoke the other party. As the saying goes... a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. We must never do anything that can be solved with our mouths. If we have to do it, we should kneel down Beg for forgiveness.

His strongest secret technique——secret technique: spinning in the air, sliding and kneeling!

It is prepared for such a time.

The dignity of the strong?
Wood asked himself that there had never been such a useless thing, or... Wood didn't even have the word 'dignity' in his dictionary.

Originally, he thought that the 'Apex Dragon' could no longer be afraid of creatures other than Teacher Saitama, but now it seems...the Apex Dragon is nothing, and he should admit it or not.

Anyway, Wood has made up his mind.

If that mysterious person is really the last host, then he will never take the initiative to find the other party in his life, or even hide from the other party, and live in the current world forever and ever! !

Although I will miss my acquaintances from other worlds very much, but my life is still the most important thing.

of course……

This does not mean that Wood will give up his plan to kill the host next to the hero killer.

If he doesn't kill him, he will come to chase and kill him. Wood doesn't think that if he says to the other party, "Let us live in this world loving each other", the other party will be able to spare his life.

Thinking of this, Wood looked up at Tenya Iida.

If you want to find the hero killer, you have to count on him.

As for how to kill the host, Wood is going to continue to use the power of this world. Anyway, Andewa is in Hosu City at this time, and he can use his authority to call some heroes to Hosu City. Even if he can't kill that host The host can also test the general strength of the opponent.


(End of this chapter)

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