I really don't want to cross

Chapter 504 Defending the peace of the universe! !

Chapter 504 Defending the peace of the universe! !
"How is it possible...why is this...what's going on?"

Wood is very restless now, very restless, and his hair is about to fall out.

As for why?
Because it's too peaceful, Hosu City is so fucking peaceful! !
"Why are you so calm? It's unreasonable...it's not reasonable at all..."


The guide and Tenya Iida looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

I don't know why... From the fourth day of the workplace experience, this person began to show such an extremely anxious state, muttering "why is it so peaceful" and "why hasn't the incident happened?" As if waiting for something to happen in Hosu City.

"...For some reason, I feel that he deserves a beating." The corner of the guide's mouth twitched slightly.

It is obviously a good thing that there is no disaster. Why is this bastard brat so upset?
"Well... It's not that I don't understand Mr. Wood."

Tenya Iida couldn't help showing anxiety on his face: "We have been in Hosu City for a week, and today is the last day of workplace experience, but apart from patrolling the streets every day, we have no exposure to the work that professional heroes should have. It’s not so hard to understand disappointment.”

the most important is……

Tenya Iida's goal of coming to Hosu City was also not achieved.


The corner of the guide's mouth twitched slightly: "...professional heroes are office workers in your eyes? How can there be disasters every day, and most of the small cases don't require professional heroes to be dispatched, the police can handle it themselves, don't be too small Look at the police uncle!!"

Wood didn't bother to pay attention to the two of them, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

After all, if things were going according to their normal trajectory, Hero Slayer and League of Enemies would have appeared a few days ago.

But let alone the hero killer now, the leader is a twisted and perverted enemy alliance, and there is no movement at all.

In this regard, Wood can only think that All For One is playing tricks in the dark.

If All·For·One unites with that host, then his identity is likely to have been exposed, because after much deliberation...Wood thinks that the only opportunity for the two parties to cooperate is himself! !
A host with unknown strength is enough trouble, if you add All For One...

"...I want to go home!"

Wood suddenly hoped that all of this was a dream, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was still the ordinary person who traveled with countless bodyguards...

The outside world is too dangerous!

Thinking about it carefully, since he got the system, the total time in the whole world is only four years, but what he has experienced in these four years is more than what he experienced in the first half of his life.

It is said that the more experience, the stronger the strength, and the more fearless...

But now Wood is becoming more and more afraid of death, but even Wood himself has not discovered that his fear of death is no longer the pure fear of death it used to be.

Now once he dies... he will never see Saitama-sensei, Genos, Betty, and those cursed children who treat him like a sister in the dark world...

Yato, Wuming, Aqua...Unknowingly, Wood cares about more and more people.

So now he is more and more afraid of death!

And that's why...

As long as he can survive, he doesn't care what means are used.


Sometimes sacrificing doesn't mean winning, and winning... doesn't mean living.

What Wood has pursued in his life has never been to become stronger, because even now he still feels... no matter how strong he becomes, there are all stronger ones above.


It's just this...an extremely simple goal for many people!

But it has become extremely difficult here in Wood.

"...Well, if you want to go home so much, I can let you end your workplace experience early and send you home. I can still do this." Listening to Wood's nostalgia so much that it almost makes people fall The four words spoken in a tearful tone, the guide couldn't help covering his face.

"...You know what a fart."

Wood rolled his eyes, and replied unceremoniously: "If you could send me home, you wouldn't be a hero in this small place, you would have already gone to defend the peace of the universe!"

"..." The guide's face darkened.


Who do you look down on?
No matter how small my office is, I can't afford two subway tickets! !
And sending you home has something to do with protecting the peace of the universe?
This means that he consciously can't beat Wood, otherwise the guide will buy a hundred subway tickets now with a bear face.

Tenya Iida looked at Wood with a strange expression. When he was not familiar with him, he still thought that Wood was a very difficult person to get along with, but after getting to know him, he found that... In fact, Wood is easier to get along with than many people, even though he has intermittent mental illness ...

Bang bang bang!
At this moment, the door of the office was knocked several times, and the three of them turned their heads and saw a boy of the same age as Iida Tenya standing outside the door of the office.

"Boom classmate..."

A strange look flashed across Iida Tenya's face, even though he knew in his heart that what happened to his brother had nothing to do with his brother, but as long as he thought of his brother who was paralyzed in the hospital bed, he couldn't help complaining... because if If Andewa was around... then everything would be different.

My brother won't either...

Wood glanced at Tenya Iida and couldn't help but sigh.

He is too realistic, so it is completely unsuitable to solve other people, let him solve Iida Tenya... It is easier to let him kill the hero killer directly, even though he doesn't even know where the hero killer is hiding now...

Otherwise, he wouldn't be sitting here.

"Classmate Hong, didn't you go on patrol with your father today?"

Wood got up and went forward. The place where Hong Jiaodong experienced his workplace experience was his father Andeva's Hero Office. Because Andeva was sent to guard in Hosu City, he also stayed here.

In the past few days, Hong Jiaodong has also come here several times in his spare time.

As for the purpose...

Apparently it was for Iida Tenya, because as long as you have eyes, you can see that something is wrong with Iida Tenya, let alone others... Izuku Midoriya, who followed his workplace experience hero to Shibuya, would send a message to Wood almost every day. The situation of Tenya Iida.


Hong Jiaodong nodded: "He held a seminar with other heroes in Baoxu City to discuss whether the hero killer will appear in Baoxu City."

Hearing this, Wood and Iida Tenya were taken aback, and looked at the guide at the same time.

The guide was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned black: "Hey!! What's the matter with your pity eyes?"

"No...absolutely no mercy." They answered in unison.

"It's not that I wasn't invited... After all, people still need to patrol the city, and I'm in charge of this task. My work is the most important thing."

Hearing this, the corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly.

So everyone has gone to the meeting, leaving you alone to watch the door?
Well, I ask for a reward, just ask for a reward and a monthly pass for this day!
I haven't asked for any rewards since I opened the book, but Xiaojiao's birthday is on the 28th, so I ask for a wave of rewards and blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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