I really don't want to cross

Chapter 521 Evil Eye

Chapter 521 Evil Eye

Many weirdos looked at each other and laughed out loud as if they had heard some joke.

"Did I hear you right? This brat actually asked us to leave."

"He may not know that this no-man's land already belongs to our Monster Association."

"The bald head and the reformed man? Although I haven't seen them before, if they really came to our weirdo association base, they should have been killed by other weirdos long ago."

"What to do with so much nonsense, just kill him!"


The base of the Monster Association?
The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly. He had only been away for two days. Why did such a big change happen?

Although he really wants to go to the Heroes Association in City A to see if there are any remaining heroes, but...

Wood looked at the weirdos rushing towards him.

Sure enough, let's go home and have a look!

The nearest monster with a pig's head leaped out, grabbed Wood, and said with a weird smile: "Sure enough, I still like to torture and kill human brats the most. The feeling of crushing this fragile body is simply overwhelming. People can't stop..."

For a moment, the pig-headed man's words stopped short, looking at the empty ground in front of him, a look of doubt flashed across the pig's face.

"Now, can anyone answer my question?"

Wood's figure appeared behind the pig-headed monster, without even looking at the pig-headed monster behind him.

"Smelly brat!?"

It was said that when the pig-headed monster got angry, he subconsciously turned around, but the moment he turned around, he suddenly screamed, the voice was extremely miserable.

Blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his seven orifices. His body was thrown out viciously as if being hit by a strong force.

what! ?

This scene made the weird people nearby couldn't help trembling.

Didn't see what happened at all.

But in such an instant, they had already rushed forward, even if they wanted to retreat and wait and see, they could no longer do so.

Although the opponent's appearance remained unchanged, after the death of the pig-headed monster, all the monsters present could not help but feel a kind of trembling from the soul, and the little ghost surrounded by them became infinitely taller at this moment.

next second.

Wood took a step forward with the sole of his foot, and when he stepped down, he rushed out, and went straight to meet the pile of strange people rushing up.

The two collided instantly.

Of course,
The pile of weirdos who had the superiority in numbers froze in place one by one the moment Wood passed by. In just a few seconds, hundreds of weirdos around them seemed to be muted, and their faces stayed in place with sluggish faces. at every turn.

Wood, on the other hand, appeared behind the monster at some point, clasped a ghost-level monster's face with one hand, and pushed him to the ground.

"Can you explain to me, when did our teacher's house become the base of your weirdo association?"

Wood's voice was extremely cold, and almost at the moment when he said this, there was a bang, and the strange person who first came into contact with Wood was as if he had suffered a violent impact, arching like a prawn. Starting from the abdomen, it was torn into two abruptly.

But all of this was just a starting point, the bangs were like firecrackers, and the two or three hundred weirdos in the arena were like flowers of angry blood, dyeing the streets of the no-man's land red with flesh and blood.

Limbs and arms were broken, and blood rained.

And all this in just a few seconds, the face of the ghost-level monster held down by Wood was distorted in horror.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

The horrified screams made Wood frowned, and slowly straightened up: "If you continue to scream, I don't mind making you become like them."


The screams stopped, and the ghost-level monster gritted his teeth, like a little girl who was forced to die: "Don't...don't kill me..."

"Answer my...huh?"

Just as Wood was about to ask, he heard a gust of wind and stepped back with one foot.

Almost as soon as Wood left, a huge object slammed into where Wood was standing before, and the hard concrete ground suddenly burst, and amidst the smoke and dust, a huge depression appeared in the center of the street.

And that gigantic object was a section of a train carriage, as if the carriage had been squeezed hard, it was actually smashed into a big steel pie.

"What a bunch of trash, to be frightened into such a look by a brat."

A gloomy figure came from above Wood's head, and when he looked up, he saw a strange man with a dark body appearing in the sky at some point.

The strange man's body was wrapped in a jet-black gas that swayed like a flame, and his exposed arms were covered with eyes, all locked on Wood's body as if they were alive.

"Have superpowers become as ubiquitous as Chinese cabbage now?"

Seeing this, Wood couldn't help complaining.


When the sharp voice of the Xieyan sounded, he stretched his hand down a little.

Boom boom boom!
Almost instantly, the ground began to shake violently, the glass of the surrounding buildings burst, and the roads even burst apart.

"Just let you see, the gap between me and those useless abilities that can be seen everywhere is like heaven and earth."

Almost as soon as the words fell, several nearby abandoned 90-story [-]-meter-high buildings were uprooted, as if they were grabbed by a big hand, and when they rose to a certain height, they slammed straight at Wood.

Several 90-meter-high behemoths are as fast as meteorites, and there are endless whistling and roaring sounds as they fall!
The moment it landed, time seemed to stop at this moment, and then several buildings collapsed into powder at the same time due to the impact of the landing.

The violent impact turned into ripples, and the thick smoke rolled away layer by layer, forming a huge mushroom cloud that swept across the entire no man's land.

At the same time, across the periphery of the no-man's land, a group of people in the central area of ​​Z City raised their heads and looked over the no-man's land. Heroes at all levels are responsible for ground support.

"That is?"

Zezinger, who was in charge of this operation, frowned: "It's in the direction of no man's land, what happened there?"

"I do not know either."

Emperor Tong replied without raising his head, but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes when he looked at the tablet in his hand: "However, according to the information sent back by the satellite thermal detection, there are nearly [-] strange people whose thermal reactions are unknown. When has it disappeared, and there...what is the reaction?"

"What to do with so much nonsense, anyway, no matter what happens, our goal will not change." Long Juan snorted coldly.

The zombie man glanced at the huge mushroom cloud: "Can you use the satellite to call up the live video?"

"Let me try."

Tongdi replied, and then began to operate on the tablet. It didn't take long for a scene of billowing smoke to appear on the tablet, and on top of the smoke was the figure of the evil-eyed monster floating.

"This is?"

"A weirdo with superpowers?"

"So who's fighting it?"


(End of this chapter)

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