Chapter 522 Plunder
"Hehe, this is the absolute gap between resentment and thought ability."

Xieyan looked at the situation below and sneered: "The eyes on my arm are left by the monsters killed by heroes. Mr. Dajiongyan put them one by one into my body, which was once a poor and weak superpower. Missing, successfully increased my strength."

"Don't compare this resentment with those poor and weak superpowers."

Xieyan glanced down again, then turned to leave.

And at this moment, the air suddenly trembled, causing Xieyan's face to change, and he turned sharply to look towards the ground.

Almost at the same time as he looked at it, the huge mushroom cloud bulged violently like an inflated balloon, and then exploded with a bang.

"Super power or something, it's really enviable."

Wood walked out of the ruins step by step. Except for the burst of his right sleeve, there was not a trace of dust left on his body. He looked at his right hand and shook his head slightly: "Shock wave + pushing air + explosive force * 10, for the body It really is not very easy to control, although the power to smash several buildings in an instant is not bad."

Xieyan gradually regained his composure, and after hearing Wood's words, he sneered: "Even if you still have some knowledge, you can see how powerful my superpower is, but I still have to die in the end!"

"Well, so your ability belongs to me, and it is barely qualified to fill the inventory!"

Wood's body was gradually shrouded in a gray mist, and through the mist, he could faintly see that his body was gradually stretching.


"That's... Cadre Wood!!"

On the other side of the city center of Z, Zezinger couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the smoke and dust dissipate: "Why did this lord appear here?"

"Officer Wood? The one who killed Elder Centipede?" Super Alloy Black Light asked.

Sweetheart Mask glanced at the flat screen: "It seems that the upper level of the Heroes' Association is not all a group of trash."

"It looks like he's a few years older than me, but what is he doing?"

Tong Di exclaimed, and then zoomed out to the limit with some doubts, only to see a tall figure slowly walking out of the oppressive gray mist, dressed in a gray suit, with a tall body, which seemed to give people a faint look. A cold sense of oppression.

"As far as I know, cadre Wood seems to have a transformation ability, although this is the first time I have seen this appearance." Zezinger continued.

"Indeed, when City A was destroyed, this Wood boy used another form. I was really fascinated by how he fought at that time." The sexy prisoner just pressed his face in front of the screen, looking up and down at Wood's new form. form.

"Ah, it turned out to be him."

After being reminded by the sexy prisoner, Atomic Samurai and his apprentice Juhean also remembered who Wood was.

"The brat?"

Tornado curled his lips, remembering who Wood was.

"Tornado, do you know him too?" Super Alloy Black Light asked in surprise.

"Well, I saw it once."

"How long are you going to hang around here?"

Flash raised his head and glanced in the direction of no man's land: "Are you going to wait for that cadre to be killed?"

"Well, that's right, let's hurry up and support Director Wood."


"To you?"

Xieyan froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing wildly as he watched Wood walking out of the gray mist: "Hahahaha... If you can bear this resentment, come and take it!!"

"Thank you so much."

The sudden sound made Xieyan froze, and his head turned back a little bit like a machine, looking at Wood standing behind him in the void, the eyes on his arms shrank at the same time.

"How... how is it possible..."

"Nothing is impossible!"

Wood pressed Xieyan's head with one hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc: "You don't need to switch bodies at all to kill you. Switching bodies is just to plunder abilities. After all..."

Xieyan snorted, and countless blood rushed out of his body, forming a rain of blood and falling towards the ground.

However, the blood was not his blood.

"You were dead before I switched bodies."

"I see……"

Looking at the various bloods dripping on those weird corpses, a flash of surprise flashed in Xieyan's eyes: "It's...covered by dust... I used those blood to attack me..."

"Correct, but no reward."

Wood said softly: "What you said earlier is very correct. It is indeed a gap like heaven and earth, but you are the earth, and the tornado is the sky!"

After the words fell, Wood's right hand pressing on Xieyan's head swelled violently.

Amidst the undetectable muffled sound, Xieyan's head exploded into a cloud of black mist instantly, and his body also disintegrated, but it did not dissipate, but merged into Wood's right arm.


A series of cracks appeared on Wood's right arm, and the cracks gradually expanded, opening like eyelids, revealing the eyes covering the entire right arm, which looked very scary!

Wood clenched his fists, glanced at the ground, and hooked his mouth.

"Hypertrophy + clockwork of muscles and bones + proliferation + rivets + gun bone + full superpower + shock wave + explosive power*20+ arm strength strengthening*20!"

Every time a word is spoken, Wood's right arm will undergo certain changes. When the last word is spoken, Wood's right arm has swelled to as much as two meters. It is thick and hideous, and looks like a devil's claw.

"After watching for so long, aren't you going to come out and say hello?"

During the speech, Wood's body swooped down, and amidst the sharp roar, his fist hit the ground under his feet in an instant!

The air condenses at this moment, and the next second...

The ground around this punch slammed, and tons of soil rushed hundreds of meters into the air. The roar of falling meteorites surged at this moment, and the huge depression spread wildly outward.

Whirring whirring--!
The strong wind swept up, and the tornado that rose from the ground turned all the surrounding buildings into dust, and the impact rolled the soil layer by layer and spread outward layer by layer, blowing away the protection around the no-man's land, making people who approached The buildings on the edge of City Z in the uninhabited area were uprooted.

The scene of terror is like the end of the world.

"This is too messy!"

The members of the Heroes Association who just came to the outskirts of the no-man's land, looked at the buildings that flew over, and except for a few people, they couldn't help showing shock on their faces.

"Get out of the way, get in the way!"

The sound of a tornado came, and the uprooted buildings seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and they exploded in an instant, and the shock wave like a raging wave also circled around everyone.

"This... this is an S-rank battle..."

Several A-levels in charge of support swallowed: "It's so powerful at such a distance, if it's on the field..."

"Oh, it's really scary."

A tall girl in sports shorts and a bra made a lookout gesture: "Are all the leaders of our Hero Association so strong?"

"...Then what do you need?"

Zezinger closed his mouth with difficulty, and glanced angrily at the 71st B-level general behind him, Mizuki.

"Strictly speaking, this kind of lethality has surpassed many S-classes, at least I can't do it." The sexy prisoner praised.

"Lethality is not the only factor that determines victory or defeat."

Flash snorted coldly, and looked at the damage caused around him: "And this level of damage is a bit too much."

"It doesn't matter. For Wood cadres, even rebuilding the entire Z City is just a small amount for him."

"...Evil local tyrant."


At the same time, nearly a thousand meters underground in the no-man's land, in a wide passage.

A certain bald man in a khaki hero outfit looked at the cracks in the passage above his head and the falling gravel, and tilted his head: "From the very beginning, I feel that the top has become very noisy."

"Ow ooh..."

And in front of him, an extremely huge dog-shaped creature covered in pitch black was drooling, looking at the small bald head in front of him, which was no bigger than his nails, and bumped directly towards it.


"I'm thinking about something, can't you sit down obediently?"

The deafening muffled sound resounded in the next second, resounding through the entire passage.


(End of this chapter)

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