Chapter 525 Fusion
boom! !

Accompanied by deafening roars, the huge underground space collapsed layer by layer.

At some point, the originally not-so-broad passage had become wider and higher, forming an incomparably huge void.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Wood had already switched to the blood body at some point, looking at the densely packed black figures around him, his haughty face could not help showing a gloomy expression.

This weird person who called himself 'Black Sperm' could only be regarded as ghost-level in terms of speed, strength, and defense, but his ability was truly terrifying.

At the beginning of the battle, as he smashed the black sperm's fist with one punch, the opponent began to split, and after only ten minutes of fighting...

The number of black sperm splits has reached nearly a million. At a glance, it is so dense that you can't see the edge. It completely surrounds Wood and limits his speed. The most terrifying thing is... this number is still growing with Wood's attacks are increasing.

"What's the matter? Wasn't it very arrogant just now?"

Nearly a million black sperm sneered at the same time, and then rushed towards Wood again like a tide.

Looking around, it was rolling in like a broken dam, and Wood was submerged in it in just an instant.

buzzing buzzing...

A strange sound resounded abruptly in the passage, as if an engine was spinning.

In the next second, the dark passage suddenly lit up, and tens of thousands of golden blood were densely packed, forming a huge storm.In front of this storm, those millions of black sperm are so tiny, the entire underground space is filled with a scalp-numbing scream.

The storm condensed by the golden blood gradually expanded. Wherever it passed, all the black sperm that was wiped by it turned into countless pieces that could not be seen by the naked eye in just an instant. The rising airflow made this huge underground space expand again.

In just a few seconds, millions of black sperm turned into fine dust.


Wood exhaled lightly, the golden light in his eyes gradually receded, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief looking at the rising black dust.


His pupils shrank suddenly at this moment.

How can it be?

Looking around, I saw the countless dust, which became clear in an instant when Wood saw it, and each one was distorted and enlarged, forming black sperm with mocking faces.


It has already reached nearly ten million, crowded in this underground space that has been expanded again and again, leaving no gaps.

"Hahahaha, what's the matter, keep coming, there are 11 me in my body, I want to see how many 'me' you can kill to play together, believe it or not, all the 'me' take one bite Can saliva drown you?"

11 trillion?
Wood imagined that all the black sperm of this number appeared in front of his eyes, and couldn't help but twitch his cheeks. This is more than all human beings combined. If he is allowed to continue to split... several Z cities will It may not be able to fit.

Can no longer act rashly.

Even being torn into fine dust can split, the number of opponents will only increase if you continue to attack, unless you can use some method to completely erase the existence of individual cells split by the black sperm. How can it be so easy to do this...


Looking at the endless black sperm around him, Wood couldn't help touching his chin. He suddenly realized that he seemed to be in a dead end.

If the existence is completely erased, it is not necessary to use the form of attack.

Thinking of this, Wood exhaled lightly, the red and silver robe on his body dissipated into blood powder, and the aura on his body gradually began to weaken, and he returned to his human body.

"Oh yeah, have you been beaten back to the original by me so quickly? You guys are really weak by accident!"

Seeing this, Hei Jingzi sneered: "I haven't played enough, I'm going to play and cry for you."


A strange look appeared on Wood's face. Behind him, a phantom with long black hair and star-spotted eyes condensed from the void.

"Don't get me wrong, although I don't know the reason, only my body can bear the other 'I's."

There was an indescribable calm in Wood's voice, which made Beatrice, who was in the earrings, frowned.

During the speech, the succubus body stretched out its arms, turning into a cloud of black mist that enveloped Wood.

"The first body fusion · succubus."

The black spirit frowned, looking at the figure wrapped in the black mist, an extremely ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart for some reason, and an indescribable breath flowed out, filling the entire passage in an instant.

This breath was extremely strange, as if the terrifying demon king in the abyss was gradually recovering, giving the black sperm a sense of oppression that originated from the depths of the soul.

"Boring, I've had enough!!"

The black spirit let out an angry roar, shaking off the inexplicable feeling in his heart, and his tens of thousands of bodies rushed towards the black mist at the same time.

And at this moment...

A dazzling purple suddenly appeared above the black mist, and a phantom of a purple-haired and purple-skinned man slowly appeared. He watched the endless black sperm and licked his lips, as if seeing extremely delicious food.

"Second Body Fusion·Gluttony."

There was a hint of indifference in the ethereal voice, the phantom of gluttony swayed slightly, walked into the black mist like stepping on steps, and disappeared.

Almost the moment Gluttony Phantom stepped into the black mist, the black mist spun violently, forming an incomparably huge vortex above his head, and the vortex turned faster and faster.

Endless black sperm also attacked at this moment with a grinning grin, slamming into the huge vortex without fear of death.

But when they approached the moment, they burst open one after another.

"Hahahaha, I thought it was a scary move. How many times have you tried this kind of thing? It's useless at all!"

Seeing this, the black sperm laughed wildly, and the countless powders gradually began to distort, and they were about to split again.

And at this moment...

A gap suddenly opened in the huge vortex, and gradually expanded, like a big mouth opened, an indescribable suction suddenly emerged, sucking countless powders in the air into the mouth one by one.


The black sperm froze, and the forward body paused at this moment.

Because those split selves actually lost contact with him the moment they entered the big mouth, and tens of millions of cells were completely swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

"how is this possible!"

The black spirit's expression changed, and he yelled anxiously: "Don't wait, hurry up and fit together!!"

During the speech, all the black sperm in the field seemed to be attracted by something, and at the same time merged towards the one black sperm that was far away from the big mouth.

In the blink of an eye, a black sperm with an unusually strong figure and an incomparably domineering aura was formed.

"Multicellular sperm is born!"

As soon as the black sperm with a tyrannical aura appeared, he made a bodybuilding pose and stood upright on the spot. No matter how violent the suction force was, he didn't even move a single scene.

And in the back, a slightly smaller black sperm gave a strange smile: "Hmph, I want to see what other tricks you can do, this is a fusion of 2 trillion 'I's, and it wants to kill you Just don't take it easy."



(End of this chapter)

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