Chapter 526


A cold voice sounded, and the rapidly rotating black vortex stopped suddenly. The right hand with a little purple under the skin penetrated the black vortex, and with a light wave, the vortex completely dissipated as if it had never appeared before. .

When the vortex dissipated, a figure appeared in the dark underground space!
This is a young man with half black hair and half purple hair. His face looks like a boy, but also looks like a youth.

And those pupils were even more weird, a black circle appeared around the black pupils, and a purple circle was wrapped around the black circle.

Wood raised his head, only to feel that there is a kind of terrifying energy in his body that is constantly surging out, endlessly, as if he can...

Destroy everything!
As for the multicellular sperm that was being watched by those eyes, his heart tensed for no reason, and he subconsciously retreated.

But this thought made his face suddenly twist, which was a distortion caused by fear.

can't move...

Under the gaze of those weird eyes, he couldn't even move a finger.

"You have good taste."

The multicellular sperm blinked, and Wood's not tall body suddenly appeared in front of him.

The moment it appeared, dense eyes appeared on Wood's entire right arm, pointing at the multicellular sperm.

And the moment the index finger came into contact with the multicellular sperm, the whole body of the multicellular sperm suddenly swelled up, and then burst into pieces, turning into a cloud of blood mist, only the eyes were left behind.


Seeing this scene, the black sperm's face was full of disbelief: "That's a fusion of two trillion scale."

"So that's why, after fusion, if you die, you can't continue to split?"

Wood chuckled, pressed those two eyes directly into his arms, and then opened his mouth, and all the blood mist was sucked into his mouth, making the purple under his skin slightly bright.

Immediately, he tilted his head to look at the black sperm on the other side of the passage.


The black sperm couldn't help but took two steps back, but then a ruthless look appeared on his face: "You forced me!!" During the words, his whole body suddenly began to twist, a huge mass of flesh Was thrown out by it.

"I'll let you experience what despair is. The remaining 9 trillion, 4491 billion, 71 'I's' are fighting each other in one body. Nearly 2454 trillion 'I's' are fused together, and the real 'I' will be born. !!"

The black sperm took a few steps back again, with pain and anticipation on his face.

The pain is because he only has a hundred cells in his body now, and the expectation is because... even he himself can't imagine how powerful the nearly 10 trillion self-fusion will be!
Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka -!
But at this moment, the surrounding gravel suddenly floated up, not only the gravel, but even the black sperm and Wood felt a strong pull, as if the world had suddenly lost gravity. Everything floats upwards.

"This is?"

The black sperm froze for a moment.

"A dragon roll?"

Wood raised his eyebrows, the black circle around his pupils flickered slightly, and the pulling force within a distance of nearly a kilometer around him disappeared instantly, leaving himself, the black sperm, and the lump of flesh that was merging underground.

And above their heads, the ground thousands of meters away.

As a petite figure broke through the ground, the monster base that occupied the entire underground space of the no-man's land was uprooted, and was pulled from the ground to the ground by the tornado alone!

Only the space under Wood's feet still exists underground, but there are soils on all sides to bury it, and the first to be flooded...

It was the lump of flesh separated by the black sperm!


There was a deafening roar, and the terrifying impact caused all the surrounding soil to roll back and compress, and four walls were forcibly opened up around it.

"Sorry for the wait!"

The indifferent voice came out slowly, and Wood looked up, only to see a golden figure faintly appearing in the faint gunpowder smoke.

And at this moment, a golden light flashed in front of Wood's eyes.

"My lord, the golden sperm!"

The moment the words fell, bang bang bang bang... A series of blows erupted from Wood's body, and in just a short moment, he felt countless fists bombarding himself from all directions!
call out!
The figure of the golden sperm appeared next to the black sperm: "Get ready to go up, but before that, let me absorb the 100 'I's on your body!"


The black sperm froze for a moment, and frowned at the gunpowder smoke that enveloped Wood in the distance: "There is no need to continue to fuse, I have only 100 cells left."

"It's not fusion, it's absorption."

The golden sperm said indifferently, and then stretched out his hand towards the black sperm, but just halfway through, his hand paused, and he turned around in surprise.

"Strength, speed, and explosive power can all be said to be equivalent to top dragons, but..."

With the sound of the sound, the gunpowder smoke caused by the extremely fast attack collapsed, revealing Wood's figure.

He raised his hand and patted his body, the purple glow under his skin gradually dimmed: "It's not enough to break through my defense."


Seeing this, the pupils of the golden sperm couldn't help shrinking.

What is going on with this monster's general defense ability?

"However, it may take some time to kill you in this state."

The corner of Wood's mouth moved forward, and the void above his head suddenly began to twist. A red-haired phantom in a red and silver robe gradually appeared above his head. This was Wood's vampire body.

The vampire Wood glanced at the golden sperm contemptuously, and walked down slowly.

And Wood, who was below it, kept walking, still walking forward, and the two were about to blend together.

"Stop him!!"

The black sperm's complexion changed.

However, there was no need for him to remind, the golden sperm had already rushed out, and in an instant it had come to Wood and punched it out.

"go to hell!!"

The golden sperm had a ferocious face and roared loudly.

But at the moment when his fist hit, the red light flashed suddenly, and the face of the yellow sperm changed. The punch with all the power was a hit, and his body staggered forward uncontrollably for a few steps.

At the same time, behind him, a... figure with red, black, and purple hair appeared there at some point.


Indescribably powerful, beyond Wood's own cognition.

This is Wood's most intuitive feeling now. Just adding the body, the fusion of the four bodies gave him a feeling of being able to shatter the planet, and even the space around him became illusory at this moment Get up, as if it will disappear at any moment.

This feeling again...

Wood frowned slightly. When he just returned to this world, he experienced this feeling once, as if he was in an illusory world.

However, all of this was immediately left behind by Wood.


With the fusion of the third body, an extremely strong desire to destroy suddenly emerged from the depths of his soul!

want to destroy...

Everything in this world.

In a blink of an eye,
The desire consumed Wood.

This book is almost finished...

But the new book needs to be completely revised. The editor in charge said that the writing is too much, and the contract may not be signed... The protagonist's character design and the plot outline should be completely revised... Puff puff puff puff, six chapters of nearly [-] words were written for nothing... ………

(End of this chapter)

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