Underworld CEO

Chapter 16 Across Shanghai Beach 8

Chapter 16 Across Shanghai Beach 8
"Who am I? I'll tell you later!"

Luo Cheng gritted his teeth every word. At this moment, this man twisted his soul like a lunatic. He turned to speak a few words in Japanese to the Japanese soldiers behind him.

Bai Qiqi couldn't understand, but the invisible Bai Meigui was a specially trained agent of the national government, and she was quite proficient in Japanese.

Luo Cheng spoke while Bai Meigui translated.

"He's talking about taking us and Mr. Ming together and then executing him!"

After hearing the translation of White Rose, Zhan Zhao and Lu Bu became more vigilant.

At this time, the gun battle between Wu Shi and the Japanese not far away had ended, and Wu Shi was shot dead on the spot.

When Bai Qiqi was worried about Ming Hao's safety, another team of Japanese soldiers escorted him over.

"Luo Cheng, I really didn't expect it, so you did everything!"

That's what Ming Hao said when he stepped forward, but from the bottom of his eyes, there was no look of surprise.Regarding this point, Bai Qiqi felt strange.

"Young master, it's time for you to admit defeat, right! It's me, I did everything. I framed the white pigeon, and I stole your password book!"

Luo Cheng was not ashamed of what he said, his long and narrow eyes were still wide open at this moment.

He was demonstrating, a demonstration that could finally be released after years of suppression.

Hearing this, Ming Hao's thin and moderate lips slightly raised. He sneered, and then said coldly: "Tell me, why? My Ming family treats you well. You have been eating and drinking first-class since you were a child. What are you dissatisfied with, sir?" Tell me, why bother to go down the road of traitorousness!"

After all, in Minghao's heart, he still takes into account the years of friendship.

From the Ming family to the Whampoa Military Academy, the two were almost inseparable.He didn't understand what kind of hatred would cause Luo Cheng to put himself and the Ming family in desperation even at the price of betraying the country!
He could sneak up on Ming Hao secretly, but he used the power of the Japanese. He clearly wanted to destroy the Ming family!Not just to get rid of an heir to the Ming family!

"Treat me well? Haha - young master, do you know who I am?"

When Luo Cheng said this, his emotions became more and more excited.He pointed a gun at Minghao who was tied up, and then said what he had held back for nearly 20 years.

"I'm your own brother! Didn't you expect it? You and I were born in the same birth, but why did we have completely different fates! When my mother died, Master Ming didn't even look at him, even if he took me back Even the Ming family treats me as a subordinate! You say you treat me well? What do you mean treat me well?! I hate you, I hate the Ming family. I swore since I was a child that I would destroy the Ming family. Now I have done it. , the Japanese will not let you go. From then on, there will be no Ming in Shanghai Beach!"

Hearing this, Minghao frowned slightly, his contemptuous expression faded slightly, but his tone was still cold and cruel: "You should know how father treated you when he was alive, it's just a title, if you really value it so much, I will publish it in the newspaper and announce to all the people in Shanghai that you, Luo Cheng, are the blood of my Ming family! But now that you have chosen such a path, I will only feel ashamed!"

"Name? My mother didn't have a name when she was alive, so Master Ming didn't even have the courage to admit me! You nominate me now! Don't you think it's funny!"

Luo Cheng's gun was pointed at Ming Hao's forehead. As long as he used force, he would most likely kill Ming Hao within a second.

But this man was still surprisingly calm, as if life and death had nothing to do with him.

"The funny thing is you! Don't forget, I never fight unprepared!"

Ming Hao spoke coldly, his whole body was tightly bound by the reins, and his aura was still strong, his performance should not be underestimated.

"What do you mean?"

Luo Cheng, who has followed Minghao for many years, naturally knows his strength. Hearing what he said, he is even more palpitating.He had planned his revenge plan for so long, and he couldn't just lose it like this.If it weren't for the unfeelingness of the master of the Ming family, his mother would not have died of a disease that had no cure.

Ming Hao didn't speak, but the corners of his lips were slightly slanted, and he smiled extremely coldly.

"Say it! What tricks do you have! If you don't tell me, I'll kill her!"

Luo Cheng jumped over the wall in a hurry, and immediately threw Bai Qiqi upside down in front of him with one hand, and pointed a gun at her temple with the other!
In just a split second, Zhan Zhao and Lu Bu suddenly turned pale, and they called out almost at the same time: "Stop! Don't hurt her!"

Minghao on the other side saw the situation, his brows twitched slightly, but soon his face turned cold again, he looked into Bai Qiqi's eyes, and said lightly: "Miss Bai, if you are doomed to die this time, I will definitely tell you The party and the state have truthfully confessed your loyalty. In addition, this young master will offer sweet potatoes to you by the Yellow River every year at this time! Please forgive me for not being able to compromise with the traitors!"


Bai Qiqi was stunned, what kind of person is this!What time is it, and you are still making such a joke!

She, Bai Qiqi, wasn't ready to sacrifice her life for righteousness!
Furthermore, she is not a 'white dove', nor is she a party-state agent!

At this moment, gunshots rang out not far away——
Hearing the sound, Minghao's iconic playful smile appeared on his face: "I said it all, my young master always prepares second-hand!"

He --- and rescuers?

Bai Qiqi couldn't help admiring Minghao's city mansion, it seems that tonight is destined to continue to play the game of 'the oriole is behind'!

Taking advantage of the chaos, Zhan Zhao immediately stepped forward, his speed was comparable to lightning.Just put your fingertips on Luo Cheng's neck, and he didn't move!

Luo Cheng got acupuncture points!

Ming Hao could also see this movement clearly. At this moment, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, which was real surprise.

But the next moment, everyone was stunned again. They saw Luo Cheng's carotid artery burst suddenly, and blood spurted out. In less than 2 minutes, he was completely dead.

Both the Japanese soldier and Ming Hao's complexion changed drastically.

Only Bai Qiqi, Zhan Zhao and Lu Bu could see clearly.

It's a white rose!

She stretched out her sharp ghost claws and cut Luo Cheng's neck directly. She finally avenged herself and the organization.

Seeing Luo Cheng lying in a pool of blood, soaked in his own blood, Bai Meigui laughed!
The ghostly aura around the body also plummeted.

Li ghosts are different from ordinary ghosts in that their thoughts are extremely powerful. When they are angry, they will arouse huge potential, and it is easy to kill people.

While everyone was still in a bloody panic, the Japanese soldiers were already surrounded.

(End of this chapter)

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