Underworld CEO

Chapter 17 Across Shanghai Beach 9

Chapter 17 Across Shanghai Beach 9
Sitting in the old car that was drifting away, suddenly there was a loud noise behind him, and the burning flames dyed the entire sky red.

The armory was successfully bombed, and all the Japanese soldiers present were wiped out.

But even so, Ming Hao's identity was finally exposed.

"Mr. Ming, what are your plans?"

Bai Qiqi thought for a while, and decided to speak up. She wanted to persuade him to join the Communist Party, but after thinking about it, she decided not to change his life without authorization.

This man has the courage of a great man. If he really makes a career, won't history change?
"Hehe -- Miss Bai forgot the agreement between you and me so soon?" Ming Hao said lightly while driving.


Bai Qiqi didn't realize for a moment, when did she make an agreement with a 'Grandpa' level figure.

At this time, the sky in the east turned light yellow, and Bai Qiqi suddenly realized.

Is this going to eat baked sweet potatoes?

He just said it casually, but he actually took it seriously!
Soon, the classic car was parked beside the Yellow River, the autumn wind was blowing, the morning light was faint, facing the breeze blowing by the river, Ming Hao closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's a pity, my young master didn't prepare sweet potatoes, Miss Bai, why don't you feel wronged and accompany me to watch the sunrise."

"Mr. Ming, there is something I want to make clear to you, in fact——"

When the words came to her lips, Bai Qiqi swallowed again. She wanted to say that she was not the real Bai Ge, but Luo Cheng had already made it clear that Bai Ge had been framed to death by him, so what else could she clarify!

Ming Hao also already knew the truth of the matter.

But why isn't he curious?Why didn't he ask his true identity?Does he trust himself so much?
"Actually what? Miss Bai, just speak up if you have something to say." Ming Hao put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, letting the breeze mess up his broken hair.


"Miss Bai, don't tell me you're in love with this young master!" The words were extremely ambiguous with a hint of teasing.

This man has returned to the appearance of a stubborn child!
At this moment, Bai Qiqi couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to know what he was thinking: "Mr. Ming, since you already know that I am not a white pigeon, why didn't you ask who I am?"

Hearing this, Ming Hao smiled slightly. This smile made people feel very comfortable. He didn't speak, but just looked at the rolling river with a distant expression.

After a long time, he said lightly: "It's better not to ask, lest you become an enemy in the future--that will hurt your feelings!"

Minghao's tone was very flat, without feeling any emotion.But Bai Qiqi clearly heard the helplessness, the helplessness that living in such an era had to bear!

After a while, Ming Hao stretched out a hand and took Bai Qiqi's hand: "Goodbye, I'm afraid I won't show up in Shanghai in the future, at least not now! Take care!"

After all, he pulled out his hand without looking back, got into his own car, and drove away all the way!

Looking at the classic car that disappeared, Bai Qiqi didn't recover for a long time.

"My lord, look—" Zhan Zhao called Bai Qiqi softly, and pointed to the white rose not far away.

She was smiling, waving to Bai Qiqi, Zhan Zhao and Lu Bu.

White Rose It's time to go!

Bai Qiqi also waved at her, sending her soul away.

"Your Majesty, let's go back." Lu Bu took a step forward, reminding the beautiful boss that this task has been completed and it's time to return to the underworld.

Bai Qiqi looked around for a while, and sighed meaningfully: "Hey——Shanghai Beach, this king has come here for a visit!"

Back in the underworld, the three of them sat at their desks and sorted out their files.

Out of curiosity, Bai Qiqi suddenly wanted to visit the Three Kingdoms period, so she smiled flatteringly and said to Lu Bu: "Little Bu, do you see if there are any ghosts from the Three Kingdoms period that need to be transformed? Wang will take you home next time to see your beautiful Diaochan, how about it?"

Hearing this, Zhan Zhao first turned his chair and stopped listening to this topic.He naturally knew about Lu Bu's taboos, but Bai Qiqi didn't.

The veins on Lu Bu's broad forehead twitched, and then he jumped up violently: "My lord, I want to go, you and Zhan Zhao go, anyway, I won't go!"

"Ah?--What do you mean? Xiao Bu, you don't want to be home? You don't want to be beautiful?" Regarding the matter of Lu Bu and Diao Chan, Bai Qiqi was quite interested, but this Lu Bu's mouth was too tight. Can't ask anything.The information that can be checked on Baidu is also very little.

According to Bai Qiqi's preliminary judgment, there must be a lot to it!
Lu Bu didn't take care of Bai Qiqi any more, but took out his phone and sent a message.

After a while, he came to Bai Qiqi and said with a serious face: "My lord, the ferryman is here, you can go back to the world!"

This is to drive myself away!

Sure enough, there are many articles!

Bai Qiqi became more and more curious. One day, she would definitely travel to the Three Kingdoms period to find out.

"Okay, okay, I'm not going to tease you anymore, I'm going back to the world, and I have to go to work tomorrow, life is hard!" Bai Qiqi got up, stretched herself, and complained weakly.

Going to work is a trivial matter, the key is to face the "big president" who has never been seen before and will never come again.

Speaking of which, on Saturday, there is still an appointment at the Town God's Temple, and the position is worrying——
Back in Yangjian, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the soul ferryman directly sent Bai Qiqi to her dormitory downstairs.

"Girl, you are quite efficient!" In other words, he was pointing out that Bai Qiqi's travel time was too short, and compared to the previous Pluto, she was simply a master at handling cases.

"Hehe——uncle, you're over the top, in fact——I still don't know how to be an executive officer."

"Girl, one day, you will understand that everything is destined." The soul ferryman, with something in his words, finished speaking, and then drove away.

Bai Qiqi stood downstairs in a daze for a while before going upstairs.

Destiny is too mysterious and esoteric. Believe it or not!
On Tuesday, everything was the same as before, going to work, leaving get off work, the only difference was - Mo was on a business trip!

It seems that when this man is not in the company, Bai Qiqi feels relaxed.

After get off work, as in the past, Bai Qiqi summoned the soul ferryman and went to the underworld to continue working.

Along the way, she didn't ask what was going on with yesterday's talk about 'fate', she didn't want to ask, and she didn't dare to ask.

In life, sometimes being confused is a good thing!
Walking into the office building of the underworld, the two subordinates had been waiting for a long time. At this time, Lu Bu was still not very happy. Only Zhan Zhao smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you are here!"

"Hmm! Who should I convert this time?"

"Just her!"

Following Zhan Zhaozhi's name, the words 'Guangxu Zhenfei' came into view.

(End of this chapter)

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