Chapter 106 What Gift

This...this Qin Mingyang...why does he look so similar to Qin Fan...

Guo Shaorong rubbed her eyes, and found that she was definitely not blind, but this was not good news. She would rather believe that she had hallucinations than Qin Mingyang and Qin Fan would be alone.

In her mind, Qin Mingyang was a high-ranking figure like a banished fairy, while Qin Fan was a typical dick who disobeyed everyone except his nostrils, as if he had nothing else to do.

Oh, by the way, and... the game seems to be played with Thief 6 as well.

But it is unbelievable that the dignified young master of the Qin family would actually play this kind of game, because Qin Mingyang is the proud son of the sky, the sun in the sky, and a banished immortal who does not descend from the mortal world, so he should not eat the five grains, do not fight A genius who plays games, only cares about the family and the country, and only has sage books in his eyes.

How could it be that dick who wears rotten street clothes, plays rotten street games, and occasionally utters a few dirty words...

But whether she believes it or not, Qin Mingyang and Qin Fan's looks are there, but their temperaments are different...

"Fourth sister, what's wrong with you." Guo Rui saw that Guo Shaorong's expression was not right, and thought that she was timid when she saw Qin Mingyang's true face, so she couldn't help but become concerned.

"'s okay." Guo Rui spoke suddenly, startling Guo Shaorong who was in deep thought, and responded quickly.

"Impossible, impossible, how could Qin Mingyang and Qin Fan be the same person, they must just look too much alike, they must be..." Guo Shaorong kept comforting himself in his heart, trying to convince himself of his own words.

"I don't know what gift the young master gave the master?" An old man's voice sounded from the side.

Qin Fan followed the prestige, but saw that this person was Qin Fourth Master, he couldn't help being surprised, when did Fourth Master gossip like this, isn't this embarrassing for me?
Before he could speak, seeing his father, he laughed and said, "Since Ming Yang doesn't want to talk about it, then I'll take it apart and have a look."

His words immediately aroused the response of the people of the major families. Qin Ke followed the "waves" blown by his "wind" and pushed his "boat". Dad, but at the same time as he secretly praised him, he also felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He faintly felt that he seemed to have fallen into the trap of Dad...

The moment Qin Ke opened the gift box, everyone was shocked, the box was empty, only a letter...

"Hehe, what is Mingyang's letter?" Qin Fu asked knowingly, still pretending to be bewildered, and asked Qin Fan.

Qin Fan secretly scolded the two old foxes, Fourth Uncle and Dad, and then pretended to know the contents of the letter and said: "Father, you will know after opening it and reading it..."

"Okay, then I'll open it and read it." Qin Ke laughed loudly, and amidst the support of the big families, opened the letter, and then read it aloud.

'Mingyang the dog, since he became a man, wandered around for many years and often did not return home. Although he had a little success abroad, it was nothing more than a small fight, like a joke, unspeakable,....


Ming Yang swears here that during the four years of college, he will study hard and study hard without any distractions. When he finishes his studies, he will follow his father and use my limited life to help my Qin family stand on the top of the northern hemisphere. "

These remarks made Qin Fu read impassionedly, with full of emotion and color, and also made the big families in the audience look at each other in dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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