PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 107 Top of the Northern Hemisphere

Chapter 107 Top of the Northern Hemisphere

The eldest son of the Qin family was a genius since he was a child, but this genius ended at his coming-of-age ceremony, because he left the family and lost the aura of the Qin family. For big families, what is e-sports?After all, it's just low class.

Only industry can prosper the country, and only money can make them more money. This is an eternal theorem.

They don't have the right to issue currency, and they don't have the energy to start businesses. What they can do is to use the money in their hands to support those who can make money, instead of participating in it themselves.

If you participate, you will be inferior, that is to say, you will be inferior.

What Qin Fan did, no matter how successful it was, was only 2000 million. They didn't even bother to investigate and study what Qin Fan did.

From the Qin family's point of view, Qin Fan did something dirty and lost the family's face. Fortunately, he didn't fail, and became No. 1 in the e-sports. Speaking of it, it's not a loss.

In the eyes of foreigners, Qin Fan just went there to play. The so-called adult ceremony and test are all jokes. If it weren't for Qin Fan and the aura of the Qin family, no one would pay attention to him.

"It seems that the young master of the Qin family is going to turn around..." a patriarch whispered.

"Hehe, after all, he is the sun of the Qin family. He is young and successful, and his behavior is beyond our imagination, which is normal."


The big families in the audience were whispering, while Qin Ke on the stage had a look of 'kindness' on his face, and Fourth Master Qin who was sitting on the side looked like he was sure of winning.

Looking at the scenes on and off the stage, Qin Fan has a sense of sight of watching a clown show. He directs and acts on his own, just to gain other people's opinions on how he is different from a clown.

Is the opinion of these people in the audience really that important?Will our Qin family collapse because of their views?The answer in Qin Fan's mind is no. Years of gaming experience made him only believe in his own strength.

Only when your own strength is strong enough will others flock to you and follow you like flies. If your strength is not strong enough, you can only rely on these non-existent things to gain momentum and rely on clown plays to support your appearance.

But he can only say these words in his heart, he is only a young patriarch after all, he is not qualified to say such words, even if he did, it would only make others laugh and slap his father in the face.

'Top of the northern hemisphere?Why not try Top of the World? "Qin Fan smiled and said in his heart: "When I reach my 50th birthday, my Qin family will definitely stand on top of the world, and I will tell them in front of these people that I am still the one who is not sensible. , Ineffective Qin Mingyang, I can't be willful, so I will let my child have enough capital to be willful, I only believe in my own strength. '

Qin Fu was still immersed in his own clown drama. Only two people in the audience noticed the change in Qin Fan's eyes, and that was Qin Siye and Qin Fan's mother Zhao Anxiang...

Qin Siye narrowed his eyes slightly, he hesitated now, he didn't know if his abacus really worked.Looking at the fighting spirit and unwillingness in Qin Fan's eyes, he felt extremely uneasy.


The banquet is gradually over, I don't know how these people are doing, anyway, Qin Fan's life is dull.Anyone who was tricked by his father and fourth master for no reason would probably not be happy.

The patriarchs of the major families went to discuss matters, the waiters cleaned up at the banquet, and Qin Fan had already left early.

(End of this chapter)

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