PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 108 Miss Hua Family 2, Hua Qingwei

Chapter 108 The Second Miss of the Hua Family, Hua Qingwei

The banquet is gradually over, I don't know how these people are doing, anyway, Qin Fan's life is dull.Anyone who was tricked by his father and fourth master for no reason would probably not be happy.

The patriarchs of the major families went to discuss matters, the waiters cleaned up at the banquet, and Qin Fan had already left early.

In the bathroom, Qin Fan looked at himself in the mirror and almost couldn't recognize him. It has been seven years since he finished high school and said goodbye to the family rules. He has never been like this again.

"The young master of the Qin family seems to be a bit sad." A woman came out of the women's toilet, washing her hands while contemptuously.

Qin Fan chuckled, looked at the very cute little girl in the mirror, and said with a smile, "Second Miss of the Hua family is sitting at the next table with her parents but they can't recognize each other. It doesn't feel good."

The woman's expression froze when she heard the words, and she stared at Qin Fan with a sullen look behind her and said, "Qin Mingyang, it turns out that you recognized me a long time ago, did you arrange this on purpose!"

"Hehe, yes, you are only allowed to pretend to be an assistant to test me, and I am not allowed to play tricks?" Qin Fan said with a wicked smile.

This woman is Wang Sicong's little assistant. She also has another identity, that is, the second young lady of the Hua family. I am afraid that only a younger sister with such a close relationship can get the personal letter of the eldest miss of the Hua family.

And everything at the elevator entrance before now looks like a farce.

And when she wanted to make trouble, Qin Fan would make trouble with her and act with her.

"Hmph, my sister is so unfortunate that she wants to marry you, an unlucky guy, what a shit genius, I think you are a mangy dog, no different from those 'fools' on the street." Hua Qingwei said angrily.

Being scolded so badly by his future sister-in-law, Qin Fan didn't feel annoyed at all, instead he showed a look of yearning, leaning against the sink regardless of his image, and murmured: "If I'm really the 'chicken' you call ' That would be great."

Hua Qingwei looked at Qin Fan like he was looking at a madman. It was inconceivable and unbelievable that such words came from the mouth of a top young man of a top family.

"I have a question for you?" Qin Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled. Now that there was no external pressure, he was no longer Qin Mingyang, but Qin Fan.

"Do you want to ask Miss Ben why she abused herself so much, groveling at the mercy of others, and even risking being accused by her family to test you?" Hua Qingwei looked triumphant as if I'd tell you if you begged me the way.

Qin Fan smiled and said, "I'm not interested in you, I just want to ask, why doesn't your sister come when my father celebrates his birthday?"

Qin Fan took a step forward and stood in front of Hua Qingwei. Hua Qingwei felt a shadow enveloping her. When she looked up, Qin Fan, who was already tall, became even taller now. Qin Fan's broad arms and 1.7 meters eight Hua Qingwei, who was already thin in front of her, became thinner and thinner against the backdrop of her figure.

Qin Fan's eyes were not angry but majestic, looking down at this rather arrogant woman, like a king, looking down on her.

" sister..." No matter how arrogant Hua Qingwei was, facing Qin Mingyang's majesty, she could only lower her head.

Although the status of the two families is comparable, the weight of Hua Qingwei and Qin Mingyang is very different.

"It's just that it's inconvenient. I'll ask in person when I have a chance." Qin Fan put his hands on his back, turned and left. If he's here today, he'll have to be Qin Mingyang for a day.

Seeing Qin Fan's back gradually disappearing from sight, Hua Qingwei let out a long breath. Her sister received a Western education since she was a child. Unlike her, it's hard to say whether this marriage will be successful or not.

However, she dared not tell Qin Fan that the Qin family has a talented successor like Qin Mingyang. In the next 50 years, the status of the Qin family in the world will definitely rise. It is not wise to touch the Qin family's eyebrows at this time lift.

(End of this chapter)

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