PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 109 The gaming circle at that time

Chapter 109 The gaming circle at that time
The night is like a curtain, covering the light, and the bright moon in the sky strives to shine, trying to penetrate the thick darkness.

The capital city, the villa of the Qin family, Qin Fu.

"Wife, where did you put that soy sauce?" Qin Ke has been busy in the kitchen for half an hour, but he still hasn't even found the seasoning.

"Hmm... I don't know." Zhao Anxiang said awkwardly after thinking for a while.

Today is also Zhao Anxiang's birthday, Qin Fu suddenly had a brain hole, and wanted to cook for Zhao Anxiang himself, and then live a beautiful life for two, so he sent all the servants away.

It wasn't until cooking that he realized that he had never cooked for half his life, he couldn't even tell the difference between soy sauce and vinegar, and although Zhao Anxiang could cook, he was busy with business on weekdays They are so overwhelmed that they don't have time to cook, let alone their rusty skills, the key is that they don't know where to put the things in the kitchen.

After tossing and tossing for half an hour, Qin Ke finally succeeded in frying a plate of "dishes" that were barely counted as serving, and after tasting it, he personally put the result of half an hour into the trash can and gave up cooking. With this idea, I chose takeaway.

The takeaway was delivered, and the two of them were having a big meal and drinking a glass of wine, when there was a knock on the door suddenly, which startled Qin Ke, and said slightly angrily, "Come in."

Qin Fan pushed the door open and entered, holding an old box in his hand.

"Father, mother." After saluting, Qin Fan got Qin Fu's permission and went to the table.

The three of them tacitly avoided the letter during the day and did not talk about this embarrassing topic.

"This is a birthday present for my mother." Qin Fan carefully took out the box and said.

"Oh?" Qin Ke became interested, and continued, "Do you have mine?"

"Didn't father give away all the presents today? Aren't you very satisfied?" Qin Fan smiled, but Qin Ke looked at this smile and wanted to hit someone, so it was a gift prepared by Lao Tzu himself. Is that a gift? ?Since when did you become so honest.

"What gift?" Zhao Anxiang looked at the box in front of her with a smile on her face, and couldn't help but want to open it.

Qin Fan took the box to the ground. After opening the box, there were three trophies inside, half a tooth with dry blood stains, two pairs of rotten shoes, and a piece that was dried and sealed. It seemed that it was too rotten. Steamed bun.

Everything in it has a strong sense of time and story.

Zhao Anxiang looked at the things in the box, and couldn't help the tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't remember how many years she hadn't cried.Qin Ke turned his face away, he also guessed what was in the box, but he couldn't bear to think about it.

"The e-sports circle was not as utilitarian as it is now. Back then, the e-sports circle was very simple and beautiful, but it was also very poor..." Looking at the things in the box, Qin Fan recalled the time back then, with a wry smile on his lips.

He picked up the small piece of sealed rotten bun, and said: "At that time, there were no large-scale e-sports clubs, and they were all non-governmental organizations. They all relied on the meager championship bonus for a living. For a while, it was paid in a month. After the rent, there is only more than 300 yuan left. As the captain, I want to give them some rewards, but the only thing I can afford is a can of... Red Bull."

Qin Fan's voice was a little choked up, he thought of his old brothers back then.

"In order to be able to buy a bottle of Red Bull every day, I can only pick from the 300 yuan. After that, I have no money to take the bus or eat. When I go to the club every day, I can only Walking on two legs, eating, I can only eat steamed buns, occasionally a pack of seasonings, it's like Chinese New Year, it can make me happy for several days..."

"I didn't think much of it at the time, but now that I think about it, it's really far away to make four stops. It's really hard to swallow steamed buns without vegetables. Fortunately, I made it through." Qin Fan touched the soles of the two pairs of shoes. Old BJ cloth shoe lanes that have been worn through.

(End of this chapter)

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