Chapter 110 A Four-Year Farewell

"That's your own choice, and you can't blame anyone." Qin Ke said calmly, he is not only a loving father, but also the head of the Qin family. Qin Fan left the family after the coming-of-age ceremony, and it is still an event that the Qin family does not want to mention.

Zhao Anxiang glared at him fiercely when she heard the words, complaining that he was hard-hearted.

Qin Fan didn't care about Qin Fu's attitude, and still smiled and said: "I don't blame anyone, I lived happily during those days, I just miss it a little bit."

"Happy? The majestic youngest of the Qin family, you can't even afford to eat after you go out, so you still have the face to say you're happy?" Qin Fu said angrily, as if complaining about how he had such a worthless son.

"I earn money and eat by my ability, why can't I be happy." Qin Fan retorted. The education he received since he was a child was to respect teachers and respect parents. It takes a lot of courage to say such words to his father, but he still insists on Reason and strive, because this is his final bottom line.

"You..." Qin Ke pointed at him, so angry that he couldn't speak.

Qin Fan ignored him, and then said to his mother: "Later, the e-sports circle developed better and better, but it also became more and more chaotic. People's hearts were scattered, and it was difficult to lead the team. For the sake of money and profit, the brothers turned against each other. Going their separate ways, I've seen this day coming, but when that day comes, I'm still heartbroken, I fight with them, trying to keep them, like a rascal, huh..."

Qin Fan kept laughing wryly, and continued after a long time: "I paid half a tooth for this fight, but I also retained a brother. I took him to create the later Caesar. He was very up-to-date. He My sniper rifle is always so accurate, even more accurate than me.

I know how much hard work he has put in to practice the sniper rifle, he even sleeps with the mouse in his arms, the first thing he does when he opens his eyes is not to wash his face and brush his teeth, but to practice sniper..."

"Fortunately, the team has grown. I promoted him to the deputy team and won him the highest remuneration from the manager. He is the only one in the team whose remuneration and dividends are higher than mine. His strength is worthy of For this reward, he is also very competitive, and has won many awards for our team." Qin Fan looked at the three heavy trophies, his eyes full of longing.

"It's just a child's play. What's the use of talking about it now? You are the sun of the Qin family. You should spend the rest of your life for the Qin family, not the so-called e-sports circle." Qin Fu His face became more and more gloomy, and he said every word, gnashing his teeth.

A flash of hesitation flashed in Zhao Anxiang's eyes. She wanted to speak for Qin Fan, but she still controlled the impulse in her heart. No matter how much sweat and bitterness Qin Fan had put in in exchange for his present glory, in front of the Qin family's great cause, everything is worthless. Personal grievances and hatred must be sidelined.

He must lose that glory and come back to inherit the family business, because he is the only child of the head of the Qin family...

"Baby naturally knows which is more important. It's just the fruit that I spent seven years in exchange for. It will take time for me to destroy it." Finally, when he got to the point, Qin Fan's eyes brightened.

"How long?" Qin Ke stared at Qin Fan, speaking concisely and straight to the point.

"Six years." Qin Fan said.

"No, four years." Qin Ke said.

"Five years." Qin Fan bargained.

"For four years, you have no right to bargain with me." Qin Ke was categorical, with no intention of changing it.

"Okay." Qin Fan said quickly, for fear that his father would go back on his word and change the time. He didn't expect more. It would be good if he could get it. The final farewell to e-sports should probably be enough for him.

"Mother, the things inside are the deepest memories of my child's hard work in the e-sports circle. I put them here as a birthday present for now. After I bid farewell to e-sports, you will return them to me. You see Can you?" Qin Fan bowed, offering the old wooden box with both hands, and said sincerely.

"...Okay." Zhao Anxiang took the wooden box with trembling hands. Qin Fan never told them what kind of suffering he had suffered outside. She didn't know until today.

This wooden box was too heavy for a mother like her.

The family of three ate a table full of dishes, including stories about Qin Fan and fine wine. Naturally, the meal was delicious, and for Zhao Anxiang, this birthday was also very good, at least for her. A hope, a hope of the return of the prodigal son.

(End of this chapter)

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