Chapter 111 Hidden Storms
The night was getting darker, and before I knew it, it was past eleven o'clock. At this time, Qin Fan had already fallen asleep, and there was a silly, white and sweet girl in the Huayuan District who was still lighting up the night battle.

"Let's stop here today. I will introduce the original owner of your account to me in the future. I am very interested in him." PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds account with ID wlswlswlsz sent such a message to Zhang Xue.

Zhang Xue rubbed her hands excitedly when she saw this news, she was at a loss, that was Wei Shen, once the number one god on this platform, although he has already changed platforms, his reputation is still great.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Xue edited a paragraph and sent it: "Okay, I will definitely introduce you to each other when I have a chance."

The two greeted each other a few words before ending today's live broadcast.

"Qin Yimao is a bastard, Wei Shen's friends on the account didn't tell me, hum." Zhang Xue nuzzled and shouted coquettishly.

Seeing this, the water friends rarely posted barrage to support Zhang Xuelai.

'That's right, it's fine if I don't tell you, even we don't know. '

'My 40-meter-long broadsword couldn't hold it anymore. '

'It must be tortured and questioned. '
'Maybe my little brother didn't know that it was Wei Shen's account. '

'How is it possible, how could he not even recognize Wei Shen's account number. '

"Brother is such a retro person, it seems quite normal not to know about Wei Shen's private account..."

"That's true. He's such a stingy person. He only has the small money and games in his pocket. How could he watch the live broadcast?" A note written in strong block letters.

Unexpectedly, he involuntarily took out the note from the drawer of the computer desk, touched it, and blushed involuntarily.

'Why is Xuexue blushing, is she sick? '

'If you are sick, you should rest early. '

Seeing this, the water friends couldn't help but care about her.

'I'm afraid you miss our family Wei Shen, are you thinking of spring? 'A fan who came over from Wei Shen's live broadcast room made a barrage of jokes.

Like him, there are still many fans who come from Weishen's live broadcast room. As Huya's leader, Weishen has too many fans. Today's cross-platform live broadcast directly changed Zhang Xue, from a single follower A small anchor with more than 5000 followers has become a middleweight anchor with more than 30 followers.

Zhang Xue couldn't adapt to such a big change in leaps and bounds.

'Fuck, even if you think about it, you still think about our little brother, what's the matter with Wei Shen. '

'After that night, Xuexue is already our little brother's woman, you Wei Shen don't even think about it. '

Qin Fan's die-hard fans immediately appeared to speak up for Qin Fan, even at the expense of spreading rumors.

'Hehe, can your little brother be compared with our God Wei?Have the ability to let him come out to solo with Wei Shen? '

'What little brother, I've never heard of this character. '


There are too many fans belonging to Wei Shen in this live broadcast room. Nearly 30 people launched a barrage together to give Wei Shen a boost. This kind of crowd tactics directly overwhelmed Qin Fana's few thousand die-hard fans...

Qin Fan's die-hard fans didn't dare to fight hard, and they had nothing to do to recruit Qin Fan. After all, they knew Wei Shen's name, and they were all prominent figures among professional players. Their little brother was just a substitute player. That's all, when they really do it, they are worried that it is their little brother who will be ashamed.

In fact, their worries are obviously superfluous. If Qin Fan really solos with Wei Shen, Wei Shen can only let Qin Fan knead~knead.

To put it bluntly, there are no professional PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds players who can truly compete with Qin Fan in the world.Because Qin Fan's basic skills have been solid enough to be close to world-class operations, he can only barely select three players of the same weight. Unfortunately, there is only one of these three in Huaxia, and it is not Wei Shen.

It was the sniper of the Caesars team who was officially named the number one sniper in the world - codenamed 'Eagle'. He was Qin Fan's right-hand man, one of Caesar's pillars, and Qin Fan's most solid backing.

Their dispute is also meaningless, although Zhang Xue is a poor single dog, but after all, Wei Shen has a girlfriend, and Qin Fan has a baby kiss...

Amid the accusations and defenses of a group of water friends, Zhang Xue's live broadcast today has finally come to an end, and she can sleep soundly.

At this moment, on the same live broadcast platform of Yuyu, the water friends in the live broadcast room of a game anchor named Yu Qianqian talked about the big news that happened to Yuyu today.

'Today, Wei Shen played a game with a female anchor of our certain fish, do you know? '

'Is there such a large amount of information?Who is that woman who can make Wei Shen ignore the grievances with a certain fish? '

'Wow, you don't even know about such a big news? '

Didn't Wei Shen go to Huya? '

Originally, it was just two or three water friends posting bullet screens to communicate with each other. In the live broadcast room of Yu Qianqian, an anchor with 87 followers, it was hard to notice at all, perhaps because of Wei Shen and Douyu. There are too many things that can be gossiped in the two words, as if they have magical powers, and soon attracted a large number of water friends to chat.

(End of this chapter)

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