Chapter 123 Chicken Wing Battle
In Dormitory 686 of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, four unscrupulous young men with bare arms and fat were staring blankly at the last chicken wing in the lunch box in front of them.

Good tutors tell them that the last thing on the dinner plate should be polite to others, but the still growling stomach makes them want to put the last piece of chicken wing in their lunch box.

"Then what, I'm not full, so give me this chicken wing." Wang Youcai couldn't help it first, coughed twice, and grabbed the chopsticks to pick up the chicken wing.

"Wait." Zhuge Qingyun grabbed Wang Youcai's wrist, glared at him and said, "You were the one who ordered lunch today. Who told you to order so little? You deserve it if you're not full. Ask the brothers who is full."

After Yizheng said this sentence, his face suddenly turned flattering again, and he nodded and said: "I worked several times last night, and my vitality was lost, and I urgently need to make up, so I'm welcome."

After saying that, he grabbed the chicken wing directly, didn't even bother to use the chopsticks, and before his hand reached the lunch box, he was directly grabbed by an arm that was thicker than his arm by a whole circle. He stopped, unable to move for a while.

"Third brother, that's not what you said this morning when you told us about your heroic deeds last night. If you don't want the title of Seven Times Lang, you don't want it?" Zhang Dewei sneered, then changed his voice, and said pitifully : "Furthermore, I'm still growing, you brothers, do you have the heart to let me starve?"

Zhuge Qingyun couldn't help it immediately when he saw this big man who was stronger than himself in waist, bust, hip, arm, neck, head and tail, and leg circumference, but shamelessly said that he was still growing. Leo: "You have such a fart body, the juniors have to be courteous to the elders, do you understand the rules?"

While talking, he stretched out his other hand and grabbed the chicken wings regardless of his image. If those girls who were blinded by his handsomeness and sweet words knew that the male god in their hearts was like this, they might be shocked. .

How could Zhang Dewei let him succeed so easily, he stretched out his other hand to easily stop Zhuge Qingyun's hand, and said with a smile: "In this case, let's do it according to our own ability."

As he said that, he pressed Zhuge Qingyun, a tall and thin man who could be blown down by a strong wind, on the bench, unable to move. Zhuge Qingyun tried his best to resist, using all his breastfeeding strength, and only slightly raised Zhang Dewei's arm Just a little bit.

It didn't take long before his handsome face turned red, and he looked pitifully at Qin Fan and Wang Youcai who were sitting high on the bench watching the show, and said: "Big brother, second brother, please don't help me, I can subdue him. "

With this pitiful appearance, coupled with this sentence, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this guy wants Qin Fan and Wang Youcai to help him "rescue" him, and his eyes full of expectations showed his last stubbornness.

Qin Fan and Wang Youcai were not fools, so of course they could see it, so they said without blushing and without heartbeat, "Okay, come on."

Zhuge Qingyun almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. This is really a "plastic brotherhood". For a piece of chicken wing, the boat of friendship will turn over at any time.

"Big brother is very particular about people, so he won't fight with the second brother." Wang Youcai took advantage of the fight between the two and had no time to grab chicken wings, so he quickly gave Qin Fan a high hat.

I saw Qin Fan giggling, and said, "Of course not, big brother always pays attention to things."

Looking at this elder brother whose face was full of honesty and honesty, he wished he could put a note on his forehead with the words "I'm a good person", Wang Youcai suddenly felt vigilant, and quickly reached out to grab the last piece of chicken wing.

(End of this chapter)

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