Chapter 124 It's them
It's a pity that Qin Fan's hand speed can't be compared with that of the 'pretentious person'. I saw an afterimage flashing by, and the lunch box was gone, too particular...

"Boss, you..." Zhang Dewei and Zhuge Qingyun blinked their big eyes and looked at Qin Fan innocently. This innocent expression seemed to be expressing the biggest accusation against Qin Fan, trying to make his conscience uneasy so that he could put down the chicken wings .

However, no matter who Qin Fan was, the name of the eldest son of the Qin family was not created. Of course, he chose to ignore them and ate the chicken wings.

Under the gaze of the three innocent eyes, Qin Fan ate the whole chicken wing very calmly...

"Hehe, the taste is okay." After eating the chicken wings, Qin Fan smiled dryly and put the lunch box back.

"Ah..., you give me back the chicken wings."

"Spit it out quickly, the chicken wings are mine."

The three suddenly ran away and rushed towards Qin Fan. Qin Fan laughed and dodged the three without wiping his mouth, and ran out with his shirt on, shouting as he ran, "We'll start the match in 10 minutes." , run faster."

The three of them originally wanted to chase out shirtless, but upon hearing this, they could only fold back and put on their shirts.

It wasn't until the three of them followed Qin Fan all the way to the arena that they realized that they had been cheated by this unscrupulous brother again... There was no one in the gaming room, and it didn't look like the game was about to start.

"Three good brothers, please pay attention to your image in public." Qin Fan said with a mean smile.

Zhang Dewei glanced at the students coming and going around the arena, then looked at the empty e-sports room and said to Qin Fan with a smile: "Brother, can we take a step to talk?"

"It's good to bask in the sun, supplement calcium, you go in, I won't go." Qin Fan looked at the big sun above his head, and said with a guilty conscience.

So the four of them stood under the scorching summer sun for more than ten minutes, the oil on their mouths was scorched brightly, the number of people in the gaming room gradually increased, and the four of them glanced at each other. Seeing the other party's unwiped mouth and the sweat on his head, he immediately remembered that his mouth was not much better than these three guys, and took out tissues from his pockets to wipe the sweat from his mouth, forehead and nose.

"The calcium is almost replenished, let's go in." Seeing that the number of people in the gaming room gradually increased, Qin Fanxi smiled and was extremely happy.

But Zhang Dewei and the others were as black as charcoal, and followed him in.

"Look, everyone, this is the 686 team that claims to challenge all of us." A young man with acne stood up and yelled at everyone, and there were three people standing beside him to add fuel to his words. .

The four of them had just entered the e-sports room when they heard this strange voice. The voice was so familiar that Zhang Dewei didn't even need to look up to know who it was.

It was the "peerless beautiful man" who mocked Zhang Dewei for 'petting his pants' before, was beaten up by Zhang Dewei in the e-sports club, and was tortured by Qin Fan in the game.

I didn't expect this guy to be taught a lesson last week, but he didn't have a long memory, and he still wanted to make trouble.

Qin Fan glanced at all the players in the e-sports club with a calm expression. Some of them played against him last week, and some were unfamiliar faces. It is estimated that [-]% of them were merged from the solo game and the double row game.

When those familiar faces saw him looking over, they all turned their heads and did not dare to meet his gaze, while those with unfamiliar faces mostly stared at him provocatively, with a look of dissatisfaction on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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