PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 150 There is nothing better than Lao Yinbi

Chapter 150 There is nothing better than Lao Yinbi

"It's already dead~ It's all gone, don't think about it, the enemies on our side are not enough." The tactician with the ID of 'Mastertactician' immediately became vigilant when he heard the voice, and quickly replied, for fear of AK-BOY, a dog with a gun Come and grab the meat of their three teams.

"Hehe, I don't believe it." AK-BOY didn't even believe the punctuation marks in his words, so he didn't believe that under the leadership of the old Yinbi of the 'Mastertactician', the third team would end the battle so quickly.

He ignored the 'Mastertactician''s sophistry to him, and stood silently at the window and opened the [-]x mirror to look in the direction of the Colosseum.

"Tsk tsk tsk, these bastards in the third team can really hide. It's really convincing that four people can squat in such a small corner." AK-BOY said contemptuously, and then a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and silently shifted his focus to On the heads of the two 'Qianjiajun' who were licking things in the stands.

'Mastertactician' is now leading the seven cunts in the third team he leads, every four of them squatting at an exit of the Colosseum, silently waiting for two couriers to arrive.

The strategy of the third team is different from that of the second team. Their core strategy is "Gou Gang".

The fifteen of them were directly divided into two teams, one team of eight and one team of seven. When they landed, they didn't land directly beside the enemy like the second team did. Although they also felt that this method was fast and efficient enough, but They don't like it, they just like the thrill of waiting for the prey to approach them step by step.

So they chose to search for resources first, and after everyone had a weapon, they sneaked~touched~here in batches.

'Mastertactician' heard the footsteps coming from the other side of the wall more and more clearly, and then his heart beat faster and faster, his mood became more and more excited, and he tried hard to control his desire to fire.

Suddenly, a gunshot came from the direction of the boxing gym. It had been 4 minutes since the start of the game, and four of Jingcheng had died, but this happened to be the first gunshot in Jingcheng...

The 7.62 bullet in the SKS gun flew over with a howling sound, and the nerves of the 'Mastertactician' tensed, and then heard a muffled sound from the other side of the wall, and the footsteps of the two enemies followed. It became messy.

"Wow, AK-BOY, you wait for me." Seeing that the meat that was about to reach his mouth was startled away, 'Mastertactician' cursed viciously, but there was nothing he could do.

These two 'Qian Family Army' collected the resources of a whole disk Colosseum, and the current equipment is already very good, but the eight of them are poorly equipped due to the uneven distribution of resources. Can be overcast.

The meat is almost on the edge of the mouth, and the halazi is almost dripping down. You have blown my pot, isn't this a problem?
The two people inside were squatting under the stands at this time, using this as a cover, one of them was headshot by AK-BOY and was wearing bandages at this time, while the other was holding a gun for him and protecting him from bandaging.

"During the parachute, I saw more than a dozen people falling nearby, but now I can't see any of them." The 'Qianjiajun' holding the gun wondered while looking for the enemy's location.

"It's all in the hopscotch area just now. It's probably dark inside the house. Jingcheng can't stay here anymore. The team in the boxing gym is dead. We have to leave quickly." Another 'Qianjiajun' After finally finishing the bandage, he leaned against the corner of the wall and said as he walked towards the exit.

The surroundings were quiet, only the sound of the wind and the two of them talking. Thinking of more than a dozen enemies squatting on them in the room area, the two of them felt a little creepy and wanted to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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