Chapter 151 Double mirror
With anxiety, the two finally ran to the exit, and suddenly heard two gunshots and the sound of a pistol, and the two fell to the ground instantly.

The sudden gunshots startled the two of them, and they turned their heads to see, oh my god, there are four people squatting in such a small corner...

Two spray guns, a pistol, and a frying pan. If they were shot at medium and long distances, the two of them would definitely be able to kill these four people, but it's a pity that they just want to wait for them to come to the door.

The situation is stronger than others, and the two can only open the everyone channel, plead with the four, and delay the time until the other two teammates come over.

"Big brother, big brother, the 'Xue Family Army' is awesome, we know we are wrong, don't kill us." Two people from the 'Qian Family Army' kneeled on the ground, begging for mercy from the 'Mastertactician' and others.

The 'Mastertactician' looked at the two guys in front of him who used to show off their power to them among the 40 'Qianjiajun', and was knocked down at this moment, kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy like a shivering wretch.

'Mastertactician' was filled with joy, but he couldn't bear it, and said in a depressed tone, "Throw out all your equipment."

The two people were overjoyed when they heard the words, and cursed in their hearts: "Stupid~ damn, wait until I get up and kill you, and then I will humiliate and humiliate you." ’, said in a grateful tone of gratitude for the amnesty: “Okay, okay, just throw it away.”

As soon as the gun was dropped, they heard an orderly sound of footsteps getting closer. While throwing the equipment, the two looked at the source of the sound. When they saw the person coming, they were shocked.

Fifteen people, in a group of three, were cautiously on guard, advancing slowly, each entering the housing area not far away from different positions and directions, which really made them feel like watching special forces fighting behind enemy lines, which was very shocking.

Then I saw that they left four three-person teams to set up a guard, and the other three ran towards them crazily empty-handed.

'Mastertactician' saw AK-BOY running towards them with two people, and he could guess with his toes that this guy definitely didn't hold his fart well, he must be trying to steal their equipment.

Quickly and anxiously shouted: "Quickly kill them, hurry up and lick the bag."

The two members of the 'Qian Family Army' were suddenly confused: "Huh? Didn't you agree to let us go?"

"Let you go~ mombi let me go, when did I say that, I think it's beautiful, I can remember the scene of bullying us at the beginning." 'Mastertactician' directly sprayed and fucked~ died, licking the bag road.

"Young man, you're too young. Do you know what the second principle of our old Yinbi is? Cut the weeds and eliminate the roots, leaving no future troubles, and our captain asked you to throw away the equipment, but never said that he would let you go." Another first The members of the third brigade also licked their bags and said.

The two were furious immediately, it turned out that they didn't want to let them go at all, they were just teasing them, so they couldn't help but yelled at the four of them, saying whatever they wanted, instantly restoring their true colors of "Qianjiajun" .

How could the 'Mastertactician' and others be in the mood to scold them? Seeing that AK-BOY was getting closer, they ran and yelled at them: "Come here and I'll give you a magnifying glass...", the speed of the four of them licking their bags became faster and faster. It was so fast, I licked the bag clean in two or three seconds.

'Give me a magnifying glass, the devil will believe it, I'm afraid you want me to go away and lick this bag yourself. ''Mastertactician' thought viciously in his heart.

When AK-BOY was running with two members of the second team, he looked at the box and saw that there was nothing but clothes, and 1 grass~mud~horse galloped past in his heart.

This Nima licks the bag faster than I wash my face.

"Where's the magnifying glass?" the 'Mastertactician' controlled the characters in the game and made a disdainful gesture, asking knowingly.

Straightforward AK-BOY: "Well... here you are."

"Really?" The 'Mastertactician' felt like he had wronged a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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