Chapter 154
However, after Qin Fan knocked down the enemy with a single shot, he turned around and ran away with his gun on his back. He didn't care about fighting. The five people didn't dare to chase after seeing this. After all, they were in the corridor.

Just as he turned around to run, he saw Qin Fan running after them with a gun in hand while reloading.

The five 'Qian Family Army' expressed their helplessness. The consequences of leaving their backs to an enemy with a gun were too terrible. They could only turn around and run towards Qin Fan again, but Qin Fan put away his gun and turned around and ran away. After another two steps, I didn't dare to chase anymore, and then walked back, Qin Fan chased them while loading a gun with his gun on his back, but they didn't shoot, and they chased Qin Fan again.

Again and again, these 'Qianjiajun' couldn't stand such teasing anymore, they directly opened the public microphone, and scolded Qin Fan.

"What the hell are you walking your dog? If you don't shoot, let's go."

"I've never seen such a shameless person like you."

"This is stupid, do you know how to play games? This is a dog-walking game... Bah, this is a Jedi dog-walking... Bah,... anyway, this is a fighting game, not a dog-walking game..." This 'Qian Jiajun's mind was almost amused by Qin Fanliu, and he couldn't understand what he said.

He said that Qin Fan didn't know how to play games, but he didn't look at them either. Qin Fan slipped around them three or four times, but the distance between them was always kept very good. He could retreat calmly and attack at any time. The sense of distance and operation, how can this be done?
Faced with their irritability and anger, Qin Fan didn't take it seriously at all, and continued to walk around them, slowly loading the bullets, hoping to take time to load all five bullets. The gun is not a threat, but a killer.

The audience couldn't see his intentions, the barrage was full of:
'This man is interesting...'

'Is this a dog walk?Manually funny. '

'If it drags on, the one on the ground will be cold. '

'I'm afraid the IQ of the Qianjia army is in arrears. They have been loaded with four bullets, and at least three of the five will die. '

'Three?The possibility is not high, the recoil of S18~97 is so large, and the shooting interval is too long, so it is not easy to operate. '

"I have a record of all five sprays at close range. No matter how powerful this person is, he may not be able to kill three at the same time. Two or one may be more likely..."

"However, it is quite good to be able to equalize the situation or pull back a small advantage when the villa is at a disadvantage of five against eight. If I would definitely not be able to do this player's operation. '

'He dared to jump to the villa alone instead of going to the backyard with his teammates, he must have a certain amount of confidence. '


Shuiyou has various opinions, but none of them can guess Qin Fan's purpose. He never planned to tie the disadvantages or gain a little advantage, but to wipe out these five people in an instant and not leave them behind. The slightest chance to counterattack.

The fifth bullet of "Pa Da" was loaded, and at this time the five "Qian Jiajun" had lost their temper at all, and they even had the idea of ​​leaving directly. Anyway, this enemy did not dare to shoot, they It's better to go find a gun and kill him.

However, the sound of the fifth bullet being loaded woke them up. This guy was afraid that he was going to be serious. This time, the five of them didn't look back and ran out in big strides.

Everyone scrambled to be the first, for fear of running too slowly and being watched by Qin Fan.

They have worked so hard to slip away for so long, how could Qin Fan let them go easily.

Immediately aiming at the shoulder, there was a 'bang', and the last enemy running down fell to the ground.

As soon as the gunshot fell, the next bullet began to be loaded. While loading the bullet, Qin Fan slowly walked forward to chase, like an elegant reaper, and shot another short shoulder shot, knocking down an enemy again.

(End of this chapter)

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