PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 155 The limit speed of S1897

Chapter 155 The limit speed of S1897
The information that the teammate was knocked down was prompted by the system on the screen was like a reminder to urge the remaining three people to run non-stop.

'Bang' another shot sounded, and Qin Fan knocked down an enemy again.

As he walked, Qin Fan kept urging the bullets in the gun to be loaded faster and faster in his mind, because he could already foresee that one of these two people would run out of his effective range.

The effective range of s18~97 is 25 meters, but in fact, the effective killing of the sprayer cannot achieve a one-hit kill at a distance of ten meters, and it is impossible to kill the sprayer below the third-level armor and the third-level helmet with one shot. In Fan's eyes, it's the same as the 98K that can't headshot, it's all waste.

At this time, Qin Fan hoped that he had an S12K in his hand. If he had an S12K in his hand, he was confident that he could kill all five unarmed enemies within 2 seconds, so that they would not even have a chance to escape. , unfortunately there is no if.

Although he is so anxious in his heart, in the eyes of the audience, his shooting speed has reached the limit of S18~97, which is almost equivalent to the S12K in their hands, and he can effectively knock down every shot , which seemed unbelievable to them.

The reason why Qin Fan's shooting speed is the same as their five consecutive spray speeds is because Qin Fan is pressing the gun and fine-tuning it. When the next bullet is loaded, his muzzle has already been aimed at the next enemy, and then he only needs to Just fire it up and do it again...

If those audiences know, some people may ask, do you still need to press the gun for a single spray?Of course, the recoil of a single shot is super large, as is the bolt, but because it is a single shot, many people ignore this point.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, the fifth enemy finally ran out of Qin Fan's sure-kill range. Although Qin Fan still hit him, he was still alive and kicking.

Although he failed to kill him, Qin Fan also succeeded in chasing him to the backyard.

The backyard is now the world of Zhang Xue and her personal guards. She just ran out from the gatehouse and was secretly happy that she had a chance to survive, so she heard a three-company M16A4 from the backyard room area~ making a sound and knocked him down. fall.

'Da da da'

As the gunshots rang out in the backyard, his heartbeat skipped a beat. Just now he was preoccupied with walking and running, and forgot that the backyard f*ck has no teammates anymore. Who can help him...

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, he saw several rounds of bullets sweeping towards him. Due to his poor marksmanship, it took nearly 30 bullets to kill him, and the screen turned gray.

System prompt: wuchizhitu killed you with M16A4.

Wuchizhitu was the account Qin Fan used before, and it was later given to Zhang Xue as compensation.

"It's really shameless..." This 'Qianjiajun' cursed viciously in his heart. He could be killed with a few shots, but he still insisted on insulting me and scaring me. Are you panicking because of too many bullets?
He thought that Zhang Xue kept hitting the ground next to him to scare him, but he didn't know that Zhang Xue never knew how to use M16A4, so he was really inaccurate.

When a head arrived, Zhang Xue was so excited that she ran over to lick the bag excitedly: "Wow, I actually killed someone, he should be a great god."

The three personal guards Qin Fan chose for her played really well. Although they couldn't compare with Qin Fan, they were definitely high-end god-level characters among ordinary players.

Originally, there were only two enemies in the backyard. Before Zhang Xue could see where the two were, she was killed by the three of them~ and died, and then saw Qin Fan's head after another getting money, and felt all kinds of bad feelings , as the coach of the 'Xue Family Army', she has no sense of existence...

Fortunately, Qin Fan released a bloody enemy to her, which made her feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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