PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 156 Hurry up and find the 8x mirror

Chapter 156 Hurry up and find the [-]x mirror
However, when she ran to the bag of the 'great god' who was killed by her, she saw that there was nothing but clothes, and suddenly 1 grass~mud~horses galloped by, and the sense of accomplishment just now disappeared. It's clean.

"There are five more people, and one of them has an [-]x mirror. If anyone wants it, get it quickly." Qin Fan said without blushing, and quickly passed the corridors, rooms, and balconies of the villa, looking at The high-level resources all over the floor almost burst into laughter.

The six of them were fucked by him before they even picked up their equipment. There was no such thing as an [-]x lens. Qin Fan was simply lying to them so that he could pick up the resources he needed first. This could be described as shameless to the limit.

"Ah? Really?" Zhang Xue said in surprise.

The three water friends who followed her were also very excited when they heard the words, and the [-]x mirror fell to the ground, no wonder those people fell into a box, the three thought in their hearts.

"Why don't you?" Zhang Xue felt a little strange, and the other three water friends also felt a little strange.

"I have quadruple and 98x." Qin Fan silently replaced the quadruple lens on the 98k with the AKM, then picked up the [-]x lens on the ground and installed it on the [-]K, and said with a smirk.

"Wow, are you so fat?" Zhang Xue said with a surprised look on her face, and hurriedly ran towards the five "Qianjiajun" who were still struggling to crawl around on the ground, and the people behind her The three guards ran faster than her...

"You three bastards are not allowed to snatch it from me, eight times it belongs to me." Zhang Xue shouted while running.

"Xuexue, don't be so domineering. Seeing that you have a share, it's first come, first served." A water friend said with a cheap smile.

"This woman has grown up, and she dared to compete with us for the magnification. It's time for the organization to unsubscribe." Another water friend also said with a mean smile.

"Five people, one for each person, whoever searches the fastest will get the remaining two..." The water friend ran the fastest, took the lead, and grabbed a human.

"Sister Xue, please forgive me, we know we were wrong." A member of the 'Qian Family Army' climbed up to Zhang Xue and said pitifully.

Normally, Zhang Xue might still be soft-hearted, but at this moment, she only has an eight-fold mirror in her eyes, and asked hurriedly: "Is there an eight-fold mirror?"

The man was speechless immediately, we didn't even touch the gun when we landed~ we were played to death by your fans, how could it be eight times as likely, there must be a hole in the brain, I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't say it like this: "No……"

As soon as the word was uttered, Zhang Xue shot twice and three times, turning him into a boxer without a word of nonsense.

Although Zhang Xue is already fast, the other water friends are even faster. At this time, they have already decided the winner. Two people are hiding and it is difficult to find. The winning water friend doesn't even lick the resources~, hurry up He hurried to find the person who hid.

As soon as he left, Zhang Xue saw a guy wearing a third-level helmet and third-level armor, holding a quadruple AKM in his hand, a third-level bag and an eight-fold 98K on his back. Shiny Equipment walked over.

Seeing that this guy Qin Fan had licked all the places and came towards them, she seemed to understand that he just wanted to fool them~ licking the bag, and then went to search the house by himself, what a bitch... …

'But the speed of this guy's house search is too fast. 'Zhang Xue secretly thought.

"Have you enjoyed searching?" Zhang Xue said through gritted teeth.

"It's okay, did you find the eight times?" Qin Fan was unmoved, as if he had never done anything bad, and smiled.

"No." Zhang Xue controlled the game characters to make a disdainful gesture towards him, and hurried into the mansion, afraid that those two guys would lick up the remaining resources.

While Qin Fan watched them search for resources in the building, he sneaked to the bonsai in the yard, threw an extra [-]x mirror in his backpack into the weeds in the bonsai, and then pretended to be something He walked away silently as if he didn't know, waiting for this magnifying glass to be discovered, so as to wash away his 'wrongedness'.

As an ordinary contestant, he can break his promise, but as a commander, he must keep his promise, and he has to find a way to get back the bullshit and the lies.

(End of this chapter)

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