PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 172 Subversion of cognition

Chapter 172 Subversion of cognition
"Boom boom boom"

"Boom boom boom"


Guo Can kept leaning left and right, and shot three shoulder shots at Qin Fan's head. As long as he could hit once, he could directly knock Qin Fan down.

It is not as good as a three-shot shoulder shot with three headshots, but a strafing shot. This is the consensus of all professional players in the professional circle.

And shooting the opponent's head with three shoulder shots has become Guo Can's subconscious reaction, but this is also used by Qin Fan to his death, every time he can successfully dodge his attack, and then fight back at him again.

This makes him have a bunker now, but he has the embarrassing situation where Qin Fan was oppressed on the slope before. He dare not raise his head easily. Every time he raises his head, he only has a short attack time of less than one second, otherwise he will be attacked by Qin Fan. Vatican's fatal blow.

"Boom boom boom." Guo Can raised his head and shot again, only to see Qin Fan lying on the ground in an instant, his gun was empty, but his eyes lit up.

'ZZ Movement', Guo Can secretly said in his heart, it took a little longer for zz movement to get up and transition, and this is his chance.

As long as he can grasp this brief opening, he can knock down this difficult guy in an instant, and there is still a chance to kill him, then he can meet the king, and learn all kinds of AKM he dreamed of. stunt.

A bright future is beckoning to him. Guo Can resolutely predicted the position that zz will appear in the transitional stage of movement, and started to grab ahead of time. This time he did not shoot with three shoulders, but directly with automatic bursts, because zz In the process of standing up, the head is not easy to judge. To be on the safe side, it is safer to shoot continuously.

Sure enough, he hit, and at the same time he shot, the opponent stood up, and he saw the green slurry emerging from the opponent's shoulder, Guo Can was both surprised and delighted.

'Finally got you. 'Guo Can thought to himself.

However, at this moment, Qin Fan's body jumped out of the air to the right, out of the range of his prediction, and the AKM in his hand was constantly shooting, and the horizontal rear seat and vertical rear seat became more and more blurred. The more difficult it was to control, the muzzle of the gun fluttered wildly, so he had to stop firing and cut the mirror to attack the opponent again.

Guo Can was shocked, only then did he realize that the other party was not using zz movement skills, but squatting and jumping...

Squat jump and zz body method are too similar in the stand-up stage, and because squat jump will make it difficult for the controller to hit an effective counterattack during the stagnation period, while zz body method can quickly and accurately counterattack.

No matter how you compare, the zz movement method is better, so Guo Can thinks that the opponent should use the zz movement method. He can't understand why this guy uses jumping and squatting to avoid his damage?Is it purely for the sake of avoiding and avoiding?
But such behavior is completely meaningless, and it will put him in a passive situation, which can be said to be meaningless to the next battle.

The recoil of AKM is terrible, and it will become more difficult to suppress the gun during the air stagnation period, and it is difficult to carry out effective counterattacks. As long as Guo Can catches the opponent's landing point, locks on this point at the moment he opens the mirror and plays an early grab, he can still occupy opportunity.

However, to his surprise, the opponent had already fired while in the air, and it was a three-shot shoulder shot that required extremely high accuracy.

Guo Can shook his head secretly. The basic requirement of the three-shoulder shot is that the bullets to be fired are arranged in a line, so that they can hit a single point and achieve the effect of knocking down their heads in an instant.

As we all know, in order to make a three-shoulder shot, three conditions are essential. First, the operator cannot move easily during the short period of time when the three-shoulder shot is used. Second, there must be very stable shooting conditions. The shooting posture should preferably be in a squatting state, and thirdly, it is best to have a muzzle compensator.

As for these three conditions, the stay in the air violates the first and second. Without these two conditions, the third is impossible to talk about.

After practicing the AKM three-shoulder shot for half a year, Guo Can can say with certainty that it is impossible to shoot the three-shoulder shot during the air period.

However, what happened next overturned his understanding of the three-shoulder shot.

(End of this chapter)

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