PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 173 To win, even if the title

Chapter 173 To win, even if the title

The moment he cut the mirror, he was knocked down, even his helmet was scrapped, and there was only a bullet hole between his eyebrows!This means that the opponent's three bullets all hit one point.

Guo Can looked at the bullet hole between his eyebrows and was terrified. He felt that the three consecutive shoulder shots he had practiced for half a year had been for nothing.

Did I practice a fake three-shoulder shot?Guo Can kept asking himself.

The opponent was obviously in the air, and as the body kept moving, the flight trajectory of the bullet was different every millisecond. It was impossible for the bullet to fly on the same trajectory, let alone hit the same point.

But this enemy did it, how could Guo Can not be shocked...

"I won." Qin Fan said in a flat tone while applying bandages.

" did you do it." Guo Can still couldn't believe it was true.

"How did you do it?" Qin Fan didn't understand what he was referring to.

Because he pioneered the three-shoulder shot, and he is the one who understands this technique the most. He doesn't know that after he left Caesars, the outside world's analysis of his three-shoulder shot and the so-called conditions for its achievement, in his opinion , as long as the basic skills are strong enough and the firearms are well understood, no matter what the conditions are, he can use three bursts of fire.

The so-called conditions are just because the basic skills are not in place and can only be made up for by external conditions.

Qin Fan's question sounded strange to Guo Can, didn't he think his three shoulder shots were abnormal?
"Why can you still play three-shoulder shooting during the airborne period?" Guo Can still asked.

Hearing this sentence, Qin Fan felt even more baffled, why couldn't he use three shoulder shots during the air period...

"Just... that's how it works, just a quick shoulder shot..." Qin Fan was a little speechless. He didn't know how to explain it. He could only say that the levels were different, and his understanding and cognition of the game were not at the same level. Have technical conversations.

"Okay, you won." Guo Can said helplessly.

"Come on, don't forget the bet." Qin Fan said with a chuckle.

"Okay." Guo Can sighed. Although he was very cautious, he still underestimated the strength of Caesar's 'substitute'.

'If I knew this guy was so strong, I wouldn't bet with him. 'Guo Can's heart was full of bitterness.

And Douyu Qianqian is even more confused at this time, Guo Can is the master she hired with money, isn't it said that the professional player retired?Is it so hard to kill a small anchor?Two of eight people were wiped out by the regiment?
And that little anchor didn't move from the beginning to the end. Doesn't this mean that the people from the two teams are being suppressed and beaten by the two of them from the beginning to the end?
'Are they hanging up too? Douyu Qianqian was shocked, except for the [-]% lock hanger plus the wall hanger and the invincible hanger, she couldn't imagine any plug-in to do this.

The most speechless one was Douyu Qianqian who was sent to rescue Lao Zhang from the eighth team before. He had just pulled up the eighth team when the fourth team collapsed. Before all the members of the fourth team were pulled up, the first team fell down again...

This is simply, I have become a medical soldier.Lao Zhang thought angrily, he really wanted to throw a mine over there and kill all the first team, so he wouldn't have to go there to save them.

"It can't be delayed any longer, everyone, open your tools." Douyu Qianqian narrowed her eyes slightly and said through gritted teeth.

"Should we drive it now? It's not suitable." The captain of the eighth team said hesitantly.

"Don't open the tool and wait to lose?" Douyu Qianqian almost yelled this sentence. She couldn't imagine the game she chose, and she lost in the end. What will she lose in Douyu's face in the future? .

Winning or losing is more important to her than cheating.

Seeing the 'Xue Family Army' detouring from both sides was getting closer and closer, the surviving 'Qian Family Army' could only smile wryly, and silently opened the auxiliary tools.

"With a [-]% headshot rate, even if I get banned, even if I'm hammered by these people and sanctioned by the Blue Hole, I will win." Douyu Qianqian gritted her teeth and said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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