Chapter 174 Group Open Hang

This competition is her battle to become a god. If she wins, she can become the first sister of Douyu. Even if she cheats, even if she has a bad reputation, she can still get a lot of attention. Miss Yu.

Because Douyu has never been a competitive platform, but an entertainment platform, as long as she admits her mistakes in time and does not cause too bad effects, she will not be able to shake her foundation.

But if she loses, she is nothing.

According to those commentators, Zhang Xue had a master over there, but judging from the current situation, there was indeed a master on the other side. If she couldn't win this round, she would lose the next round as well.

For her, it's better to cheat than lose.

"They're on the hook, self-aiming and [-]% lock hanging." Guo Can reminded Qin Fan with a wry smile.

After drinking the last bottle of drink, Qin Fan replenished his energy and said calmly, "I see."

He saw in the group today that they said that they would use auxiliary tools at the last moment if they couldn't beat them, so he always kept a chance for the opponent, not daring to push them too hard and erode them a little bit.

But now it seems that Douyu Qianqian is more extreme than he imagined. She obviously gave her a life and a way to survive, but she just wants Zhang Xue to die, even if she broadcasts it in front of the public.

"Everyone, stop advancing 500 meters away from the enemy, look for bunkers, and stand by for orders." Qin Fan said, the accident happened too suddenly, and he needed to change his tactics.




The captains of the three brigades all replied.

"Brother, see you later." Qin Fan took out a grenade, threw it to the first team, and said.

"Well, goodbye." After Guo Can said, the grenade roared, and all members of their first team were eliminated.

"The other party is hanging up, let's change our tactics." Qin Fan threw a smoke and said while running to the bunker of the first team.

"How?" Zhang Xue asked.

"The first brigade drew firepower from the south, and some members of the second brigade went to the unfinished building, bombed all the cars, used them as a cover, and fought and consumed the opponent with three personal guards." Qin Fan said.

"Is there nothing to do with our old Yinbi again?" The tactician said aggrievedly.

"The third brigade is listening," Qin Fan said.

Hearing this, the master tactician immediately cheered up and replied excitedly, "Yes."

"You guys took Zhang Xue around in the car from the north and 2000 meters to the west, and cut off the back road for this group of wall hangings." Qin Fanyan continued: "If you dare to let one person go, you The captain of the third brigade should not do it."

"Team leader, don't worry, the third brigade will definitely complete the task." The tactical master said loudly, his voice sonorous and powerful.

"One more thing." Qin Fan hesitated, and then said: "They all have self-aiming and lock hangers."

"Huh? So shameless?"

"This group of comrades with waist discs is too prominent, dare to play in public competitions?"

"Hey, this broken game, when will these hacks be cured."


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and they couldn't believe it. Even the Douyu official attaches great importance to the game, and the opponent dared to play it?
"So, we can't force it, we can only consume it." Qin Fan said: "We need to increase the number of medical soldiers. Each team must have one person in each position as a medical soldier. Once the others are knocked down, this person will start immediately. Rescue, the rescued people don’t need to take drugs, just keep going, consume their bullets..."

All the team members fell silent. Facing cheating, they couldn't form a real resistance, so they could only pile up with their lives, praying that the bullets of this group of people would run out soon, and the gods without guns and bullets would not be considered gods. .

"Once you are knocked down, you have to go back to the bunker immediately. If you are eliminated, the loss outweighs the gain." Qin Fan said, and the other teams began to execute orders.

"Remember our purpose this time is not to fight, but to consume and wipe out." Qin Fan's voice sounded a little gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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