PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 179 The Provocation of the Qian Family Army

Chapter 179 The Provocation of the Qian Family Army
Qin Fan once again spotted a Qianjia army with half of his head exposed, and once again used the dodge gun to lean out from behind the cover, shooting three shoulders like an antelope's horns.

'Boom boom boom. ’ As the AKM’s muffled gunfire rang out, he knocked down an enemy again.

Just when he was about to return to the bunker, gunshots from the 250 direction suddenly exploded, and the speed of the bullets was much faster than his turning speed. Another 100 points of durability were consumed.

"They sent a small team to guard me. I'm afraid I won't be able to fully contain the effect. Be careful yourself." Qin Fan said while taking drugs.




The three snipers responded.

"We hit him, we hit him, hahaha." The fourth team of the Qianjia Army cheered, which shows that their methods are still useful, and this enemy is not invincible. Their fourth team has the power to defeat him. ability.

In just three or four seconds, Qin Fan was seriously injured, and four members of the Qian Family Army were knocked down. Now there are only nine members of the Qian Family Army who are still capable of fighting, and four of them must focus on Qin. Fan, and the other five went to pull teammates.

Before the teammates pulled up, the three snipers from all directions started to counterattack again. This time the luck was not very good.

Three people, three shots, but only hit one shot, and the Qianjia army was wearing a third-level head, and the 98K shot could not kill him, but the Qianjia army who was hit was from the beginning to the end. Douyu Qianqian who has been hiding behind the bunker and has never been shot...

The shot frightened her, but it also enraged her.

"After all of you get up, keep an eye on these three snipers for me. As soon as they show their heads, kill them immediately." Douyu Qianqian said viciously.

People from the two teams, and they were still the ones with self-aiming, staring at the three snipers, that would simply not leave a way for the other party to survive, almost like dealing with Qin Fan.

Qin Fan heard three 98K gunshots, but the system did not prompt the knockdown information, so he already guessed the result.

"Hey." Qin Fan sighed secretly. If these three snipers can knock down two people again this round, even one person, then he can confidently confront this team, and the three snipers will also There is a very good output environment, let alone delaying for 1 minute, they can do it for 2 minutes.

These three shots are the three shots that can decide the situation of the battle.

Unfortunately, empty.

Qin Fan didn't want to complain about the three snipers. After all, he was not a professional player and couldn't see the battle clearly. It was understandable for such mistakes to occur.

It took ten seconds to pull those four people up, ten seconds, but a few breaths, but Qin Fan must seize these ten seconds to make up for the situation and win a breathing space for the Xue family army.

'If only there was a grenade. Qin Fan looked at the only two smoke bombs left in his backpack and smiled wryly.

If there is a grenade, he can force the four-person team that is staring at him to have to move, and he can take advantage of this time to counterattack.

It's a pity that he doesn't have one. In large-scale warfare, grenades are a luxury, and they have long been used up.

"What? Don't dare to come out?" The captain of the Qianjia Army's fourth team smiled provocatively.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw white smoke rising from the position of the lone wolf. The four Qianjia soldiers all sneered. The smoke bombs had no effect on their self-aiming. head.

The muzzles of the four Qianjia troops who were staring at Qin Fan were placed motionless in the smoke. If Qin Fan dared to come out of the cover, he would be killed immediately.

Suddenly, they found that their crosshairs moved automatically and aimed at a position in the smoke. The four of them were overjoyed and shot decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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