Chapter 180 Qin Fan Gets Hard
However, when they shot, they found that the self-sighting was cancelled, and they forgot to press the gun because of the self-sighting, and the muzzle of the gun flew directly into the sky.

This shows that the enemy just dodged and then turned back to cover, so they didn't hit at all.

But they are not worried, because they have self-aiming, if the enemy dares to come out again, they can hit each other with just one shot.

And just as their muzzles flew into the sky, Zhuoxin suddenly aimed at the smoke below at an extremely fast speed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you look like a clown, what's the point of doing that, don't you have to die?" The captain of the fourth squadron of the Qianjia Army sneered.

And at the moment when their crosshairs were still moving at high speed in the air due to self-aiming, AKM gunshots sounded in the smoke.

The familiar 'boom boom boom' three gunshots resounded in their ears like a nightmare, and the yellow flame sprayed from the muzzle mixed in the white smoke was like a will-o'-the-wisp that wanted to kill people's lives.

The captain of the fourth team, who was still clamoring just now, screamed at this moment. The slap in the face was so fast and sudden that he had no time to react.

'Da da da. '

'Boom boom boom. '

'Bang bang bang. '

The three rifles fired at the same time, and their self-aiming systems lost their target again, and the bullets pierced through the smoke like mud cows into the sea, without any reaction.

And because they forgot to press the guns, their muzzles were raised to the sky again, and then under the control of the self-aiming system, they fell down again at a high speed. At this time, they could already predict what was going to happen next, and the fear in their hearts burst out again , is more intense fear than before.

What makes people more desperate than fear is that you know that the other party is going to take your life, but you are powerless and can't do anything.Because Qin Fan's gun is too fast, a set of operations is smooth and smooth, extremely fast, crisp and neat, faster than they can click the left button of the mouse.

'Boom boom boom. 'It was another short and rapid three-shot burst. This time their captain was not so lucky. He was directly headshot by three 762 bullets, and then he fell down.

The three snipers of the Xue Family Army hadn't realized what the battle was like outside. When they heard Qin Fan's gunshot, the snipers from all directions followed closely to look for the enemy to snipe.

Their dodge guns are not as fast and accurate as Qin Fan's. Qin Fan can shoot them twice in a set of dodge guns.

While they were shooting, the nine guns of the 'Qianjiajun' burst into flames and fired at them crazily.

'bang' 'bang'

Two people in the Qian family army were knocked down by headshots, and the three snipers were also knocked down.

The sniper fell to the ground, and the smoke from Qin Fan's side also dispersed, and he was suppressed by two members of the fourth team of the Qianjia Army.

But at this moment, the convoy of supply soldiers had just run half way, if no one provided them with cover fire, they would all be beaten to death by Douyu Qianqian's men before they arrived.

"Made." Qin Fan swears a rare time, with a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes.

Now he has no time to continue to entangle with these two 'Qianjiajun' miscellaneous fish. For the last smoke bomb, he chose to throw it at the side of the two Qianjiajun who have been suppressing him in the 250 direction.

The smoke floated up, blocking the sight of the two Qian family soldiers. The two men were obviously scared out of their wits by Qin Fan's previous fierce and precise counterattack. Crouching behind cover, not daring to move, waiting for the system to aim itself before they fire.

However, their muzzles never moved.

(End of this chapter)

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